Page 6 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN CHURCH NEWS NEWS OF AREA CHURCHES ON THIS PAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS: MARY G. NISSLEY Funeral Director East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 653-1151 J.B.HOSTETTER & SONS Hardware G.E. Appliances West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 653-1841 THE SICO COMPANY Oil Burner Sales & Service Quality Petroleum Products MOUNT JOY, PA. SHIREMAN'S TEXACO GARAGE H. L. “PETE” SHIREMAN, 150 W. MARKET ST. MARIETTA, PA. 17547 PHONE 426-1356 WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. FLORIN FEEDS MOUNT JOY, PA. Appley’s NEWS STAND 110 West Market Street Marietta 426-1849 Burner Fuel Chief] S2les& HEATING OIL. Service L On wIATIWC FQUirmINT GARBER OIL COMPANY 105 Fairview St., Mount Joy Phone 652 1821 UNION NATIONAL MOUNT 10Y BANK Mount Joy — Maytownr Drive In, Walk Up Windows at Both Offices Open Saturday 8 lam. EAR ——— KEENER MEMORIALS MAYTOWN, PA. Phone 426-1959 SELL’S BARBER SHOP GILBERT MOTORS CRANKSHAW'S NOTARY PUBLIC Maytown, Pa. - 426-3604 ARCO STATION 33 West Market Street Sales ALY on Marietta Service Routes 441 & 743 Tune-up R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 426-3818 de Inspection Phone 426-3422 MOUNT JOY Calvary Bible Church Donegal Heights Rev. Ronald Gibson, Pastor Rev. Douglas Haliman, Assoc. Pastc 9:16 a.m. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Junior Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Meetings 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wed. - Praver Meeting Church of God Main Street Rev. Ralph C. Warner, Pastor 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Midweek Prayer Chiques United Methodist U.S. 230 East of Mount Joy Woodrow Kern, Minister 9:15 a.m. Church School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Cross Roads Brethren in Christ S. Angle St. & Donegal Springs Rd. Roy J. Peterman, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Evening Worship Donegal Presbyterian Donegal Springs Road R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. (near the Elizabethtown- Marietta Airport) Rev. Robert C. Murphy, Pastor Sunday 8:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:15 a.m. Church School for all ages. First Presbyterian 7 Marietta Street Rev. Stephen W. Getty, Pastor 9:45 a.m. School with Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Nursery provided - Jr. Worship, Service 6:00 p.m. Youth Group Meets 7:00 p.m. Worship Service, Nursery provided Everyday - Strength for Today, dial 653-5888 Florin Brethren 815 Bruce Avenue Jacob F. Replogle, Pastor 9:00 a.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Midweek Service Full Gospel Church Main & Market Sts. Rev. Harold J. Nye, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evang. Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Midweek Service Glossbrenner United Methodist Church and Angle Sts. Clair L. Wagner, Jr., Minister 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Church School 7:00 p.m. Wed. - Midweek Service Macedonia A. M. E. N. Fairview Street Arthur R. Williams, Jr., Pastor 12°00 Noon Service Mount Joy Mennonite Donegal Springs Road Melvin Graybill and Shelley Shellenberger, Pastors 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study Mt. Pleasant Brethren In Christ Rev. Harry D. Bert, Pastor Lee Buckwalter, S. S. Supt. 9:00 am. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Service (2nd & 4th Sunday each month) 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer Meeting Saint Luke's Episcopal S. Market St. & Columbia Ave Rev. Donald Whitsei, Rector 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Service and Church School Trinity E. C. Donegal & New Haven Sts. Benjamin E. Hess, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Gospel Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer Meeting St. Mark's United Methodist 27-29 East Main Street Rev. W. Richard Kohler, Pastor 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer & Bible St. Mary's Roman Catholic New Haven St. Father Joseph T. Kofchock, Pastor Sunday Mass - 8:00 a.m. Holy Days - 7:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran W. Main and Manheim Sts. Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 Morning Worship MAYTOWN Brethren In Christ Rev.-Earl Herr, Pastor 15 a.m. Sunday School 15 a.m. Morning Worship p.m. Evening Worship p.m. Wed. - Prayer Meeting Church of God Rev. Edward L. Rosenberry, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer & Bible Reformed Church (UCC) East Elizabeth Street Paul N. Marsteller, Minister 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Rev. Dennis K. Hall, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church Schoo! 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9: 10: 7:30 7:30 MILTON GROVE Milton Grove United Methodist Dr. Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Worship Service {on alternate Sundays) 10:15 a.m. Sunday School (9:15 a.m. on Sundays when there is no worship service) 6:30 p.m. Youth Meetings (every two weeks) MARIETTA Assembly of God N. Waterford Ave E Leroy Hoover Pastor 9.30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 7:30 p.m Evangehstic 7.30 p.m. Thu s -Prayer & Praise Bethel A. M. E. Fairview Avenue Rev. George W. Buck, Pastor 10:00 a.m Sunday School 11:30 ~.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer Meeting Congregational Bible Church Alona Marietta By-pass, Route 441 Rev. James W. Reapsome, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service 7:15 p.m. Wed. - Adult & Youth English United Presbyterian Rev. Eugene A. Wright, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Grove Chapel Chureh 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship United Methodist Market Street Rev. James F. Brown, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Presentation B.V.M. Catholic Rev. Joseph G. Gotwalk, Pastor MASSES Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 am.. Weekdays 8:00 p.m. Holy Days 7:00 a.m. & 6 :00 p.m. Reich's E. C. Maytown - Bainbridge Road Rev. Ray Berrian, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Devotional Period St. John's Episcopal Church 239 E. Market St. Rev. Dr. Aristede S. Red, Rector 10:00 a.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Zion Evang. Lutheran Route 441 at Old Colebrook Rd William Robert May, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship Zion's United Church of Christ Rev. Calvin Rex, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship BAINBRIDGE St. Luke's Lutheran Rev. Charles Snyder, Sr., Pastor 9:15 a.m. Church Service 10:15 a.m. Sunday School United Methodist Kev. James F. Brown, Pastor 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Church School Word of Life Chapel Rev. Abram L. Gish, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Gospel Hour 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Prayer Meeting ELIZABETHTOWN The Alliance Church. 153 E. High Street Rev. James H. Grumbine, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Fellowship Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Praise & Prayer Church of the Brethren Mount Joy and Plum Streets Rev. C. Wayne Zunkel 9:15 a.m. Sunday Schoo! 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service SUMMER PREACHING AT ST. MARK’S CHURCH During this summer the Pastor of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, The Rev. W. Richard Kohler, will be preparing a special series of sermons for the morninng worship service of July and August. They will be built around the study of person- alities of the Old Testament. The following is the list of dates and themes: July 6th - “Esau; How Not to Handle a Birthright’’; July 13th - “Jacob: How to Handle God?’’; July 20th - ‘Elijah: py | ol Mar Si nd Me oy ed \% basis. i We do invite churches Please send all Church # News to Susquehanna Bul- § letin, Box 75A, R. D. 1, § Marietta, Pa. 17547. Copy How to Handle the Odds- Makers’’; July 27th - *‘Sam- son: How to Handle Strengths and Weaknesses’’ August 3rd - ‘Saul: How Not to Handle Your Personal Problems’; August 10th - “David: How to Deal with Your Personal Problems’’; August 17th - “Hosea: How to Handle a Woman’’; and August 31st - ‘‘Jeremiah: How to Handle Life's Darkest Hours’. Summer worship begins at 10:15 a.m. Each celebration is designed to meet the worshippers where they are. Hymns, prayers, and other acts of worship are carefully chosen to fit the weekly theme. Special music is prepared for each week. Congregational par- ticipation is important. A cordial invitation is extended to visitors and friends of the community to worship at St. Mark's Church, 27-29 E. Main St., Mount Joy, each Sunday this summer. BIBLE SCHOOL Marietta Mennonite Church, corner of Porter and Essex Sts., will hold its Daily Vacation Bible School from July 14 - 18. One week Mon. thru Fri. from 7 to 8:30, each evening. Classes for all ages, S yr. old to adult. Everyone is wel- come. EPISCOPAL PICNIC St. John's of Marietta, St. Luke's od Mt. Joy, and St. Paul's Episcopal churches all held their annual picnic together at Sico Park on June 22. The pre-school children were entertained by Bozo the Clown, portrayed by Cindy Frady from St. John's Parish. Included in their entertainment was a peanut scramble, musical hall pas- sing relays, games, and singing. Bozo’s visit was welcomed and appreciated by all The men of all three parishes joined in the fun with an afternoon softball game. Following the afternoon activities, there was a cake walk. Three cakes were given out, one each to Regina Lowe and Rose DiGiacono, from St. John’s Parish and one to Doris Bonner from St. Paul's. A special thank you to all parishioners who make this event a fun-filled success. The Susquehanna Bull- X etin Church Page will now 2 § include the regular sched- § W ules of all area churches. of July 2, 1975 Pioneer Fire § t0 go to ocean Members of the Marietta Pioneer Fire Company Aux. i iliary will sponsor a bus tri 3 mailed ot us on a weekly & P to Atlantic City on July 12, ¥ leaving from the former Fire §§ Hall at 6 a.m. The cost of the trip has § been reduced to $7:50 per 4 person. Furthur informa. § tion may be obtained by & calling 426-3839. Births Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. 3 Lehman Jr., (Joy C. Copen- ” heaver), Mount Joy, R. D. 2, a daughter at General Hospital, July 24th: Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Garner (Peggy Adams), W. High St., Maytown, a son at the St. Joseph's Hospital, June 26. Obituaries ROBERT MORRISON Robert E, Morrison, eighty-three, 1126 Lancaster Ave., Columbia, died at Columbia Hospital He was the husband of the late Lillian Swarr Mor- rison. He was born in Bainbridge, son of the late Jonas and Elva Williams Morrison. He was retired from the mechanical department of the Armstrong Cork Com- pany, Lancaster. He atten- ded St. James Luthern Church. - Surviving are four daughters: Mary, wife of Paul Brommer, R. D. 1, Columbia; Ida, wife of John Kline, R. D. 1, Columbia; Mrs. Helen Schoelkoph, Columbia; Elva Morrison, at home; and four sons: Robert W. Morrison, Washington Boro; Harold R. Morrison, R. D.1, Columbia; James E. Morrison and Clifford C. Morison, both of Columbia, Eighteen grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, two sisters; Mrs. Myrtle Green- awalt; Grace, wife of Arthur Groft; and one brother, Harold Morrison, all of Columbia, also survive. RUSSELL ARMOLD, MARIETTA, DIES Russell L. Armold, 75, of E. Hazel Ave., Marietta, died suddenly at St. Joseph Hospital, Tuesday. He was the husband of Gertrude Barkley Armold. Born in Highmount, he was the son of the late William H. and Lillie Bles- ing Armold. He was retired in 1962 from work as a service station operator. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge 596, Elizabethtown. In addition to his widow, he is survived by a brother, Geroge Armold, a daughter, . Loretta Brommer, both of Marietta; three sons: David, of Maytown; Jay, and Glenn, both of Marietta; eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
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