Page 14 - SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Clean-up in Mt. Joy Beginning on Monday, March 31, 1975 and runn- ing to April 25, 1975 the Borough of Mount Joy will hold a spring clean-up for all residents. Any arti- cles of refuse including large appliances, etc. 'will be picked up by the Bor- ough crew FREE of charge. In order for the clean-up to run smoothly the fol- lowing rules must be ad- hered to: Small Items: All items weighing less than SO lbs. and smaller than a 20 gal- lon trash container, that are not heavy gauge metal, will be picked up during the regular garbage route on normal pick up days. Each house- hold will have 4 diff- erent opportunities during the month to place out items for pick up. Ailbrush and paper must be bundled. Large Items: All large items will be picked up by the Borough truck and crew. You must call the Borough Office (653-2300)and leave your name and ad- dress in order for these items to be picked up. (includ- ing innerspring mat- tress, large appli- ances, large piles of lumber and brush). POPOPPNPRNOPIOPOIONORNRSIORPPQCNLNY : 578 EAST FRONT MARIETTA, PA. : PHONE 426-1332 000000000 0000000 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000CSS ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS: USED GUNS BOUGHT & SOLD SCOPES MOUNTED DRILLING & TAPPING SLINGS & SWIVELS MOUNTED : Due to the increase in the cost of landfill charges we must ask that all resi- dents use good judgement in the amount of refuse that is placed to be picked up. Please note that the Bor- ough will have all Borough Streets swept by the street sweeper the week beginn- ing April 21. It will be much easier and faster to sweep the streets if all ve- hicles are removed from the street CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS The Mount Joy Chamber of Commerce has installed officers: Gerald Alleman President, and Ray Wiley Jr., Vice President. Re- elected to their offices are Joseph Shaeffer, Secretary, and Andrew Reymer, Trea- surer. SHELLY'S FURNITURE 224 New & Used 1 TTT] ) 221 Loe St., Columbia OPEN Mon., Tues., Thurs., 10to 8 Saturday - 10 to 5 Fri GUNS REPAIRED 1bberson’ = CARPET FOR HOME & CAR 1660 S. MARKET ST. = LIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs.. Fri.91t0 9 17022 Creative | * AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the . 7 » a difference in auctions! MONDAY - 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSIAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 TAWA Carpetry DID YOU HEAR... Mr. and Mrs. Guy 8S. Hoffman of Bainbridge (our cover girland boy last week) celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on March 24. They were feted at a drop-in party given in their honor by Dr. and Mrs. John Brown of Marietta. Sonnie and Grace were married 50 years ago in New York City in the Little Church Around the Corner by Reverend Randolph Ray. NITE 42 E. FRONT ST., MARIETTA SE LIE SEE TN NOIR 2 PUBLIC SALE of Hunting & Fishing Equipment, Guns, Household Goods & Antiques Sat., March 29 at 11:00 a.m. Elizabethtown, Pa. School Master's Desk, Gun Cabinet, Washstand, Table, Record Player and Records, Porch Furniture, High-chair, Single Beds, Rockers, Air Conditioners, Singer Sewing er, Copper Luster Cup, Peanut Jar, Butter Scale, Coal oil Lamp, Sleigh Bells, Lone Ranger Guitar, Oil Tin Car, Hubley Iron Cat and Dog, Iron Door, Stops, Lantern, Copper Tea Kettle, Dishes, Fisher Fiberglass Duck Boat, 14 Alum. Boat, 3 H.P. Goodyear Outboard Motor, Decoys, Bow and Arrows, 3-speed Bicycle, Iron Lawn Swing, Woolrich Suit, Dig- ging Iron, Wheelbarrow, Elec- tric Drill, Sabre Saw, Rotary Tiller, Garden Tractor; Leaf Shredder, like new; Binocu- lars, 20x50. Marlin M. 366 .30-30 w/Scope Winchester .22M. 290 w/scope Remington 760 30-06 w/scope Fox M.12 12 Ga. Double, S. Trigger. Winchester M. 24 Yu Ga. Double 10 Ga. Double And many other items too numerous to mention. Sale by Mrs. Richard Henry H. [Abe] Shaffner, 653-5689 C. H. Wolgemuth, Aucts. FOOD STAND Machine, Glassware, Carnival |’ Glass, Shirley Temple Pitch- | Electric or Manual! See Us Located along Maytown Road, | [UE <JaLer-T33To1[=} LMCT=TaVIJ= Route 743, two miles south of |! R.V. RICHARDS 6 SONS "Call us to do your work" OR 45-18% 5 FULL SERVICE OIL COMPANY REASONABLE PRICES § AUTOMATIC DEGREE DAY DELIVERIES 24 HOUR SERVICE BUDGET PLANS SERVICE CONTRACTS EXPERIENCED STAFF ¢ ABEL OIL CO. 430 Locust St., Columbia Phone 684-4686 otate Capitals 1.19% NOW PAYING AS HIGH AS . . Jacob N. Olweiler ‘local representative 218 S. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 367-5134 $1,000 minimum required. Accounts insured to $40,000. MON. - TUES. - THURS. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. WED.-8:30a.m. - 1:00 p.m. FRI. -8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. SAT. -9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon March 26, 1975 EASTER Egg EP 0 won» ws soe: ons wssiny COMPLETE KIT... NOTHING TO ADD! Automatic! PO O00 ODO0VO0U 0 OU DOOOO OD 0000 0000000¢C 00000 0000000000 C Jax CHEESE TWISTS Special 2/99¢ Wege Broken PRETZELS - 5 Ibs. $3.10 Garden Delight FRENCH FRIES - 5 Ibs. $1.25 Seconds in Weaver’ s CHICKEN and Mrs. Paul's FISH Fresh} Fruit: APPLES CITRUS, BANANAS Fresh VEGETABLES & Frosty Acre Frozen VEGETABLES ~ Rohrer’s -GARDEN SEEDS - ONION SETS: Four varieties SEED POTATOES FRESH TURKEY THIGHS 59¢ Ib. WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 HOURS: Daily 8 am. to 6 p.m.; Fri.8a.m. to 9 p.m. Ug UU QU lJ 2 00 \ lJ 4 U U0 0 U J UJ UU UU J U HOOVER FLOOR SAMPLE SALE! We are liquidating our entire stock of Hoover & Eureka Cleaners All Cleaners Reduced for SUPER SAVINGS $ HOOVER TANK 2017 Reg. $39.95 2204 Reg. $64.95 S3003 Reg. $99.95 HOOVER UPRIGHT U4005 Reg. $ 64.95 U4003 Reg. $ 79.95 1149 Reg. $104.95 EUREKA TANK 500BT Reg. $44.95 EUREKA UPRIGHT 2012 Reg. $ 64.95 1260 Reg. $119.95 Free tools with many models Spangler Appliances Sound SALE - $29.67 SALE - $46.65 SALE - $77.64 SALE - $54.54 SALE - $63.87 SALE - $79.80 SALE - $35.10 SALE - $49.84 SALE - $81.64 30-36 W. MARKET ST, MARIETTA TEL. 426-3122 OPEN FRIDAY TIL8P.M. DO 000000 O00 4 i SERRE tA}
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