Page 4—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN " DONEGAL SCHOOL PAGE Veterans Day, On November 11, the Donegal High School Dram- atics Club will present it's annual Veterans’ Day Pro- gram. The first part of the program which is entitled “Voices of Liberty’’ is a tribute to great Americans. Claudia Brandt will portray Betsy Ross. Also included will be Kevin Milligan as Abraham Lincoln, Steven Hassinger as President John F. Kennedy, and Jane Youtz as Mrs. Bixby. The second part of the program is an original play written by Dramatics Club President, Jane Youtz, en- titled ‘‘The Trilogy of Freedom.” The play is divided into three parts: The Foundation of Freedom, The Defense of Freedom, and The Preservation of Freedom. Those who will participate are: Ted Her- shey, Cindy Charles, Phil Good, Dalene Hummel, Greta Weidner, Thomas McCoy, Patrick Kenney, Sharon Aurick, Michael Kohler, Janice Rogers, and Jim Johnson. The D.H.S. Chorus will present the tunes ‘‘This is My Country’’ and ‘‘O, Behind the Scenes Wayne Erdman is featured in this week’s edition of Behind-The-Scenes. A se- nior in the business course, Wayne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Erdman. Wayne was a member of Ecology Club in ninth grade | Ml Baa LEU November 11 Columbia the Gem of the Ocean.” Also, the Rhythm Singers and the D.H.S. Band will perform. Invited as guests for the program are: Active mili- tary recruiters, Parents and community members who have served as career military personnel (20 years or more), and Representa- tives of local American Legion and V.F.W. Posts. There is an open invita- tion to all Senior Citizens of Donegal High School Area to attend. The program is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m., but visitors should be seated by 9:45 a.m. There will be a reserved section for the Senior Citizens. Business Education Career Day The following students have attended the Business Education Career Day acti- vities at Shippensburg State College on Thursday, Octo- ber 30th. Those students that attended were Fran Barton, Deb Bender, Sue Miller, Michele Maurer, and Diane Waltz. Set and Design Committee for the Junior Class Play. This year, Wayne is a typist for the newspaper. An art major, Wayne recently won a prize in an Energy Conservation poster contest. He plans to pursue a career in commercial art. Coach lezzi Teacher of the month by Nanette Pinto “Mama mia!’ Italy's favorite son, Donegal’s one and only, Mr. Dennis lezzi is November's teacher of the month. Mr. lezzi graduated from Daniel Boone High School where he was a member of their winning football team. Coach lezzi is an alumnus of Albright College, where he was president of his frater- nity and honored as most valuable football player. He received a B.S. in Social Science and is doing gradu- ate work at Millersville. At Donegal, Mr. lezzi is assist- ant football coach, assistant varsity wrestling coach, and advisor for the weightlifting club. He also enlightens our days teaching Sociology and World Cultures. Mr. lezzi resides in Marietta with his wife, Emily. He is a member of Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Marietta. Needless to say, he is justly proud of his Italian heritage as he often infers from time to time in world cultures class. ‘‘Avanti con buon Lav- oro’ Signor lezzi!. Haiku poetry at Maytown The following are examples of haiku, written by Mrs. White's sixth grade class at Maytowr Elementary School. Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry containing 17 syllables and using words that call up memories or feelings. Billowy clouds fly Through a field of soft light blue, Still and wondrous. -Edward Hess Black cricket chirping, Large cat prowling by, listening, And me standing by. -Carol Saylor Flying in the sky, The bees are dancing happy And gay, without me. -Raymond Shifflett Growing tall, pointing At the morning skies, standing Patiently, silent. -Russell Waite Beck November S, 1975 - news, features, art, poetry composed by and for the students of Donegal schools. SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STAFF MANAGER: Jody Bass FEATURE WRITERS: Melody Mumma, Jeanne Freed, Nanette Pinto STAFF WRITERS: Eisenhauer, Lyndia Gestewitz, Hawn, Gail Hunter, Mary Kanoff TYPISTS: Deb Bender, Wayne Erdman, Deb Evans, Deb Predrick, Sue Williams PHOTOGRAPHY: Holly Baker, Dale Wendy Steve Hassinger, Jim ART: Tim Roaten ADVISOR: J. B. Siberski Student council meets by Donna Germer The Donegal Student Council held a meeting on October 23rd. John Mon- chak presided over the meeting. The following are a few of the events our student council is sponsor- ing: The York High School has asked us to participate in an exchange program with S of our seniors; Jim Byrd, Karen Greider, Chuck Simmons, Carol Brubaker, and Lesetta Mummau will travel to York and spend November S-7 in the York School District, while 7 of York’s students will spend November 2-4 at our school. On November Sth, York will sponsor a party for the Band collects The Donegal High School Band needs two sousa- phones. In order to raise money to purchase them, the Band is collecting labels and boxtops from Colgate- Palmolive products. These labels will be sent to the Colgate-Palmolive Company and in return the company will send to the Band anywhere from 2 cents to 40 cents for each label or boxtop sent in. How can you help the Band? Save the containers and boxes from the follow- ing products: Ajax All-Pur- Student Council, Because of the successful Homecoming dance, an- other one will be held on November 1, featuring the band, Nickel Plate Road. Nickel Plate Road will entertain you from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. Tickets are available from any student council member at the cost of $1.00. Help make this dance a success! The idea of setting up a smoking area on a trail basis was brought up. Student Council was not in favor of this but agreed to circulate a petition to get the overall view of the student body. box-top labels pose Cleaner, Ajax Cleans- er, Ajax for Dishes, Handi- Wipes, Baggies, Palmolive Dishwater Detergent, Irish Spring Soap, Cold Power Laundry Detergent, Curad Plastic Bandages, Dynamo Laundry Detergent, Axion Laundry Pre-Soak, Deter- gent Booster, and Wash*‘N’- Dry. Please give these con- tainers and boxes to any band member. This pro- gram continues until June 1, 1976. Your support will be appreciated. Parents’ Night November 18 by Wendy Hawn Lynda Gestewitz On Tuesday evening, November 18th, Parents Night will be held at Donegal High School from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Highlights of the Veterans Day Program will be offered in the auditorium by the Dramatics Club. We hope that many parents will attend. After the program, teachers will be in their respective classrooms till 9:00 p.m. for those parents wishing to speak with them. Students in county chorus by Mary Kanoff On October 11, after auditions at Penn Manor High School, ten DHS students were chosen to participate in the Lancaster- Lebanon County Chorus Festival to be held at Penn Manor High School early next year. Students chosen include: Maypy Kanoff, Jenni Kohler, Cynthia Charles, Ted Her- shey, Mike Kohler, Steve Hassinger, Phil Good, Keith Gephart, Jim Johnson, and Kevin Milligan. Special congratulations go to Mike Kohler for placing first in his voice section.
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