THK TIMES NEW RL00M1TKU), 1A, OCTOHEll 18, 1681. THE TIMES. New J t loom field, Ort. 18, 1881. koticr to GitnueniiiEit. l.nnUat tho nmim no the lM or your purer. rhi'"tiK'ircKtf!l yni i bit time in which your xiili- rrlpilaiiiatld. Wllklu wcrki alter muuajrla tent, no If thedsts la changed. No other rsexlpt Is micetiiarr. NOTIUK TO AHVKIITI8EIIS. Ho 0lt orMtrrentyp will tin Inserted In this piper uoleeMlKht Titer atul on metM base. WF"TwMity prr cent, m ercens of regular rate", will be ohariel tor advertisements aetln DouuleUuluiuii. Mr. J. H. Haies, Newspaper Advertising AR't. 41 Park How. (Times ltulldlnn), New York, is u thnrl.edto contract fm- advertisements for tills paper at our best rates. SEVEHAti prominent lawyers have been Bskeil to aid Mr. Seovllle lu the de. fense of Gulteau, hut decline to have anything to do with defending bucu a ncam p. Secretahy Wisdom wishes to leave theCahlnet. He prefers to be Senator from Mluuesota, and will no doubt he elected to that position. Mr. MacVeagh also Insists upon retiring from his posl tlon. It seems strange that Confederate bonds have recently been fouud to have a market value, lu the European money centers. But they have been sold within ten days, for five dollars a sheet. It is a high price to pay for waste paper. The Iowa election was as usual, rath er one-Bided. The Republicans have nearly 50,000 mnjority over the Demo crats and about 30,000 over the Green back, Temperance and Democrats com bined. The election In Ohio on Tuesday last resulted in the re-election of Qov. Foster (Republican) by about 20,000 ma jority. The Republicans also have a majority on joint ballot, which secures them the U. 8. Senator, which is to be elected next winter. - The goods used for mourning'decora tlons have been sent from many of the cities to the sufferers by the Michigan fires. Just imagine a man wearing a pair of black crape pants, with a black calico overcoat, while his wife would sport a suit of black underclothing, with an oversuit of black cambric. That kind of philanthropy is much like boiling eggs and giving the soup to the hungry. The railroads reaching the South ern States are using great exertions to attract emigration to that section of the country. Several of the companies are issuing circulars giving full information regarding the country. Mr. Pope, Gen eral Passenger Agent of the Railwaya of Virginia and the Carolinas, is circulat ing a pamphlet that gives full and com plete information regarding the lands on that line and its connections. Thousands of copies have been distributed in Eu rope, and the result is that foreign immi gration is turning in that direction. The senate met in special session on Monday of last week. The Senators from New York, and the successor of Gen. Burnside from Rhode Island, were not admitted till after the Senate was organized. Therefor the democrats had the majority and elected Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, as President Pro tern. The N. Y., and R. I., Senators were admitted the next day. The two parties are now a tie, without counting Davis and Ma hone, both independents, and usually Davis votes with vthe democrats and Mahone with the republicans. On Thursday, by a vote of 30 yeas to 34 nays, Hon. David Davis was elected President pro. tern. thus replacing Mr. Bayard. The committees of the senate were, on motion, continue during the present session. It would have been better if by unan imous consent, Mr. Davis had been put ' in that office, when the Senate organ ized. Postal Nominations. The President has sent a number of nominations to the Senate Wednesday, among which were the following : Wm. W. Dudley, of Indiana, to be Commis sioner of Patents ; Addison Brown, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, and several postmasters, includ ing the following Pennsylvania appoint ments: Edward B. Reed, at Erie; T. C. Reynolds, at Reynoldsville ; Alexander W. Selfrldge, at Bethlehem, and Rich ard D. Wells, at Downingtown. Operatives Burned In a Factory. riiiLADELriiiA, October 12. Charles H. Landenberger's mill, owned by Jos. Harbey, at 1711 Randolph street, was burned to-night. The fire broke out about 0:45 o'clock. An officer noticed that there seemed to be something pecu liar about the electric lights and in anoth er moment the three upper floors teem ed to become suddenly a mass of smoke and flames. The neighbors rushed to the building and saw the operatives at the windows on the third and fourth floors. They called to the girls not to jump, as a ladder would be brought, but several of the girls sprang from the win dows. Matlie Cowlan, Fred Krep, George Dougherty, Henry Morgan, Jos. Reynolds, and an unknown girl were badly burned and were taken to St. Mary's hospital, where their injuries were pronounced dangerous, the patients without exception having suffered in ternally. Matilda Bohult,, Annie Mul ler, Samuel Lapham, George R. Hutton, Kate Shafer, Lizzie Franks, Annie Brady, Michael Larkln aud an unknown man were also Injured, but not so severe ly. Joseph Glazier is missing. There was a double stairway back and front but no fife escapes. The loss is estima ted at $70,000 ; insurance, $50,000. At midnight the fire was under control. The two girls at St. Mary's Hospital are likely to die before morning. The cries of the poor creatures in the build ing when their escape was cut o(T was heartrending. Most of them jumped to the sidewalk, and a few escaped by the elevator rope. There were some thirty five persons in the building, of whom twelve were females. The excitement in the neighborhood is intense. It Is believed there are some of the operatives burled in the ruins. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from the electric light firing a lot of material on the second floor. One girl is reported to have been killed outright by striking the iron steps, and at least twenty of the employes are in jured. It is believed that one half of those injured will die. The Blacksmith was Right, ' Mrs. Corliss was arrested at South Acton, Mass., on a suspicion that she had Btolen $400 ; but, as she was old and highly respected, and the accuser was a commonplace blacksmith, she was promptly discharged. Much sympathy with her was manifested, and, as for the blacksmith, he was condemned as as a reckless calumniator. There were several dissenters from these views, however, and they secretly Bet a watch upon Mrs. Corliss, by means of which she was caught taking the money from a place in which she had hidden it. . High Waters. A western dispatch of Wednesday laBt, says : The WIsconslu river has been rising rapidly during the past twenty-four hours. At Wausau the water covers the rail road track to the depth of four or five feet. At Stephens' Point the dykes have been ordered to be opened, and if the rain does not soon cease fall ing terrible results are feared. Consid erable damage haB already been done. The Black river has risen eight feet dur ing tne past twenty-four hours, and is flooding the country round about. Explosion Near Bradford. Bradford, Pa., October 13. A mag azine containing three hundred pounds of nltro-glycerlue, belonging to the Rob erts Torpedo Company, exploded to night with terrible force, west of the city. Two men were seen going towards the magazine shortly before the explosion and it 1b thought they were tampering with the lock when the explosion occur red. A careful search to-night fails to disclose anything of the men or the iron safe. Dropped Dead. Lancaster, October 12. Ellas Herr, aged 80 years and one of the best-known farmers in Lancaster County, dropped in one of his fields in Lime Valley, Strasburg Township, yesterday after noon. He had been helping his men at corn-husking, and was carrying a bun dle of "corn-fodder" to its proper place when he was observed to fall. Those who saw him fall ran to his assistance, but life was extinct when they reached him. His death was caused by apoplexy. A Medical Experiment. A man was paralyzed by a stoke of lightning at High water, Minn. ' Some of his friends reasoned that if earth would receive electricity from the buried end of a lightning rod, it would fn the same manner draw out the charge with which they supposed him to be filled. Therefore they dug a hole and covered him up to the chin. He died in that position. A Rheumatle Court Room. A juror servlDg in the court at Indian apolis, Ind., contracted sciatic rheuma tism by reason of the defective heating and ventilation of the court house, and has brought suit against the county for $10,000 damages. BTWe never saw any one joyous wheu suU'cring from pain ;-neuralgia for instance. Ia relation to this malady Mr. George Guy ette, Prop. Guyette House, thus informed our represenative : I have used Bt. Jacobs Oil for neuralgia, aud can confidently reo- ommend it to any one similarly aiiected. eneooygan tails, bteuotgan to. A'eivs. Miscellaneous Nerra Items. 6JT JiwIro Jameson, of the Criminal Court of Chicago, delivered In his olmrge to the Grnud Jury yesterday einpliatio ut terances In regard to gambling in grain, and declared that tho laws in existence ngalnst such operations must be enforced. t3PTbe work of construction on the ma jority of buildings in course of erection In New York was suspended on Monday, tbo brlcklayeis refusing to agree to a reduction of their wages per day from (4 to $3.50, as proposed by their employers. tWX Canadian, who is poor and In 111 health, and Is unable to maintain himself, has a wife who owns considerable property but refuses to contribute anything toward his support, and he has brought suit against her to coinpol her to provide for his wants. dPA dispatch from Wilcox, Arizona, says that the Chlrihahua soouts who have de serted have killed one of the White Moun tain Indians. Fears are entertaiued that the latter will retaliate and a conflict he precipitated, of which no one can forsee the extent. Hannaulb, Mo , Octobor 13. The fami ly of Hiram Westfall were poisoned yester day by a colored girl, who put arsenlo in oatmeal. Mrs. Westfall died last night, and the hired man is not expected to live. The other members of the family 8 n (To red severely. The girl has been arrested but denies the act. Mount Joy, Ootober 13. George Kiehl, while driving along the turnpike, was stop ped at Clark's mills last evening by two tramps, one of whom approaching the wag on received a blow over the head with a bottle, delivered with such force that the bottle was broken. As carriages were heard approaching the tramps fled. t3F" Robert L. Stuart, Robert Lenox Kennedy, and bis sister, Miss Kennedy, have each given Mrs. Garfield $15,000, or $45,000 altogether. The money was depos ited by the donors, a few days ago, in the Bank of Commerce to Mrs. Garfield's credit aud notice sent to her that she could draw it at her pleasure. -Tbe clergyman of Roxbury, Mass., are devising new methods of temperance work, and one of them is to employ an agent to visit tho Police Court every day, interest himself ia the cause of men ar raigned for the first time for intoxication, and adopt whatever course may seem most judicious for their reform. tWA. woman living in a Boston apart ment house let herself down in the elevator after the usual time for operating It. Suo found herself at the bottom of the well, with the door locked and no steam up to lift the car again. The janitor, to punish her for what she had done, left her prison er all night. Then she made him a prison er in a police station. ItSTA trial over the ownership of a kit ten took place before a justice and jury at Tom's River a few days ago, in which JD. W. Potter' brought suit against Hiram Horner for $10, the alleged value of a kit ten which dofeudant had takeu. After a number of witnesses had been examined, and the counsel on each sido had made lengthy arguments, the jury rendered a verdict of " no cause of action." OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, Oct. 13, 1881. The usual crowd that fills the galleries and corridors of the Capital whon Congress assem bles pressed for admission on the openlDg of the special session of the Senate, hong before 18 o'clock every seat In the public gallery bad an occupant and throngs on the outside were still trying to get in. The House is generally the attractive side and It Is rarely that the dignified Senate presents such an animated ap pearance. A previously announced debate on some Important question, or a set speech by Blaine, Conkllng, Voorhees, Thurinan or La mar are the occasions which heretofore have caused the crowd to flock in that direction. But at this time there was a general expecta tion that something lively or sensational would occur. The evenly balanced condition of par ties In the body rendered the events of the day uncertain, and tho people of Washington are so familiar with the wiles and plots and coun terplots of politicians that they know a "cir cus" is at all times possible under such cir cumstances. It is all a iqnabble for power and the ofllces. Senators Mahone and David Davis have been objects of considerable Inter est by reason of their peculiar position. Sena tor Davis now really holds the balanced power which formerly rested with Mahone, and upon which ever side he elects to throw his ponderous weight the scale is snre to turn. It can not be a very agreeable position to occu py In these times. Statements are going out concerning Army changes soon to be made and it is trne that several retirements and promotions are already booked. Gen. McDowell, Major-General, will be one of the first officers to be retired. He is over 63 years of age and would have been re tired In place of Gen. Ord, had it not been lor his personal relations with the late President Gen. Terry, who Is a brigadier, will, In all probability, be promoted to major general, to till the vacancy caused by McDowell's retire' ment. Gen. Terry is not a graduate of We6t Point. His promotion would be a compliment to the volunteer forces of the Army during the late war. Quartormaster Gen. Meigs will ba retired. Col. Rucker, of that department, who is father-in-law to General Sheridan, will be bis first successor, as the programme now runs, but shortly after his appointment he will re tire, to be succeeded by Col. Ingalls who Is the friend of Ex-President Grant. This sueeests a reference to the many changes In personal fortunes wrought by Gulteau's fatal bullet. Col. Rockwell, Gen. Garfield's faithful frlesd, would have been made Quartermaster General had the late President survived. But his pros pects, with those of many others, Cabinet offi cers Included, are now changed. It is alleged that the papers for Col. Rockwell's promotion were all made out In August, ready to present for tho President's signature should an oppor tune moment occnr, but Mr. Blaine so the story goes vetoed the project. After Gen. Garfield's death Mrs. Garfield wrote to Presi dent Arthur on behalf of Col. Rockwell. About the same time Gen. Grant also wrote, stating that he had long desired and now recommend ed the appointment of Col. Ingalls, and Ingalls will be appointed. In the medical department of the Army, Surgeon-General Barnes will be retired and Col. Crane appointed to the place. Medical purveyor Baxter has been seeking this position for years and Presl dent Hayes desired to appoint him. Gen. Garfield also had the same purpose and did actually have the papers mado out at one time. Cabinet talk still prevails and It Is not Im probable tha. by the time this reaches you the new Cabinet will be announced. Secretary Lincoln, It Is now positively stated, Is to re main In charge of the War portfolio, and Fre llnghuyson of New Jersey, to be Secretary of State. Judge Folger of New York, has been positively named for Secretary of the Treasury, but he denies that the President has communi cated with him on the subject. Mr. Conkllng, who was here some days, has now returned to New York, suffering from bis old malarial troubles and looking, as he was, a sick man. Ho bad several Interviews with the President and It Is generally believed here that he could have told who would constitute the new Cabi net if he had pleased, as he doubtless was con sulted concerning It. Gen. Grant Is understood to be very bitter against the anil-stalwart ele ment and to advocate a general slaughter. Mr. Conkllng Is reported as equally bitter bnt more politic. I give this current gossip for what it Is worth, without undertaking to vouch for any of it. A little time will bring tangible developments, and "we shall see what we shall see." One thing, however, may be set down as settled, President Arthur Is a shrewd politician and he starts out with a purpose to be discreet and do his best. ST. ELMO HOTEL JVo. 517 and S19 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Rates re duced to Two DoLLAns Peh Day. The traveling publio still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their comfort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuse ment and the different Rail Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors. It oilers special induce ments to those visiting the cify for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. Maplewood Institute for young ladies and gentleman, 1R miles west of Phila., located on the Phila. & Bait. Central R. R. Courses of Study English, Scientific and Classical. Students prepared for U. S. Naval and Military Academies, and the Amercian colleges. A thorough chemical department. Reading taught by a first class Elocutionist. Penman ship by a Professor, master of the beau ties of the art. A home like department for little boys. 14 Instructors. JOSEril SlIORTLIDOE (Yale College) A. M. Principal. COSCORDVILLE, DEL. Co. Pa. 81-41 A. CARD. A new enterprise has been started In Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, by J. V. Rlngrose & Co., and that is the making of a new style of Leather Fly Nets. These nets are said to be a great improvement over any style yet made, while the price they will be sold at, is no greater tnan is asked for tne poorer article. Store keepers, before supplying themselves should see these nets and learn prices, and farmers should ask the merchant with whom they deal to get at least a sample to show them. For price list, etc., address J. W. Ringrose & Co., Mechanicsburg, Pa., or Kenne dy, Willing & Co., 100 and 102 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. 6tf. Sewing Machine Needles. I have nee- dies on hand to suit any of the following machines : orover & linker, Keystone, Hecor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family, Domestic, Household, Eldrege, Daunt less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle, Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Remington, Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home, Empire, Etna, and Blees. Orders re ceived by mall promptly filled. F. Mortimer, New Bloomfield, Pa. Some Jobs. We have a few special bargains which we will mention. A lot of TuMiiLEiis, 43 cents per dozen. A ot of Jelly Glasses, 50 cents per dozen. We call particulars attention to the nice line of Dress Goods we now have at Hi cents per yard. F. Mortimer. Clothes Wringers. We have a few of the best made. Price only t j. F. Mortimer. Insnrance Notice. All persons are notl. fled that I have not given ray consent to any insurance on uiy life, except poli cles In favor of my son, P. 8. Chubb, and all other policies are fraudulent and void, baml. uuuiib, Mlllerstown, Pa., Oat. 4, 1831. lt. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewel, ry, Blauk Books, Pass Books, Wall Paper, Stationary of all kinds, Accorde ons, School Books, Velvet Frames, 4c, &o., to be found at W. H. Gantt's, Newport, Pa. 30 ly Come and Sec ! We have again made additions to our itock that we would like to show you. We havn ft Inr nf iinnillrowiliinfa mo are selling, " Four for 25 cts.," and a variety oi oiuers or netter quality. Wc have as pretty a line of collars and ties os you would wish to see. We have good black Alpncca double width at 20cts. per yard. If you want a low price black dress It will suit youv for it ia worth more mouey. Wfl llflva mail a nnmd (11.11 I lma tt nnf Dress Goods stock that are pretty and cheap. And the old stock you cnu buy at nearly half Price. We have a Bplendld line of buttons and trimmings. We have a handsome" line of Floor and Table oil cloths of the -various widths from 84 up to 84. We have a good line of Hats for Men and Boys. We have a large assortment of Shoes for Men, Women and Children. We have an assortment of Mens' every day Pants, and Shirts. We have a complete stock of Iron and Hardware. We have ns good nn assortment of Groceries as can be found in this county. We have a full line of Paints, Oil, Glass and building hardware which we expect to sell as low or lower than any body in the county. We have Spokes, Hubs and carriage wood-work and hardware, and our Spokes and Rims are the best that are made. These we sell at the manufac tuers price, as we are his agents. - F. Mortimer, New Bloomfield, Pa. mRAVERSE JURORS, OCTOBER TERM X 1881. Oliver John (V. Smith. Miller David Harper, Jacob Stump. Sandy Hill Geo. Rinesmith. Bavllle Henry Reisinger. Penn James A. While, Samuel Auchmnty, R. II. Branyan, Lnclan Haas. Buffalo Wm. Cnmbler, Jacob McConnel, Geo. Kepner. Tuscarora Alex. H. Kerr, Isaiah Campbell, W. H. Rice, J. R. Black. Wheatfleld Henry Clay, Geo. Kelm, An drew Pennell, Jr. Rye Daniel Power, Emannel Keller, W. W. Frymlre, Wm. C. Patterson, Thos. Coleman. Centre Henry Wax, Richard Thomas. Blaln Wm. Machlner. Madison C. B. Helnbaugh, Jno. M. Wolf. ' Jackson Solomon Bower. Tyrone H. C. Shearer, Geo. W. Rice, John A. Weller. Carroll Jacob Fleisher, Christ. Long. Liverpool twp. Levi Potter, Edward Barner Geo. E. Long. Duncannon Jas. Mutzabaugb, Joshna Glad den. Greenwood Jno. H. Green, Barman Klpp, R. W.Grnbb. Bloomfield Valentine 8. Blank, Jno. A. Spahr, J. H. Bryner. Watts Isaac Motter. Marysvllle Z. T. Collier. GRAND JURY LIST, OCTOBER TERM, 1881. Rye David Benfer, Foreman. Bloomfield Daniel Garlln, B. P. Mclntire. Marysvllle Henry Gamber, John Jobson. Sandy Hill David P. Peck. Penn Frank Grab, Wm. C.Brown, Sam'l Harris. Liverpool twp. John Kline. Madison Jonathan Gutshall. Liverpool B. Jacob Arment. Tyrone Geo. Kiner, 8. H. Bernheisel, Dan iel Nunamaker, John F. Minlch. Carroll Henry Beam, Abram Kltner. Saville Charles Price, Cbas. 8. Boden, Rob Klngsboro. Centre James Flyn, 8r. Jackson D. H. Kleckner. Duncannon Jno. H. Houdeshell. Portrait of Garfield, Size of Sheet, 19x24, With his Autograph, acknowledged by himself to be th best likeness in ex istence. $7.00 par Hundred. Hingis Copies, 25 Cents. Copy ol Autograph Letter given with each picture. Adtfress, Shelter Si Carquevir.9 Liiio. Co., 119 Monroe St., Chicago. 40,000 Sold in Chicago In 48 Hcurs. ograph Picture of our late President JAMES A. GARFIELD. This beautiful work of art Is printed In ten colors, on heavy paper, aud mounted ready to hang on the wall. It is not only only a correct por trait, but alo contains the historical events of his life, shows the Home at Mentor, Assassination and tli jxuih Bed Scene. It Is a nntgiiillcent Memorial Picture. Circulars and terms sent free. Address, H. W. KELI.KY CO., ocU 4L Til Sansom bt., Philad'a. Pa. N OT1CE! WHEREAS, T. P. Orner has resigned Ills posl tiou as Hteward of our Almshouse, We, the Direc tors of the Poor, will receive sealed proposal for the office of Steward up to the last Frlclavof Ooto ber. 1KM, for the ensuing year. KaiU Directors w ill reserve the riKht of rejectiiiK any or all bids. All applicants ate hereby requested to appear personally In company with lueir wives ou the above date. JOHN D. STEWAKT, WKOHIitt C. SNV'1KK, I. F. HOLLEKli-VlHiH, x October till, 1BSI. Directors.
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