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The two sisters, Abby and Martha (Jane Youtz and Jean Bixler, respectively), em- bark upon one of their charitable ventures by help- ing lovely old men to eternal peace — their method: a glass of elderberry wine containing arsenic. Their nephew Teddy (Michael Kohler), who imagines he is Teddy Roosevelt storming San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War, thinks his aunt’s gentlemen are yellow fever victims. He aids the Brewster sisters by burying the victims in locks of the Panama Canal, which he digs in the cellar. Everything seems peace- ful in the Brewster house- hold until the long-absent nephew, Jonathan (James Byrd), returns to his old home with his accomplice, Dr. Ernstein (Steven Has- singer). Wanted for various murders committed all over the world, they are seeking refuge from the police. The aunts have endeared themselves to the local police, (Jeffrey Boulton, Steven Zerphey, and Joseph Meszaros). Only one of the policemen, Lieutenant Roo- ney (Thomas McCoy), is perspicacious enough to discern the identity of Jonathan as one of the most-wanted criminals. Jonathan looks like Boris Karloff. A third nephew, Morti- mer Brewster (Ted Hershey) is a drama critic. Afraid that he is tainted by the Brewster insanity, he is reluctant to marry Elaine Harper (Karen Thompson), the daughter of the Reverend Mr. Harper (Kevin Milligan). In the end Mortimer receives a plea- sant surprise. Two minor roles are played by Jay Long and Bruce Neyer. A threatre classic, this play is well written and extremely funny. The characterizations are the high point of the piece. Miss Catherine Zeller is directing the production. Tickets may be obtained from any senior, at Sloan’s Pharmacy in Mount Joy, at Houseal’s store in Maytown and at Appley’s in Marietta. They will also be sold at the door on the nights of the performances. Republicans win all local school, municipal offices; Duke’s win over Hoffmaster close The closest contest in last week’s local election was between Jere Duke and Mary Hoffmaster, running against each other for a 2 year term on the Donegal School Board. Duke, incum- bent Republican, won 1169 to 922 for Hoffmaster, Democrat. Donald Kugle and John N. Weidman, incumbents, won re-election to the board. Thomas E. Meckley won his first term on the board. Kugle and Meckley, run- ning on both the Democratic and Republican tickets, a- massed a total of 1868 and 2010 votes respectively. Wiedman, running only on the Republican slate, garnered 1438 votes. The only other candidate for the three six-year avail- able seats on the board, Zelda Heisey, got 637 votes as a Democrat. Mount Joy Boro Omar G. Groff and Charles W. Ricedorf, Re- publican incumbents, won re-election to the borough council in Mount Joy’s East Ward, by 259 and 262 votes respectively, over 116 votes for Democrat Blaine Gut- shall. In Florin, George Fitzkee Republican defeated John Matoney, Democrat, by 169 to 134 for a seat on the council. In the West Ward, Harold Keller, unopposed Repub- lican, received 298 votes. Arthur Sprecher, unop- posed Republican for boro auditor, received 822 votes. Marietta Republicans made a sweep of the four seats available on the boro coun- cil. James Howell (205 votes), Robert E. Long (235), Oliver C. Overlander (252), and David L. White (265), won over Democrats Oliver C. Cohen (173), John Hinkle (188), Wayne Mad- "sen (168), and James C. Smith, Jr. (181). Dr. Robert V. Cresswell, unopposed Republican, re- ceived 22S for bore auditor. E. Donegal Twp. Lloyd H. Fuhrman, unop- posed as Republican candi- date for supervisor, won another term with 374 votes. William R. Smith won re-election as township au- ditor with 374 votes. Mount Joy Twp. Charles E. Crowe, unop- posed Repubiican, won his ficst term as township supervisor with 358 votes. Miller defeated Forry for township auditor, 377 to 14S. Donegal Judicial District Raymond B. Knorr, un- opposed Republican, won re-election as magistrate for the Donegal District. Mount Joy BPW Candlelight Tour this Sun.; homes, Vo-Tech, church, mansion on view by Hazel Baker The annual Candlelight tour sponsored by the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women will take place on Sunday, November 16 from 2 to 8 p.m. Nine homes, Mount Joy Vo-tech School, Donegal Presbyterian Church, and the Cameron Conference Center will be included on the tour. Light refreshments will be served at the Cameron mansion. Tourists may start at any point along the entire route, but the price of admission is the same for visiting any or all the places on the tour. Matinee for senior citizens The senior class of Donegal High School will present a matinee perform- ance of the three-act comedy ‘‘ Arsenic and Old Lace’ for senior citizens and for guests at all church, frater- nal, and convalescent homes in the community. This matinee will be held at 1:15 on Wednesday afternoon, November 19, in the high school auditoruim. There will be no admission charge. Any person who qualifies as a senior citizen is welcome to attend this performance. Just report to the high school by 1:15 on Wednesday, November 19. Senior citizens can make a real day of it and have lunch in the school cafeteria. Admission includes not only the light refreshments at the Cameron Mansion, but also a map and brochure describing each site includ- ed in the tour. The tour was arranged by the finance committee of BPW, co-chaired by Mrs. Harold Keller and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton. Members of the committee are Mrs. Eugene Eicherly, Mrs. Les- ter Eshleman, Mrs. James Evans, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Meckley, Mrs. Don Musser, Mrs. Gerald Sheetz, Mrs. Ralph Richards, Mrs. John Stauffer, Mrs. Banks Wag- ner, and Mrs. Abram H. Weidman. Proceeds from the benefit will help finance the follow- ing club projects: Cancer Drive, Chinese Nursing Fund, Christmas Decora- tions, Dental Clinic, Done- gal Area Schools, Foreign Exchange Student, Girl of the Month, Donegal High School, Mount Joy Public Library, Maxwell Scholar- ship, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Memorial Day Parade Float, Memorial Day Projects, Mount Joy Community Council, Senior Citizens Christmas Gifts, and Scholarship for Donegal High School students. The following are brief descriptions of each place on the tour. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Berrier, 311 N. Barbara Street, Mount Joy. Family Heirlooms and many antiques are part of the decor including several chairs, hanging lights, drop continued on page 3 Mary Sarver holds an antique nightlamp that tells time as the candle burns lower.
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