8 THE TIMES NEW liLOOM FIELD j 1AM MARCH L'U877. The Sexes In Heaven. The Hov. E. It. Koyos preached to tlie Gospel numbor of twelve persons in the Hwedenborglan Church, at Uommunlriaw and Crescent avenues, .lorsoy City, Inst Sunday. "Rome," he said, "never twinoda wreath df celestial llowers for Uynien's hrow, novor chanted n heavenly cpitli alamium, never overshadowed the nuptial couch with roverent wings, never diffused notifying power to exoroiso the Genii who invade and dnseorato its mysteries. It leaves the sweetost of nil human niTsct tion in the grave, whore the body perishes and inscribes the sentence of everlasting oblivion upon its mute remains. Protes tantism is corporeal, llymen is not ropro twnted by it with winged cherubs or hymning seraphs, but with boasts and creeping things. It marries for time, it , divorocs for eternity. It denounces as carnal the doctrine of the union of two, kiudred chastities into one boalitude. It is no church of Ood. It was left for fiwedenborg and the now church to an nounce the permanence of the sexual, character. Men and women appear ns men and womon in heaven. The snmo ineffable felicity that exists among lovers hero will continue to exist in heaven. Those who would unsex the sexes at death have not duly considered the resources of ennobling enjoyment that are thus denied thorn. reople couldn't endure existence In heaven with sex abolished. As well might we at tempt to reproduce tho sublirao strains of Mozart, of Hadyn or Bethoven without the liarmouious blending of bass and sophrauo and tenor and contralto, or seek to bring forth from the earth the green grass, tho blushing (lower, or the fruitful tree with .out the genial showers and the fructifying Jight and the heat of the sun. WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE. The perfect accuracy with which scien tists are enabled to deduce the most minute .particulars in their several departments, appears almost miraculous if we view it in the light of the early ages. Take for example the electro-magnetic telegraph tho greatest invention of the age. Is it not a marvelous decree of accuracy which enables an operator to exactly locate a fracture in a submarine cable nearly tbreo thousand miles long? Our venorablo "clerk of the weather" has become so thoroughly familiar with those most wayward elements -of nature that he can accurately predict their movements. He can sit in Washing ton and foretell what the weather will be to-morrow in Florida or New York, as well as if several hundred miles did not inter vene between him and the places named. And so in all departments of modern science, what is required is tho knowledge of certain aigns. ' From these the scientists deduce accurate conclusions regardless of distance. A few fossils sent to the expert geologist enable him to accurately de termine the rock-formation from which they were taken. 116 can describe it to you as perfectly as if a cleft of it were lying on his table. 80 also the chemist can deter mine the constitution of the sun as accura tely as if that luminary were not ninety live million miles from his laboratory. The sun sends certain sirm over the ''infinitude of space" and the chemist classifies them by passiug them through the spectroscope Only tho presence of certain substances could produce these solar signs. Ho also, in medical science, diseases have certain unmistakable signs, or symptoms, and by reason of this fact. Dr. Pierce, of the World's Dispensary, bas been enabled to origiuate and perfect a system of determining, with the greatest accuracy, the nature of chronic diseases without seeing and personally examining his patients. He bas spared neither pains nor expense to associate with himself, as the Faculty of the World's Dispensary, a large number of medical gentlemen of rare . attainments nud skill, graduates from some of the most famous Medical Colleges and Universities of both Europe and America. By aid of Dr. Pierce's system of diagnosis, these physicians and surgeons annually treat, with the most gratifying success, many thousands of invalids without ever seeing them in person. In recognizing diseases without a personal examination of the patient they claim to possess no miraculous powers. They attain their knowledge of the patient's disease by the practical application of well established principles of modern science to the practice of medicine. And it is to the accuracy with which this system has endowed them that they owe their almost world-wide reputation for the skillful treatment of all lingering or chronio affections. This sys tem of practice and the marvelous success which has been attained through it, demon strate the fact that diseases display certain phenomena, which being subjected to fcclentirlo analysis or synthesis, furnish abundant and unmistakable data to guide ihe judgement of the skillful practitioner aright in determining the nature of diseased conditions. The amplest resources for treating lingering or chronio diseases, and the greatest skill, are thus placed within, the easy reach of ewry invalid, however distant he or she may ' reside from the physicians making the treatment of such affections a specialty. The peculiarties of this scientific system of practice are fully explained in the Appendix of "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," a book of over nine hundred large pages, which is so popular as to have reached a sale of almost one hundred copies within a few months of its iirst publication. It is. sent (post-paid) by the Author to any address, on receipt of oue dollar and lifty cents. Address, It. V. Pierce, M. I)., World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. A Puzzle for a Court. , A curious case is before the Providence courts, which it would require the proverb ial wisdom of an Arabian cadi to decide. A Mr. Durfee recently bought an old safe, and left it with a blacksmith to sell, who, on opening it, found a roll of bills to the aroouut of f 165 concealsd in 1 crack in the lining. Dilifent Inquiry failed to And any clue to the ownership of th money, and t he question to be settled now is, does it belong to the owner ef tho safe, or to the blacksmith by right of discovery. Pain In the Breast. , Kautz P. 0 8nyder Co., P., .Inly I). This is to certify that I have been aflliot ed with pain in the breast, Rcrompaniod by a severe cough, for nearly five years, which had brought me so low that at times I was unable to do anything. After having trlod all the various medicines I saw adver tised, without the least benefit, I was in duced by a friend from Danville to give Dh. Wistak's Balsam or Wii.n Ciikhhy a trial. The first bottle gave me almost immediately relief, and I was soon enabled to do a jrond day's work. I cheerfully recommend this article to the pnblio as a safe and eflloacious remedy for diseases of the lungs. Con bad Kaktz. 50 cents and l a bottle. Hold by all druggists. SPECIAL NOTICES. ERRORS OF YOUTH AUKNTLKM AN who suffered fur years from Mervous Debility, Premature Decay, mid all the eflectn of youthful Indlseretton will, for the sake f snirnriiiK humanity, send free to nl) who need It, the reelie and direction for making the simple remedy by whleli lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to proflt by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing In perfect ecinlldenco. JOHN K. OUDKN, 42 Cedar St., New York. 10ft.r;2 flmos. PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vkoktahi.k Bai.m that will remove Tan, EHECKLKS, l'lMTLKS and H1.0TCMKS, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also liistruc. tlnus for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address HEN. VANDICLF&t'O., Box 6121, No. & Wooster St., Nsw York. lOaltf flinos. TO CO N SUM T I V ES. Theadvertiser. having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the meansof cure To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, tic. Fartles wishing the preset lotion will please address, ltev. K. A. WILSON, SaOinos 194 rerin St., WIlllanisburgh.New York. A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, and the discovery of a phslclan, the Victor Headache Powder has been proven a positively sure cure for the most distressing cases of Sick or Nervous Headache, Morning sickness and Neuralgia, a single powder actually curing In ten minutes when all other means full. We have had a won derful experience with it, and the ten cent trial Sack can be had by addressing the proprietors, . K. IIElsLKY m CO., Salem N. J., wan wilt cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists everywhere and it la with well merited confidence they are offered as a thorough cure for all dis tresses of the head. 9 ly POLICY - HOLDERS OF THE Continental, Security New Jersey Life And other doubtful Insurance Companies, TAKU NOTICK. The New England Mutual (Chartered 1S3S) offers special torms for relnsu. ranee, Marstu& Wakelln.Gen. Acts., l.'WH.4lh BlPlilIadelphla. 10 d 4t. itOnfi A Month. AOENT3 WANTED on our $UU THKKK GKEAT ti BOOKS. The STOKY OK CHARLEY UOSS. A full accountof this Great Mystery, written by his Father, be its Koblnson Crusoeln thrilling In terest. She Illustrated HAND BOOK to all re ligious, a Complete Aecountof all denominations and scets. :m Illustrations. Also the ladies' medical guide by.Dr. fancoast 100 illustrations. These books sell at sight. Male and Female Agents coin money on them. Particulars free. Coiiies by mail 2 each. John E. Potter & Co., Philadelphia. IPdtt, ?tw? Alcotts Water-Wheel . J & kJFlta A.mrdcd the Centennial Medal. j lie most, practical, simple, and effective. Its superior ad vantage at partial gate is uni versally acknowledged. Ad dress, T. C. ALCOTT SON, Mfrs. of Wheels & Mill Machin ery. Mount Holly, N. J. Will give manufacturing rlghts.lOdlt A. HOME At FARM OFYOtfROWN, On the line of a GKKAT K AILltOAD with good markets both KAHT and WEST. Now is the Time to Secure It. Mild Climate, Fertile Roll, best Country for Stock liaising in the United States. Books Maps. Full Information, also "THE PIONKKK" sent free to all parts of tne world. Address, O. F.DAVIS, Land Com. U. P. B. R. 10d OMAHA, NEB. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. V We want 600 more first-class Sewing Ma chine Agents, 500 men of energy and ability to learn the business of Selling Hewing Machines. Compensation Liberal, but varying according to Ability .Character and Qualifications of the Agent. For Particulars, Address. Wilson Sewing Machine Co. Chicago. 827 & S69 Broadway, New York, or New Orlealis, Louisiana. lod4w TRIPLING WITH A COLD 18 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the THROAT. LUNGS, CHEST and MUCOUS MEMBRANE. J'ut Up Only in Bine Holes. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 10d4w C. N. CRITTK.NTON, 7 Bixtu AvSKUB, New York. INSURANCE MEN! TAKE NOTICE. AGENT WANTED FOIt THE New Englind Mutual Life' Ins. Co. The oldest mutual In the country. Chartered 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MARSTON & WAKELIN. General Agents. 8d4t 183 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. I f EST Milton Gold 01111 -V 1 Jewelry Combination 1 I I I fcJout.Conslstlngof ele j I 1 I I Kant t watch chain- m rr mmmam u u u n v mo 1 I a W" hl-muth Ana. Am, 0 it IK 1 Plr leeant gold 1 t I I I f 1 "tone sleeve buttons fill V 1 set spiral studs,collar j V 1 button, IieavyN plain siil weddinir rinnr. s.nrt geuw, Partslau diamond pin. The above articles sent, post-paid. lor SO cents, nave been retailed forA Bankr'nt stock and must be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, (10 each, for speuulative purposes, good timers, equal In appearance to a (ilJU genuine gold. "His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and liberality Is unequalrd by any advertiser Is thlseity." N. Y. Imiu liuok, iJec. Ill, im. P( iHTAOKSTAMPS TAKEN AS CASH 8d4t V. STOCKMAN, 27 BOND S.Nuw York. OK FANCY CARDS lTstyles with name, lOcts Post paid. J. B. IUdtkd, Nassau, hens. Co. N. V. lutw A "Ti BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAIN8 BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS OLD TIME PRICES AT TIIK Great ronulnr Clothing House A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER WILDING, Corner or Chesluut and Gtli Streets, VHlLADliLl'JlIA. Best Goods In the City. Kvery Garment War ranted as represented or money returned. STIilCTLY ONE PRICE. A FW DOLLARS AVIll go n good way Just now ns we liave intuli- ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION In order to cloar ofl our Winter Htock, and make room for our large HPJtlNO 8TOCK which is now being nuinufnctured. CLOTHING, CARPETS, &c. Men's Clothing Very ('heap. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Hoys' Clothing Very Cheap. Hoys' Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very cheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. Good Room Carpet Very Cheap. Good Room Carpet Very Cheap. Common Room Carpet very Cheap. Common Room Carpet Very Cheap. niwr varpri. vcrvviieap. Floor Oil-Cloth Verv Cheao. Stair Oil-Cloth Very Cheap. Table OII-Clo)h Very Cheap. Trunks Very Cheap. Valises Very Cheap. Satchels Very Cheap. Gum Coats Very Cheap. (iuin lUankers Verv ('neap. Horse Hlankets Very Cheap. ' Red Hlankets Very Cheap. Men's Hats Very Cheap. Boy's Hals Very Cheap. W And many other goods besides the forget to give us a call. I S I D O It SOU W A II T Z , Wright's Building, NEWPOBT, OPErJsT?.A.. - THE NEW "DOMESTIC," " A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. nf iiP 'III ' m ; : v pffilll IK" vx 'iL' 'v -'Sir IT RETAINS all the virtues of the Light-Running ' DOME8TIC," Including the Automatic Tension, which was and is the bst In use. W- Please notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS on both the Maclne and Stand. Our new and old Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own new wP.rr1V,i,v!,the J)u9y c"yof Newark, New Jersey have given us a standard or MECHANICAL. EX CELLENCE, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore reached In the Sewing Machine world. - TO THIS STATEMENT AXD THE MACHINE ITSELF C2" We invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical skill or observation: N. B. All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., New York and Chicago. LADIES, t'SK "DOMESTIC" FAJPEU FASHIONS. NOTICE. The public are hereby notified and warned not to molest, or In any way tres pass ou the tights and credits of Anthony Su ghart In the following property purchased by him at Sheriff's sale, at the residence of Levi Sughart, on the 7th day of February, 1877, said property being left In the care of Levi Sughart. viz: Two Cows, 4 head of Young Cattle, 1 Mower combined, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 Metal Flow, Double and Single Trees, Grain Cradle, Lot of Cow Chains, 1 pair of Breast chains, 1 pair of Butt chains, 1 Hay Rake, I Corn Coverer, and 1 Spreader. ANTHONY SCGHART, Per Lkvi Scuuaut, Agent. Blaln, Pa., February 13, 1877. T71STATE NOTICKNotlce Is hereby given Ili that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Frederick E. Hum, late of Tyrone township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing iu ElllottsbtirK, Perry county. Pa. All persons indebted tosald estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to WILLIAM If. DTJM, Executor. A. M. MiBKKT, Attorney for Executor. January M, 1877. .gnItoeT " Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine and wife of Saville township. Perry county. Pa., by ded of voluntary assignment nave assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said James Irvine to Thos. 11. Mllligan, of the borough of Newport, county and state aforesaid, In trust for the beuent of the creditors of the said James Irvine. All pervons therefore Indebted to the said James Irvine, will make payment to the said assignee, and those having claims or deiuauda w ill make knowu the same without delav. n THOU. Jl, tlllMGAN, January 30, 1877. Assignee. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BAROAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS LADIES' and OENT'S FUKNIHINQ GOODS, &C. Shawls Very Cheap. Scarfs Very Cheap. Towels Very Cheap. Table Covers Very Cheap. Corsets Very Cheap, Collars Very Cheap, Culls Very Cheap. Jewelry Very Cheap. Pocket-Rooks Very Cheap. Skirts Very Cheap. Nublns Ver Cheap. Purs Very Cheap. I'nderwear Very Cheap. Ties Very Cheap. Shirts Very Cheap. Overalls Very Cheap. Overshlrts Very Cheap. Stockings Very Cheap. Handkerchiefs Very chenp. Iled Spreads VervChean. Hair Switches Very Cheap. Umbrellas VervChean. Shirt Bosoms Very Cheap. Accordions Very Cheap. 1 n .... n .1 L-.... -.1 A r.l. - .. ubove, will be gold very LOW, Don't ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that George Matchett and Leah M. Matchett. his wife, of Miller town ship, Perry county, have assigned their property and effects to the undersixued, of Wlieatueld township, Perry county, for the benefit of cred itors. All persons therefore Indebted to said as signors are requested to make payment and those having claims, will please present them duly authenticated to the undersigned tor settle meut without delay. SOLOMON BIG HAM, Assignee, LEWIS rOTTKH, Atty. Ieb.20 ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby giv en, that Letters of Administration on the es tate of Jacob Wee, late of Saville township. Perry county, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers residing iu the same township, . All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement to CITARLOTTK N. RICE, JONATHAN KICK, A. M. Markkl, Attorney.) Administrators. February 13, 187! Ctpd ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of John S. McEIvy, late ef New Buffalo borough, Perry Va., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same borough. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate paymeut aud those having claims will preMjut litem duly authenticated fur settlement to, , February la, 1877. Jpd lAdmiuisUator. JOB PRINTING of every description neatly executed on abort notice and st reasonable rates at this otuce. "The Best Thing in tno West." Atchison, Topska & Santa Fe Ri R. IN KANSAS. u.noo.ooo AC1II0N of the best Farming and Agricultural Lands In America, situated In and near the hcamilul Cot tonwood nnd Upier Arkansas Valleys, Ihe gar. den of the West, on 11 Yeats' dealt, with 7 per cent. Interest. r lnndrAKK ItEKLNDEl) To purchasers of -Circulars, with i mop, giving full Informs tlou, sent free. Address A. 8. JOHNSON. Acting I.snd Commissioner, Topcka, Kansas. Or.aV MOKKIHON; agent lif A. T. 8VV. It. K., No. 26 N. Srd St., Harrlsburg. Pa. 4:int ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that John Yohn nf Car roll township, Perry county, Perm's., bv deed or voluntary deed of assignment has assigned all the estate, real and personal of the said John Yohn to A. M. Fleck, of Shermansdale, county and state aforesaid, In trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said John Yohn. All persons therefore Indebted to the said John Yohn, will make payment to the said assignee, nnd those liavlngefalms or demands will make known the same without delay. M- PLF.CK, January 30, 1877. Assignee. Tho Bloomfiold Times ST 10 AM job office; IS THE PLACE TO GET Tlain and Fancy SALE BILLS, TAMrilLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, . TICKETS, BILL-HEADS, &C, &C, &C, &C. , At the Shortest Notice AND MOBT REASONABLE RATES. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the publlo A RAISE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OK DRESS GOODS Consisting st all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALAPCCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED AT VARIOUS PRICES. . AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRJNTS: We sell and do keep a good quality ot SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And every thing under the head of GROCERIES! Machine Needles and oil for all makes ot Mashiqys. ( To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. S- No trouble to show goods. l'on't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. IS TAKEN INItRNAUY, AND FOSITIVEU CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, MtURAtGIA AND LUMBAGO. SU10 Hi OftUUCISIS EYXfiY WHERE. SEH0 fuA ClH- UttU.PHENSTINE & BENTLEY. OHUGQlSIS, WASriiNttlOHj B.C. . For sale by wholesale Druggists Iu Pitta-1 burg snd fhlUdelphia. , 35 ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers