PAGE SIX THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. - Housework Drudgery! Housework is drudgery for the weak woman. She brushes, dusts and serobs, or | By Dr. David H. Reeder, Ohiago is on her feet all day attending to the many details of the household, her back ach. ing, her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress ol pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed is not refreshing, because the poor tired ne rves do Be 3 wl need of weak, nervous women is satished HOME HEALTH CLUB oc LR 1 YO Liver Trouble All that a man | hath will he give to have his liver 0 * < not permit of refreshing sl by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri; ind as Mrs, Briggs and others testify : [regulated If you don't believe It Makes Weak Wor “wg 3 and Sick Women Well. [this is true stop a moment and con is ** Prescripntio: of women's weaknesses, sider the hundreds of liver regulat 3s. Inte rpran a 1 lives the nerves, encourages the appe ' ‘Ne { Ny A 14 10 let every one know what | Public, ine, a complete list of ine It is said the liver is a much ab Do far 08 ue Sratin [used organ An organ will stand 0 e JC 1.0 My line lect from. A full Ii Man ors that are being offered to the profit. abuse about 80 long then it will Washington St.. Delphos, [cease to functionate—become use- | Ol y * Favorite Prescription, (jess. Nature for «wo and constipation with : Wol 2 1 1s almost unable to do any- (When it is no longer of use If we thing, I t I a i saving that there are no remedies in the worid like Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ‘Purifying Lotion Tablets.” I am now enjoying the best of present rate, we will very likely health, and thank Dr. Pierce for his wonderful medicines which have done me a world of good.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Peilets regulate liver and bowels. eliminates a thing keep on abusing our livers at the into a race of liverless be ings some day S. BRIGGS. i | Mas GGS, But seriously, this matter of keeping the liver on the job is an 0000000 mg POT LAR t one. If even a moderate degree of health is to be maintained AND WHEN WE SAY FREE WE Free 66 MEAN THAT AND NOTHING LESS the liver must perform its duty. as z, SYNTL 4 . Pd Handsome 26 Piece Set > NY » ceGh OF THE i When we get an attack of the © / Gi = O blues and the whole seems out of irth Joint and we feel humanity and all of its institutions is going to the Demnition bow-bows, along comes | orse an ets a friend and taps us on the shoul- | der and says “I say, my friend, your | They are so designed that they can’t slip or work off. The girths | liver is out of order, better do some cross under body of horse, holding the blanket securely in place. thing to stir it up, then you'll feel You can ie rk and pull the corners of the blanket. but you can’t budge | = : M sto all right.” Acting on his advice | it=—the § irths lock it in place. . Points of SXOCe Ye strain or wear are a price. y we do something, and in doing heavily reinforced. All stitching is done with the utmost care. | can and Im or that we not only arouse. the liver,| eA Blankets are made by the largest blanket factory in the world |® p bUL We alo arouse the solar plex. and oo direct from that factory to vour dealer. This saves vou all |m is, Which very likely had been doz- jobbers’ profits and gives you the best blanket monev can buy ot the All kinds ing 2 Its Post At any rate this lowest ° rices Remember, Vou sce and handle them before you po : something that we did put us where : r 1 % we could 22oin take % cheerful in-| BA Storm King Square Blankets have won great vopularity. = Christmas Tree terest in human affairs. This They are remarkably warm, closely woven, strong, large and heavy— cheerful attitude lasted a variable measure 84 X 20 inc hes and weigh 8 Ibs, Sell for only $2.50 worth - s length of time when we again haa twice as much. 5A Blankets outwear three ordinary blankets. . Fancy Dolld : ’ © =A Bias Girth Blanket for staht to do something for our liver Suv 3 SA § » Planket for et use Buy a 5A Bias Girth Blanket for stable use. 1s Seoms, after giving the seater iss Puy a7 Plush Robe for carriage or auto » and Long Scarfs : iste thors 2% that the sensible WN. AVRFS & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa =m . and most pra ical thing to do is to wv i . 2 4 - J ; in ST ETU s raven |B Handkerchief learn how to live ; | what to do, 2pssiots of ———. eeu Ties in fancy boxé our livers Does that net appeal to Ji wn = 1 P BE 3 x cr a on D a. ® wm ® ’ Famous Rodgers Silverware MANUFACTURED BY Wm. A. Rodgers, Ltd. Or a 41-piece Dinner Set 1 OEY 01 001 OL consisting of Tea Spoons 6 Medium Knives 3 Table Spoons 6 Medium Forks 1 Sugar Shell | Butter Knife Guaranteed 21 per cent Nickle Silver, Solid and the same metal all through. Until further notice we will give away one of above sets each week. Your Tickets Every Wednesday at 3 P. M. ach ticket good every week during series. You must be 80 that . Bring 8 Fe esent in order to participate. Our clerks w sxplain the de- The B93 reads, 'm My Candies of fried u 1 ¢ roll \ itors R ¢ nat h Chinese should he time ew : f t 5 re t B)» i) re X le rom the United ™ ans quality are < on everybody. pi tails. i 4 i | . If you do not receive a set the first week you may obtain one some week later, as we will continue giving away one of these presents each week. H. E. EBERSOLE Opposite Post Office - - Mount Joy, Penna. rs had an discussed, ‘haps is enough, beneficial our livers uit srk in disgust? ing ir t Blue Mountair ast world than the corn and its negative side swept Add is, 1 foods, spiced week rl ( 1 i anie k foods, sour foods and sweet foods, him: Messrs. W A. Bishop, Garfield the field both in regular and gen- u WwW t M i St all eaten at the same sitting as Hershey, Aaror ireiner, Chas. G. eral debate The "de was good n eS i ain Alley - ~ a a ~ ove described, and then wonder, Becker and Raymond Geib. The and every v was pleased with the f you can, at the multitude of liv- sportsmen returned with a full bag, conduct o ur young friends Any © ¢ R11 OE First Set Given Away Wednesday Dec. 4 — ers may take part in pg - § nection with digestion is to secrete The Keystone li y society is the program No membership fee is Ad ertise “Your Xm RR 101 1 OL BR the bile The bile has the func- improving along all lines. The charged. Vv 3 4 be sessilis ns. ints medicines placed at our dispos- which was composed of nine rabbits, persons interested in literary work a monkey faced 1, a partridge are welcome to join the society » " . ¥ “ » ” x ¥ ¥ r " | a = n » a u nu uw w =u ou = m z n ™ - WW = = = w = The function of the liver in con- and ten imaginary wild turkeys None but members may take part in tion of emulsifying, or holding in members seem interested in all jaa ey Gaia ” liquid form, the fats of the food, parts of the program. The questions For Sale—A fine general purpose ec oeierfosforfosfociocenfocieods decfocforfesiocionociesfoctocforforfooferfodforropoocdo odd 9 1 cringe them capable of heing ab for debate are thoroughly discussed driving horse, call on J. K. Frey- n i ® i sorbed through the walls of the in- and good feeling prevails among myer. | a — testines into the blood stream and 2 there burned up to supply heat to a PAIN 2 NE yp P30 =» | ; Ss C5; Y. the body, or stored in the tissues Filed 7 ick 70 wo ut hasbeens and don a air of . ” : 3 Yes, kick off your old, roo De for future use. The hile has some Shaub’s Shoes. There'll be no kick comming to you ’bout our antiseptic power which serves to | prevent the decomposition of food and the formation of overmuch gas in the bowels. Tt also acts as a {patural lubricant and purgative. Here are some of the things that style, wear or price, Best For $3, $4, $4.50 $5 and $6 At YOUR price you'll find Shaub’'s Shoes in -any style, any | will hapnen to you if your liver doesn’t do its duty; intestinal indi-! gestion, bloating, constipation, au- to-intoxication, and a disposition Fisk wih ace Suu onto arms ¥ \ From Now On Until Christmas We Will Give leather and in YOUR size. Invest tnvest today. WE'VE PLEASED FEET FOR 35 YEARS. HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. SEATURB & o oO ® BOOTS. SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY Sti CLUB NOTES 18 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER { ocu poctor 2X51: books and rceive "valuable premiums. Make no mis- dedpprlpiisireioc lod oferta du loedrdedoelreorfioiorfedidr i I am a young girl 18, and am g ppg : attending college. I am studying I. ns 6% take S. & H. Green Trading Stamps counts more than w - - - very hard and feel that I do not EERE REN EE RR ENE RE AEE ie Dreyer servile 1 ham Leg y any other stamps given. x £Y be some time been reading your arti- Christmas Gills vou. Eat right, dress right, live right! Ed > ~ vy . and give your liver a chance. poi Double Ny & H. Green Trading Stamps In the next article I will describe hue : combination of foods, which any one may have on the average table, 3 ¥ that will naturally overcome a ten- to hdd | This’ is a ‘golden opportunity for you to fill your tc erforfonfeofoctoofoos ooo doses donfdpeloafonforpd foolooloaboofoodosfoodooe whi Ly les me bar and find ‘ - are ac them very helpful I would like to get ne of your club books, if nae ges Make Your Xmas. Dollars Count instructions for exercises, that that De ah k med: Spend Them Here Where They Will Buy Most. The Things ee Io Youn Yona iy os We List Below Will Make Fine Gifts and They are foundation for future while in college. There is a great (ee W \ 7 1 tendency for them to become slug- open onderful a ues gish in their habits and neglect out NEE INE door exercises, or even fail to take {REE A F Th M B F The WwW m exercise in the gymnasium, unless da 3 or € an or oy or 0 an compulsory. : Cat] Nothing is more appreciated than a The following things would be more In the Vol I of the club books re nice Suit, a good warm Overcoat, a than appreciated as they are indeed you will find some excellent exercis- es described, which 1 believe would| " | pair Shoes, a Hat or Cap, a Necktie, useful. A nice pair of Blankets or be suitable for you. As soon as o 2 Shirt, Nice Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Comfort, a good Wrapper, a warm you have mastered these, 1.would EN Sweaters, Kid Gloves, Etc. Kimona and House Slippers, a good advise you to get the Vol. 2, and; 2 3 3 not only study the exercises given | Coat or Suit, 2 Shirt Waist, 2 Muffler in it, but you will find some chap- : Pod For The Girl and many other things which we will os os Stes ae would be ih | be glad to show you. S. B. A. will write an ve her : : jname and address in full her in- | We would suggest 4 pax Kid Gloves, Hed k ~- quiry will be given attention. One| Bong a Head Scarf, a nice Coat or Dress, New Christmas Goods of all sorts (Of the unbreakable rules of the ET good stylish Shoes, lovely Neckwear, greet you here at every turn.j} Come Home Health Club is not to answer m.- SnonYmone or’ TRSErod Tetbters a Hat, a set of Furs, an Umbrella. and see the Hun That add pleasure and comfort to the give: and receiver \rtistic, sensible and lasting gifts Coin Purse, Pair For The House Senn Umbrella, ; Poche Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, pers, Stockings. Chocolate Sets, Fruit Sets, Water Sets, Lamps, Silveroid ForThe Mother Spoons, Silveroid Knives and Forks, Sewing Machines, Com ® nace eX And The Girl forts, Silk Dress Wool Dress, For The Father Cotton Dress, Pair Shoes, Pair Slippers, Fancy Collars, Head Scarfs, Hand Bags, And The Boy Shawls, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Shoes, Gloves, Shirts, Sus- Wool Gloves, Aprons, Small penders, Cuff Buttons, Box Watch, Fancy Combs, Under- Collars, Watch, Underwear, wear, House Dresses. 2 as well as many other useful articles for gifts. All readers of this publication are at liberty at all times to write S. B. Bernhart & Co. a fr iotmnion, soraioo ol ELH 9Q Mt. Joy's Ideal Shopg won aor RSH |. De BENEMAN'S, otecste rion a EE RRR RRR RRR GARAGE East Main Street, -- Mount Joy, Pa. NANT . REE HIRE. Club. 50 39 Cottage Grove Avenue, a Ch os "ANAAN, ra ” v ” nnn . <x A ———— pans fo. | lcago, Ill, with name and ad- ge St LEE a : PHY =m k 3H x 5a g | dress d= 2 » Read [hae ENTREE EEE EEE ETRE EERE EERO R ERR EE EE N
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