PAGE 4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 1, COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED HELP? OR SERVICEY One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance , 1972 SWEET CORN LOSES juice with red or green moving stream of water from FLAVOR IN 12 HOURS grapes and orange sections. a garden hose around the g + the Serve with a sprig of fresh base of each plant. Soak to “Fifteen minutes from € a deptit of 8 to 10 inches. = ® AUTO SALES ARNOLD'S PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE New & Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. = —————— ® DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D. 2, Ph Mt. Joy 653-4891 e HOME IMPROVEMENTS DROP CEILINGS PANELING NEW ADDITIONS Guaranteed Workmanship CALL 665-4345 em ® LOANS Instalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $60C) Installment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ® ® MASONRY n——— LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 —_——— ® OIL SERVICE QS HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Qil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORE ——— Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® PLUMBING . nn — ——— H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5881 STAY anne ITCHING? Let doctor's formula stop it. Zemo speeds soothing relief to ex- ternally caused itching of eczema, minor rashes, skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs, aids healing. ““De-itch” skin with Zemo, Liquid or Ointment. Quick relief, or your money back! 3-IN-ONE OIL Oils Everything Prevents Rust REGULAR — OIL SPRAY — ELECTRIC MOTOR ADVERTISING Eros Tom Ly 18 Tv i a ETS Se Fo He ® ROOFING-SIDING feld to kettle” is an old say- mint or scoop of fruit sher- is a lot of truth in the say WATER ROSES R A D | O E A R the ears are picked, the sug of water, say Extension orna- for closest Service Center to fourteen hours in summer - h EERIE ss EE. ESRD DR aS CTR buy from an iced or refriger- 146 S. Grant Street, Manheim ;; lift to warm-weather meals. ing about sweet corn. For the bet. best tasting sweet corn. there ing. Sugar in the kernel gives “hrape sure that those new . . corn its sweet flavor. After ly-planted roses have plenty Hearing Aids Check your Yellow Pages ar begins to turn to up 10 ental horticulturists at Penn 4 half its total sugar in twelve giro” Direct a small slow- 6tfe weather, For best tasting sweet corn ated display or a roadside AUCTIONS make the difference livestock! TED MILLER stand that picks often. marketing ROOFING & SIDING p— CONTRACTOR VERSATILE FRESH PEARS NEW HOLLAND makes the fresh California give a flavor difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A M.—FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M.—FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL Versatile FREE ESTIMATES Bartlett pears Phone 665-6591 With meat or fish, serve Bartlett pear slices over rafts HORSE SALE—MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M, —~ ® SPORTING GOODS a of iceberg lettuce; dollop with mixture of Mayonnaise, FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thur, & led franks or hamburgers. Fri. 3-9 pm. Sat. 9 am 5 pm, chili sauce, chopped green on- ion and crumbled bacon. Fresh pear halves, cored and filled with a mixture of sharp cheese spread and pick- le relish, taste nifty with gril. THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2184 RAY KNORR'S SPORTING GOODS MOUNT JOY ® Hunting Licenses ® Equipment For desserts, chill Bartlett — slices in Sherry or grapefruit BUYING or SELLING a ® WATCH REPAIRING ) ro | \ ZX Pern Realty Inc 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET MANHEIM, PENNA, | Formerly Manheim-Doncgal Realty Co's) ——— I . - ———————— er —— | LEAN TENDER | OPEN 37 MARKET SQUARE - . ~, 1» . iw WATCH - Call and ask for: REPAIR ] = Bruce Myers Rick Hershey, Sales Rep ” a TSX 25 5. Lindon St. OFFICE PHONES: HOME PHONE: wal Manheim 665-2401 653-1478 397-8174 665-3797 ff 1 LUCKY LEAF gw Pie Filling or Apple Pie Filling GREEN GIANT cRUSHED GOLDEN CORN & = Boneless RIB ROA COHORT pEssERT cuT PEARS FRESH GROUND HAMBURG : 69: "CHICKEN LEGS MEDIUM SHARP Fresh cut from the wheel at Mosemann'’s! CHEDDAR CHEES FRESH SLICED BOILED HAM FRESH SLICED FOR PICNICS! rad PY 4 PL b . Fre ea te STE To ENE WN SD DETR TE Vl INN GO FRESH — JUMBO SIZE THE FULL OF JUICE KIND LEMONS THURSDAY and FRIDAY till 9 PM SEY S FOOD | MANHEIM, PA. a Ta A |]
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