VOL. IV, NO. 11 Jamie Brockett In Concert Tuesday Jaime Brockett, a talent ed folk singer from Boston, is making his first appear ance at Capitol Campus on Tuesday, Jan. 21st at 8 PM in the Student Center. Mr. Brockett is an adept musician, playing 6 and 12 string guitar, dulcimer, banjo and autoharp. He sings material ranging from quiet, melodic love songs to political satire. On the quiet songs, such as "Remember the Wind and the Rain", his voice is low and breathy. On the uptempo songs,his singing is nasal and sardonic. When he sings political satire, as "Talking Green Beret New Super Yellow Hydraulic Banana Teeny Bopper Blues", he man ages the unusual feat for protest song of avoiding the overly obvious. Based On 'Ascent Of Man' Series CC Offers TV Course A college course based on a television series is being offered at Penn State Capitol Campus starting in January. "The Ascent of Man." a 13 part television series created by Dr. Jacob Bronowski, is a survey of intellectural achievements which highlight mankind's attempts to understand na ture. The television programs were filmed in 27 countries. The purpose of the film was to present the history of man as seen through sci ence. In addition to the tele vision programs, the course includes study Black rouge To Perform Here used !man and the Wears! Kuumba Troupe will appear tonight at the Student Center at 8 PM presenting a program on Black Culture and the arts. Yusef Iman and the Weusi Kuumba Troupe, Black performers from New York City, will appear at Penn State-Capitol Campus in Middletown on Friday, Jan.l7. The free performance which begins at 8 p.m. in the Student Center is open to the public. The Troupe has develop ed a program which em phasized Black Creativity. Keeping with this tradition, guides, texts, a special series of instructional sup plements on audio-tape, and three workshops. The thirteen-part series is aired on WITF-TV Chan nel 33 beginning Tuesday, January 7,1975 at 8:30 PM. Repeat broadcasts will be held each week on Satur days at 8:00 PM. Workshops will be held on Saturdays, February 8, March 8, and April 12. Dr. Michael Barton, Assistant Prbfessor of Social Science and Antropology and Dr. Thomas Knight, Associate Professor of Social Science and History are the direc tors of the workshops. the program will highlight dances of West and South Africa. Poetry and music will be performed by a chorus of the artists. Yusef Iman, director of the Troupe, is a singer, actor, poet and writer. He recently directed "7 Prin ciples Plus" at the East Theatre in Brooklyn. Much of the material performed by the Weusi Kuumba Troupe is the creation of Yusef Iman himself. C.C. READER 94 Graduate In Winter Dr. Robert McDermott, Provost of the University [ll presents Lynn Musser a certificate on achieving a perfect 4.0 average while at Capitol Campus during recent Fall Term commencement exercises held at the Middletown Area High School. Pennsylvania State University-Capitol Campus conferred degrees to 94 students, Saturday, De cember 21. The fall term commencement ceremon ies were held at the Middle town Area H igh School. Bachelor degrees were awarded to 69 students and master degrees were be stowed on 25 students. The Master degrees were earned in Administration, American Studies, Elemen tary Education, Engineer ing, Humanities, Public Administration, and Re gional Planning. The Bach elor degrees were earned in Business Administration, Elementary Education, Humanities, Mathematical Science, Social Science, CIVIL Engineering, Electri cal Design, and Mvhanical Design Engineering Tech nology. Dr. George D. Wolf, dean of the faculty, spoke to the graduates. The theme of his remarks came from Robert Frost's poem "The Mr. Brockett integrates his singing with instrumen tals such as bluegrass ban jo songs and an often fas cinating stream of talk on most any subject that comes to mind. This is no small feat, either. The mixture of drugs and music has produced more than San Francisco rock. It has also made for some of the least relevant, longest and most boring between song monologues ever heard on stage. A perform er like Jamie Brockett who can rap and still be inter esting and amusing is always needed. "Jamie Brockett in Con cert" is sponsored by the Social Committee and Friends. Admission - stu dents $2.00. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE FOR AN EVENING OF MUSIC AND SONG. photo by Prompt Road Not Taken." Dr. Wolf pointed out that even in an urbanized, technological society, a person can make a choice for "the less trav eled road. The choices are not only vocational ones," Dr. Wolf stated, "but about the kind of person you will be." Two graduating seniors were honored for attaining a 4.0 average. Lynn A. Musser and Sarko 0. Keosheyan, bot graduate in Mathematical Science and both from Harrisburg, were the honored scholars. Dr. Robert E. McDermott provost of Penn State-Capi tol Campus. presided at the graduation. He was assist ed in conferring the de grees by Harry R. Ulrich, a member of the Board of Trustees. Dr. James B. Bartoo, dean of the Grad uate School, Dr. George D. Wolf, and Dr. Roger B. Saylor, commencement marshal also participated in the ceremonies. JANUARY 17, 1975 New Staff Added At Student Affairs On January 20, Roberta McLeod will join the Stu dent Affairs Staff as Coor dinator of Student Activi ties. Since 1972, Roberta has served as Program Coor dinator and Director of the Queens College Union in New York City. Prior to that she worked for Merck and Company in Rahway, New Jersey after which she was a teacher for the Newark Boys Chorus. Ms. McLeod has had ex perience in the full range of Student Activities and es pecially budget preparation and administration. Ms. McLeod holds mem bership in numerous or ganizations including: The Association of College Unions-International, Inter national, International Platform Association and the Committee on Minority Programs of the ACU-I A graduate of Hampton Institute she has also done graduate study at Rutgers University. Ms. McLeod will reside in Middletown. u•Nomosio•••••••••••• Kessler On Exhibition A special art exhibit ushered in the new year at Penn State-Capitol Campus. "Paintings" by Dale Kessler are being ex hibited in the Gallery Lounge in the main build ing from January 1, 1975 to January 24,1975. Mr. Kessler describes his art as color field painting. He considers scale impor tant and his current paint ings are more non-geomet ric compared with his ear lier geometric style. Mr. Kessler, who resides in Herndon, has had many one man exhibits through out New York and Penn sylvania. He has shown his art at the Waldorf Astoria and the Union Carbide Building in New York, the William Penn Museum and the Gallery Doshi in Harris burg, and the Philadelphia Civic Center. Mr. Kessler is presently teaching art for the Line M•un .'1 la OUR COVER: `ANTIQUE RELIEF" by CATHY WERT OUR COVER STORY Recession Hits Portable Outhouse Association: [Earth News] --A measure of the nation's woes is the sluggish condition of the National Portable Sanita tion Association, which represents some 173 man ufacturers of portable toilets--the kind you see around construction sites. According to Larry Miller, the association's director in Washington, the nation wide market for portable outhouses was down 30 to 40 percent last year, due largely to constipation in the building industry, and to the shitty state of the nation's economy.
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