7S nt E E ide any June 11, 1975 CLASSIFIED ADS - $1 for 15 words or less, $2 for £ £15 to 30 words. Mail ad and money or check to £ CLASSIFIEDS, Susquehanna Times — Bulletin, Box £75A - R. D. 1 - Marietta, Pa. 17547. No & nm asiassitied ads accepted by phone. HInnnnuRE CLASSIFIED NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601. SERVICES OFFERED -WELCOME WAGON. Call Barbara Banks, 653-4478, or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area) or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta area). NOTICE - We screen unusual fireplaces. Custom made and stock ®creens installed. Glassfyre screens, with folding French doors. Thirteen different finishes, tools and equipment. Ream’s Fireplace Shoppe, Talmage, Pa. 656-9016. NOW OPEN - STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT variety of ma- chines to do any type of wash - diapers, draperies, even 9x12 rugs. Florin Ward, Mount Joy. NOTICE: Fight Inflation With Extra Income. Limited Number of Openings In This Area For Home Operated Business. No Selling. Rush Self-addressed, Long Stamped Envelope For Free Information. Newman Products Compnay, 6103 Perry Street, Landover, Md. 2078S. NOTICE § Channel Master 8 track tape players for cars. On sale $29.95. Free pair of speakers worth $13.50 with purchase. NOTICE -Freezers-Upright & chest freezers reduced to 10% above cost. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. 426-1525. WANTED —Live in Domestic for housework. Phone 393-3933. CANNING JAR LIDS FOR CANNING SEASON. Order now for July delivery. $5.50 per 100. Entire industry very scarce. Send check or money order to: PLAST—O— PRODUCTS, INC., Ellendale Lane, Milton, DE 19968. FOR SALE - Premium asphalt & aluminum roofing. Ex- perienced installers. Free estimates. Call 426-1571. FOR SALE-Electric grass trimmer, 4 new blades, used 1 time. John Miller, 261 Lumber St., Mount Joy. NOTICE—Toy Pomeranians available for stud service. Red & orange. Puppies soon. Ph. 898-7139. FOR SALE—Full trailer gas tank, with regulator. John Miller, 261 Lumber St., Mount Joy. ATTENTION* DEMONSTRATORS —Toys & gifts. Work now thru Dec. Free sample kit. No experience needed. Call or write Santa’s Parties, Avon, Conn., 06001. Phone: 1-203-673-3455. ATTENTION* HOMEMAKERS —Friendly Toy Parties is expanding and looking for managers in your area. Party Plan experience preferred. Call collect to Carol Day — 1-518-489-4571 or write Friendly Home Parties, 20 Railroad Ave., Albany, N.Y. 1220S. STOREROOM FOR RENT—36 W. Main St., Mount Joy, available July 1. Contact John Miller, 261 Lumber St., Mount Joy. Thanks for the cards, gifts and flowers sent to me while I was a patient in the hospital. Florence Myers GREINER'S GARAGE, INC. Lubrication Front End Alignment R.D.2 (Route 230) MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 17552 Phone: 653-4650 L & 6 MOTORS Quality Used Cars & Trucks Tires Batteries Please send me The Susquehanna Bulletin every week [Except Christmas and July 4] for one year Mail to: SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN, Box 75A, R.D.1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 I am enclosing $4.00. A—. FOR SALE by owner Drager Road, East Donegal Twp. Bank barn on 10 acres of ground. This picturesque country setting features open areas, some woods, creek frontage, 50 fruit trees & hard road frontage. Ideal country home site, camp site, place to raise horses, or just use your own imagination. A REAL BUY at $27,500 Please phone 684-2589 after 6 p.m. for appointment to view this property. “INFLATION PROOF BUSINESS” Ground Floor Opportunity Start Small & Grow With Us Service Established Retail Accounts. Investment Required $2,195.00 to $7,990.00 Phone Mr. Richards collect 314-997-3800 or Write Including Phone Number P.O. Box 28235, St. Louis MO 63132 HELP WANTED SALESPERSON Immediate sales posi- tion available with estab- lished Lancaster County Home Modernization Company. Excellent op- portunity for the right person. All replies confi- dential. Send resume tc P.O. Box 148, Columbia, Pa. or phone 684-6981 for application. ; Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza hethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 NOTICE TO: RESIDENTS OF DON- EGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ALL PERSONS WORKING WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF DONE- GAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given of “the intent of the school board of Donegal School District to adopt a resolution creating and implementing an occupational privilege tax of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per annum pursuant to the Local Tax Enabling Act. The tax will be levied on all individuals engaged in an occupation within the limits of Donegal School District. The levy will be a tax on the privilege of all to engage in an occupation within Done- gal School District. Employers whose em- ployees will be subject to the tax will be authorized and required to collect and withhold the tax due from each employee and to forward the tax to the school district. Employers will be authorized to withhold a commission for collection in the amount of two percent (29%) of the total tax collected. It is necessary to impose this tax because of the increased costs and expen- -ditures of the school district in maintaining quality edu- cation and in order to partially offset-the decrease in wage tax revenues. The estimated return from the tax during the fiscal year (July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976) is Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). The resolution adopting such tax will be adopted at the meeting of the school board of Donegal School District on Thursday, June 19,1975. The meeting will begin at 8:00p.m. and will be held in the Donegal High School Library, R. D. #1, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Lillian K. Fry Secretary CU AL ATT “Since 1915” CLL ARE PR 4B MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. MONDAY - 10 a.m. - Horse 2:30 p.m. - Fat 12:30 p.m. AUCTIONS noke the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Sale Shai Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal - Dairy Sale SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN--Page 19 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ZONING HEARING BOARD of the Borough of Mount Joy will conduct a PUBLIC HEAR- ING on Wednesday, June 18, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Borough Offices Building, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, PA., to hear the following petition: I. Mr." and Mrs. Roy Armold, 909 Wood Street, Mount Joy, request a side yard variance be granted in order to build an addition onto their home. All interested parties are invited to attend. BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY ZONING HEARING BOARD ESTATE NOTICE Estate of George B. Greiner, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. Carrie Greiner 334 Chocolate Ave. Mount Joy, Pa. and George H. Greiner 242 S. Market Street Mount Joy, JPa., 17552 Roda, Morgan, Hallgren & Heinly Attorney FOGIE’S 3 42 E. FRONT ST., MARIETTA SE LTE EL £. SANDWICHES 3 VS A Tr pT RE A os HR a ak aT A EE TAR COUNTY WIDE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of East Donegal Township will conduct a public hearing on Friday, June 13, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Township Super- visor's Office at Maytown, Pa. to hear the following applications: 1. Mr. and Mrs. James Good,, Sr. 129 Arnold St., Maytown, Pa. request ‘a variance to build a two story addition to present home. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd, present address, 1941 New St., E. Petersburg request a special exception to operate a beauty shop in new home located on corner of Haunstein Rd. and Maytown Rd. All interested parties are invited to attend. J. Robert Greider Secretary PUBLIC NOTICE The Mount Joy Borough Council will be holding a special meeting on Thursday, June 19, 1975, at 7:30 P.M., in the Bourough Offices Building, 21 East Main Strect, Mount Joy, for the purpose of opening and accepting bids for the 1975 street improvement pro- gram and considering the passage of the Federal Revenue Sharing Budget for Entitlement Period No. 6. Joseph S, Bateman Borough Secretary NOTICE The Donegal School Dis- trict is accepting bids for the Removal of Refuse from the 7 schools located in the dis- trict. | Specifications may be obtained at the District Of- fice, So. Market Avenue, Mount Joy, PA 17552, or calling 653-1447. Sealed bids will be re- ceived until 4:00 p.m. on June 13, 1975, and awarded at the School Board Meeting on June 19, 1975. BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance AUTO SALES ARNOLD PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE New & Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. MOUNT JOY OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service MASONRY PAINT & BODY WORK STER P. ETHAN CARRIGER WASONRY PAINT & BODY SHOP CONTRACTO Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Brick - Block - Stone Silicone M Wheel Alignment Service Waterproofing RHEEMS 367-6450 Call 653-5325 or 393-6732 PRINTING ADVERTISERS We Offer MYER PRINTING SERVICE LOW COST, EFFECTIVE OFFSET PRINTING Advertising LOW PRICES Fast - Efficient - Friendly Service 52 S. Market St., Elizabethtown Phone 367-6169 * ¥ ¥ ¥ * * Susquehanna Times & Bulletin 426-2212
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