June 11. Page 18 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN 1975 Pennsylvania no-fault DID YOU KNOW. .. Auto Richard L. Waters Sr. pf Insurance "aw 237 -W. Walnut St. is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital of Lancaster. His room number is 442, and would appreciate hearing from his friends. it's the LAW Your local Nationwide agent will be happy to give you information on Penn- sylvania’s new no-fault insurance. Call today. Truck passes nervous boys on bike on bridge while oncoming car slows. Ek SE : . . JACK TYNDALL Lucy Haines continues the fight| ° ""'™ Mount Joy, Pa. for a safe bridge over the Chiques| or NATIONWIDE Mrs. Lucy Haines conti- Mrs. Haines had invited their children. As an incen- nued her fight last Thurs- everyone to come to bridge tive the children were’ INSURANCE day for improving the bridge on Thursday to see for treated to free ‘‘slushies’’ at FARM FRESH JUG MILK 1.20. PASTEURIZED - HOMOGENIZED CHOCOLATE MILK ORANGE JUICE ®» Nationwide is on your side a abl over the Chiques Creek on themselves how dangerous the Twin Kiss across the |Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company NON-FAT MILK LEMONADE Route 230 rhe east edge it was for na and bridge. HEME Opies; Solum, Om MON. - FRI. Open 9 10 9 ICED TEA of Mount Joy. bicyclists, especially chil- One thousand slushies PT EDAY Opens ns slong Route 441 dren. She had sent personal were handed out, but little PhGle SET 202 a RIE: D1 EH EISie Har Rote invitations to Rep. Brandt attention was paid to the : and Sen. Manbeck. bridge. The only official to show Meanwhile, Mrs. Haines up was Mount Joy Borough maintained a lonely vigil on J i} | b ou BR Manager Joseph Bateman. the western side of the Mrs. Haines. had also bridge, taking a traffic count invited parents to bring of 2193 vehicles passing in a two-hour -period. NOW nets Be sure of that well deserved Vacation Next Year, SAVE conveniently from 50c to $10.00 per week, and watch your club grow as you make your vacation plans. ABOVE THE REST! 4 Lucy Haines and Joseph Bateman If you had a Vacation Club at Union National last year, relax and enjoy your va- cation. If you didn’t have a Club —— NOW is the time to start! Do You Have a Home Built in the 1700’s or 1800’s — Buy extra leisure time! Ariens Riding Mowers let A CLASS FOR EVERY PLAN AND PURSE Pay 50 cents a week and receive Pay § 1.00 a week amd receive you get the lawn done Pay $ 2.00 a week and receive .......... $ 100.00 tarm heute h Quickly and ove of to OWRn house what you really want to Pay $ 3.00 a week-and receive $. 150.00 ’ do. 8 models to choose Pay $ 5.00 a week and receive .... $ 250.00 or estate? from, priced as low as Pay $10.00 # week and receice -$ 500.00 We would like to advertise it for you in national $487.75 circulation newspapers and publications like An- tique Magazine, directed at exclusive clients who BR A i I’ 5 can bring you top value. p UNION NATIONAL ENGLE NAME RICHI & DAVIES, (} MOWER MOUNT JOY BANK | Real Estate SHOP Oe 115 E. King St. Lancaster, Pa. Donegal Springs Rd., MAYTOWN, PA. MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 394-5681 Ask for Bob McMurtrie R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. JOIN TODAY BEE BCE BE ER ARETE TE TATE TR TER Ta Tats Ta ade
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