PAGE 6 Basketball Schedule DA BOOKING 24 HOURS A Rec/Ath Information DATE OPPONENT PLACE OF CONTEST Jan. 25 - Spring Garden College, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Jan. 29 Lancaster Bible Coll., Lancaster, Pa. Feb. 4 - Shenandoah College, CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 7 - Schuylkill Campus (PSU), CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 10 Mont Alto Campus (PSU), Mont Alto, Pa. Feb. 11 - Lackawanna Jr. College, CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 13 Stevens Trade School, CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 18 - Spring Garden College, CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 21 Delaware Campus (PSU), CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 26 Wilmington College, New Castle, Del. IM Basketball Schedule Monday - Jan 27 7:00p.m. -s3vs#l4 8:00p.m. -#l2vs#ls 9:00p.m. -#lovol2 10:00p.m...1011 vs#l6 Tues. Jan 28 6:00 p.m. - #7 vs #lO 7:00 p.m. - #2 vs 115 Tues - Jan 28 6:00p.m. - ft vs #lO 7:00p.m. -#2 vs #5 8:00p.m. -118 vs #4 9:00p.m. 413v5#14 10:00p.m. 46 vs 11l Weds - Jan 29 5:00p.m. - vsllll 6:00p.m. -#2vs#l3 7:00p.m.- 8:00p.m. 45 vs #ll2 9:00p.m. 4114vs#8 10: 00 p.m. 016 vs 116 Thurs - Jan 30 7:00 p.m. - #l5 vs #7 8:00 p.m. - #8 vs #9 9:00p.m. - #4 vs #l3 10:00 p.m. - #l2 vs #lO IM Scores BASKETBALL SCORES Tuesday - Jan 14 NADS - 55 LOIS - 27 FOUL BALLS - 82 BENDER BROS. -45 COURT JESTERS - 33 MEAN MACHINE - 47 FLAMES - 42 D.P. - 34 SPREAD EAGLE INN - 53 R.A.'s - 27 Wednesday - Jan 15 ZODIAC - 22 LEFT OVERS - 18 VERMONT WEEKEND SKI PACKAGES ..... Make Your Reservation Now For Any , • i ik4. Week-End January and February Killington, VT.$ 1 30° 6 Double Occupancy Per Person -1. Sn ow, .1.- ......`,... ...,.., =,l Mt. Snow, Vt. ~, r'l4(per peruse) Doak Olcepency $1 15.00 Trwe & Quad Rules Available Package Includes: 2-Great Fun Days, 2-Breakfasts, 1-Dinner, 2-Nites Lodging, Escort, Lavatory Equipped Motorcoach, Gratuities & Taxes, Reduced Price on Lift Tickets for Purchase, Snack on Arrival Friday Night. FOR INFORMATION AND Rrsi RVATIONS CONTACT 236-9588 Trailways Travel Bureau "6 12:, st Fo nu a. t St. M 1 LEFTOVERS #2 ZODIAK M 3 EX G.I.'S #4 SPREAD EAGLE INN M 5 NADS #6 BROTHERHOOD #7 BENDER BROTHERS #8 MEAN MACHINE I#9 FLAMES #lO D.P #ll COURT JESTERS #l2 FOUL BALLS #l3 FRENCH TICKLERS Ml 4 LOIS #l5 R.A.'S Nl6 THE PUBLIC's PRIDE BROTHERHOOD - 44 FRENCH TICKLERS - 41 D.P. -45 SPREAD EAGLE INN - 30 NADS - 32 FLAMES - 26 THE PUBLIC's PRIDE - 31 EX G.l.'s - 29 Thursday - Jan 16 LOIS - 38 R.A.s - 27 EX - 28 COURT JESTERS- 22 FOUL BALLS - 80 ZODIAK - 28 BROTHERHOOD - 83 MEAN MACHINE - 37 C.C. READER TIME 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm (EARTH NEWS) Milwaukee Wisc. --If you're one of the many students dissatisfied with the limited hours most campus libraries are open, you might be interested in a new policy at the Univer sity of Wisconsin campus here. The campus library is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Un iversity Library Director William C. Roselle, who is responsible for the round the-clock operation, says that student should be able to use their library to study, read a magazine, or listen to records "any time at all." Many students work and have widely varying sched ules, especially on an urban commuter campus like UW-Milwaukee, Roselle explains. An ad ditional feature of the 24- hour library is the round the-clock availability of a computer which students may use upon completion of a training program. BEACH BOYS THE BI •. CENTENNIAL. BAND?: [EARTH NEWS] --Beach Boy Mike Love says he expects his band to be the unofficial natinal band for the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976. Predicting that the Beach Boys will make a major concert tour with Chicage this year, Love says, 'From there it will be a natural progression to 1976. We will be THE group in 1976 when people want to know what American music is." FENCING CLUB: Will meet every Monday in the Recreation Athletics Building from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. MODERN DANCE CLASS: Meets every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Recreation/Athletics Building under the direction of Francine Taylor. MARTIAL ARTS: Classes are being held Monday evenings from• 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Recreation/Athletics Building. Once again this very popular activity will have Black Belt holder, Charles Cabrich as instructor . TENNIS CLUB: Efforts are being made to begin indoor tennis at the Base Gym. For further information contact Dr. Carolyn Dexter: Room W-154, Phone 787-7750; or the Recreation/Athletics Office, 787-7751. WRESTLING CLUB: Due to the lack of interest, all scheduled wrestling matches for January have been cancelled. The matches for February are still scheduled, but will have to be called off in the very near future if interest does not pick up. These are as follows: Feb. 1 - at York Campus Feb. 8 - at Ogontz Campus Feb. 12 - at Hazelton Campus According to Bob Kuhn, wrestling coach, only 5 have signed up for wrestling. This means in order to gain a tie with the opposing team, every wrestler would have to pin his opponent! !(GOOD LUCK!!) ARCHERY: The archery demonstration featuring Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kissinger, originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, has been postponed until April 8 (Tues.). This program will "kick-off" the outdoor archery season at Capitol Campus. MARKSMANSHIP:This club will once again be held at the Base Range every Wednesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. For further information call Mr. Jim Paul, 787-7936. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE UNIONS TOURNAMENT: Capitol Campus will once again compete in the ACU, Region IV Tournament which is being hosted by West Virginia University, January 30, 31 and February 1. Competing in the bowling tournament will be CHUCK ALEESE: GARY BLOOM: BRUCE KARCHNER: AUDIE WAKSMUNSKI and PAT McHALE . The winners of the recent Capitol Campus Table Tennis Tournament: ELLIS ALLEY andDAVE HOUGH will represent Capitol in both singles and doubles at West Virginia U. Last year our local bowlers competing in our first Regional Tournament at the University of Maryland finished 7th out of 31 teams! This will be our first year competing in table tennis, but from all indications, Capitol should be well represented with ELLIS and DAVE. VARSITY BASKETBALL: Scores of games to date in Winter Term : Messiah College - 86 Capitol - 68 Mont Alto Campus - 98 Capitol - 73 Capitol - 81 Delaware Campus -68 Capitol Campus traveled to the Delaware Campus last Wednesday and came away with a very impressive 81 to 68 victory. This wim evened their season's record at 4 and 4. Doing the scoring for Capitol were JIM BAKER 21 ; STEVE DeFRANK 17; JOE GRANT 16; 808 GARMAN 12; ELLIS ALLEY 10; JIM SHOENBERGER 2; FRED GROSS 2; and GEORGE KOSER 1. The next home game will be february 4, Tuesday, against Shenandoah College, and will be played in the Middletown Main Street Gym. THE TEAM NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT SO COME ON OUT AND GIVE THEM A HAND' 1 m SEXISM 15... calling it your house..and her housework. respecting ambition in a man..seeing an ambitious woman as castrating, ag gressive, an over-achiever. expecting an artist's wife to give him large blocks of quiet time..wondering why there are no great women artists. JANUARY 24, 1975 Continued from page two a woman driver joke thinking her life begins with marriage. wondering what a male baby will grow up to be. assuming that a female baby will be a wife and mother. calling her "dear" or "honey" or "babe" when she's a stranger (and wants to stay that way!)
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