THIS TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, VA., OLTOHKll 18, 1881. 3 RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. AKRaNMICMENT OK l" ASS K NO EK TRAINS Jung 27th, 1881. Trains heave llarrlsburg ns Follows t Kor New York Kin Allentown, at B.05 . m 1.41 and 4 iK) p. in. .... Kor New Venn via I'lillmlolplilrt and "Hound Brook Uouto." tUil K.nS a. in. and 1.45 p. in. Kor I'liliiidclpliiu, at 0.3), 8.u:, .6ti. in., 1.45 and 4. (Hi p. m. , Kor Ke.idliin, at 6.20, 0.30, 8.00, 9.50a. m., 1.4a, 4.00, and h.oh p. in. , . Forrottsvllle. at. .20, 8.03, fl.M) a. m. aud 4.00 p. in., mi'l via tteliiiylkill and Htisquelwiiim branch at i.4o p. in. Kor Auburn, at 8.10 a. in. Kor Alloutowu.atMHl, 8.05, H.M) a. in., 1.46 and t.OU p. HI. The n.o.1 a. m. and 1.45 p. ni. trains have through car for New York, via Allentowu. BUNDAY.H I For Allentown and Way Rttillnn, at 5 20 a. m. Kor Kundiiitf, l'lilldelupliia, and Way tstallous, at 1.45 p. in. Trains Li'iirc Tor Ilmrlsbiirg as Follows I Leave NewYoik via Allentown, 6.;0 and 9 00 a, m . l.oo and 5 .10 p. in. Leave New Yorkvln Uound Hrook Koute."and Phllailelpliia at 7.45 a. in., l.:i,4.00, .mid ;.30 p. in, arrlvliix ai llairlsuuiK, 1.5o, 8.20, Mi p. in., and 12.35 a. in. Leave i'hll idolphlii, at 9.45 a. In., 4.00 , 5.50 and (.45 p. in. Leave I'oitsvllle. fl.on. P,H' n. m. and 4.40 p. ni. Leave Kcul lux. at 4. 50, 7 .30, 1 1.5U a. m., 1 .31 ', i). 15, 7.50 aud 10.35 p. in. Leave I'iiUmvIIIm viti-HoliuylklU nnd Susquehanna Branch, 8.15 n. in., and 4 4j p. in. Leave Allentowu, ill 6 IKI. 9.00 a. in., 12.10, 4.80, and 9.05 p. in. SUNDAYS: Leave New York, via Allentown at 5 30 p. in. ' Leave Philadelphia, at 7.45 p. in. Leave Heading, at 7 S i a. in. and 10.35 p. in. Leave Allentowu. at 9.05 p. in. BALDWIN MiASCH. Leave IIAIlRISBClia for Paxton, Loclileland Bteelton dally, except Sunday, at 6.25. 6.40, 9.35 a. in., and 2.oo p. in.) dally, except Saturday and Sunday, at 5.35 p. in., aud on Saturday only, 4.45, 6.10, 8.30 p. in. Returning, leave HTE ELTON dally, except Sunday, at 6.10, 7.W), 10.00 a. in., 2.20 p. in. ! dally, except Saturday and Sunday, 6.10 p. in., and on Saturday only 6.10, 6.30, 9,5o p. in. J. E. WOOTTEN, Uen. Manager. C. O. Hancock, General fassenuer aud Ticket Agent. HE MANSION HOUSE, New liloomfleld, Pena'a., GEO. F. ENSMINOElt, Proprietor. HAVING leased this property and furnished It In a comfortable manner, fask a share of the public patronage, and assure my friends whostop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. A careful hoscler always In attendance. April's, 1878. tf FREE TO EVERYBODY! A Beautiful Book for the Astins Hy anplvlnR personally at the nearest oftlce of THE SING K It MANUFACTURING CO., (or by Eoslal card If at a distance) any adult person will e presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, Story of the Sewing Machine. containing a handsome and costly steel engrav ing frontispiece; also, 2K flnely engraved wood cuts, and bound In an elaborate blue and gold lithographic cover. No charge whatever Is made for tint handsome book, which can be obtained only by application at the branch and subordi nate olliees of The Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co., Principal Otllce, 34 Union Square, 3 8 ly New York City, N. T. la 1 Purest ana Iteat Mediclna ever Mad. AoolmbiMtlon of Hops, Buohu, Mn draklaand Dandelion, with all tba baal an mortcwurativa proiwrtlea of all othar Blttara, n,akaatheereatrt Blood Purifier, Llvor tea u la tor, and Lite and Ilaaita Haatorlaf A. AiVaHBSBBBBBI aarUu Ma rfiu. V an nontMT long M whara TTsa Bitten ara uaVKl,o Tailed aud part act an lualr onerationaj Ihw gin uirliV ul vigor to tit fl aai lain. t u .hnai aSinnioTmenUeauaa Imcnlarl' traf thaboweltorV ttrlnarjt orsana, or who ra quire an AppeUaarV onlo and mua muauianl, Hop Bitun an lnvaiVu". without Into- loatlnK. Ko matter vhat your fa1Infr or Tmptoma are what the diaeaeeor ailwoeut ! naa Hop Blt tara. Don'l wait until joua" eio dm it yon only feel bad or rataarabla.mutBtuara at once. ltmayaaTayourllfa.LthaaB"Tal Hundred. (900 wlllbnpaidforaolie they will not eureorhelp. Xo not auffer rlet your frfenda Buffer ,but uie and urge tuem"UBe Hop Remember, Hop Bitter la noV1'1. drugged drunken noitrum. but the Purestb a d Bait Medicine over made j the "UlTAIJMW rtlKIB and a OPI" and no person or family ahould be without them. an absolute and trreelstlbla oure forbrunkennana, use of opium, tobaooo and narcotica, AU aold Dy lruinrtta. Sand tor circular. Mt nam am. vea Bfvbwr ?f T and Toronto Oft. 84 4t yALUABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE. A GOOD (ARM situate In Savllle townnhlp, one and a half miles south of Ickesbui g, this county, containing .A.bcait GO Acres, Having thereon erected a Frame House, Bank Barn, CARPENTER SHOP, AND OTHER OUTBUILD logs. A good portion of the tract Is excellent bot tom land and Is under good cultivation. This property is pleasantly located In a good neigh borhood, cunveuleui to churches, stores aud schools. 5 The above property will be sold at a reason able price and on easv lurius. for further par. titulars call at this ullice. 2d M IE Cloths aud other Dress Goods In va rious siyles. F. MORTIMER RKM n ants of PRINTS of these we have a lrge quantity In good styles. In addition to Hie above goods we have a nice asi'tiiieut of Ladles Neckties, Corseis, Gerniau Kiwn Yarn, Zephyrs, Slices for Ladies aud Chll dreu.aud tuuusandsof other articles. K. MOKT1MER, New Ulooinfleld, Pa. SAL'S MISTAKE. I HAD Hoped to hhs the night with my cltl friend, Tom Yokel, whom I had not seen alnce the day lie and his young wife went out In that wild West ern country. But owing partly to the obscurity of the ronda, and jmrtly to the watit of clearness In the direction re ceived at my last stopping place, I had missed the way; and lost bo much time In regaining It, aud my horse was eo Jaded, and it was getting eo near night fall, that it was clear I must seek shelter at the first habitation, and defer the pleasure of meeting Tom till next day. I was beginning to feel a little nervous, for the forest shadows were deepening so fust that there was danger of again losing the way In which event the prospect of passlDg a shelterless and supperless night In the woods was far more Immi nent than pleasing. I patted Juba's neck encouragingly. He answered in a good idiomatic Houy hnhnm : "Aye, aye, sir!" and fell Into a brisk er trot. Boon we emerged into the light of a clearing, further brightened by the gleam of a cheerful fire, visible through the open door of a settler's cabin. A loud hello brought out the proprie tor. To my request of food and shelter he yielded a ready assent; whereupon, dismounting and removing my saddle bags, in which I had a sum in gold larger than I cared to have a stranger know, I handed over Juba to our host's hospitality, and, on the hitter's invita tion, found my way into the house, whose mistress, busied in the prepara tion of the evening meal, bade me take a chair, hardly glancing up from a veni son steak she was broiling on the coals, of which the savory odor made full amends for the curtness of my welcome. The master of the cabin reappeared presently, and in return for the intelli gence that his name was Tofts, received information that mine was Touchwood. "Supper Is ready," Mrs. Tofts an nounced. "Set up, stranger," added Mr. Tofts. "Take trimmin's in yourn V the for mer asked, poising a spoon filled with maple sugar over a cup of rye coffee, and giving me an interrogative glance. I took the "trimmin's;" and after an invitation to help myself, with which I complied without ceremony, the meal, to which, on my part, that best of sau ces, Ifunger, lent a piquant relish, was proceeded with in silence. Looking up from time to lime, I en countered more than one sharp glance from Mrs. Tofts' keen gray eyes. Shd seemed studying my face intently, and with a peculiar interest that puzzled me. Supper over, Mr. Tofts and I drew our chairs before the fire, and the cross-ex-aminatiou which any backwoods host would deem it a breech of hospitality to omit, was entered on in due form. To the questions touching "wbar I hailed from" and "whar I mought be goiu' to," I answered unreservedly ; but when it came to inquiring into the objects of my journey and other private matters, I was less communicative not caring to let it out that I was traveling on au errand which necessitated the carrying of a con siderable sum of money. Mrs. Tofts, while clearing off the ta ble, I could not help observing, toept me under a fire of sidewise glances, at the same time listening closely to my answers. When the dishes had been cleaned and put away, by a signal which it was evi dently meant I should not see, she sum moned her husband to an adjoining room and closed the door. There wub a lengthened whispered conference, after which the pair returned and took seats before the fire. It was Mr. Tofts turn now to scrutin ize my features, which he did with a hroad stare of hie round, watery eyes, into which there had come a look as nearly penetrating as they were capable of assuming. He bad completely lost his volubility, however leaving it to his better half to do the talking; and much the better half she was, too, in the art of putting questions. There was a directness in her queries which baftled evasion by any means short of down right rudeness ; and before I was aware I was depleted of a fund of knowledge of my personal affairs which it chagrined me afterwards to think of. I pleaded weariness at lust, and asked to be shown to bed. Mrs. Tofts trimmed and lit a tin lamp which she handed to her husband, who stooped to pick up my saddle bags. "I'll take them, if you please," I in terposed, not caring that he should sur mise the contents by the weight. A meaning look was exchanged be tween the husband and the wife very meaning on her part. Mr. Tofts led the way up a ladder to the loft, in which I found a comfortable looking bed, and then withdrew without stopping to say good night. My feelings, on the whole, were far from easy. Humors were afloat about travelers murdered for their money In these wild, out-of-the-way regions; and the conduct of my host and hostess had not been such ns to Inspire the fullest confidence. True, if It came to an encounter, they were but two to one, and one of the two was a woman ; but the male Tofts was a big, burly fellow, and his wife belonged to that sinewy, wiry type of her sex whose strength Is not inferior to that of the average of men. I had a pistol, but an injury to the lock a few days before had rendered It useless. So I was un armed and at the mercy of people whose actions had aroused my serious suspi cions. Tartlttlly undressing and setting the lamp on a chair, I threw myself ou the bed. My fears, for a time, kept me awake; but fatigue brought drowsiness, and at last sleep. I know not how long it had continued before a creaking of the ladder awoke me. The lamp was just giving its last flicker, and by it I saw a pair of gleaming eyes peer over the edge of the hatchway. The next Instant I was iu total darkness. Starting up, I turned my ear and listened. I heard steps softly descending the ladder, and then there was perfect stillness. I rose and crept to the hatch way, but without venturing to lean over, for there was still a dim light iu the room below. IJut my hearing was on the alert to catch the faintest sound. "Hadn't we better get help?" whis pered a voice which I knew to be the man's. "No." returned the woman; "we can manage him ourselves." "But be you sartin thar's no mistake." "Sai tlnl why, he's got the money in them very saddle bags ; that's the rea son he was afeared to let you heft them." ,"Well, I am a leetle jublous." "You alius wuz a undecided creeter, Bobl Now you jest take your rifle, and I'll take this yer butcher-knife. Sech a chance to make a fortune won't come again soon." There was something ludicrous, at which I could scarce repress a smile, even in my then extremity, in this ack woodB travesty of Lady Macbeth Jten pecklng her husband Into murder. There was a window In the gable. I might open it and escape by a leap to the ground. It was my only chance, and I resolved to take it. Cautiously groping my way, and mov ing as lightly as a cat, I reached the win dow. I tried to open it, but sash would move neither up nor down. I attempt ed to draw it inward. It gave away sud denly, and fell to the floor with a loud crash I I had no time to spring out before a bright light shone through the apart ment, and quick steps approached from behind. "Stop! or I'll drill you through I roared a rough voice. "Stop I or I'll slit yer wlzzen I" chim ed in another. I turned to find myself confronted by Tofts presenting a rifle at my head, and his amiable spouse holding a lamp in one hand, a gleaming knife in the other! "Now, jest you B'render at discretion I' bellowed Tofts, keeping bis gun leveled, and let Sal tie yer up tight, or you are a dead man ! Go ahead, Sal!" Mrs. Tofts Bet down her lamp, and produced a piece of strong rope. "Ketch out yer paws," she said, in her decisive manner. "Yes, shove 'em out," growled Tofts, "afore I count three, or by the great Geeminy, I will shoot! one two " I extended my hands quickly. Mrs. Tofts clapped her knife between her teeth, and with surprising dispatch and skill, bound my wrists in a way I should like to see tried on some of these spirit ualistic jugglers who pretend to preter natural gifts in the matter of untying knots. When my feet had been confined in like manner, I was carried and laid upon the bed. "Now Sal," said Tofts, "you Jest take this rifle and sit yer and watch till I get back ; and if this here galoot budges, jest gin 'lm a blizzard through the skull cap; and mind yer, keep an eye onter the Bad die bags." Sal took a commanding position and sat at ease, rifle In hand, while Mr. Tofts climbed down the ladder. I appealed to the woman to know for what fate I was reserved. I had no doubt my murder was resolved on ; but why was it delayed, and why had the male assassin gone away, and what was his errand V None of my questions had received an answer. The woman had become a sphinx. I seemed to have passed through an age of torturing suspense, when the sound of steps on the floor below, and then ascending the ladder broke the stillness. "Here's the villain I" exclaimed Tofts, with a. look back over his shoulder. "Sal's got'm onder gyard." The person addressed advanced, stop, ped short, and burst into a loud laugh. "Hello! Touchwood I" he cried as boou as he could speak "here's a go I" My heart gave a leap of Joy. It was Tom Yokel's voice ! "For God's sake, clear up this myste ry 1" I appealed. "It's quite simple," Tom answered. "You see there's been a big reward offer ed for a noted bank robber thought to be prowling round in these parts with lils plunder. Well, meaning no disrespect, you fill his advertised description to a dot; aud our worthy friends, convinced you were the very man, took you into custody, and then notified me, who have the honor of being justice of the peace. But wait till I cut you loose." 'Then It aren't him after all," gritm bled Tofts. "Aud we won't git the reward!" sighed Sal. "You alius wuz a little too dod blamed smart!" was tier husband's closlngcom-inent. SOME CURIOUS BIBLES. " TV J0U tllluk " right, Aunt Rhoda, j to have a new version of the Bi ble V asked Andrew Clement. "Certainly it is. The work is being done by some of the best scholars of the nineteenth century. The oldest and best manuscripts are before them. With the care and labor expended the new version must be more correct, although not perfect. Now you have spoken of it, Andrew, let us talk about Bibles. I will tell you of some curious ones I have seen," said Aunt Ilhoda. "Why, isn't the reading of Bibles all the same V" questioned Susy. "No there are more than 5,000 New Testaments." "Five thousand !" exclaimed Harry. "How can you remember about so many V" "I do not know the difference of all, many dllfering in typographical errors, alone, It is of these I will tell you." "Terhaps the finest, at least one of the finest collections of Bibles in the world is in the Lenox Library, New York. There are some of the earliest manu script copies, long before type was used, and samples of nearly all the printed Bibles since 1450, which was the first with movable types, down to the pres ent time. In 1542 the 'Hutch Bible' was printed, famous as being the cause of the printer being beheaded." "Just think of that," said Harry; "cutting a man's head off for publishing a Bible!" "Yes, but worse and more cruel things have been done to persons keeping a Bi ble In the house. They bave been tor tured In every manner ; laid on the rack, and burned with hot pinchers for read ing the Bible," said Aunt Rhoda. "I'm glad I didn't live then," said Susy. "In 1551," continued Aunt Ilhoda, "the 'Bug Bible' was published, so call ed from the rendering of Fsalmxci. 5: 'Thou shalt not be afraid (for the terror) of bugs by night.' " The children laughed, and Susy said : "I guess Miss Grace Ward, in India, would be glad if it said so now, such aw ful creatures creep into the beds there." "The next special error was in 1562, which gave the name of the 'Place makers Bible,' from Matthew v. 9 read ing, "Blessed are the placemakers (peacemakers).' " ''Now that text would suit me exactly, for mother says I never huve a place for anything. I told her this morning I was all the time making places," said Harry. "I've heard you' quote that text when you break things, too," said Andrew, giving Harry a punch. "That is hardly what the Bible teaches." Harry hung bis bead. He bad a good memory, and did often quote script ure, on unsuitable occassions. That morning Aunt Bboda had reproved him for saying, "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul V Harry was pointing to his boot, a portion of the sole being nearly off. "In 1568," continued Aunt Ilhoda, "was printed the 'Treacle Bible,' from Jeremiah vlii. 22, reading, 'Is there no treacle (balm) in Gilead.' " "The translator was fond of molasses, I should think, and wanted to fix the Bible to suit himself," remarked Susy. "What next, aunty 1"' Andrew held bis pencil over a small note book, a wise habit he had of aiding memory. "Then came the 'Breeches Bible,' from Genesis ill. 7 : 'And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves breeches' " (aprons.) "How could they make such mis takes V" asked Harry. "You must remember that the manu scripts used were in Latin and Greek, and the translator used the word that seemed best." "There are many editions besides these we bave spoken of. Iu 1611 King James' version was printed, the one we use. But to return to the curious ones. In 1670 'The Thumb Bible' was publish ed at Abderdeeu, only one Inch square and half an Inch thick." "One of the most remarkable was the 'Printers' Bible,' In 1702, where King David exclaimed in Psalm cxlx. 101, 'Printers (princes) have persecuted mr wltbout caunc." ' "I should think you would feci the force of that text in its error, ounty,' laughed Andrew. "Yes, Indeed! One writer calls these typographical blunders 'flea bites. r That is a mild term when one takes es pecial pains with a sentence. It Is a 'bitter pill' to find the sense entirely changed into type. Still we must have sympathy with the printer. He la often persecuted with illegible writing. It is not strange they carelessly supply word Sometimes. "The next, in 1717, is the 'Vinegnr Blble,' so named from the headline of the 80th chapter of Luke, which rends, 'TheParableof the Vinegar' (vineyard)."1 "That would do," said Lucy, "Vine gar is made from a vineyard." ' 'Lastly, in 1801 , came 'The Mu rderers'" Bible.' The 10th verse of the Epistle to Jude read, 'These are murderers' (tnr murers). Many of the Bibles In the Lenox Library have very strange illus trations, as you may suppose. One rep resents Adam asleep under a tree sntl Eve slipping out of his side. You know the Bible tells us that God took one of Adam's ribs and made a woman. An other, said to be a likeness of Satan,, represents him with horns and boofa, which is, of course, imaginary. Pictures are invaluable in teaching, but tbey should be correct." "I see now the value of the new trans lation, aunty, and I thank you very much for this talk. I have learned mucht that I shall not forget," sold Andrew. How The " New Revision" Is Received In Some Quarters. "Say, boss," Inquired an ancient Af rican, with a white-wash pole in bis band, "am it true dat dey have dun gone an' changed the ole Bible V" " Yes, somewhat." " Well, dat's what Uncle Jed Smith cum ober to tell me las' night, but I didn't quite trus' him. De ole man said it wasn't a sin any mo' to rua away will anoder man's wife." "Oh, yes it is. He Is mistaken there.'" "An' he said dat It had been proved out dat Cain nebber killed Able nohow,, but dat Able got hold of Borne plzer ruutn, " That's another mistake." " Wall, I thought so. An' he said dat all well pussons war commanded to place meat an' bread an' good tea befo' all de halt an' de lame who called at de doab. Am dat so?" "I guess not." "Wall, I thought so all de time. Seemed like a trick on bis part to beat, me out of a meal, an' I didn't sot out de fodder. Does dia new Bible raise wages, any ?" '.'No," " Does it put down house rent V" " No." " Ain't it goln' to chepen de price of clothes an' butes V "No." " Won't it help poor folkes any 1"'" "I don't see how." "Wall, derr, what's de use? I'se got one of de ole kind, an' I guess I'll stick to it. Seems like a shame dat de rich am not commanded to come down on bouse reDt, an' gin us poorfolksesan' 'scarsion on de ribber In de summer, an' I reckon. I won't trade off de ole book." Don't Use Bin Words. In promulgating your esoterio cogita tions, or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable, philosoph ical or psychological observation, beware -of platitudinous ponderosity. Let yourt conversational communications possess a clarified conciseness, a compact compre hensibleness, coalescent consistency, and a concantenated cogency. Eschew alfc. conglomeration of flatulent garrulity,, jejune babblement and asslnine affecta tions. Let your extemporaneous des cantings and unpremeditated expatia tions bave intelligibility and veracious. vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid . all polysallabio profundity, pompons prolixity, pslttaceous vacuity, ventrilo-. qulal verbosity, and vaniloquent vapidi ty. Shun double ententes, prurient jo cosity, and pestiferous profanity, obscu rant or apparent. In other words, talk . plainly, briefly, naturally, sensibly, truthfully, purely. Keep from " Slang;" don't put on any airs ; say what you mean ; mean what you say. And don't use big words. You see by the above how easy it Is to write or speak, witlrj only short words. How Long Would It Take to Count Two Mil lions? Over two million volumes of the revis ed edition of the New Testament, were sold on the first day of its issue. These figures can only be equaled by the enor mous sale of Swayne's Ointment for Itching Piles, which Is universally usedl as a standard remedy for stopping the itching at night, when one thinks that pin worms are crawling about the reo turn. To calculate the extent of its Bale in actual figures, would iu vol ve the labor of a life-time. Will you be pestered longer from the aggravating Piles 142-15.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers