75 day be Fri- 30 ded pen ons ich Ses. 7 ind i the rch “he led ass ing ce. m ill March 26, 1975 window at Trinity Lutheran, Mount Joy MOUNT JOY COMMUNITY GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE A Good Friday afternoon service, sponsored by the Inter-Church Council of Mount Joy, will be held in St. Mark’s United Metho- dist Church (27-29 E. Main St.) from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Passion Story according to the Gospel of John will be the focus of this year’s observance of Jesus’ death. Participating in the ser- vice will be six area clergy- men and six laypersons re- presenting the several churches of Mount Joy. The clergymen who will bring their brief meditations are Dr. Ezra Ranck, Rev. Harry Bert, Father Donald White- sel, Rev. Stephen Getty, Rev. Melvin Graybill, and Rev. Clair Wagner, Jr. Lay- persons who will serve as Liturgists are Mrs. Ethel Broske, Mr. Donald Engle, Mrs. Alice Sloan, Mrs. Jean Weaver, Mr. James Roberts, and Mr. Charles Heaps. Serving as the organist for the occasion will be Mr. Gerald Miller, the organist of St. Mark’s Church. Vocal selections will be rendered by Miss Sandra Heisey, Mrs. Dorothy Heilig, and Richard Kohler. The congregation will sing many of the great hymns of the Passion and will have a part in prayers and litanies. Persons may come and go as their time schedules permit. There will be con- venient pauses for entrance and exit. On Easter morning at dawn (6:30 a.m.) a com- munity service will be held on the hill overlooking Mount Joy at the Florin Church of the Brethren. The community is cordially invited to these celebrations of the Passion and the Tri- umph of the Lord Jesus Christ. Photo by Jim Gerberich HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES AT ST. MARK'S The Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Commun- ion will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of St. Mark’s United Metho- dist Church, 27-29 East Main St., Mount Joy. The theme of the celebration is “Supper with Our Lord.” The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Miss Marilyn Strominger, will sing. The pastor, W. Richard Kohler, will have a meditation. All those who love the Lord are invited to come and join in the Memorial Meal. The Community Good Friday Service for Mount Joy will be held in St. Mark’s Church from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Six clergymen and six laypersons from the various churches of the community will participate in a reflection upon the Passion Story in John’s Gospel. Vocal music will be supplied by Sandra Hei- sey, Dorothy Heilig and Richard Kohler. Gerald Miller will be the organist for the service. On Easter Sunday St. Mark’s Church will have two services of worship. The 8:00 service will fea ture the participation in Holy Communion by those unable to attend the Thurs- day Service. The elements will be served at the altar rail. There will be special music. At 10:15 there will be a Victory Celebration at which the pastor will preach on “Resurrection.” The Chancel Choir will render Robert Leaf’s “Rejoice, Re- joice, This Glad Easter Day” and “Christ Lao in Todes- banden” by Hermann Sch- ein. The Cherub Choir will also sing; their anthem is entitled ‘Christ the Lord Is Risen.” St. Mark’s Church wel- comes anyone to its services of worship and to partici pation in its program throughout the year. Come as you are! EASTER AT CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH Easter Sunday morning, March 30, the Calvary Bible Choir, Mount Joy, will be presenting the cantata, “The Cross of Christ,” by Ste- wart B. Landon. In this cantata Mr. Lan- don depicts the life and death of Christ based on familiar hymns arranged specifically for church choirs. The program is directed by Mrs. Bernita Shelly and narrated by Mr. Larry Laughman. Mrs. Sandra Peters is pianist. Soloists in- clude Mr. Melvin Longe- necker, Mr. Donald Wise and Mrs. Vivian Apple, with a duet by Pastor and Mrs. Hallman. Rev. Ronald Gibson, Pas- tor, and Rev. Douglas Hall- man, Associate Pastor, ex- tend an invitation to all to attend. The service begins at 10:30 a.m. MOUNT JOY COMMUNITY CHORUS ONTV - The Mount Joy Commun- ity Chorus, a group of 36 voices, will present “Songs of Easter” to be viewed on WGAL-TV, Lancaster, on Easter Sunday, March 30th at 10:00 p.m. The chorus is under the direction of Miss Dorothy E. Schock and Mrs. Daniel Bubacz is the pianist. Narrator for the tele- vision presentation will be The Rev. Clair L. Wagner, Jr., pastor of Glossbrenner United Methodist Church. Mount Joy. The special Easter pro- gram will include two selec- tions from the immortal message of the Easter por- tion of Handel’s “The Mess- ish” - “Since By Man Came Death” and “The Hallelu- Jah Chorus.” by Hazel Baker Carl R. Hallgren, has been elected president of the Mount Joy Rotary Club and the additional officers for the next term are: Jay Musser, Ist vice-president; Richard F. Kilian, 2nd vice- president; Dr. R. L. Bryson, secretary; Jay Greider, as- sistant secretary; Joseph Schaeffer, treasurer and Har- old Keller, assistant treasur- er. Hallgren, a Mount Joy native, lives at 212 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy, with his wife, the former Cheryl A. Brown, and two sons, Rick and John. He is the son of Esther Hallgren and the late Ragner F. Hallgren. The Donegal High School graduate attended the Insti- tute of Far Eastern Langu- ages, Yale University (Chin- ese); earned his AB degree from Elizabethtown Coll- ege; his JD from Dickinson School of Law and served in the United States Air Force Security Service. Carl is a partner of attorn- eys Roda, Morgan, Hallgren and Heinly, 700 N. Duke St., Lancaster and is a mem- ber of the Lancaster, Penn- sylvania and American Bar Association. He is editor of the Lancaster Law Re- view and Bar Examiner for State Board of Law Exa- miners. He is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Jov. serves on the Board of Directors of Un- ion National Mount Joy Bank, Sico Foundation, Lancaster Title Abstracting Company, Conestoga Title Insurance Company and Lancaster County Lung As- sociation. The former se- cretary and chairman of the Mount Joy zoning hearing board, also conducts his local office at 81 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Projects of the Rotary Club are Experiment in In- ternational Living, Camp Harmony Hall, Capon A- wards, supporting Commun- “Woman of year” Elizabethtown College’s Women’s Auxiliary has hon- ored Mrs. Lucinda Mays for her many contributions to the organization and the College. Calling her their “Wo- man of the Year,” the Auxi- Easter e liary at its spring luncheon on Saturday presented the wife of President Morley J. Mays with an inscribed ser- vice tray for use on the campus and a special cita- tion. rug made from carpet strips from Ibberson's, Elizabethtown, SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 13 Sketch of a President Carl R. Hallgren ity Council, Boy Scouts, Library, Playground, Christ- mas Lighting fund and the local Memorial Day activi- ties. RICK BUCHANAN ON VARSITYTENNIS SQUAD AT MSC Rick Buchanan, former player at Donegal High School, is a member of the varsity tennis squad at Mil- lersville State College this year. A junior majoring in chemistry, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buch- anan, 124 W. Walnut St., Marietta. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon (Carol Spier) Union School Road, R. D. 1, Mount Joy, a daughter at St. Joseph’s Hospital, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill (Rebeccah Butler) Bain- bridge, R. D. 1, a daughter at General Hospital, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ruhl (Miriam Hershey, R. D. 2, Mount Joy, a daughter at General Hospital, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nace (Sharon Garber) 421 W. Main St., Mount Joy, a son at General Hospital, March 15. : Mr. and Mrs. James Squibbs 34 S. Locust St., Marietta, a son at Columbia Hospital, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wivell (Cindy Hoover) R. D. I, Co- lumbia, a daughter at Gener- al Hospital, March 13. - DEATHS Mrs. Charles King, 70, 235 S. Market St., Mount Joy, at Lancaster General Hos- pital, March 17. Dr. Amos E. Lenhert, 64, East Cleveland, Ohio, died at Lakeside Hospital March 19. The Lt. Col. Ret. was director of obstetrics and gynecology at Huron Road Hospital and Lakeside Hos- pital, Cleveland, Ohio and was formerly from Mari- etta. Donald R. Pedrick, 57, of 138 Manheim St., Mount Joy, at his home, March 21. ,, POOPSIE'S Key & Lock Shop 20 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1486 Durable bifidings . . . protective zippers . . . colorful Bible pictures and maps . . . special study aids . .. clear, readable print—just some of the special, child-oriented features of Nelson's children’s Bibles. Remember, a Nelson child's Bible or “ee » < a 4 The Chistian Light Bookstore 48 S. Market Street, Box 231, Elizabethtown - 367-1360 is made for a child to use and enjoy. Make your selection from our complete stock, For as low as $4.50 published by Nelson
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