WEDNESDAY, MAY-31, 1972 . S & H GREEN STAMPS CASH AND CARRY ONLY Located on Rt. 72—1 Mile N. of East Petersburg FREE PARKING Phone’ 898-0041 NEW SPRING HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. to 6 p.m, Tues, & Fri. to 9 p.m, Saturday to 5 p.m. Ciosed Sunday Pa's Nurserymen's Assn, Tig Aero Beet 3 Lei it dil STARTS. LI : { h hs ef ; heh LH i dil! 474 » a Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Jap. Andromedas Select in Lovely Bloom EVERGREENS! Fine Selection of Hardy Plants For Foundation Planting, Ground Cover, Specimens, Etc. See Them! Ready to Gol! Wilton Carpet Junipers. lovely ground cover $2.59 World famous Jande Graaf HYBRID LILIES as low as 79c CANNAS - 3 for $1.29 TREE PEONIES as low as $2.59 CLEMATIS - 5 colors as low as $2.19 Large Selection of ANNUALS - 3 doz. 2.49 MUMS named varieties 49c LARGE POTTED GERANIUMS 89c: 3 for $2.49 PANSIES - pack 89c LOVELY HANGING BASKETS — Trailing Fuchsias Cascade Petunias Plants & Supplies to do your own Cad PLUS 2 - TURF BUILDER Turf BUILDER PLUS 2, Scotts weed-n-feed, is -made especially for people who hate lawn weeds and love healthy, green grass. INDOOR PLANTS : & Norio snd Pine 5,000 sq. ft. bag (20% lbs.) $ 7.95 ® t SE os Teens 10,000 sq. ft. bag (41 lbs.) $14.95 Date Palms 15,000 sq. ft. bag (61% lbs.) .. $19.95 ® Rubber Planis rr EMPLOYS 12,000 ailable. American Forest In- EEE EEE EEE Dr. David P. Burrichter ANNOUNCES THE EA ATH THE COLUMBIA js LOCATED ON U. &. 30 EAST ‘ R.-D.2,C COLUMBIA, PENNA. BEGINNING ON MAY 15 PURCI OF TA For the practice of both large and small animal § veterinary medicine. OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday — 1.00 - 2:00 6:00 - 8:00 ® Saturday — 12:00 - 2:00 3 Phone - 684-2285 11-3c rs a a aad i) GLASSWARE PHOTOS There is a new alphabet soup for hippies — it only Transparent vases and spells four letter words. lucent glassware on window — Flora Rand shelves make very attirac- FE tive color pictures. Almost Never underes stiate a wo any exposure is sure to pro- man—unle:s you're discussing duce pleasing results, and fi h her age or her weight. in flash can be used to lighte the shadows. Even a you make picture indoors you must use daylight-type film because of the window light. Use a large lens open- ing and s<hoot from a low point to prevent the back- ground from being distracting —John M. Williams No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed. —DBryon NEWCOMER MOTORS PHONE 653-4821 1 Chevelle 2-Dr. AUTO, 6-CYL., P. S. ONE OWNER *'67 Chevelle 8 CYL. P. S. ‘65 Chevy 2-DOOR HARDTOP AUTO., V-8, P. S. ‘65 Chevy 4-DOOR HARDTOP AUTO., V8, P. S. AVOID REFLECTIONS In using photoflood lights to illuminate subjects of your indoor pictures, beware of shiny surfaces that will re- flect light into the lens—win- dowpanes, mirrors, eyeglasses and highly polished surfaces. By looking at the scene close to the camera lens, these re- flections will be visible. By shifting camera or the subject this condition can usually be corrected. In the first speed contest between self-propelled vehic- les in the United States, an important Benz motor wagon won (Nov. 2, 1895) because it was the only car to finish the race! WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. Lumber and wood products git; te reports the firms em- firms in Pennsylvania num- : bered 1,32 in 1969, latest ploy od ad Ri 8 pay : year for which figures are av- : THURSDAY SALE ny MEN'S Famous Quality SATURDAY HANES UNDERWEAR If you want the best underwear. Hanes insists you pay less ; I for it! It's true, new durable fit Fortrei polyester and cotton : ib underwear at prices lower than ever before! A perfect blend of cotton for comfort and pclyester for longer wear, shape retention and minimum shrinkage. - Sen Thursday and Friday til 9 FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER FULL FEATURED ! PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE 3 LOAD SIZES FILTER-FLOW CHOICE OF WASH and RINSE TEMPERATURES L.ow Price 5189 ® WARRANTY PARTS and SERVICE MANHEIM RETTEW’S MEN'S TEE-SHIRTS 3 Sizes: S, M, L, XL FOR EASY MEN'S BRIEFS 3 TERMS Sizes: 28 to 44 FOR Fa : CHEST TYPE MEN’S ATHLETIC ) Refg-Freezer & 30" Range & FREEZER ; 3 SHIRTS 39 2-Door Auto. Clock Holds Sizes S, M, L, XL FOR Auto. Def, & Sumer $199 219 $1 59 In Refrig, $209 Features Pounds Section J-1312 MEN’S BOXER 3 3 9 3 SHORTS : Sizes: 30to 44 FOR 4 F REE ® DELIVERY ® NORMAL INSTALLATION
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers