0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA., MAltClI 13, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND7 GARDEN. For The Times. A Lcllcr from Kansas. Watkh Vii.iiK, KntiniH, Feb. ilnt,lhT". Mr. Ktlltor: A ft render of your val uable iMipcr, 1 thought I would drop j oif ti few line from thU part of Knnsits tin J lmvcflM yet never Keen uny mention miulo of Mamhnll i-ouiity, Ktuifmtt In your paper, but hnvo Keen letters from other iwrt. I also wtw a notice in the last paper which I received that a man lier of persons In yourvlclnlty had went to hear from an agent of the A. T. & H. Fe It. H., with regard to Kansas lands. Without disputing anything tlnd. sai.t agent may have said, I should like to say a few words with regard to lands and also with' regard to railroads. In the first place, every railroad, on far as I can learn that has lieen built In Kansas (with the exception of some extensions and some branch roads recently built), has received a land grant. The C. II. U. P., from Atchison to Waterville, a distance of 100 miles, received every va cant odd section for L0 miles on each Hide. The K. 1, and the Ht. Joseph & Denver received like grants. Now as Mr. Agent Is likely to get paid for his discussion of Kansas lands, perhaps full as well for his time and trouble,as many a tiller of Kansas soil, I should like to make a few practical remarks with ref erence to the value of Kansas lands. The railroads, besides their land grants, have mortgages on considerable Kansas territory, In the shape of bonds which are payable every year, a part by taxa tion and therefore taxes in some locali ties are pretty high, according to the value of property. Then the cost of transportation of our grain, Ac., is greater la new countries than In places where there are more roads. At one time it cost as much to send a car from Waterville to Atchfson as from there to Chicago. Cut times are getting better by degrees and business is increasing. The West is a large coun try, and the ideas that some have with regard to It might suit some localities and not others. A great many who came to this part of the country eight years ago have gone- to seek a better country, some h.ive returned to the "land of their nativity," other like migratory birds, have gone and return ed. Hut that is Western style. Some came here with nothing or comparative ly little eight years ago, and are com fortably situated. Others had little and have but little yet, except mortgages on their land. There are farms through the country that can be bought for less than the act ual cost of the Improvements. Xow with regard to persons, especially those with families who design emigrating to a new country, I would suggest that if several families should desire to emi grate, that it would be a. good plan to send some one ahead who had good Judgment, and who knew the resources of theproposed colony, to see the coun try and maturely weigh the advantages and disadvantages of different sections and let the others 1 guided by his ad vice. We cannot learn even by experi ence of a year or two exactly what a new country is, but sometimes we find our experience a pretty hard master, but it is the only way In which we can learn a new country. I will give you a short history of Marshall county, Kansas, and statistics showing the advantages of road and towns, mills &c, as farmers do not like to spend more than a "week going to mill or hauliug oil' a ldud of grain, as some of the far West pioneers have to do : Marshall county was organized in 1855. It Is "0x80 miles iu extent,and contained a population in 1800 of 2,2K0 ; in 1S70, i,900 ; in 1875, 10,822. Of the above pop. ulation, 240 are from Pennsylvania. Two railroads cross the county and no point within is more than 12 miles from , railroad. There were in 1875, 70 school districts and 70 school houses. There are ten flouring mills, and many manufactories of other kinds. The rivers atlbrd good water power and this county bids fair to become a manufac turing centre. The assessed value of property is nearly 3,000,000. The prin cipal business of the country should lie raising aniniuls, in connection with grain as grain raising on an average brings back but little profit. The ixiuntry produce un abundance of nat ural gracs which can lie turned into money through the medium of cattle a ul sheep. Sometimes we have failures of the corn crop and then we have to send all the pigs Kast. But we will learn that it is cheaper to burn coal at ti per ton than corn at 15 cents per bushel. The average of wheat per acre is from 12 to 15 bushels; fall wheat yielded last harvest from 15 to 25. Corn has been a gi crop for two years. There was but little rye raised until within the last two years : the yield U from 18 to 25 bushels per acre. I shall not enter too much into details at pres ent, but if any wish to know any thing with regard to prices of grain, teann and farming tools. I will unswer their iiniuirics by a private letter, therefore 1 will close for the present. B. K. KlKTLKH. 1 IE SUN. 1S77. NEW YORK. 1S77. , The different editions or The Huh during the next, year will lie tliosanic asdurliiK tlin year that has Just passed. 'I he dully edition will 011 week days lie ii sheet of lour pages, ftnd on Hundais u sheet r rl ulii pages, or Hi broad oolunins t while the weekly edition will be a sheet (it eight pages lit the sumo dimensions nil it character Unit are already tftinlllar to Our friend. The Hi'N will continue to tie tint strenuous nd vneate of reform mid retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and In tegrity ror hollow pretence, Imbecility, mid fraud In the administration of public n Hulls. It will contend for the government of the people by t he people and lor I lie people, as opposed to gnvorn meat In the ballot box and In tlie counting of votes, en forced by military violence. It will en. deavor to supply Its readers a body now not far from n million of souls with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of eurieut events, and will employ for this pin pose a tinnier oils and enrelnlly selected statf of renin tors and correspondents. Its reports troin Washington, especlall, will be full, accurate and fearless ; and It, will doubtless contiiiie to deserve the hatred of those who thrive by plundering (ha Treasury or by usurping what tne law does not give tliein, wlille It will endeavor to merit the eon II deuce of the nubile hy defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of unentitled power. fhe price of the dally His will be 65 cents a month or fil.Mi a year, post paid, or with the Him day edition $7.70 a year. The mummy edition alone, eight pages, II .20 a year. Tho Wkkki.tNiin, eight pages of (A broad col umns, will lie furnished during 1HT7 at the rate of SI a year, post paid. The belief t of this larga reduction from tho previous rate for Tun Wmcki.r can be enjoyed by Individual subscriber without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same lime, If any of our friends choose to aid In extending circulation we shall be grateful to them, and every such per son who sends ten or more subscribers from one place will be entitled to one copy of the paiej mi himself without charge. Atoiie dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are hardly repaid t and, considering the size of the sheet and the quality of Its contents, we are conllilent the people will consider Tine Wkkk'IY M n the cheapest newspaper published In the world, and we trust also one of the verv best, flout, Address, Til K SU N, New York City, N. V. UL,ATJIU,KY'H Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tameless, Durable, 141. tlcient and Cheap. Tho best Tump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to Blatohley'e Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without. removing the rump or disturbing the Joljits. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast any other. Kor sale by Dealers everywhere. Send forCatalogue aim Price-List. A 8. a IlLATOIII.KV, Manufacturer. jiDi Commerce St., Hnllapelphia, Fa. BOOTS Do j ou want HOOTS of any kindT It so, call and see the LAltGK HTOCK NOW OFFFRKH HT r. M lllt't'l ,M Kit. New Pension Law. UNDER an net of Congress approved March 8, 1X73, widow oi otliuer who were killed, or died of 'ise,ae contracted in the service, are now entitled to uo per month for each of their chil dren. Tlioguardii.li of a minor child of a soldier who hi'i(UsHD only lecoivcd IS.uu per mouth pension Is oow Infilled totllO. per moth. .Soldiers who receive invalid pensions can now have their pensions Increased to any Mini or rate bet ween IS. and 18. per mouth. Soldiers wholmve lost t heir discharges can now obtain duplicates. Fathers and mother who lost sons In the serv ice upon whom v.rey were dependent for support, can also nblaiu pensions. The undersigned having had over 111 years ex perience In the Claim agency business will attend pimpil incbilmsumler tho above act. fall on or address I.ICW1S POTTER. Attorney for Claimants, New Hloomlleld, iiutf. Perry Co., Pa Dailj Kxprcss and Freight Line BKTWKKN CIOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rplIKsiiliscrlborwtslie to notify lhcoltlzesof L liloomltald and Newport that he Is running Daily l-iiie between these two places, and will haul freight of uny kind. or promptly .tellverpackagef or messages ttnlrosteri to his care, nu Order inr.v bo leit for him at the store of K. Mortimer & Co.. Now Hloomlleld. or MitllganaV Mussel Newport .'a. .1. 8. WHITMOKE. Blooiiirield. laimary 2o.lK""o. pi.l.l.VM M. stt'Tfll, .Iiistli of the loa. AMI (IKNKKAl. COl.l.KCTOK. New Bloorufleld. Parry County, Perm's, -Spechilattentlon paid to Collections of all kind. Kedsi Itomls, Mortgages and Agreements neatly executed. 71iitf Notice 1o Trestiassers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all person not to trespass ou my crounds bv picking berries, lishing. hunting, or ntherwlsetrespassiiig, as they will be dealt with aeeordiiigto law. W. If II Kit MAN. trreenwood twp-. Aug. In.l87. tf TltKS,Mi M1TKE.-AH persons nre forbid to trespass on mv land in Saville tflwiihhlp for anv pui os whatever, and a reward tif -i will lie p:ld for testimony that will eouvlct any persnn of such trespass. May it IKTil tf F l.ANNEI.S A splendid assortment of Finn nels. pist opened by F. MOHTIMEll $12 sdava home. Asenrs wanted. Outfit and terms free. TKI1IC & CO., Augasta, Maine. lurly. STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE Vtm OPKRATIXO SEWING MACHINES WITIIOIT PATK.UK OU INJURY. The imi-t e.niijilete ineMiod of proiwllinu the sewlnn msclilhe. Ii saves foiir lllllis the lalmruud entlrelv avoids Hie cause of phvsic.il Injurv i eu do'sed bv the medical fraleru'lv. It. can be at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removuif the iiiwclilue from thr house. No new tug nmeliliov -bon d tie use.1 without Oils Im. portmii atfaehsKeni send for our circular. Whtfti e,'-iiis the p. ii.l,il(.4. Address SEW VOUK TltKADI K MP.', t o., it lyr. 04 (JuiU'iitiUMmet, y. y. NtVl'lVK The nniierlvud lierehv vlve no. tloem alt prius indelMeil to him. that their Hccounu must lw settled oi or IWore the llrst of Mrci. Alter that no fun her Indulgence will be grsnled. CIII WI IAN hlu, KKKIt. sheriuaasdaie, Jan. a, is;7. pd on 6:t7ly rhllndclphlft AdTertiscments. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 128 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWKIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Kast Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'o. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEAI.EK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTH WIIAUVES, Philadelphia, Pa. JJAVID. J, HOAR & CO., Suc-cossoro to HOAR M.'CONKKY ft CO.. WUOI,r.Al.B BOOT ANDSIIOE WAHKIIOUSK, Hltt MAUKKT MTKEET, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a'. JUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wholssali Ukai.bkb in TOHACCO, CIGAHS &c NO. 4. NORTH FIFTH STKKKT, PIIITAUKLPIHA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., , Wholesale leaiersi ii ' Oil Clot8. Carpets, Shades, Brooms,. Carpet Chain, Wadding, Butting, Twines, &, And a line assortment aV' WOODan.l WILLOW WA11K, No. 12(1 Market street, above 4th. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. SULK AMI ONLY MA N II L ACT 11 15 KHS t)K TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, AMU I PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White Lead and Color MANlFACTURERti, Nos, HI and 14:t North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. QJMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On Hum Street. Kast or Caki.islb St., Xcw Bloomfleld, I'enn'a. THE suhscrlber has built a larjte and coimno- l.tiia Ul,..., .... 1JI..I. Ut 1.' u u , ..f eui-llula New HIiHiniHelil law IU,uuiil.M 1... H l,!iVu ha lu nmon.aillnMni, nfactiiretn onler Of every description, out of the liest material. Slela-ha of every Style, hnlli to order, and finished in the ninstartUtioand durable maimer. . H avliig superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and nioeti more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. ats-KKPAIHINOof allklnrtsneatlyandpromp lydona A eall Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH hi TOll PHIXTIXtl of every dererlptlnn neatly I eiernted on short notice and at reasonable rates at this olllce. Philadelphia Adrortisementg. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUUEKH Booksellers and Stationers, AndDeolersIn WINDOW CUKTAIN8 "tiTAl.li l'Al'Klt, KTC'i No. 430 Market Btreet, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER & SWEARINGEN Successors to 8UAFFNEK, ZIEOLEU & CO., Importer and Dealers la Hosiery, CSloven, Itlhbonn, NuwpciKlerM. THREADS, COMliS, and every variety ot TRIBIMINGS& FANCY GOODS, No. 38, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A . AQenttifor Lancaster Comba. j J0WER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealer in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. KLANK noons . Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 830 Market and 823 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA 1 ALHO Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Kelton'sOntllne Maps, Ac. B ARCR0FT & CO., Imporlei. and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &o., Nos. 408 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North 81de.) JEW. Tf M0UL, REPRESENTINO Woimer, Wright & Watkln, .If nnnfaetnrer & tVhoIesale Dealers is Boots & Shoes yo. 302 Market Street, IIIIL-A.XELIIIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS IlirORTBRB AND JOBBERS OF Oliinn.. Glass AND QUEENSWAHE, 923 Market Street, I'HI LA.TirLI 1 1 1 A . w. H. KENNEDY, TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 605 MARKET BTREET. PHILADELPHIA, TIO Philadelpliiit Advertisements. David Masters. I. A. Detwller. W. M.B.Bali RASTERS, DETWILER & CO., Manufacturers ol and WITOLBSALB DKALKKS AV CLOTHING, 328 MARKET STREET. ,o PHILADELPHIA. ' JJL0YD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLES A LB HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Pliilflf?flplila, Teun'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE ONION,") J0H. M. FEUEIt, Troprieton. i 817 & 819 ARCI1 STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $a.60PerDy. 'HISHOTELbelnRoentrBlly loeatert and hav X Iiir been entirely KurirrKD. It will be foundi as pleasant a stopping place as cau be desired' JJNDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE. FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are. delighted. gjf The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney at-Law, New liloomlleld. Perry CO., Pa. Office Next door to the residence of Judge Jnnkln. 45tr AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New bloom Held, Perry county. Pa. t-y Offlco directly opposite the Post-Office t. and adjoining the Mansion House. JKWIS POTTER, ATTOBNEVAT LAW, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PERRY CO.,PA -Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal busluess carefully attend ed to. 32 yl JAMES H. FEHOLSON.ttorrieat-Law NEWPORT, PA. -Offlce Market Street, near the Square. 85 6 CHARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New BJoomneld, Perry. Co. Fa. VOffleewlth C. A. Barnett, Esq., on HlRh Street, north aide, nearly opposite the Presbyte rlaa Church . August U),Wi. , '- JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomfleld, PerryCo., Pa Office opposite the Mansion House and nex t door to the Post-Office. Refers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. ' June27,1871. T7M. A. 8PON8LEK, Attorney-at-Law, T y Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New bloomfleld. Perry Co.. Pa. 3 2 ly JOHN G. 8IIATTO, Surgeon Dentist . New ttlooiuheld. Perry co.. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done lu the best manner, and at reasonable prices. VOff.ee at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsler's Law office. 3 21y tlTM, N. 8K1BF.RT, Attorney-at Law, TV . New llloonuleld, Perry co.. Ta. Bloomfleld, 3 33 ly. . . WM. M. HUTCH. ATTOKN KY-AT-LAW, New Bloomdeld. Perry co.. Pa. rOfflee Two doors West ot It. Mortimer Store 31 ly LEWIS POTTER, notart HBL1C New Bloom. Held. Perry Co., Pa. , Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully Erepared anil acknowledgements taken. Alt Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and cert I lied, will also take depositions to be rei d lit. any court In the United stales. . . 7101y CHAS. J. T, McINTTRE, Attorney-at-Law, New hloomtleld. Perry co., Pa. . AU professional busiueiw promptly audfaith fully attended to. 32 ly. . WM. A. MOUItlSON, JUSTICE OK THK PEACE and f? EN ERA I. COLIJCTOK, NbwOkhmastowii. Perrvco.. Pa -KeniitUncewUlbe made promptly leralT Collections made. 7 44 - t-i i , CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, NewBloomlteld.Perryeo.,Pa. sUOfnee en high street. North side, nearly on poaite the Presbyterian Church. 1 ... , . 3'ly jICHARD" iIliAGEETJ'" " JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, i,,TV' !."' resldenee. lu CENTRE TOWJt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers