THE TIMES, : -NEW BLOQMFIELI), PA.,, J AN VARY 22, 1878. "Butl-dozlng" a Jury. An Irinh juilge lias hit own ideas of jus. tloo, nnit is bout upon making the jury register his decision. At the MmistGr Assizes n fortnight Rgo, prisoner was charged with n dnstardly nrnaiilt upon n young peasant In the picturesque viile of the Lakes of Klllainoy. In charging the jury, the judge commented upon the in disputable character of the evidence agaitiBt the prisoner and the uolnousnoas of the of fense ; but the twelve gentlemen in the box made up their minds nt once, nud without retiring from the court, returned a verdict of not guilty on the graver charge, and oonvicted of a common assault. The judge was very angry. " What's the moaning of a verdict of this kind ?" he shouted to the foreman. "The evidence is all one way, and there is not a scintilla the other way. 1 will not reoeive such a verdict. Gentle men you had better retire to your room." The injunction was obeyed, and after some consideration the twelve good men and true, returned to "court and found a ver dict of guilty on the more serious count in the indictment. Arrest of Counterfeiters. Several important arrests of counter feiters bavo been made by the United states secret service division within the past week. Ten counterfeiters in diner out sections of the couutry have been ar rested within the past four days, and it seems that all of them were very plenti fully supplied with counterfeit money, in cluding bogus greenbacks, national bank notes and silvor. The bureau has informa tion showing that there is now an immense amount of counterfeiting in operation throughout the country, a considerable por tion of which is in the manufacture of counterfeit silver. With the exception of one party who has not been captured, and who makes nn excellent imitation of the real coin, the work is generally of poor character, and the spurious coinage cau roadily be detected. He Saved His Carpet Bag. The Charlotte, N. C, Observer relates iiow a negro man was on a loug trestle wheu he saw the train thundering iu his Tear. With wonderful presence of mind he threw himself outside of the track, and clung to the ends of the ties, lying flat up on bis face ou the vory edge of the trestle. Quick as thought the engiucer applied the air brakes aud brought the train down to a very low rate of speed. The train stopped, the negro climbed upon the platform of a car, and was brought ou to the depot. Through all the different chauges of the adveuture, he had retained his carpet-bag iu his baud, and as he jumped off the train at the depot, ho waved it over his head and saluted the engineer. From the Troy Daily Times. Peruvian Syrup is a standard remedy for building up and renewing broken-down or nervous constitutions. For Dyspepsia, De bility, Liver Complaint, Kidney and Blad der Diseases, or any of the many irregular ities of the various organs of the human irarue, it is a sovereign remedy. It is a tonic without alcohol. This medicine is too well known already to require any commendation fiora us. It is only neces sary for us to say to those who have never given it a trial that it will accomplish all that is claimed for it. Sold by all druggists. A Right Sharp Girl. She lives at Oltowa, Canada, and this is how she managed it : She thought it would be just as well to commence housekeeping right away, and begin the new year with training up a husband in the way he should go, but her father thought differently. So she invited all her friends to the wedding at a certaiu church at a given hour. Of .course thore was a big crowd, including the angry father, who was prepared to for bid the bans with a shotgun. Meanwhile the young lady aud her adored William went to another church and were quietly married, aud as they left the sacred edifice fche remarked that where there was a AY ill thore was a way. - A New Version of an Old Story. l'.eu Franklin gave the people of his day a recipe for obtainiug health, wealth, and wisdom. The present generation is not gujiposed to be iu want of wisdom, and would prefer happiness combined with health and wealth. The modern way to obtain all these is told iu the advertisement of Bairick, Roller A Co., headed "Health aud happiness" in this paper. We cordial ly recommend our readers to the careful coQiaidaration of their advice. ... .. . IW Iu Pittsburgh on Monday of last week a boy aged four years procured a re volver and shot his little sister, three years old, inflicting fatal injuries. Mrs. Hep burn, the mother, was absent from the bouse at the time. , t3T Charles P. Dunn, a child of four years and only son of John R. Dunn, of Titusville, was shot through the right eye by George Rubs, a lad of eight years, while playing with au old revolver at that place on Friday- " Till' Tiaii" CftrX'Dftii FOR 1078! OO I co July 11 a 3 4' A a 7 14 8' 9 10 1112 13 IMfi 17 18 l 20 2i:22 2: !4 25 :2T 23,29,30,31 Auu 1 2 8 8 910 in 18 17 'A 6 7 12!13l4 10 20'2l, 26,27128 12ll8ll4 15 111 OlllOt l-l'J 22 23 24 2i303f 20.27128L N6 7 8 Men 2 9ll(ll11! I6;17il8 Sept fi 0 7 12113 14 19 20 21 19 20,2122,1; ,28 27.28 20 30i 22i23j24,2oi 20,27,28 Ap'r! 2: 8 '4 B a molilalia1 Oot. 7 8 ioina 16 17;18jltt 23,24,25 20 30 .... .. 13 14 15161 8;I9 20 I21l22!23i 25 26 27 28.29,30; May .. H 2 S 4 7! 81 10 11 Nov. k 'i 'fi 6 14 IS 16 1718 2li22l2.1 24 ii5 10 11 12'13 16 17118 10:20 21;22 23 28,29,30 'fi eiT 12I1.T14 19,20 21 20127,28 28,29,30,31 21 2i),2f,2l Jun. 1! 81 IS; a. a 4 51 61 7 11 12 13 14 Deo. 10; 9 nun 18:19 20 21 25 26,27,28 22; 1617 18 2:1 24 29 22 23'24 25 30I..I 29 30131 11111 iimj STEAM Printing Office IS THE PLACE TO GET SALE BILLS, OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE AND- AT REAS1 S! PAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, AS DESIRED. is published every Tuesday BY F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa., At the Low Price of SI 25 PER YEAE, WITHIN THE COUNTY. $1 SO PER YEAR, Outside tlie County, Poitago raid. "THE TIMES" Is the best advertising medi um in this section of the State. Circulation Nearly 2,000 ! Jan. ..! l 2 Sill hi fl! Tl 81 Ij'lO ll 12' 1H U IS lS 17 IK 111 i 'i'M 2i 2r 20 27.28 'WitOili.. ..I Feb. .. . .. .. .. 1 2, 3 4 6! 0 7 R n lliln In M le i.r I't Bloom d limes Is S ; 5 i t y i L K t ; DON'T YOU WANT DRY GOODS, DRY GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, If you do, just call on the subscriber nncl see what BARGAINS he will offer you. GOODS WERE NEVER CHEAPER ! F. MORTIMER, New Bloomfield, Ferry Co., JPn. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. , Now offer the publlo A 11 A It IC AND ELEOANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting af all shades suitable tor the season. BLACK ALPACCAS , AND ,;'.', Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AKD UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF riilNTS! We Hell And do keep a good quality ot SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything uhderthe head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil fur all makes of Mashlne. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE 8T0CK. Vf No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. What will the Weather be To-morrow? POOL'S SIGNAL SERVICE BAROMETER and Thermometer Combined Kontells correctly any change iu the Weather. 12 to 24 hours In an vance l.ndorsed by the mostenilnenl 1'rofcHsors and Sclent illc men as the l'.eHt Weather Indicator iu the World. KAKMKUS can plan their work according to its iiredlctious. It will Have tl ft y Times Its cost In a single season. Warranted Per fect and Unliable. We will vend It Free to any address on receipt of il l) Beware ot wortliles Imitations. None genuine without our trade mark. AUKNT8 WANTKD. Send Stamp for Circular. V. 8. NOVELTY CO.. lOo Maiden Une. New York. Please state where you saw the advertisement. Send Money Ordeis or lteglstered Letters at our risu. uOoin (irnln Wanted nt the Newport Mills. THRunderstgnrd will pay a premium on good, dry, clean grain ot all Kinds. MILTON B. K811KLMAN. 48 ly. ' Newport, Perry county, Pa. ft Mill A uvd MinXUM HXM ktuWir wpSy aJlinSB I'dnlni iu..UUiy. 8.oJ.Uu,i, llrlllllil'o Hrt)''!". U. OU.T.M. VI it, IU. A. Y ! SOME BARGAINS IN GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, &c. NOTIONS, &c. CHEAPEST AND BEST I THE IIAJUUSBURO Daily and Weekly Patriot ! FOIt 1878.1 To nil new subscribers and to all oresent snh. scrlbers renewing their subscriptions J fitt 1JAII.Y PATKIOT Will be sent at the following rates: 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid............ 7 00 2 copies (In club), ' . ia oo B " '' ' " 27 00 10 " " " " so 00 1 copy during the session ot the legisla ture , i oo THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at tho following rates: 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid !2 00 4 copies, " ' ,r 6 00 10 ' ' " " io W) 15 " " . " 1 " and 1 copy to tetter-ud of club is nn 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and 1 uiy iu Kn iMr-up 01 . &u All orders must be acnomiiniiif'ri hv tim n.qh. either by cheek or post olllce order. 6 00 WORTH FOR $ CO. Any person remitting us 00 will receive one copy of the Weekly Patriot for one copy ot the American Agriculturist (the leading ag ricultural Journal In the United Hrates) for one year, both postage paid, and in addition a Micro scope, such as has herefore been sold for 12 f.D. THE PATRIOT HOOK OFFICE. ! Having executed the Hlate Printing and Blni Ing for three years, we are prepared to prim and bind Books, Magazines, Pamphlets, Directories, etc.. In best style and at lowest prices. Blank Hooks, such as Dockets, Daybooks. Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound. Kspi-clally low rates lor reblnding Sunday School Libraries. Address, TATRIOT PUBLISHING CO., llarrisburg. Pa. NEW GOODS AT THE Chettp Cash Store J A big lot Of HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER at 25 Cents per pound. City Calf Bklns, ; 1 00 per pound. Best Shoe Thread, 1 CO " " Men's Block Lasts, 60 cents per pair. Shoe Pegs, 6 cents pel quart Shoemakers' Ink, 25 cents per quart Choice Syrups, 48 to 75 cent s per gallon. Choice Coffee, 25 certs per pound. White Sugar, ' ' II cents per pound. Best Imperial Tea. 75 cents per pound. Borse Shoes, 36 per keg. Iron, Bteel, Springs, Rpokes, Felloes, Axles, Hubs, Poles and all kinds o5 Hardware low. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, &o.,at bottom prices. Lorlllnrd's and Wardles' Tobaccos and Segars AT CITY PRICES, a S. M. SHULER'S, CASH STORE, Liverpool, Perry County, Penna. VALUABLE STOKE Sl'AXI) At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale about ONE ACRE OK GROUND, having thereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN, WAHH HOUHE and STABLE, and a WELL of good water near the door. . There Is a large STORE ROOM in the building in which a store lias been kept for a number of years. The stand Is a veiy desirable one. There is also erected on the premises, another HOUHE AND STABLE, which will be sold sep arately or with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These proper, les are located In a good com munity, with Schools and Churches convenient Call ou or address 8. L. HOLI.ENBAUGH, Aug. 21, '77pd (Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. I AniCO can color their own Stockings for bnuiuo nlall one cel)t nr pair, any col. or or shade by the use of our "MAGIC TINTS." Can renew or change the color of their dresnes, restore to freshness and brilliancy faded silks. Merinos, Alpacoas. Neckties, Ribbons, &c, or Impart to them new and lovely slindes Little trouble and nominal cost Stick of any des'ieil color sent on receipt of iu ceuts. 3 dilterent colors 2;"o. Postage Stamps accepted. Send Stamp lr Circulars aud Samples. 5.. Jmw KEARNEY CHEMICAL WORKS. art Cortlaua St., N. York. P. O. Ho. 3IS9. rs IFF 1 T) Don't you want some cheap ,V N A K goods for Pants and Suits ? II Lilll. It you do, don't fail to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale bv F. MOUTIMKlt You can suit yourself liiKij ie'sud price. LANNELS A SDlemlid Assortment nf Plan ueis, just opened by t , MORTIMER. For a Oann of Ofttsrrh, That flANHIIUPS ItADI- t'AL CTH K tor Catarrh will not Instantly relieve and speedily cure. References, Henry Wells, Esq., Wells 1'argn Co., Aurora. N. Y.i Wm. Bweu.K'(., M'llalton Oratit ft Boweii. St. IaiuIs. Testimonials part treatise by mall. Price, with Improved Inhaler, tl. Sold every, where. WKHKH POTTER, Pro prietors, Boston, Mass. 4dU $50 ZKRTYLF SDK CARDS, 10c. of 25 New Year J Cards, 200. Samples 3o. J. Husted &Co., Nas sau, N. Y. 4ut AGENTS WANTED ! FOU PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York City I Chicago, III. New Orleans, La. i 2dlt or Sau Francisco, Cal. TRIFLING WITH A COLD 13 ALWAY8 DANGEROUS. TJSE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGTTS.snd all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS, CHEST and M UCOCS MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLT IN BLUE BOXES. Ot.I BT ALL CSUOOISTS. ' C. N. CRITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenne, New York. . 8d4t NEW OKQATTS. 10 Stops tl2S, 10. t9, 12. t85, 105. Pianos retail price finO only t5. Rend for confidential circulars. DANIEL F. BKATTY, Washington, N. J. 2d4t THE INDEPENDENT FOR 1878 will have to be a very good paper to satisfy the thousands ot readers who have become familiar with Its good qualities In the past. But we pro pose this year to excel the past. We shall continue to print articles from the best writers and thinkers In the country. The depart ments of Religious News, Literature, Sunday school, Fine Aarts. 8clence, Missions, School and College, Markets, Farm and Garden, Financial, and Insurance will, as heretofore, be contributed to by specialists In each branch. These depart ments are famous because they are able and trustworthy. COOK'S LECTURES. These famous lectures, delivered In Boston every Monday, by the Rev. Joseph Cook, will be published In full, together with the Introductory remarks. 8ERMON8 by eminent clergymen In all parts of the count) t wl II continue to be printed. PREMIUMS. We offer Bev. J Cook's valuable new volumes, entitled " Biology" and " Transcerxlentalism," embodying. In a revised and corrected form, the author s last winter's remarkable Monday Leo tures. They are published In handsome book form, with colored illustrations, by James K, Osgood Co., of Boston. We will mail a copy of either volume, postpaid, to every subscriber of The In dependent who remits us t3 for a year in advance, or any Subscriber may remit $5 50, and we will send liiin The Independent for two years, in ad vance, and both volumes, postpaid. WORCESTER'S UNABRIDGED PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. Bound in Sheep, 185t pages, over 1,000 Illustra tions, Issue of 1877. We have made a special cont ract with the great publishing house of J. II. Lippincott & Co., of which we are enabled to offer the most dcsiral le Premium ever given by us or any other newspaper In the country. We will send this Dictionary o any person who will send us the names of Three Mew Subscribers and 0; or who will, on renewing his own subscription, in advance, send us Two New Names addit ional and t!i 00 : or who will renew his own subscription for three years, In advance, and send us til oo. The regular price of the Dictionary alone at all the bookstores is tlO 00, while the lowest price of three subscriptions is to. Both the Dictionary and the three Subscriptions, under tills extraor dinary oiler, can, therefore, be had together lor only 1(1. The Dictionary will be delivered at our ollice, or In Philadelphia, free, or be sent by ex press or otherwise, as may be ordered, at the ex penseof the subscriber. The Subscriber under this oiler will not be en titled to any other Premium. Subscription Price 3 per annum In cludlng any one of the following Premiums: Any one volume of the Household Edition of Chas. Dickens' Works, hound in cloth, with 16 Illus trations each, bySol Eytinge. Moody and Saukey's Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs No. 2. Lincoln and His Cabinet; or, First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation. Fine Urge Steel Engravlnir. By Ritchie. Authors of the U.S. Fine large Steel Engrav ing. 41 Portraits. Size 2lx.!8S. By Ritchie. Chas. Sumner, Fine Steel Engraving. By Rltehie. Grant or Wilson. Fine Steel Engraving. By same. Ed. M. Stanton. Flue Steel Engraving. By same. The Inner Life nf A. Lincoln. By Frank Carpen ter. Bound in cloth. 3S0 pages. It gives a bet ter insight Into his "Inner life" than can be found elsewhere, and Is altogether one of the most fascinating.instructlve, and useful books of the kind ever published. Subscription Price $3 Per Annum in Advance tH-Spectmen copies sent free. Address, THE INDEPENDENT, P. O. Box 2787. New York City. RES PAS NOTICE. -The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, nsh, gather nuts, out timber. Sit., or otherwise tres pass on their lands in Jackson township. Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. K K. BALTOS8ER. PETER GUISHALL. September IS, 1877. pd KANSAS. Ail about Its ' Soil. Climate, Resources. Products, Laws, and its People are given in the KANSAS FARMER, a 10. page Weekly, in its loth year. Post paid. 8 months, 50 cents. Address J. K, HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high place among agricul tural Journals. N. Y. Tribune.. We have con sidered it among the best of our exchanges, aud a worthy representative of the West Practical Farmer, I'hila... Our Kansas friends should feel much pride in the high character and sterling worth In their State Capital agricultural paper National Livestock Journal... We cheerfully credit It with being one of the best edited of our Western agricultural exchanges. Spirit ot the Times, N. Y. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate ot Daniel Slmtto, late of Carroll township. Per ry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are reouestU to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present tlieiu duly authenticated fur settlement to GEO. W. SMILEY, December 18. 1877. Administrator. Ciias. H. Smiley, Attorney for Adm'r. OK FASHIONABLE CARDS no two alike, with ume. Inc. 20 Scroll, with name, lno post paid. Agents' outfit, KC GEO. I. REED & CO., Nasxait, N Y. 40uly ' U) A.D SEE ME. The Subscriber has opened a Store opposite the Railroad Depot, ut NEWPORT, where he l pie pared to supi ly OrSTEKS, GROCERIES, JV., At the lowest market price. A full stock oa hand. The putrvuage ot the public is solicited. 4ttt. WM. 1CKES. Newport. Pa. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear is complete, l0t Prices from 12; ceuts up. F. MORTIMER. New Bleomtleld. Pa. -OB PRINTING of every description neatly ! and promptly executed at Reasonable lutes at the Blooiuheia Times Steam Job OlUue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers