THE .TIMES,. NEW .DL00MF1EL1), PA., MARCH IB. 1877. REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapest and Best I THE HAltKIHMJHO Dailv and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. Ttt H now milwaribpr and to all pnntMit nlwrrrtwri ' riiuwlutliflr milmrrttloi)N THE DAILY PATH 10 T Will be sent at tils follonitm- rstrs I I copy. 1 year, posMyrv prei'ttiii.... aouplc, uu ciui)), BT.oti I1.UI a;. mi HI ll I copy durbar the session nf the Iiimlutiire sou I winy, 1 ymr, mid 1 copy, I cr. "I cither II as mhi'm Monthly or lUnet'.H's IUzik, eoetiifc paid ou both $VJ5 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT ' Will hp oent at the fullnwlnjr rntra : J copy, 1 yenr, HritaPre,l,iitt fri OO iiii's ,;' tU " " " lo w 15 " iind 1 ropy tn ttfr -tip of Huh ; lR.mi 26 flnplM, I yvar jtiwtimr prepaid, una I copy to wetter. up of club 92.00 1 copy, out yar, and one copy, oun year, uf liiMltT HAKfrB'H MONTHLY OT HAHPKU'H liA- ?:ar, oohuko pr-cpaUl (month , $4.5(1 Tlio miiwrription prioo of littrpt'r'H MonHily iiml HuriMT'H Bazar in tft 4.IH) each, thiiH RcrnrliiK a rtiihurri- copy of the Wkkkly Fatkiot for Bn cent h in ml- .lit ton to what Iih would havu to pay for cither of llar- pi'rV publinittoiiH, All order iniiat hfl uoconipftuted by the cunh, either ly check or poHt-otVine nnlcr. Now tn the thnptoanhHcnlw. CM all the new and Mil brut reading mattt-r at Icmm cont than auywhero i-Nt? )iv 'iidlinr your anbn.irlptlona to the I)aily uud wkkklv TAthiot. AddiTHf. 1 PATRIOT PUBLTSTfTNO CO.. i at ijAUKtHinmn, pa. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OK Popular ' Literature and Science.. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The number for .! annary heulna the lilnett'enth vol itincof thin Mninizimi, ami while itn pat record will. It m hoped, be deemed u xtitlteient KUaruutce of future 'xcellence, no rfl'ort will be Hpiired to divi-rsify its . attractiona and to provide an illumined supply of . Popular Reading in the Rent and Mot Emphatic ThPRreat object and foiittant aim of the conductor will be to furuiHh the public with LeterjUtire Kntcrlulii ment of a Hettned and Varied Character, aa well an to present In a Ki-ahie and KtHktiur manner tlie niont re- ent iufornmtiou and Homideat viewM m aubJectH of Oeueral Interift, in a word, to render Lipptncott'a MuRazineatrikiiiKly dintiuctive Id Those Mature that are Most Attractive In Mag azine Literature, In addition to the (Jeiieral Attraction! of Llppln cott'a Matraxinethe Publisher would invite attention t o a new aerial atury , 'The Marquis or Lossie," by Oeonrn McDonald author of "Mnleoln," "Alice Korbea," ''Roliert Falconer, "etc. TKHMS.-Vearly Hubscription, $4 ; Kindle number, :. cent a. NOT I CV.. The November and Iecemler Nnmherw. contaiulnir the earlier chaptera nf The Mttripiia nf ,Tt,otie," will be prmuuted to.all ne' nnnual Hutmcribera : lor 1K77. HPKlIMRN NUMBKR niafled iwataKe paid, to any address, ou receipt of St) centa. J.F. I). LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publlslicr, 715 and 717 3Tarl-H HI., rhttaMphia. gALL SCALES. Ii B. MAUYANKKTH. 1. W. DKIiH anil . JAMBS 11. GHIKit known as " The Ball Scale Company," . have now on hand a large supply of Ruoy's Patent (JOUNTElt SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Counter Scale In the market. S- For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Bull Scale Company," l'ottsvllle, Schnylklllcminty. Pa. fu KorScalesor Aseneles In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and exaittlned any time. J LEIBY A BRO., Newport. Perry co.. Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, " W f New Bloomfleld, Perryco.,ra. FOR FLORIDA. FOR THROUGH TICKETSto FERNAND1NA, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Sanford, Enter prise, and intermediate landings on St. John's River and interior points in FLORIDA. Iiv steam boat to SAVANNAH, mid thence Iiv railroad or steamboitt, apply to WM, L. .FAMES, (ieneral Agent, Philadelphia anil Southern Malt S. Co., 416 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. 49c3m A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, lots of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OK CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Jospi'H T. Inman, .station D, Bible Jfoutc, 2vk York City . 16b ly SULPHUR SOAP, A Sterling Remedy Fou Dimsaseh and Injuries ok tub Skin -r A IIeai.tiifcii Beautifiku ok tins Complexion; A Ite i.iAut.K Means of PiiEVKNTixtv and Kb mkvino Rheumatism and Gout, and an Uneq.uai.kd Disineko-ant, I)koi)uhizi;k AND CoUSTKR-IltUITA.ST. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating looa! disiasos of the skin, banislus delects of the complexion, and imparts to it t'ratifyinj; cU-ariiesi and smootlme.-s. Sulphur Hath aro celebrated frir cu rliiR eruptions imd otber diseases of Hie skin, ns well us Uhi'iimatl-m and Gout. Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the same etfectH at a most trilling expense. This nilmiralitu specific also Bpoedily lieids urn, bniuwtt, KaUls, hum, sjirain find cifn. .' It removes dandruff n1 prevents the buir from fulling out and turning gray. Clotbinif and linen used in the sink room, 1s disinfected, ad diseases eommunn anlu by . tontact itU tko iicrson, prevented by it. ( Tlie Mediccd Fraternity sanction lis use. i J'nicits, 25 and 50 Cents per Cake, Pkii Jlox,(!l Cauks.) 00c and $1.20. . N. B. Buy theUrge otH sort therxhy ccoDomiar. Po'.il . by all liruggl.u. Hlll'ii Hair and Whisker Dye," Black r Bi-own, Mc .... .. ' C. I mmW, rrop'r, 7 Sixth At. J.T.- GLENN'S WEED " CENTENNIAL," "GENERAL FAVORITE" for JJanufacturhif SUPERIOR TO AM. IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. "GOOD AGENTS WASTED." SEND FOU VIEW LA US A AD Pit IVES. WEED SEWING MACHINE CO Si PAN Y, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite tlie patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will allord, will be paid for all kinds of CHAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. ; ' SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIE8 We have constantly on hand, FISH, HALT. PLASTER, CEMENT, COAj.. IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &c., fto. FOK BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. . Orders promptly filled, Newport, July W, 1875 tf JyJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. HviOK on him! a enmptate assortment of the fol lowing articles, t&e subscriber asks share of your patronage. Drnff and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Alsa a full stock of . Concentrated ftomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, Perfumery IlAIIt OHi, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Uiircfulli and 'rompily FUbul B . M . ED Y, Newport, Penn'a. j"b.hartzell, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Sole Agent tor Ttrllard's Superior Tobaccos. Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Phllnilelphia oriee. 44" Your orders are solicited. II 44 w. It. S..(XK)K & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber ou tlie stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, tc, We use Clf artleld Pine and Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. IMPOUTAVT XOT1CK The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades Smith; would respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at (mm TEN to TWENTY percent, cheaper than the old tl nil. -ilve me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB b.MITU. Blaln, August S, 1867. .bitei 1 CO 65 O W a r for Earn ill Work. American mid lorciD Patenis. (1 II, MORE & m. Huccessors to CHIPMAN, T HtlSMUR ft CO., Solicitors. Patents tiro cured mull countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCE. No charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees fur milking preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for oblaliilnc mid conducting a re hem litg. By a recent decision ot the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may lie revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent olbce. Extensions befoi k Coir giess, liifriiigeinenl Hulls in dllturent Suites mid all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. KenilWiiiiii to tillniore It Co., for pamph let of sixtv pages. UNI) CASKS, LAND WARRANTS ft SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. S. (leueral Land OIP.ce and Depirtmeut of tlie Interior. Private Land Claims, MININO and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMKSTEA leases attended to. Ijind Scrip In 40, Mi, any lixi acre nieces for sale. T his Scrip Is assignable, and can lie located in the name otlhe purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entrv, at tl l't per acre. It Is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to tillniore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late War. or their heirs, are In tnany easesentltled to hionev from the Government of which they hav no knowledge: Write full history ot service, and slate amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose siiiiiipl(iGII.M(il!KCO.. umla lull re ply, after examination, will be given you free. 1 K N 14 I O n H All OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and BAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Iniuied In tlie late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing Ull.MOKK&CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORR& CO, before the Supreme Court of the United States, tlie Court of Claim and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conducted In a separate bureau, under charge of the same exieiicueed parties, emblnyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business encrusted to (ilLMORE Si CO.. Is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving It. Address: UILMORE&CO.. 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. M AN HOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver. well's Celebrated Essay oiitiie radical cure (with out medicine) nf SI'EHMATOhhiiiba or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impntcu cy, Mental hml Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc. s also, Consumption, Epilepsy and ills, Induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagance, tc. Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success, fill practice, that the alarming consequences ot self-abuse may lie radically cured without tlie dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sunerer, no nmtter wliat his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent under seal. In a plain envelobe. to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. (xlAply iiir,i;,L Air.uivAlj JU. 41 Ann St., New York i Post Olllce Box. 4586. THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE 1-MJS rU iU MAJ1.HLUSCR1BERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the tiest Orlirl. nal Sloiles of any of tlie lady's hooks, the best Colored Fashion Platcs.the best Receipts, the best Steel Engravings, tc, o. Every family ought to have It. It gives more for the money than any lu tlie world. It will contain, next year, lu its twelve numbers . . One Thoumnd PupstXiurteen Bplenrlirl. Ntetl rfif'H iiivim i.ofurr jierttn i'orrcrn.s--JtyWeg Mnmmolh (ttforef hXirli iiw iVine Hundred Wood Cute IVrii-tu-bour Paw of Muniv ! It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel eltes. bv Mrs. AnnS. Stenliens. Frank 1m llene. diet, Mrs. Fiances Hodgson Burnett. Marietta liolley, and Lucy II. Honier. Also, nearly a hunched shorter Modes, All Original, by the best auuioisoi America, isnuimro Jliiiuinotli Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved ou steel, twice tlie usual size. TERMS (Always In AdVancc) $2 A YEAR. Two Copies for H.KU 3 Copies for 1.80, wllh a copy of the premium picture (27xai( Cornwallis' Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Four Copies for H.Ho f Copies for $8.00, with an extra copv of the Magazine for 1877, as a premi um, to the person getting up the Club. Six Copies for ri 00 7 Copies for lll.on 9 Copies for tn.Au. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1ST", and the premium picture, a Five Dollar eiiKiavlng. to the person getting up the Club. Address, post. paid, I'll A KLES J. PETERSON. 6 C hestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Mr Specimens sent gratis, if written for. 44 1 MPORTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The undersigned, deslrlngto return to thecltv. oilers for sale, the uoon wil.i. to a good marketing room lu Perry Co., with two uokbk tkau axd fixtures all complete, with all necessary nst rue lions m purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare chance. For particulars, call on or address, J. M. I.RNNET, Mrchanicsburg, 313m. Cumberland Co.. Pa.' VTCiC'S - Illustrated Priced Catalogue -Fifty pages :too lllustratlons.witli Descriptions nf the thousands ot the beNt Flowers and Veg etables In the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cknt postage stump. Pi luted In German and English. Vlck's Floral Guide, Quarterly. 2.1 cents a year. Vlck's Flower and Veaetable Garden, 50 cents In puier i In elegant cloth covers. 11.00. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. A VVTIONEEIIS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, "iifn m xpi YiTrn m inn aniznn im if rry ana Cumberland rou title. l'(Ht ntlK'e Hllif s, D.HENRY, A UVTtONEEU. ' Blaln, Perry county Pa. "Terms Moderate and everv eiertimi imide to render satisfaction. tltf Ancllonper. The undersigned elves notice thul he will m v sales at auv bolnt In f'errv or Dauphin counties, orders are solicited and prnmpi siieiiiiou wiuue given. n. i). New Hnffalo. Perrv co..Pa. D AVIDM'COY, AiiPllonopr (thanes verv low. Post Office adilress Ickesburg Penn'a' S l B. HARNISH, AUCriOIMIOKH, Helvllle, Perrv Co., Pa. Charges moilenile. and satisfaction guawtnleed. I tf N EW SHOE SHOP I The undersigned resnectfnllv Informs theclll- zeus ol llloomileld and vicinity, that they have opened a shoe. shop lu the room of F 11. Clouser, recently occupied as a Law olllee. by Calvin Nell . son, Esq., where they will do work at panic prlo es. (repairing made a specialty at prices to sol tlie times) from M to jo per ceiit.snved by patron Iztugnur shop. Our motto Is "quick sales and short profits). Terms cash, or country produce. oui nosuiveiy no cri'oii. LEVI II. 8WAHTZ ft CO.. Hew Bloomlleld, Pa. January IS, 18715 If - For Sale by F. MoKTtMtB, New Bloomlleld, Perry county, Pa. VKHY LADY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF OUR IMPROVED PL A ITERS, adapted to all kinds of goods, and to all the dif ferent and fashionable styles ot Plaiting, simple and easily managed, It is Just the article every lady needs. Sent ty mall, postage paid, on receipt nf price. (2.UO. Send for Circular. Address N. Y. TRFADLE M'F'O CO.. lit Vtrllandl HtreH A'ew 1'ori-. JHE PERRY HOUSE, New Iiloomfleld, Terry Co., Ph., THOS. SUTCII, Proprietor. fENTENNiAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Bweger House,) MA IX BT11EET, . NEW BLOOMFIELI). PERRY CO., PA. JOS. 8. SMITH, - - Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share of public patronage is solicited. vi i" JHE MANSION HOUSE, - New Bloomfleld, Pcnn'n., D. M. RINESM1TH, - Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately been enlarged, re-palnted and re lltted. Best accommodations anorued. wcarenu uosuers always in snenu ance. kjjii OTOHK STAN li AND FAItM FOU O BALK. A First-rate Farm In Juniata eo.. Pa., also a Store Stand and Stock of Goons. For further particulars address SAMUEL BUCK, Port Roial. Juniata an.. Pa. 35 8m FAIRBAMKSi The Standard of The World Over 300 Modifications. TO THE REQUIREMENTS Of EVERY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS & EWINGr. m CHESTNUT St. PHILADELPHIA H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! X would respectively Inform myfrlendsthat I In X teuA calling upon them w ith a supply of good of my . i 6WN MANUFACTURE. Couslstingof CAS8IMER8. CASSINETS. FLANNELS, (Plainandbar'd) toaxuhangefor woo or selifor cash. J.M. BIXLEK. CentkiWoolim Factohi . 6.17,4m pEABODY . HOUSE " " : CORNER Of I.OCU8T asb NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in the olty. No changes to and Loin the Centennial grounds. Col. Watson. proprietor of the Hexrt Horsx. Ciuclnnitti for tlie past twenty years, and present proprietor, has leased the house for a term nf years, and bas newly furnished and lilted It throughout. I!e will keep a strictly first-class house, mid has accommodation for 300 guests.- Terms VI per day. - No Bar has ever been kept In the TIENRY House, nor wilt any be kept at the PEA BODY. 10 ffti If rrrfil I I It "''MrnfS' fw'vV IfW'-M.xun'swtt i ivi i: ii,i.'rrs .'"jJjl'lllill'lllTEsI I.I 'IK. mrr r..rfiinnriis.YI-a Ccvl li"S. rituhi, trourliitu It all Srrolnltins )r "".I VtA IV fnrilriinrllfnrOiii'y; I fin. n-fript WrftisMllefcC..ttSljJra7 m i ii i in in 1 Wanted Equal Terms. Ills related of Jr. (lutlitle that one day, wlilte tiinkilifi iiaroelilid visits, lie came to tlie door of un Irish papist, who wits determined tlmt the doctor should not enter his house. " A'ou can't come In here," he snld. " ""You're" not tiecdod nor wanted." " My friend," said the doidor, " 1 tun only visiting round my parish to le coiiieite(iiiilnted with my people, nnd have called on you only a o parish loner." "lt(lint nmtter," snld 1'itddy ; "yer shan't come lu here." And with that, lifting the poker, he snld, " If you come In here I'll knock you down." Most t'neii would have retired, or tried to reason. The doctor did neither; hut drawing himself up to his full height, nnd looking Ihe Irishman fair In the face, he said, " Come now; that's too Imd. Would you strike a man unarmed V llinul me the tongs, and then we shall he on cijual terms.'' l'lie mint looked nt Mm for a while in great amazement, and then said, " Oeh, sure yer a qitnre man for a minister. Come inside." And feeling rather ashamed of his conduct, he laid down the poker. The doctor entered, a nd talked, (is he could so well do, in a way both so enter- ' tainlng and so Instructive ns to win the admiration of the mini ; so that, when he arose to go, Paddy shook his hand warmly, and snld, lie sure, Bir, don't pass my door w ithout giving me a call." Wanted a littlo Joke. A chap who enjoyed a good joke ex pected he would have one, (Jetting on a street car, he sat down besides n big- listed man and remarked: lI don't suppose you object to riding beside a small-pox puticnt, do you VI - 'Not In the leastreplied the big man, 'but as some of the other passengers may I shall have you out 1' TliereujKin he took the Jokei by the collar and leg, carried him to the plat form, an shot him fur out into a big snow drift. - Minister (porteiitlously): "Jamcv this is a very dreadful tiling ! You have heard there Is a bank tiote missing from the box V James (the sexton, who is strongly suspected) '"Deed, sir, so they were telling me." Minister (solemnly): "James, you atifl I alone had access to that box." James: "It's just as ye say, sir; It must lie between us twa. An' the best way '11 be, you to puy the one half, an' I'll pay tlie tither, an' say na' mair about it." A woman asked a colored patriarch if flie sight of a mince pie didn't inuke his mouth water. He replied ;. "Jar wu a time wiien it did. In doze good old days oh long ago, 'when dey built minoe pies otit'n meat, apples, brandy un' spices, dar wit:s a successive hank ering to git up clus to a mince pie. Hut In dese days, when dey erect sich pies out'u de fust grix.le an' de fust upples an' de fust picking dnt come .handy, nail on de top crust, nnd scollope de edges wid ilar false teeth, why, I'ze gwine to stan' un' stan' roun', an' tukedecliiui es on flndiu' a coeoonutin de gutter." JT An organ was sometime ago intro duced in a parish church in the north of Bcotlund, and some of the members took offence and left. One of thene soon after met another member, and inquired "boo tlie organ was got tin' on?" ''O, line," was tlie answer. "Jist blawin' awa' tlie chufT an' kcepiu' the corn." .... . - figr" A New York school master toM h young miss that the word 'obligatory' meant binding, whereupon she laid her head upon her hand and, ufter a brief cogitation, handed the teacher this sen tence: 'The obligatory of my spclliti;.' book is worn out.' He fainted. "Why is it that everylsxly in Tex as thinks it necessary to carry one or two revolvers?" "Well, stranger.'' said the Texan, "you mought truvtl round here a good longtime und not want a weapon, iiut w lu ll you do want it pistol in this country you want it IkuI." 6 There is a paragraph going the rounds about a iatby U-ing sent a longdis tance by express. Hut .we should y that it Is all right. The baby couldn't, talk, and so, of course, could not express Itself. tf iT A Kentucky magistrate closed a dispute iH'tween two law vers and the court lit the following terms: "If tlie court is right and she think she air why, then, you are wrong, and she knows you is. Hiutup!''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers