THE TIMKS NEW BLOOM FI ELI), PA., MAKCH 271877. (bc loomfitlb (itfs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We lnlt nnminmilosllons from ll persons wlwsre .ntriM,tiltn nmtlnrt proixirly hwUiniflwc w tht u. psrtmpnt. for Tu Tuutw. Buckwheat Short cake. Takv tint or four tPtt-tmv f "our milk, one tetoon of saleratuttdliwolved in tin) milk, (If the milk Is verygsotir, wore Hal.TfUus Is mjuircHl, togrtlM-r with a little Halt:) nilxup a tloogli with buckwliit fl(Hir,thl!kci ttuinyou would mix tncrame forsrlddle-onkcs, iut into a buttered dish mid put directly Into the stove oven and Imke thirty minute. It takes the place of griddle and short cake, nice with meat butter honey molasses 4fec. No shortening is used, and no need of setting your batter over night. Wet the top a little and warm It up next tneal if any is loft, It is Juft as good as when tirst made while irrill cakes have to bo thrown away. It Is also very good cold. Was the leauty of this cake known to the, majority of persons throughout the country gener ally, buckwheat would become as staple an article of commerce as the common wheat. t)o not fail to give it a trial. Home persons in trying it, have not had good luck the tint time; they have failed from the milk being too sour for the amount of saleratus used or from making the dough too thin. I think I can say we have made it hundreds of times with success as I could eat it while dyspeptic when I could eat no other wwm bread. (. Cement for Cracked Hoofs., Mr. IMay has discovered 11 preparation by meaiH-of which sand cracks or frac tures in hoof or 'horn may le durably cemented p. 10.ven pieces of iron can be securely joined together by its means. The only precaution necessary for its successful application is the careful removal of all grease by spirits of sal ammonia, dulpblde of carbon, or ether. Mr. Defay makes no secret of its com position, wtooh is as follows : Take one part of coarsely powdered gum aramouia cum and tm parts gutta percha,in pieces the size of a hazel nut. Put them in a tin lined vessel over a slow lire. Uefore the thick, resinouf mass gets cold, mold it into stick like sealing wax. The cement willfceep for years, and when required for two it is only necessary to eut oft' a sufficient quantity and if melt it immediately before application. A Hint. Never let children go to bed with cold feet. Indeed they never should be allow ed to sit in the house with wet or eold feet. Many a child lias died of croup w hose Ufe might bight laave been preserved by a little attention ito his feet. If a child has been out and comes in with wet or cold feet, takeoff this shoes and stock ings, and toast U feet, by the stove. 5rown up people auay promote their own health and ootvafort by drying and warming their feet; but whether they attend to their own r not, it is their duty to attend to their.children's feet. Cure for Choking Cattle. Should cattle be at tuny time i n danger it' choking by reason at any foreign substances in the throat, take of fine Viewing tobacco enough to make a bull s large as a hen's egg, dampen it with iMO'lasses so that it eaa .be .compressed ints a ball and will adhere .closely ; ele vate the animal's head, pull out tlje totigueand crowd the haM as far down the tiiituatas possible. In fifteen minutes it wiill . cause sickness &ud vomiting, relaxing the muscles, so ilt the ob stacle will bo thrown out. tST Portland China hogstwe jnonouue d, In the Praclicpl Farmer as perfect models all over, and the faraver's hog par cmettence. The following is the ascertained gain in weight of. three popular breeds of swine takitag them of the same age and condition for feeding, and feeding to each breed tit iuue amount of feed and slope: Gain on Berkshire, J00 pounds; on-!hcster Whites; 110 pwiuds; on Poland CMuum, 1.10 pounds. Black Teeth In Pigs. Being the cause of sickness or dicue, though a very common belief among farmers, is pronounced a most thorough humbug by Dr. Johnson, a distinguished and educated veterinarian. It is a bar barous practice, a relie of old time ignor ance and suiierstltion to knock them out as a means of cure la sick swine. Almond Sponge CJte. Pound half a ixuitid of sweet iilwoud mid one ounoe of bitter bltiut-h; bent half a pound of sugar with the yolk of tevcii eggs and two ounces rf flour: leat th whites of Ave eggs to a atitf froth, and add the lust thing Wfore bk- MIE SUN. is-; NEW VOItK. 1K77. The dllffienl editions iif Tub Him durlwr the lieu yem- will bn the same aidmlng Ihn jut tint hits Just passed. The dully edition will on wk d.iys be asheel of four puies, and on Huudii) a sheet of elulit paves, or fx) In unci column i while the weekly edition will lie a sheet of elht mines of the smue dimension nud character Unit are already familiar to our friends. , k Tim Sun will continue to be the strenuous' ad vneale of reform and retrenchment, aud of the substitution of stntesoinnHhlp. wisdom and In tegrity lor hollow pretence, Imbecility, and rniud In ilie admli. 'stratum of publle affair. It will contend for the Kovornment of the people by the people aud lor the people, a opposed lo gorem nientln the ballot box and In the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. H will en deayor to supply its rcalers a body now not f sr from a million of souls with the most, oareful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numer ous and carefully selected staff of reporters and correspondents. Its reports from Washington, especlall, will be full, accurate and fearless i and It will doubtless continue to deserve the hatred of those who thrive by plunder-lux the Treasury or by usurping what tne law does not give thein, while It. will endeavor to nwirlt the confidence of the nubile, by defending the rights of the people agalust the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of the dallv Mr will be fij cents a month or pM a year, pest paid, or wh the Sun. day edition I7.JH a vear. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, 11 .20 a year. The WEKKi.TSim, eight pages of oft broad col umns, w ill be furnished during 1877 at the rate of $1 a year, post paid. The beneft of tin large reduction from the previous rate for Thk Wnitki.T can be enjoyed bv Individual subscribers without, the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time. If any of our fi teuilKchoose to aid in extending circulation we shall be grateful to them, aud every such per son who sends ten or mora subscribers from one Jilace will be entitled to one eopv of the pape.i oi -himself without charge. Atone dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper atid priming are hardly repaid ; and, couslderi-ug the sue of the sheet and the quality of Its contents, we are couttdeut the people will consider Thk Webk it M n the cheapest newspaper published In the world, and we trust also one ol the erv best, fiiwt Address, THK SUN". New York Ulty, N. V. Imiiroved C1IOUMBKR WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, Kl Ueieut aud Cheap. The best Hump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to Hlatchley'a Patent Imprortd llracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Joimls. Also, the Hopper Chamber, which never oracksor scales, aud will outlast any ot her. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send forCatalogue and Prlce-Ust. CM AS. i BI.ATCHl.EY, Manufanturer. :;7ly ConiHierce ht., I'nllapelphia, Pa. BOOTS Do ion want BOOTS of any kind? If so, oall and see the NOWT OPfRRRII T V . M t It T I M K l . New Pension Law. UNDKK an act nt Concress approved March S, 1873, widows ol 'officers who were killed, or died of disease eont.racled in the service, are now entitled to t2.fai per month for each of their chil dmt. Theguardiauof u minor child ol a soldier who heretofore only received per mouth pensinu is now entitled to fib. per moth. .soldiers w ho receive Invalid pensions can now have their pensions increased lo anv sum or rate between t. and SIH. per inoiilh. Soldiers who have lost their dischacces call now obtain duplicates. Fathers aud mothers who lost sons in the serv ice upon w hom ,oey were dependent loi support, can alsooblalu iensions. The undersigned having bad over 10 years ex perience in I In-Claim agency business will at tend promptly ' claims under the above act, 'all on or address LEWIS POTTKlt. Attorney for Claimants, New Btoomneld, 2lf. Perry Co., Pa Hy Express and Freight Line 15 K'l'W KKN PLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! fpUKsubscrlbei wishes to notify thecitlzessof JL BloomOeld and Newport that he is running a Dally Line between these two placesmid will haul Freight of any kind, er promptly dellvei packages or tnossapesentrusted lo hlseare. .Orders msv belelt for him at thestores of Y. Mortimer Co., New Bloomtield.or MIIllganA Musser. hewnoit i"a. .?. H. WHITMOHK. , BliM)mlleld..laHiiaryJS.l70. -yy M.1.IAM m. wiiTcn, .IiiNli-e of I he IVace, AND OltVF.KAl. C01.1.rCCTOK, New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Pena'a WSpecialatteiition paid lo Collections of all Kinds. Deeds. llnuds.Mnrtt.'igesand Agreements neatly executed. , 7 liitf Xotlee to Trespassers.. NOTICR is hereby given to all person not to . . . espass od niy grounds bv picking berries, lishln, hunting, or etherwlsetrespaHsinii, as they will bedealt with according to law. W. 11 HERMAN. Mreenwood twp., Aug. 10. J7- tf T'.V;J?! NOTWE. All persons are . ... . to ,rePl!, " my land in 8aville townshvD (nr any m pnee whatever, and a reward of (i will te paid for teatimonv that will convict any peraim of such trespass. Mav(..lK7-tf ASVHKWWY. STEWART'S AOIUSTABLE TREADLE FOR f PKKATIJJG SEWING MACHINES . WITHOUT FAT H. UK OR INJURY. The most comalele method of protwlliiic the sewmg jiiachlhe. It naves I'our-tlfths Ilie labor and entirely avoids Hie cause of physical inlurv i en dursed by the medical fraternity. It ran be t taclted U any ordinary sewing 'machine without removing the machine from the houne Vo sew. iug machine h1huW be used williout this im lKirtaut altachment. Bond for our circulars which mpiatiiN tlie phndnles. Address kew yoKK tki:ale mfo. Vro!; l.vr. (4 Onrtlundt street, X. r. NH K. J lie unUvrsigned hereby glws nn tice to alt ieims in.leln-ed to him. thattheir accounts must lie settled oh or before tlie tlrst of ilarch. AHerthal uofurllicr liidulircnee will be granted. HKIKTiAN bTOtFKElt. Shei mausdale, Jun. 9, 1S77. pd Fl.ANNKl.H A Hplendid'aasoitment of Klan ueU. just opened by y. MORTlMJilt TADIE8 AND CHILDP.EN will sd a J splendid assortment of iboee gt lha uuo one prlca ktore of F. Mortimer. 4 pi v Philadelphia Adrertlficniontn. JANNEY & ANDREWS 1 WHOLESALE . GROCERS, No. 12.1 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGnT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, ' Noil b Kast Corner of 2nd and Arc It street, Philadelphia Venire. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOI.ksAI.K DKAI.HK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, Sl NOUTH W'HAHVKS, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Sueeesnor to HOAB Mi CONK KY ft CO., W HOI. ). BOOT AND SHOE VVAUEHOUSK, Hl M ARK KT 8T1IEET. rhiladelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM.GLEIM&CO., Wholesal DbaLbhs in TOliACOO, CIGAltS'&c NO. 4. NOHTH KIKTH HTKKKT, PHILADKLPHIA In. QRAYBILL &. CO., - Whileital! Dealer"! ii Oil ClothB, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, "Carpet Chahi, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a nue assort meet of WOOD mid WILLOW WAllH, No. 120 Market street, above lh. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. SOLK AND N LY MANUI ACTriiKKS OF THK ' IMPEEIAL PURE SWISS GREEN. AW, Pure White leal and Colcr MAFUFAVrCRERS, ion. Hi and 14S North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On Higb STitseT. East or Carlis i ht., Xcw BlaomfielJ, Penn'a. THK subscriber hm tullt lare and cooirno. dloiiH Shop on Hih Ht., liatt of Oarlinle Ktreet New Klooimleld. fn where he Is prepared to man ufactureto order . of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built toorder, aud finished iu the mot artlstlcaod durable manner. Having superior workmen, he n prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the bestClty Work, aud iniieh mora durable, aud t much more reasonable rates. -KEPAIKIN6of allkindsneatlyandpromp tydone A call Is solicited. 8AMUEL 8MITH Itf TOU PKINTIVO of every deserlptlon neatly ejuvuted on short nottoe aud a t re asouiibl rahwiaf this olllce. Phllftdolphia AdrertiRemcnts. J), D. ELDER Sl CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and SluUoners, ' ' And Dealers in WINDOW CUKTA1NM TAtL rAI'Klt, T.TV, i ' , So. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGiER & SWEARINGEN Successors to SHAFKNF.K, Z1EOLER & CO., Importer and Dealers la Honlery, C31otcm, ItlhbonN, Suspender),, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36. North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agentfor Lancanlcr Comb. gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BE.AXK BOOKM ' Always oa band, and made to Order. No. mo Market and 523 Minor Htreeta PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, aid Brooks' Arithmetic. Also, Robert's Hlstoryol the United Htates.Felton'sOutllne gARCROFT & CO., Imporliifi and Jobber or Staplo and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side.) PHILADELPHIA. EW. T. M0UL, REPKESENTINO I Weimer, Wright & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boot3 & Shops No. 302 Market Street, 1IIIH,AI)IIL.I?IIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Impobtess asd Jobbers of I Oliixia, Glass AND QUEENSWA11E, 923 Market Street, . IIIIIA.II3LI?IIIA. w. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, MUTTON & Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, : '.It No. MARKET 8TREET. rBILADXLPBJA. T10 Philadelphia Advertisements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON : VHOJLBSALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 6to Market Btreet. Philadelphia, Fcnn'a. JT. ELMO HOTEL, FORM Kit JVY "THE BNION,") J08. M. FEWER, Proprietor 317 & 819 ARCH BTREKT, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 2.60 Per Day, HIS HOTEL being centrally loegted. and har X lug been entirely hp.fittfd, It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired INDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE ANI REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any othjer Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL I Everybody who sees them are delighted. ' gJJ' The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nor. 41, 43, 43 A 44 West St., SEff, VOItK, TEMPERANCE HOtJBK, bN THE EURfi : PEAK PLAN. ROOMS 5ft and 75 cents per day. Charges yery MODEBATK. The best, meats and vegetables In the market. BEST BKD8 In the City. ;171yH , . B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Frofessronal Cards. JE. JUNJ1N. Attonney-at-Law, New Bloomneld, Perry co., ra. - OIHce Next door to the resident's of J ud s Juuklu. 40t f .i i. i i , A M. HARK EL,, . New UloomUeld, Perry county, Pa. L- Office directly opposite the Post-Office, and adjoining the Mansion House. J-EWIS POXTKB, '. ATTORNEY AX 1.AAV, . NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. , Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. . . , , , m y JAMES H. FEKUIjBON, Attorney at-taw, ., NEWPORT, PA. a-Offlce Market Street, near the Square. 8S 6 fTHABXKS H. 8MILEF, Attorney at Taw. J New Bloomfleld, Perry Co. P. ' Office with O. A. Barnett, io.., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyfe- August 20, 1872. J BAIXY, Attorney at Law, - . New Bloomfleld, PerryCo., Pa r Office opposite the Mansion House and next door to the Post-ORIce. . i , Refers to B. Mclntire, Esq. , JuDe27,187). w M. A. SPON8LER, Attorney-at-Law, j i mace aajoining nts residence, on Kast Main street. New Btooiafleld, Perry co., Pa.--3 3 ly JOHN G.&HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perry ee. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical lwntlstr, done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. .Office at his residence one door Kast of the Robluson House, and opposite Wra. A. Uponsler'a Lawotnce. 8 Sly TtTM. m. BEIBF.RT, Attorney-at-Uw, TV New Bloumlleld, Perry CO., P. Bloomfleld, 3 S3 ly. TTM. M. BV TCm. "" W ATTORN Elf-AT-LAW, New Bloomllelil, Perry co.. Pa. -OnTce Two doors West of P. Mortimer Store 87 ly , T KWI8 POTTER, ROTARY pcbuc. New Bloom. XJ Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgagas and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be retd In auy court in the United States. ,. TlOly iO(HAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attomey-at-Law, J New Bloomfleld, Perry oo., Pa. MW All professional business promptly andfait h -fullyattendedto.-821v. - TTM. A. MORHISON, Y JUSTICE OK THE PEACE and GENERA 1, COLLECTOR, NbwGkkmamtowh, Perry co.. Pa. MMteniittanceswUlbe made promptly ferall Collections made. T 14 CIIAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law- ' New Blointleld.Perryco.,Pa. .Office on hltrh street, North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 Sly RICHARD L. lAGEE, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, Oftlce at his residence, iu CKNTH K TOWN SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a., one mile South of Now Bloomlleld. , 103
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers