Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Eugene Saylor in his office, with money tree presented by the teachers. Farewell breakfast for Mr. Saylor On Friday, November 21, the faculty and staff of Maytown Elementary School honored their prin- cipal, Eugene C. Saylor at a farewell breakfast. Mr. Say- lor is retiring December 31 after completing thirty-four years of educational service in the Donegal School District. Mr. Saylor began his career in Donegal teaching vocal and instrumental mus- ic at Maytown School in 1942. He became principal at Maytown in 1953, and he has remained in that posi- tion until the present time. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Music at Lebanon Valley College and a Mas- ter’s Degree in Music at th e University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Saylor actively pur- sues a hobby in photo- graphy. He and Mrs. Saylor give slide presentations to various community interest groups concerning their studies from all facets of nature. Mr. Saylor was presented with a money tree in appreciation for his many years of educational services at Maytown. He and Mrs. Saylor reside at 328 Ashford Drive, Neffsville, Pennsyl- vania. Mt. Joy Chamber of Commerce urges action on railroad bridges The Mount Joy Chamber of Commerce has sent the following letter to the Borough Council; Gentlemen: At recent directors meet- ings, the main topic of discussion were the railroad bridges, their condition, the possibility of injury to some one, or even worse, a fatality. We realize the Penn-Cen- tral Railroad will not repair them due to their financial condition. We are request- ing that the Mount Joy Borough Council give ser- ious thought to closing of some of the bridges to vehicle traffic. The town in reality is a divided town because of weight restric- tions placed on the bridges. Closing some of the bridges would not have any adverse effect on the town, no more than it already has. I would greatly appreciate knowing your reaction to this suggestion, and if any definite action will be taken now or in the future concerning the closing of some of the bridges. Respectfully yours, Gerald Alleman President Hospital Aux. at benefit luncheon by Hazel Baker Mrs. Joseph Carroll, vice- president of the Marietta Branch Auxiliary to the Columbia Hospital, recently entertained the Auxilliary at a benefit luncheon. The menu, inspired by the Carrolls’ recent trip to the Orient, included rice crack- ers, corn and crab soup, tempura, beef and chicken with walnuts over rice, tea, saki and toffee apples. Approximately $90 was realized for the hospital from the luncheon. A letter was read from the Columbia Hospital United Auxiliaries to the local club in recognition of the local club’s contribution of over $500 to the ’74 building fund. An armetale plate was sent as a token of apprecia- tion for the donation. Mrs. Joseph Gilmartin, president, conducted the business session. Further plans for the holiday lunch- eon, to be held at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Ralph Miller, on December 15, at Zercher V-P At a dinner meeting of the Modern Heat Council of Lancaster County, Inc., held at the Sheraton-Conestoga Village on Wednesday, No- vember 19, 1975, Edward W. Zercher, The Sico 12:30 p.m. were completed. A sale of cookies and sweet stuff will be conducted at the event. The executive committee will supply the food and decorations. Mrs. William Heisey, chaplain,read Washington's Proclamation for Thanks- giving Day and a special piece on Thanksgiving. Heat Council Company, Mount Joy, was re-elected vice-president for 1976. Elwin Peet, Agway Pet- roleum Corporation, Lancas- ter, was re-elected presi- dent. Fashion show The Donegal High cheerleaders will sponsor a fashion show at the high school auditorium on Thurs- day, December 11, at 7 p.m. Fashions from the Orange Owl in Mount Joy will be featured. Admission is $1.25 for adults and $.75 for students. Refreshments will be served. Fish & Game Ass’n. elects by Hazel Baker Officers elected by the Marietta Fish and Game Association at the annual election on November 18 were James Rapp, presi- dent; Charles R. Loucks, vice president; Robert Flan- agan, secretary, Bob Miola- nen, treasurer; Jack Frey (3 year term), Bill Sload (2 year term), and Harold McElroy (1 year term), trustees. The next meeting will be held December 9, at 8 p.m. Connie Koser appointed Mrs. Fred (Connie Mc- Naughton) Koser, R.D. 2, Mount Joy, has been appointed as fourth grade teacher at Maytown Ele- mentary School. Mrs. Koser is a graduate of Donegal High School and Shippens- burg State College. Miss Susan Lee Yurkowitz was appointed as social studies and English teacher at Donegal High. Miss Yurkowitz is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin. Robert Kline was re-ap- pointed to another five year term on the Donegal District Authority. Sgt. Huber reports Marine Gunnery Sergeant Lester M. Huber, son of Mr. Cyrus L. Huber of 133 Stony Battery Road, Salunga, Pa., has reported for duty with the Second Marine Aircraft Wing, at the Marine Corps Air Station, New River, Jacksonville, N.C. A former student of East Hempfield High School, Landisville, he joined the Marine Corps in March, 1957 7 RN $s Ne SN § November 26, 1975 BE YE THANKFUL 0) FOR A TANKFULL WE AT MILLER’S MOBIL WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A BLESSED AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY. MILLER’S Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3430 PEDDLERS ALLEY PARK CITY’S UNIQUE GIFT SHOP A Wonderful Place For Christmas Gifting Browsing hours are 10 to 10 Park City, Lancaster [Sears Mall] Phone 393-1304 The next time you are visiting Park City, stop by and meet Jim and Ruth Africa. OLD ROUTE 30 (462) in COLUMBIA SPECTACULAR SALE ON CHRISTMASTOYS 20% ofr © ALLTOYS except wheel goods Wed., Fri., Sat. Only Bank Americard—Master Charge COLUMBIA HARDWARE 12 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1525 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class EMERGENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES Saturday Afternoon Available Day & Night and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPITAL Norlanco Health otter ‘7th & Poplar (Mount Joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) (426-2212 or 426-1707) Publisher Nancy H. Bromer Editor Richard S. Bromer Advertising Manager Nancy Bromer News Editor Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Judy Swab Circulation Manager Jody Bass Editorial Assistant Advertising Rates Upon Request mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4 per year Vol. 75 No. 46 November 26, 1975
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