975 wi wd EEE OC EE EE EE Ep EE EE EE EB September 10, 1975 “Scott Siplin g Scott Sipling wins at 4-H Pig Round-up Nine year-old Scott Sipling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sipling, R.D. 1, Marietta, won the Reserve Lightweight Championship at the 4-H Pig Roundup last This was the first time Scott had entered the Round-up. Scott’s 19S Ib. pig brought 63 1/2 cents a pound from Hatfield packers. Free square dance tonight The Grand Square Club will hold a promotion dance (free admission) at Mount Joy Vo-Tech School, Wed- nesday, September 10 from 7:30 till 10:30 p.m. Anyone who thinks he or she might be interested in learning more about square dancing is most warmly invited by members of the Grand Square Club. Last Thursday night the Grand Square dancers were whirling at Vo-Tech to the calling of Paul Andrews. For information about the Grand Square Club call Mr. and/or Mrs. John R. Stauf- fer, Mount Joy, R.D. 2, telephone 653-1661. “We built the worlds largest car insurance company on low rates and good . Service... You'll find a world of difference with State Farm SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN-Page 17 GREINER’ S GARAGE, INC. Your Full-Service Headquarters "We've always been friendly!” * Arco Gasoline * Arco Products * Batteries * Tires * State Inspection * Front-End Alignment * Oil Change & Lube * Tune-Ups * 24-Hour Towing * Etc. ® OX HX HNXX ¥AXF HR EX At the same location L & G MOTORS "We're friendly, too!” Quaiity used cars and trucks. . .all price ranges Notary Service (Home phone 653-2246) R. D. 2, Rt. 230 West, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Telephone 653-4650 Mondays thru Saturdays THERE'S NO SHORTAGE OF SERVICES AT HINKLE'S week. EO EER RE vy SEE ER YER FROM OUR ORLHATD PEACHES APPLES PEARS EXPRESS DELIVERY ON PRESCOD TiN ITEMS FREE DELIVERY TO SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN AREA ome Grown Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Gh 21 HOUR EMERGENCY Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Peppers, Tomatoes SERVICE ALWAYS 000000000000000 AVAILABLE SECONDS IN WEAVER'‘S CHICKEN and MRS. PAUL’S FISH PHONES 684-2551; 684-2552 WE ALSO FEATURE... EVENING HOURS 7 NIGHTS PER WEEK BROKEN PRETZELS 5 Ibs. for $3.25 We have Frosty Acres frozen vegetables by the 5 Ib. bag or the 20 Ib. box FROSTY ACRES FROZEN VEGETABLES are top quality at reasonable prices. ALEX JUST 74 E. Main Street i Mount Joy, Pa. UCI IIR For your late summer cookout we have PHONE 653-2212 FRANKFURTERS, MARSHMALLOWS, { Like agood BANK AMERICARD and MASTER CHARGE CHARCOAL AND CHARCOAL LIGHTER. : STATE TARM yuyu tue espa tan BE CATERPILLAR, UNION, PAID PRESCRIPTION 2for2.25 ars is there. and BLUE CROSS PLANS STATE FARM MUTUA AUTOMOBILE inst UR ANC Se! COMPANY Feome Ofte Bio w SENIOR CITIZEN PRESCRIPTION PLANS » COMPLETE CONVALESCENT AIDS (SALES AND RENTALS), PLUS SURGICAL APPLIANCES DEPARTMENT MAINTAINED BY CERTIFIED FITTERS CHARGE ACCOUNT SERVICES © FREE PARKING 4, 7) # K SNR SII. TV WV VIN LCR THIRD & LOCUST STS. COLUMBIA SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri.-8 a.m. to 9 p.m. — Wed. & Sat. - 8 am. to 6 p.m. WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 WE ORE EER ORE REED OSE ORR Pe CONTEST! Evety load of wash you ONEBRIDGE FAR do at STEHMAN’S | M LAUNDROMAT, Mount Visit our New Retail Store ) Joy, gives you a chance at four big FREE GIFTS to be presented at a drawing on Saturday, September 20 at 10 a.m. PRIZES include electric blanket, laundry baskets, $10 gift certificate at IGA, $5 gift certificate at Stehman'’s Laundromat. |advertisement | 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. Where we feature our own LOCA| BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAME Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS \ ° Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS CUSTOM BUTCHERING Men. - Thurs, 8-5:30 - Fri. 8-8 — Sat. 8-5 PHONE 653-4087 John H. Brubake;
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