TUB T1MKS, NEW 11L0OMF1KL1), l'A., MAltCH 1877. ,7 REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapest and Best I THE HAniUSBUKO Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To 11 new nubwcrlN-r nd to all prwnt nubm'rtbwi renewing thoir iuLweriptiomi THE DAILY PATRIOT Will be wnt tt the following into i 1 o!y, 1 yr, iottiKv prupaiil Soopit. (In elnb), j; (" . io !".'".!!!. 'm. m loopydurlnirtheiiwwioiiof the IiKlMnre luu 1 om.y, l ycwr, mid 1 copy, 1 yr. f either Hab- PKA H MONTHLV or UaKI'ER'8 BAXAH, HMUUtt lid on both WW THE WEEKL Y PA TllIOT Will be Bent the fntlnwlnfr rut- ( il copy, 1 ', pontaKepmrnicl , 200 4 oorfc. " 10 " " " 10.00 IA " " M and 1 copy tORftter-npof clnb 15.W Mcoitim, 1 year ps-ntta prepaid, and 1 copy to Kvtter.np of club , M.-tiO 1 onVi one year, and one copy, one year, nf either Harpkb'a Monthly or HARPun' Ba Zab, poetatre pr-npnid on both $4.10 The aaoeuriptlon price of Harpcr'a Monthly and Harper's ttivr.ar in S4 00 each, thus securing a auberri bor a copy of the Wkfki.y I'atbiot for 60 rf-nt hi ad 'litlon to what he would have to iy for either of ilar per'n publication. All orders must he accompanied by the raah, eithot by check or iMt-othce ordr. Now is the time to eubscribe. Gt all tha newa and the beet rfttdiu matter at lens coat than anywhere eie .bv aendintr your atibinriptloua to the Daily and PATRIOT ftrBLTSrrWG CO.. I 3t HAKUIHHURU, PA. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE." AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OP Popular Literatttre and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The number for January beitfns the nineteenth vol nine of this Mairaftlne, and while it past record will, H lu h'iped, be deemed a sufficient KiiarautPC of future .iceJlence, no efl'orta will be apared to diversify its attractions and to provide an increased supply of Popular Heading tn the Rft firvl Most Emphatic tiene The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with leterature Entertain ment of a Kenned and Varied Character, as well aa to present In a graphic and striking munner the most re .cent information and son mi eat views ou subjects of Oencral Intcrent, in a word, to render Lippincott'a Mairazine ntrikinxly distinctive in Thorn feature that ar w Most Attractive in Mag azine Literature. In Addition to the General Attractions of l.ippin. cott'g Mtiwrazine the Publiwhera would invite attention to a new aerial atory, 'The Marqnls of Lossle," byOeorre McIMnald author of "Malcoln," Alice iVTTbes," "Robert Falconer, "etc. TEKMS. Yearly 8ubscrijtion( $4 ; Hinfrle number, '35 cents. NOTICE. The November and December Numbers, containing the earlier chapters of "The Manpiis if Ixwwe," will be presented foU new annual subHcribers for 1877. HPtXUMEN NUMBKK"malled poatiure paid, to any addreaa, on receipt of So cents. i. B. LIPPINCOTT CO., rnbllsher, 715 and 717 Afaritet St., Philadelphia. jgALL SCALES. LB. MARYANERTH, D. W. DERR and JAMES H. GKIER known as "The Ball Soale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buov's Patent COUNTER SCALE., the Simplest, Cheap est and best Connter Scaleln the market. For Scales, or Agencies tn Penusvlvanta, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Ball Scale Company," rottsville, Schuylklllcounty. Pa. . For Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the underfllKned, where they can be seen a ad exam i ned any time. J 1ETBY BRO.. Newport, Perry co.. Pa. FRANK MORTIMER. ttl New llloomtleld, Perryco.,Pa. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions ot yonth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ot manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF . CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Johkph T. Ixman, Station D, Biblt House, Aero York City . 16b ly Late Immene Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among tlie inot heroic figures of the Century, and thin book is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly illus trated and instructive volumes ever issued. Beiug the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for It, and wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof and terms address HUBBARD BROS.. Publishers, Sausora. Street, fkiladelphia. 50 GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Stehling Remedy You, Disease, and Iiwuiueb oh the Skis ; A Healthkcl Beautikieb of Tire Coiin.exio.s; A Uk liablb Means op Pi(F.VK.vm'; and He- l.tEVINQ ItllKUMATIBM AND GOUT, AND A. USBQUALED DlBlSFet'TAST, T'.( ilX.lll.KR AND CoCXTEB-lBKITAXT. Glenn' h Sulphur Soup, litsidi-a erndi cating local dUiuscs of the bkin, lianlslteii delecnof the complexion imd iuipnrts to it Cratifyinj; clenracu aud smoothnui-h. Sulphur Bath aro ctlflintKMl f..r ( u ring eruptioiiB auil oilier tliscnscs of the kkin, 4is well us Rlicumutlsni and Gout. Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the euiint eificts at u moBt triflim; expense. '1'liis a'lrriiinlt'.e gMx ilic also ejioedily lieuls turin, tiruitrr, icaUls, burnt, tpraiht trnd tvt. ' ll n ni'ivta dandruff and prevents iliu liuir from falling out and turuiup gray. Clotliing and linen tr-i'd in tlte nick room Vs idisinfiicted, and diitttM' Himiutii)i''u1iU' V y tfwatact with Uio pemou, pteventrd liy It. Tlio ModuIl Fraternity function lis use. Tbicf.b, 25 avi) 50 Cknta 1'Kii Cakk, Tjcu JJux,(3CAKK8,)0t:aml f I. N. 1). Buy Dm largt eaki snri tlHrhy eotMu'ini... Holtl by all irgtfli. intr na!r and Whltfkfr lj f Klatk ftlttinEnUPmf'r.aiillHSl. WEED CO g u to xn t5' CENTENNIAL," "GENERAL FAVORITE9 for Manufacturing. SUPERIOR TO ALL IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. "GOOD AGENTS WASTED." - SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICES. WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, i:Or Glientmit Ntrcot, TJTTTT AnW TlUTA T A 1171St X IlAJJikAyUiAJl. XXAX. X jCX. Newport AdTertlsements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market. Newport, Perry County, Pa. wk wmthl rftsneatfullv Invite the Datronnge of the farmers, and tha public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will allord. will be paid for all kinds ot GRAIN, FLOUR, V PRODUCE. ' SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, SALT. , , PLASTER, . CKMKNT, COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &C, Ac. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. . Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf N EWP0RT DRUG STORE. Having u hand complete awortment t,f the fol lowing artiolea, tha aubacrfber aeka a nhareof your patronage. IHttf and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. , Alae a full stock ol Concentrate! Eomsdies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brashes, Pcrfamerj' AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand,- PURE WINES & LIQUOR -tor' MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL ' PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carfali iin( Promptly Fillnl B. M. EBY, N ewport, Penn'a. j b7 h artzell" Wholesale Tobacco dealer, XEWPOJtT, IA. Sole Aprnt for Ijorllard's Suerior Tobaccos. M-Country Mnrchauts supplied with Ooods at Phildrinlplila price. Your orders are solicited. 9 41 w. K. iX)OK & CO., Aitree to aell all klnil of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take cood Timber ou the stump or dMllvMrt'd at our Mill in eitclimn!" fiw Luuitier, ., We use Clearlleld Pine and Hem lock only. W. II. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Vvrrj (.'., l't. October 10, 1876. IMPORTANT NOTICKTH'Tlie snlwcriber late of the ttrro of Rliuadxs Koilili, would ruttctfully inform the citiu-tts of BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opnil a WAIiON MAKER SHOP, aud is innpnieil tit make new waKous and repair old ones at kliort notice, und jt from TEN to TWENTY per cent, cheaper than the old tt rm. M-Uiveuieacall. Sallsfactlon auaranteed. JACOB Willi.. , Blalu, August 1, 157. ir; for Family Work. Americnii and Foreign Patouts. G1LMORR & C(.. Bucreasnra to CIIIPMAN. 110SMKR & CO., Stllttors. Patents pro cured inall countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCK. No chariie unless the patent l granted. No foes for ninkiiiK preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees lor obtaining and conducting a re hearing, lly a recent decision of tho Commis sioner, ALL refected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent office. Extensions before Con grcss, InfiliigpnieiipSults In different States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Uilmove & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Caies prosecuted before the U. S. Meneral Laud Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, 8o, any Kit) acre nieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and ran 1e located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at (1.25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to tillmore & Co., tor pamphlet of Instruction. ARKEARS OK PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their hnlrs. are in mauy cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to OILMORE & CO., and a lull re ply, after examination, wllfbe given you free. PBNSIOSS. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and BAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured in the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing UILMORK&CO. Cases prosecuted by OILMORE CO ; before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conducted In a separate bureau, under charge ot the same experienced parties, einbloyed by t lie old llrni. Prompt attention to alt business entrusted to (ill.MOHK&l'(.,is thusseoiued. We desire to win success by deserving it. Address: . UILMORK&OO.. eft) F. Street, Washington. It. C. M ANHOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED' Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of Bhkhmatohhikka or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal lAisses. Imuoten. cy. Mental aud Physical Incapacity. Impediments to marriage, etc, ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy ana nis, iiiuuceu uyveu-inuuigence or sexual ex travagance, &c. - Price, In a sealed envelope, only, six cents. The celebrated author. In this ndmirable Essav. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequeuces of selfabuse may tie radically CHred without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife: iMiintine out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which evury suuorar, no iiiaiicr wuat nis conni tlon may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent under seal. In a nlain anvelnhe. tn anv nd. dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamp. ' ' . t ' Address the publishers. . t xluply 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Olllce Box,4.ri8o. "HE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS - POST AO E . rUKPAlUXUMAILSUiiSCRIUlUtS. 1 PETERSON'8 MAGAZINE has the best Orlal nal Stoiles of anv of the la.lv's honkx. tlm lit Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, the best nmei r.ugravings, c., . livery lanuiy ought to have It. It gives more for the money thau any In the world. It will contain, next year, in its twelve nunioers One I7iOHnnI Paaei thirteen Splendid Steel juivnrwtve voumi jierun J'uttems Tirvlfe Mammoth fJMured Puithiim Xine llvndred Wood Ciito jWn- : ty-Four Jape of Mueic .' It will also give Five Original Convrlirht Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, Frank Ie Bene dict, Mm. Frances Hotlgaon Burnett, Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best Kuutnrs ui America. ib niipcru Uamnioth Colored Fashion flutes are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved ou steel, iwice uie usual size. TERMS (Always in Advance) $2 A TEAR. Two Copies for iii0 8 Copies for (4.80, with a copy of the premium picture (27x20) "Cornwallls' Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for fci.so 5 Copies for (8.00, with an exira copy of the Alnga.lne for 1877. as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. six Copies for tf .00 7 Copies for tl 1.009 Copies for (I3.no. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine tor 1877. aud the premium picture, a Five Dollar uugiavlug. to the persuu getting up the Club. Addres", piKt-paid, 1 CHARLES J. PETERSON. Sod Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Siieclmens sunt gratis, if written for. 44 I MPORTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The undnrslKned. deslringto return tothecltv. oilers fur sale, Hie uoou will to a good marketing route In Perry Co., with two iioubk tkam ad llxtures all nomplcU), with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This is an old established route and a rare chance. For particulars, call on or address, J. M. I.KSNKr, Mechanicsbiirg. :il :tm. Cumberland Co.. P. " " VTCK?B ' ; Illust rated Frlt:etl Catalnfrue ' Fifty pages :) UlustratlonB.with Descriptions of the thousands o( the bust Flowers and Veg etables n the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp,, Printed lu UKi nian d English. .-..- ' Viek's Floral Guide. (Quarterly, Woeute a yeur. Vlck's Flower and Vegelable Garden, UI cents In paper: lu elegant doth covers. (1.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N, Y. AVCTIONEERS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Otters his services to the eltlrens of Perrv and Ciintlierland counties. Post oPIce address, Shermansdale, l"erryco.. Pa. w. D. HENRY, AtnrtnKKKn. Blaln, Perry county Pa. a-TriM . Mnjlapala nA ..... ....Im. Mia.l. to render satisfaction. etl Auctioneer. Tbe underslsned elvei notice that he will ervsales at anv onlnt In Terr or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentlon willbe given. It. Ui WMrlA New Buffalo, Perry co..Pa. D AVID M'COY, Anciioiipcr H. (Miarrns verv low. Post ORice address Ickeshurg Penn'a- s t B. HARNISH, Delvllle, PerrV Co.. Pa. Charges modttrate. and satisfaction guaranteed. 5t( N EW SHOE SHOP I The undersigned respectfully Informs the citi zens ot llloomtleld and vicinity, that, they have opened a shoe-shop In the room of F B. Clouser, recently occupied as a Law-otltce. b'y Calvin Null sou, Esq., where they will do work at panic prlc. es, (repairing made a specialty at prices to suit tlie times) Irani lu to 20 per ceiit.saved by patroH Umgntir shop. Our motto Is "quick sales and short, protlls). Terms cash, or oountry produce. out positively no creitit. LEVI II. SWARTZ ft CO., ' ; ew Uloomtleld, Pa. .Iknuarylg, 187B tf For Sale by F. Moiitimeh. New Bloomlleld, Perry county. Pa. , VEltY LADY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF OUR IMPROVED . PLAITERS, adapted to all kinds or goods, nndtnall the dlf lerent aud fashhinable styles of Plaiting. Simple and easily mauaged, It Is Just the article every lady needs.' Sent In mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. (2.00. , Send lor Circular. Address N. Y. TREADLE M'F'O CO., 04 Cbi-Uunrtt Street Xeie York. JHE PERRY HOUSE, : New lilooin Held, Perry Co., Pa., . TH08. SUTCHi Proprietor. pENTENNIAL HOTEL, v J (Formerly (he Swegcr IToUse,) ' ' " MAIN STREET, ' ' NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. JOS. S. SMITH, ' oPf'101"' Having good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share of publie patronage is sonciteu. hi is JHE MANSION HOUSE, Hew Bloomfleld, Penn'n., p. M. RINESMITH, . .. ProprWtor. This well-known hntto kas Igtely beenenlarged, re-palnted and re-tltted. Best accommodations afforded. Careful hostlers always in attend auce. 033 tf DTOIIM ' STAND ANII FA KM FOIi tT H A I.K. A P rat-rate Farm in .Ion ata co. Pa., also a Store Stand and Stock of Goons. For further particulars address SAMUEL BUCK Port Rot al. Juniata cn.. Pa. tt.W FAIRBANKS! The Standard of "(Vie World Over 300 Modifications. TO TBE REQUIREMENTS OF EVERY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS & EWINS. 715 CHESTNUT St. PHILADELPHIA. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform myfrlendsthat lin tend calling upon them with a suppl) ol good ofiny , . . ' i . 9WN MANUFACTURE. Consist lug of 0A88IMERS. -OA83INETS, FLANNEL8. (Plain and bar'd) CAlll'ETS, Aco., toMxchangefor woo otseilfor cash. 1 . J.M. B1XLER C'KNTHC WOOI.KM Factokv . 4,17,4m pEABODY "HOUSE, CORN KR or LOCUST ASt NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA.: Convenient to all places of amusement nod csr lines in the city. Nu change to and from the leinenniHi grounns. . , Col. WniHoii. nrourietor nf the TlgNRT Hot sk Cincinnati for the oust twenty vears. and present proprietor, has leased the house lor a term i ( yciirs, ami has newly fui'iiK-eu linn nt'eti ir lliroughiiut. Ho will keep a NtHi'tlv (list elan house, and h;is accoiumudation loraoo guests. Terms H per dav. -- No Bar has ever been kept In tlie H END V HoiKt, vor will any pe kept Ml the bom. nY. 10"" jKJy'ri)teriit H tW " llrnffl nv V IkJtl 1 ,sti's wii l.ivi I! tn. i .irro. IfUfll Ml (IWII J T K l U 1 K. a can Inrl nitrap-Wil -li"s, rB(ln. groarhiiii 4- sil Ncrtlsloss IljI "JfV "" lksirlna'rhlfrHisa'rJT ' WlX ' nnt ..it it lil). n mlpt y?wT WsfMJtlUIfcM.toSMrj Won the Kettle. An EngllBli bishop lately toltl this good Btory at his own expense. He was 111 the linlilt of traveling incognito about his parish, after the fashion of the good Haroun Alrasnhld, and in one of his walks came upon It group of men who were wrangling over some matter. . 11 Well, iny good men," wild IiIh lord- tthlp, "What are you doing V" The reponse of one of tho men was not calculated to please and encourage the amiable prelate. "Wo been a loyin'," he said. "Lying!" wild the horrified bishop. "What do you mean V" " Why, yer fee," was the explanation, "One of us fun' u kettle, and we been a-tryln' who can tell the biggest Ho to have It." " Shocking 1" said the bishop; and straight way improving the occasion. he turned to Impress upon the sinners the enormity of lying. ' He Informed them that he had been taught that one of the greatest sins was to lie, and in fact, so strongly had this been urged upon him that never In the whole course of his life had he told a lie. No sooner had the excellent bishop made this announcement than there wan a gleeful shout: "Gle th' governor th' kittle! Gle th' governor th' kittle 1" gilT One of the teachers In a Methodist Sunday school was "stumped" badly Sunday afternoon, during the service ' of the hour. , He was teaching the in-. fant class, and, after explaining the lesson as well as he knew how, he threw open the question box, figuratively speaking, aud told the children they might ask hint any questions that sug gested themselves. He was gratified by a seven-year-old girl, who immediately piped out : " Who's elected V" He could not tell. ...... 53 A German looked up at the t-ky, and remarked : " I guess a leedlo dot it will rain some dime 'pody queek, don't It." " Yees do, eh V" responded an Irish man.' " What business have ye to purtlnd to know anything about Ameri can weather, ye Ignorant furrlner OT Two acquaintances meeting on a wet day one greeted the other with, " Beautiful rain, this I Fetching things out of the ground." . Second friend (disconsolately) "Hope not, sir hope not ! Got two wives' there, sir!" ..- (3 Are you a christian V"' asked one of Mr. Moody's assistants at au inquiry meeting, of a hard-looking customer who had taken a front seat. ." No," he answered, sadly. "I'm a printer." It was a hopeless case. .., 1ST Are these gratuitlous V" asked au old gentleman of a druggist's assistant, taking a patent medicine almunnc from a pile on the counter. "No, them's almanacs," answered the matter-of-fact assistant. . - tjy " Married couples resemble a pair of shears," says Sydney Smith, "so Joined that they cannot be separated. v often moving In opposite directions, yet always punishing any one 'who comes between them." , O" Some one said to a purveueu whose brather had remained In poverty : " You are, I believe, the brother of ,M. Durand!"', " No, sir ; I am not his brother he 1 mine." 3T A sign in a neighboring city reads : " Hick re nuts fur sail." An intelligent old fellow says he don't see any Joke , about It, except that the fellow has spelled " nuts" with one t. What is pleusanter these nice, bracing roomings than getting up and taking a walk of four or five miles be fore breakfast? Nothing, certainly; unless it is lying in bed and thinking alxutit. , CQirJosh Billings remarks: ."The muwl Is a larger burd than the gtise or the turkey. It has two legs to wulli with, and two more to kick u Uli, aud it wears its wings ou the side of its head.' ------v C3T A little girl hearing the remark that all people had once been children, artlessly inquired : "Who took care of all the children ?" tW "When I die," said a married man, "I want to go where there' is no snow to above!." His wife auid aha presumed Iks would. ... . -T "Girls, don't be afraid to work. Ruth gleaned in the harveat-lield and got Just as jiK)il h QiHlii any girl ill Uo egU-boilioou.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers