July 2, 1975 . y QUISOILIEHANNA RII | FTIN — Paae 7 )75 Classes for FAA KAA C mothers to be MT. JOY, E-TOWN, Nn Enrollment in the Expec- MANHEIM tant Mothers’ classes at ta Columbia Hospital will re- WEIS MARKETS ¥ main open until July 6, 2, The classes will be held : WED. 8AM - 9PM re EW § : } on July 8, 15, 22 and 29, Prices : L THURS. 8AM - 10PM ; FARM r= tapi _ea' OUR OWN 1975 from 1 until 3 p.m. in Effective Thru mar ets OPEN JULY 4th as FRESH ey Nag 7 REFRESHING the second floor lecture Sat., July 5 8AM - SPM er EGGS FRUIT DRINKS room of the original hospital 2 oe building. Mrs Theresa A. ko ON THE BARBECUE GRILL! y § C < D 3. $292 Seroski, R. N., will super- FRESH FRYING i SMOKED HAMS vise the four classes which onoy- prings airy will include various films C i | C ¥ t NW With and lectures. Husbands are SHANK Choice S89: oP 4th of JULY invited to attend with their HALVES Center th. r PASTEURIZED - HOMOGENIZED wives. Slices J. » . Interested women may | 1- */FARM FRESH enroll and/or obtain more BUTT oth j. information about the clas- ; vice ey al JUG MILK ses by calling Columbia coy an A HALVES Celier ; Hospital, 684-2841, and 3 Stices 12 o | FR UIT DRINK 20 1/2 asking for the head nurse. | HANK PORTIONS | BUTT PORTIONS | gl} Rich Daveler — SS: 89: ———— AI is in U.S.A.F. yy -y’ CHOCOLATE MILE ORANGE JUICE Richard” Dvcler= son. of DUTCH VALLEY. SWIFT'S PREMIUM NON-FAT MILK LEMONADE Mr. and Mrs. John Daveler, All-Beef or All-Meat QS: | CANNED gh $54.99 MON. PRL Opend to 9 ICED TEA ih R. D. L Marien. FRANKS 3 | HAMS an J en8to 6 Phone 367- id 1 mile west ot Bainbridge along Route 441 oe Isted nti re : " - : Lr. Te wert e : orce’s Delayed Enlistment FRESH, JUICY SUGAR-SWEET Sliced, Cubed While Program recently according They're Delicious 8 Supply to TSgt James Ellington, Air As An appetizer, Lasts! | SEPTIC TANK -CESSPOOL CLOGGING Force recruiter, 44 S. Duke In Salads Or EACH St., Lancaster. For Desserts! : | { | { CAN NOW BE PREVENTED! Daveler, a ‘75’ graduate FAIRFIELD. N. J.— An | Available also is a free of Donegal High School, is WHOLE BEETS 4: "00 NNN INN amazing bacterial discovery | booklet, “The Story of Willie scheduled for enlistment in that prevents clogging of | Bacteria, or How To Take 1 septic tanks and cesspools | Care of Your Septic Tank the. Regular A? Force ron with a single, safe, easy- | or Cesspool,” from: November 18. pon grad- to-use yearly treatment, has | J.B. HOSTETTER uation from the Air Force's TRELLIS BRAND been developed by FX-Lab, | six week basic training Fairfield, N. J. and is now | & SONS . : 15 V2 00. available locally. . course he will receive . 35 West Main Street technical training in the Cans Mount Joy Electronic Area. en He will be earning credits toward a Career Education —_——.-. Certificate through the h weld A ns ROSEDALE... = JULY 4 Bodie od or Fog PACKED BY Ih Do . mor ci VALUES Techincal Training Schools. MAKE DID YOU HEAR.... A Mrs. M. W. Ashbey, of Lancaster, is forced (by DATE] travel) to give away ® beautiful husky/collie WE ARE EXPERTS IN crossbred female dog. The UNISEX HAIR STYLING dog is gentle, obedient, likes children, is accus- tomed to confinement. Any- GIANT SIZE BAG! FROZEN FRENCH FRIES = 3 V0 2. BO SWEET PEAS 4: 00 Lodo folalalotoletotololodolotafalodotfotodotolotolotots 0 XC ANANNK 2. PHONE 367-1622 one offering a good home to 17 EAST a this much-loved pet (who is ELIZABET 1 1/2 years old and spayed) BEEF CHICKEN, TURKEY OR SALISBURY STEAK can call Mrs. Ashbey at her home at S87 North School 11 oz ¢ Lane, Lancaster, 397-9305. M 0 R1 0 i Pkg. 4th of July Special MO 0 i i FREEZER QUEEN INES Come ote ow * L...JTHEATRE..... COOKIN’ BAGS Ho so 00 % # : : *Sliced Turk [2] 1973 Club Cabs } I : —— bod or Beef [1] 1972 Pick-up through Tuesday, July 8 SO fm SE WED RE OE EM TW PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. |: roms | XYSAVE 30: = WSAVE 30« =.) PH: 367-1808 Elizabethtown, PA “THE GREAT : n Two Pkgs. of Betty Lrocker ON A 33-0z CAN OF : : HAMBURGER HELPERS — i WAIDOPERIER® asagna, Beef Noodle, Cheese, i J ~ 000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000, : 5 a A ; Chili, Stroganoff, or Stew 4 [MAKES 10 QUARTS] } 8 . . : ka B - : Offer Expires 7-5-75 One Coupon Per fori ly J Expires 7-5- 75 one Coupon Per toni ly =F : 3. , EEE TE ER OR mem A ER ENE OED Um aE ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS 3 mr pean | omar | XISAVE 25¢ 5 MWSAVE 12¢ ©) : * : THE GODFATHERI : « * » ON A PKG OF 100 * -_.—.anns1,r 1 do id . . ON 38 oz. BOTTLE OF : GUNS REPAIRED $3 One Show Nitely at 7 : ! TETLEY TEA BAGS : WESSON OIL : USED GUNS BOUGHT & SOLD : : T= : il : 578 EAST FRONT SCOPES MOUNTED : : : > 4 Offer Expires 7-5- 75 One Coupon Per Fomil > OWHer Expires 7-5-75 One Coupon Per Famil / MARIETTA, PA. DRILLING & TAPPING: : Moose Theatre Open : a an So Re am : F PHONE 426-1332 Ln $37 Doys a ring : # We redeem U. S. Gov't food stamps — We reserve the right to limit quantities . o on . A ———————
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