JANUARY 24, 1975 A Blast; A mushroom; a flash of heat; A momentary star cracks the arctic ice Releasing the beast near-dead for 300 million years To swim the seas once more to search for a mate Whose bones are stone (schoolchildren view them past stainless railings) to search Those submarine canyons; the spawning grounds of old New York en route he is seen and human nations rise like surf to surging fear: the Reptile! The reptile is loose! * Their bombs, torpedoes, warheads 41 ii * are armed * * * Their rifles are gorged * * with exploding shells Their mouths are pushed full with expanding lies; Readied, They await him at the bay . ** and wait without fruition Their bullets limp and impotent as upstream, * * * the giant body floats ashore is discovered by a ragged boy while exploring the dumps for coins and bits of glass Their impotence now verbalised by unshot shells by swallowed lies and guns * drooping lower still until they drop and they take up axes to dismember the oil-covered carcass to bury the acid-eaten eyes; *** Dying birds pecking at poisoned flesh. i•••••• Married Student Group Sessions to be formed The Counseling Center will be offering a Human Development Growth Group series of weekly sessions for married students and their spouses beginning Wednesday evening, February 12, 1975 and lasting throughout the Winter Term. The sessions will begin at 7:30 p.m. and last until 9:30 p.m. each Wednesday evening in the Counseling Center, W-117. Enrollment in these sessions will be limited. If you and your spouse are interested in participating, please clip out the form below and return it to the Counseling Center during the day from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 until 5:00 p.m. before February 5, 1975. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first serve basis, so you are encouraged to get your form in early and to arrange for a pre-group interview with the Counseling Center Staff. All inquiries will be held strictly confidential. rMarried Students Group Application Form 1 I I I Name of Student I 'Name of Spouse Local Address !Phone number [and hours you can be 'contacted] (for Ray Harryhausen) ** * 0 * : * * : * --- P. R.J. Smith C.C. READER Pills and Driving Are Dangerous Mix Last year more than 55,700 Americans lost their lives in traffic accidents. This is a reversal of a downward trend in traffic deaths reported in 1970 and 1971. In 1971, the traffic fa tality toll was 54,000. In its annual compilation of street and highway statis tics, The Travelers Insurance Companies has noted a new problem—the mixing of drugs and alcohol. These drugs are not in the marijuana to heroin range, but the cold pills, bromides and tranquil izers, a spokesman said. A person can be taking such drugs for several ail ments and acquired from a number of sources. The cu mulative effect of the medi cation when a cocktail or two are added is greater than would be anticipated from any of the drugs taken singly, the spokesman added. Iron Dr. Paul Saltman of the University of California re cently put in a plug for more old fashioned iron pots and pans in the kitchen. Noting that fifteen to twenty per cent of the Amer ican population now suffers from some form of iron de ficiency, Saltman says iron pots and pans once provided most Americans with as much as half their supply of iron. New aluminum and non stick surfaces are great for cooking but they give out no iron, he notes. Thus many today suffer from anemia, which means reduced resist ance to infection, partly be they miss the iron once de rived from food prepared in good old iron pots and pans. FREREMEEE ,-,,- ~_ . kIIII Sorry the Keggar was cancelled. Hope you weren't too disappointed. But believe me the beer will keep! The date of the next keggar will be announced in the near future. The XGl's bowling team has gotten underway and sign-ups for the basketball team are still open. The frat's winter term service project will be a visit to the drug detoxification unit at the Coatesville V.A. Hospital. The committee handling this project has tentatively chosen late February as a time for this visit. The committee is looking for a couple of girls who play guitar and sing. So, girls, if your talents lie in guitar and singing - and if you would like to get in on a community service project, stop in at the XGI lounge or drop a note in my SGAmailbox. Vets--look for a Veterans' Newsletter in the near future. It will be coming out of Larry Rohrbach's Veterans Coordin ator office. It will be taken care of by his work-study people and is to be a source of Vet's information. The XGI "Ski Week-end" is still "on" from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 1975. It will be at Elk Mountain, Union Dale, Pa. Stop in the lounge, the sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board along with info on the trip. Also, the frat Dinner Dance will be at the Yellow Breeches Motor Inn on Feb. 15, 1975. This has already been mentioned in the Reporter, but is necessary to repeat because the $lO deposit must be in by Jan. 28!! Again, the sign-up sheet is in the lounge along with info about the Dinner Dance. "Stop in the lounge" has been mentioned in the Reporter often, including today. We would like to see more frat people stop in - lots of info on that bulletin board!! XGI Reporter Jom Jensen REFLECTIONS This is only for your eyes and mine. Maybe along with our visual reflections there will be a mental insight. An insight to whole living should appear shimmering before us as from nowhere but we knowledge, by understanding that it comes from within us--our souls. We must first speak of very simple things--that it is right for human being to live, that our freedom is the very nature of our existence, that whatever stands against our freedom must be set aside, be it in the social norms, rituals, superstitions, or limitations in any form : The only true laws are those that lead to the freedom of our minds and the oneness of our souls. Once this freedom has conceived, we are the special and gifted and divine, above all others. Aren't all others as special and gifted, and divine, you ask? Yes, and no more than you, no more than I. The only difference, the only one, is that they don't understand what they really are and haven't as yet begun to practise it. We must love all in loves totalness but of course we don't love hatred and evil. Or do we? We have to practise and see the real human, the good in each one of them, and then help them see it in themselves. That's what I mean by love. We need to keep finding ourselves, a little more each day, that real, unlimited human being. He is our instructor. We need to understand Him and practice Him. First we must understand that our whole being is an unlimited idea of freedom. An image of all we ever whish to become, not in this world, but those we go on to, and that our bodies are nothing more than thought itself. Our next world is not Heaven at all for there is no such place. Heaven is being perfrect. We will begin to touch Heaven in the moment that we touch perfect humanness. Perfections doesn't have limits but perfect humanness is being there and first we must find ourselves. [ed.note:the following essay was found in the C.C. Reader mailbox, we wish to thank the writer for contributing to our paper and hope we will receive more communications from Mayor Exxon.] Itiwzotitipiti BY MAYOR RICHARD MILMOUSE EXXON PAGE 5
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