rr rr VW VW VI a eda July 23, 1975 Rev. R. McDowell is installed as pastor in Brilliant, Ohio by Hazel Baker REV. R. MICHAEL McDOWELL Reverend R. Michael McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell, 268 W. Market Street, Marietta, was installed as minister of First United Presbyterian Church, Brilliant, Ohio, recently. The service, con- ducted by the Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery, repre- sented by Reverend Edwin Fontaine, Pastor of Second United Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, Ohio, with the call to worship; Reverend David P Birch, Moderator of the Presbytery installed the candidate and Reverend Charles Vellenga, Supply of First United Presbyterian Church, Bell- aire, Ohio charged the pastor. James McDowell, Mari- etta, and the minister’s father, presented special music for the occasion. Rev, McDowell was grad- uated from Donegal High School, Grove City College, and Pittsburg Theological Seminary (in 1975 with a Master of Theology Degree) He supplied various pulpits during his school years and was a summer volunteer with the Board of National Missions in Whitesville, W. Virginiae This year he has served as student assistant at Southminister United Presbyterian Church, Mt. Lebanon, PA. These members of Mc- Dowell’s family attended the installation services in Ohio; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell, his grandmother, Mrs. Harry Pittenturf, Sr., and his aunts Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. Ordination services were conducted earlier in the year for the Rev. McDowell at the English United Presbyterian Church, Marietta. Reverend William Brown, Moderator Designate and Executive Presbyter of Donegal Pres- bytery, Reverend John Fer- guson, Pastor of the Union- ville United Presbyterian Church, Unionville, PA., Mrs. Rosalie Anderson, Elder United Presbyterian Church, Columbia, Raymond Sell, Elder of the host church, and Reverend Eugene Wright of the host church participated in the special ceremonies. Special music was presented by James McDowell, father of the installed pastor. A reception followed the ordi- nation services in Fellow- ship Hall. M. Brubaker, kitchen queen ( Continued from page 1) In addition to cooking at home Mrs. Brubaker also cooks at Beahm Junior High School. The Brubakers live on a dairy farm near Donegal High School. They attend Mount Calvary Church in Elizabethtown. The three daughters ar- ranged a surprise drop-in party for Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker this May on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. ‘““Kissin’ don’t last; cookin’ do.” Reader: send wus your nominee for Queen of the Kitchen, and the name of one of her best dishes. FACTORY OUTLET BED SPREADS DRAPES LINCOLN HI-WAY 's MILE EAST OF COLUMBIA TURN SOUTH ON OSWEGO DRIVE SAVE 20%-50% DAILY 9-6, FRI. 9-9, SATS-5 (684-6341) SIJSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 7 MT. JOY ZI NEST or E-TOWN Xo ona. MANHEIM SHOPPING CENTER Prices : Effective Thru All Stores Open 8 A.M. Until 6 P.M. Mon., Tues., and Sat Wednesday 8 A.M. ‘til’ 9 P.M. Thurs. & Friday 8 A.M. ‘til’ 11 P.M NO NECKS OR . GIBLETS 1B. FIRST CUT CENTER CUT =i eo ¢ a9! SAT., JULY 26 oPLIT FRYERS Split Fryers Are Half Chickens...They’re Younger, Lightweight Birds And Are Known To Have The Tenderest Meat! Fresh...Gov’t Inspected WEIS TENDER v CHEK BEEF SAVE 20c ON MT. ROSE CUCUMBER SLICES SAVE 17c ON CONTADINA COUNTRY-STYLE SWEET ¢ PINT-JAR 6-0z. ¢ CANS CHICKEN, FISH, KIDNEY, LIVER or MEAT FRISKIES CAT FO0D§7::*]1. 00 WiR'S LEMONADE or ORANGE ADE sR 0O00 10-PACK 71/2 oz. ONLY21/2 ¢ Pkgs. PER GLASS! SAVE 13¢ ON PILLSBURY CRESCENT ROLLS ww] P° EEN FREEZER QU *Salisbury Steak *Sliced Chicken *Sliced Turkey *Veal Parmigiana : 5-0z. $ 1 PKGS. COOKIN’ BAGS POTATO KING...FROZEN FRENCH FRIES FRESH...CALIFORNIA *Sliced Beef rSuien Your Local 522 Insurance DONEGAL | Company MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Supporting ORANGES 4 MARIETTA, PENNA. 48 a local he Ime fo Jo a ee nit Effort SAVE 15¢ & COUPON On a Quart-Bottle of ’ i a: 69 “ > 10 ror = fo ¢ RRS By AY SAVE 20: COUPON On a 7-0z. Can of i PAID I wiskuoun OB pigHT cua B i Heavy Duty Detergent 6 5 i © Deodorant kB Offer Expires 7-30-75 One Coupon Per Family oo Offer Expires 7-30-75 One Coupon Per Family J Mal A a, eC Ee RE Ee ee ae ee me SAVE 10¢:., : On an 8 oz. Bottle of Donegal Mutual Insurance Company FSAVE 20:8 ROUTE no. 441 BY-PASS Iocoaon cena AR sven sis Cd MARIETTA, PENNSYLVANIA 17547 Noose I EE. OO >) EO EEE aE mom EE ER TR es wei We redeem U. S. Gov't food stamps — We reserve the right to limit quantities { . “ 4 . x 4 > . & oF , ud +3 f - a 2 rm AN al de A 3 ™ A . a hod J } JF FIV, 3 } or ’ 7 yee {is Y ' s + 4 OL! J (AREA CE RE ) dv. are Liar - 31. G05 18 tz J ’ J J ¢ » FY a ’ gd fp wos ey ~ Yo oh - < # A 0-KD A uad var of WT NE Be , A mds ’ . sin EIEN 20N idiots IGT sha reeed Higa “oh RASS OTE VISVe!
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