June 18, 1975 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 13 i 3 ' 4 ' i 3 % ' 1 | : : i ¥ : 1 i 1 i ; 1 f i i § : £ x £ § : i 8 J Reinhart art show hours changed The hours have been changed for the DID YOU HEAR... Recipe Corner BLUEBERRY DESSERT BY Joyce Ricedorf To make crust., press the following ingredients into a 11x9 Richard Yuninger Jr. and his sister, Mary Ann, of Marietta were real prize winners in the 4H Straw- 1 cup flour pan and bake at 350 degrees 10 - 15 mins. Chill. 1 stick melted butter or margarine retrospective show of the work of the late Les Reinhart, Lancaster County berry Round-up sponsored by the Lancaster Rotary at the Farm and Home Center artist, to be held at the Mack Brewery in Marietta. The show, which opens June 23, will be open from Ip.m. to 8p.m. Monday through Sat- urday, and 1p.m. to Sp.m. Sunday. The show will be open for two weeks. 1 cup pecan meal Ya cup brown sugar in Lancaster last week. Richard took first prize - and his two prize quarts of strawberries were auctioned off by Harold Keller of Mount Joy for $52 and $51 each! They were purchased by Andy’s Catering Service of Lancaster. Sister Mary Ann’s straw- berries were auctioned, Allow 8 oz. of cream cheese to soften & beat until creamy. Mix into cheese % cup granulated sugar. Make 1 package dream whip according to package directions but adding 1 tsp. vanilla instead of "2 as package states. Fold into cream cheese mixture & chill until set. Spread on crust. Top with 1 : gean blueberry pie filling (may use other pie filling if desired). : 8 Chill. 1 Fn to GE GF EDAD OE HRD RC 0) TS OU UND 500 UD 458 OU O50 UD G0 ( AOHAEASE MOOV hm coy mae DID YOU HEAR... BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. James Ison, (Connie Heisey) Arch St., Bainbridge, a daughter, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boyle, (Margaret Miller), Mount Joy, R.D.I',:a son at Osteopathic Hospital, 6/7. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Brewer (Rebecca Hess), Mount Joy R.D.2 a daughter at home, 6/8. Mr. and Mrs. John 8S. Slaybaugh (Gloria Learn), 146 W. Market St. Marietta, a daughter at General Hospital, 6/12. | ] HAVE YOU HEARD... | Peggy Marley’s Res-| | taurant in Marietta is now| open Sundays from 7 a.m. to| '3 p.m., and Saturday] | mornings, 7a.m. to 11 a.m., ‘only for breakfast. Eat at | Peggy's, the food’s GREAT! |Avertisement] | a——— m———————— “Inside every apartment building are homes that need protection.’ See me about State Farm Renters Insurance. The rates are low, the coverage comprehensive "ALEX JUST 74 E. Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-2212 Like a good Re neighbor, > State Farm | ©@ is there. INSURANCE STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois GEORGIA A.BRADY Navy Seaman Re- cruit Georgia A. Brady, daughter of Mrs. Christine L. Brady of Route 3, Pinch Road, Manheim, PA., was graduated from recruit training at the Naval Train- ing Center, Orlando, Fla. Classes include instruc- tion in seamanship, military regulations, fire-fighting, close order drill, first aid and Navy history. GILBERT FRANK Col. and Mrs. Charles S. Frank from Tantallon, Maryland, announce the graduation of their son Capt. Gilbert Frank from George Washington Univer- sity, Washington. He and his wife, Susan will leave July 1st for Honolulu, Hawaii where he will serve his internship. Gilbert is the grandson of Mrs. Charles S. Frank and Mrs. Raymond Gilbert of Mount Joy. IY alae nL a La] MOUNT JOY LEGION (2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass) \ \ THE SIDEMEN } Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 £ - Beet BVO INTRODUCING THE Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kray- bill of Maytown were hosts to a garden party last week for over SO young people of the Congregational Bible Church, Marietta. The party was to honor all ‘75’ graduates. Rain dampened the Ha- waiian theme decorations for the affair - but not the spirits of the crowd. They just moved indoors and had a grand evening, anyway. Mrs. Robert Hiestand, Mrs. Marlin Miller and Mrs. Kraybill arranged the party and made the decorations. ROBERT R. SARGEN COMPLETES TRAINING Robert R. Sargen, for- merly of Waterford Ave., Marietta completed three weeks of combat training at the U. S. Army base at Fort Leanarwood, Missouri. Robert, the son of the late Maxwell Sargen and Mrs. Katherine Sargen of Bain- bridge, is now at Fort Poke, Louisiana, for eight weeks of jungle infantry and drill sargeant training After completing his training, Robert «ill serve in Panama for 16 months. Sargen re-« tlisted in the army after scrviug 196S to 1967. DID YOU HEAR... Hiram Mayers, of May- town, is home from the hospital and would welcome visitors. Hiram was long- time custodian of the May- town Elementary School. Elizabeth J], Wolgemuth Miss Wolgemuth betrothed Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wolgemuth, Elizabethtown R3, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth J. Wolge- muth, to Robby Lee Smyre. The bride-elect was grad- uated from Lancaster Men- nonite High School and is employed by Wolgemuth Fruit Market, Mount Joy. Mr. Smyre is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smyre of Elizabethville R1. He is employed by Wolge- muth Fruit Market, Mount Joy. again by Harold Keller, for $27.50 each for two quarts. Cynthia Erb, Mount Joy, was a featured speaker at the Round-Up. Max Smith, County Agent, and Fred Funk, Millersville truck- farmer, were judges. from Leonard T Navy Constructionman Leonard T. Diffenderfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diffenderfer of 82 N. Char- lotte St., Manheim, Pa., is attending Basic Steelworker School at Port Hueneme, Calif. The 12-week course in- Credit The pictures of the spring Atletic Teams at Donegal High School published in last week's BULLETIN were taken by Georjean, Fruit- ville Pike, Lancaster, pro- vided by Jim Gerberich, Mount Joy. 454 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-2332 . Diffenderfer cluded instruction on math- ematics, blueprint reading, sheetmetal layout, and techniques for the steel reinforcement of concrete construction projects. A 1962 graduate of Manheim Central High School, he joined the Nav: in October 1973. HELP WANTED SALESPERSON Immediate sales posi- tion available with estab- lished Lancaster County Home Modernization Company. Excellent op: portunity for the right person. All replies confi dential. Send resume tC P.O. Box 148, Columbia : Pa. or phone 684-6981 for application. “ FOGIE’S CAFE 3 PET ToL) POs a VY [ang ; 3116S EIT 2 ; SST Yh LP PRD DOPE IE FE INAS REFRESHING FRUIT DRINKS Conoy-Springs Dairy | GRAND OPENING] CELEBRATING JUNE DAIRY MONTH Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 18, 19, 20 and 21 MILK SPECIAL FARM FRESH JUG MILK PASTEURIZED - HOMOGENIZED $1.10 gal. reg. $1.20 gal. CHOCOLATE MILK NON-FAT MILK MON. - FRI. OpenY 109 SATURDAY Open8to6 Phone 367-6292 ORANGE JUICE LEMONADE ICED TEA 1 mile west ot Bainbridge slong Route 441
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