HE BULLETIN, MCUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, Jurors Drawn F'OBACCO NEWS i 300 0ICIVIIIIDAG: | fl Ie) Commi NUnerous Crops Have Been sold frew Recently I Me ereabo armers i » teed borough Union National Mt Joy terest per annul upon ir own homes? I'ho The Hager Store Is Serving Holi- day Shoppers As Never Before VERY NOOK AND CORNER Ol THIS GREAT STORE 1S BRILLIANT WITH A H..S. & M. Suit CHRISTMAS RADIANCE— WITH CHRISTMAS GREENS, WITH COLORED LIGHTS, THE or Overcoat de interest nristian Cla) I Alle laborer. Eliza Henry Hoffman cr acob Cup y nad \ i ¢ ize Balances 1 6 acres, Aaron Garber 7 acre Anos Elizabeth- Gibble 14 acres, Pete Witmer 12 $10.00 town acres, Henry Brubaker N acres, El 20,00 George Shult milder. Marietta mer Brubaker 7 acres Eli Metzle 10.00 John 8. R v farmer, Rapho 16 acres, Joseph Strickler 6 acres HOLIDAY STOCKS AT THEIR BEST, AND THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN EVERY HEART, THIS ! , 101 an rt wliner & I'X Sult « Over IS THE IDEAL TIME TO DO YOUR HOLIDAY at. If You Go Tos cure to mick 1 otl. You vould SHOPPING ake arrang f vith clothing store— 5 00 Chas. Ri z nlumber Mit Ezra Nye 13 acres, Henry Springeil I husband or son 30.00 Jov boroug 8 acres, Hiram Herr 11 acres, John Albert K 3s Mt. Joy Hossler 14 acres, Aaron Baker ar 00 ! over, . ¥ res, S. G. Erb 10 acres Rerom h. Ky 1c Suit or Overcoat EVERY DEPARTMENT HAS SUGGESTIONS at thi | rel ( 1 that left is the TO OFFER, AND WILL STRIVE TO HELP YOU MAKE SATISFACTORY SELECTIONS THERE there ¢ ht ther mod Among we belted horoug! ! Amos B. Herr. farn 2 HemDd Sold t« Eisenlohr at 10 and by 1 field cents: Clinton Eby 11 acre Ben ja Howard G. Longeneckei tobacco | Min Bender 3% acre Jacob Stehman dealer, Mt. Joy borough 12 acres ARE GIFTS FOR THE HOME, GIFTS FOR vc) i a © thi coatings In MIEN, GIHYTS FOR WOMEN, GIFTS FOR CHIL- row tes and ) > ) Chinchillas DREN—EVERYTHING FROM WEARABLES TO : ; HKATABLES (CANDY). W. B. Detwiler sold 9 acres at ‘O01 Mes 1. Ard » Al 1 Common Pleas, Jan, 27 and 3 cents to J. E. Longeneckel Black and a g from $18 Laughed "Till He Died I'aylorsburg, Ohio, \be Skinner YOU WILL WANT THE CHILDREN ro SEE SANTA CLAUS AT WORK AT HIS BENCH, ND HE WILL DISPLAY SOME OF THE WON- DERFUL MECHANICAL TOYS, IN THE MORN- withdrawals are sed 1 B 'r, painter “ he village pessi 31 laughed hin Rither shows sal self t ath fron vading Biff! th ject to withdraw X ne rehan reat merican gazine f un iv begins Jan a which is makin II deposit re, laborer Joy than any other m INGS AND AFTERNOON. Mt Joy tw erica public wi IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED A COPY Ol ove moumay ssa ask sam ror | An Opportune Purchase of > Women’s Chinchilla Coats to Sell at $15 The Hager Store Has Just Added a Car- load of the Famous Knight-Brinkeroff N ie i a ne of th . pln maltster, Mt acazine at will ood humor the Common Pleas, Feb, 3 I Bilt contains the greates seph Cha . farmer. Mt al iturists, critic and . p | the continent It . i Hai y Bait Ve Immhap | trated and printed ii i ythtown it will keep the whole I 4 rq retired Rlizahoth. | ful the year ‘round. ° tow ford to spend 50c¢ a ye Send this clipping and Pianos for Christmas Selling v mes Brat. They are without doubt ble by a man — SO otIOT ES - Common P’leas, March 10 | he Biff Publishing QO t EVERY POCKETBOOK WILL on H. Nissley, foreman, Eliza ohjo, for one year’s subscriptior WELCOME THE NEWS ol SriNat Ranh SR hat Lost Finger in Stone Crusher that our big Reduction Sale is now nry L is, farmer, Rapho E. Ebersole, of Bainbridge on. For now, with our prices cut R. Stauffe tract East | i qamitted to the Columiba to a fraction of the former size, each Iie 1d vesterday for tretament for : ollar will GO FURTHER—bring > ireider armer, Rapho crushed left hand Mr Eber you much more REAL SHOB Strickle farmer, Ka was working at a stone crusher VALUE. And of this be assured— nega in some manner had | i every shoe we offer, regardless of ire mei : “Mp caught in the machinery the extremely low price, i8 genuine- fic icians at the hospital ly good. None but serviceable, - - the first finger close to the hemest! made as well as stylish the hand. His condition Sho%e ale W014 bY va FOUND AN ECONOMICAL PAIR ———— a ~~ m Man Swallows a Tack » : Rn hls a3 Most Joyous Occasion of Life Falled H. Burd Shellenberger, of {3% REENE to Make Them “Loosen Up,” to etta, had a most remar s Young Clergyman’s Dismay. from choking to deatl ST — tac With a number Street, Mount Joy, Pa. A clergyman in Cherryvale tells |, ., he was assistine to tac Mrs, Moffett that when he Wag & |. 1a side of their clubroom struggling young preacher end & man. he had two tacks in his mouth when J OOO Yisge kee aoe as id gg officiate at the wedding of a wealthy | of them went back into his throat young farmer to the daughter of &an- | The object passed to his stomach HAVE YOU TRIED = | other farmer, also very wealthy and wow widely known in the county. The paid night of the wedding was a stormy - : : Edgar Diffenderfer, charged with one and the train to the little country i =| gtation was two hours late, so the | disorderly conduct on an Elizabeth preacher hired a rig and drove the |town trolley car, was heard before entire 12 miles, getting there just in | A\]Jjerman Stauffer on Tuesday even time to miss supper. The wedding |, phe suit was brought by Spe Ll - 1{¢ aif- fF » | Vos 8 DHL mea io i celal Officer Eaby of the Traction Co {ster Yo and told Bim how much | Piffenderfer admitted his guilt, and he appreciated his coming through the | Was glad to get away by the pa | storm and handed him a $2 bill—not ment of a fine and costs | enough to pay the team hire. As the eet eee preacher sat stunned, gazing at the Webh—HRaltes “qq . . money, the bride's father came in and Mr. Allen Totes Son ht waill you try the trial S1Ze the groom left. “How much did he iil et iE = pive you?” asked the father. “Only Mrs alvin Bate ) two dollars,” replied the preacher. Miss Elva, danghter o “Why, that is a shame,” exclaimed James Webb of this the father. “After all your trouble, , .. ied too. He's terrible close with money. Don’t say a word to any one, but take this.” And as the old man slipped away the preacher, much touched, opened his hand and found a $1 bill —Kansas City Star. ianos need no introduction I¢ leari it } 1 ) ¢ inter lines ned to solid ivory keys is made along beantitul, graceful nes | | arge Assortment Christ- Hnnisned it may safely e that the ppearance of the case will ve, and the car will be satisfied with mas Slippers for Men, 1 tone quality as clear as crystal in the 30 Sensrons A400 sesounling Women and Children Everyone from the children to grandmother or 4 $ grandfather is always glad for a new pail of One of the Best Low-Pric- ypers—a good many people sort 0’ expect slip- at Christmas time-—they leave slippers for ed Pianos on the Market Santa Claus to bring them Our stocks are large and comprehensive and we $275. on time $247.50 Cash can care for vour every slipper need or want. I'he regular selling price at $275, allows vou ad vantageous terms only ten dollars down, and six ° dollars a month until paid If you prefer to pay Shippers For Men cash, you receive a ten percent discount, which makes the price $247.50. Men's Cavalier Slippers are made of red goat skin and have heavy turned soles A very indi- . . vidual style, $4 a pair Buy a Knight-Brinkerhoff Men's Faust Slippers of brown kid skin are kid . ir and have heavy turned soles. $2.50 the pr For Christmas Men's Romeo and Everett Slippers of tan, black, wine, green and red kid, and brown alligator, are particula: all kid lined, have hand turned soles, and are $2 nd $2.50 the pair | suddenly attempting to cough one : . for His Fun No home should be without a piano, iv. when you can buy good s®andard make at this extremely low price, and can purchase it on such Men's Opera, Evers § pera Iv as terms as ten dollars down ind six dollars a luck and tap vie onth so - ' y - mot ire $1.25 an $1.50 a We Slippers For Women eft at your house today ? : ; y y Buy a Weiler Player-Piano at $375. on time $10. a Month IERE is a little story -10P til Chr There is nothing to equal it] Cleaning Glothing 10 111 . And Secret Service Man Arrested Ap- er When She Ad.” EB Honesty Increasing. plicant as Smu On her return from marketing, the Answe young matron of the upper West side sald to a caller: “I believe the sense Philadelphia, Pa of honesty is increasing in New York, “Acll Alexander,” wi at least in this locality. This morn- ing I called the attention of a sales. shrewde man to a small mistake he had made ‘brown-eye in giving me change, the mistake be. Wils fng in my favor. The proprietor, ual who was standing near, said to me: ‘You're honest. You'll get along all right’ Not so many years ago the thought that seemed far too prevalent in this country was that only some has been clever for * dishonesty could ‘get where she is along all right’ The merchant wha Some tim could trick a customer was supposed ceived report to be the smart fellow, and it was ried on between Can Y lies’ 4 sumed an hones 4 H s get the little end of everything. oman s placed the hands of . r ouse Cleaning delighted to find even one man who Wilson, » devi the scheme of ad- asjoefosfiefer odode Too} or defestontinfeosfeofa ocleotunfeofonte onic os div dfoofoofocfoofocdiedesfonfosfestsfeofeofenfiorfeaieedeafeofuntectrofesivfoserfosdeofesfoofeseofefoofoet realizes that honesty is actually indis- vertising r a whose eye yer pensable to success, and it is especial- brown oe ly pleasing to find him in a place was arrested a A ' ol a Hot U - FRE WATE : a: RB i oi] \ \ 3 i-pt where I can deal with him regularly.” m— - er ol Shame’ Dio I 5 | pe ~New York Press. Already’ Accor shed. A nd ra i 8 hd ) } ? I to z t r. «After fuar in our far " a Cop fesfortoforlesdorfesfortosiorfedorfecferiecfonfocfonivefeafocdeaooiedde shodrdeodelooirbolioolrendodefodeadedeceodlecfenfeofordecteoodeegeciengesforiecfssioforteofocecfostoofeooofucgoofoefocfecieofeeieofooioafedoafortuofecfoafeodes fosfoc sfecfesdscfoofsdosforfoofeeocfonfonfoctonfeciorfocfoufrofortonfooeofecgorfoeooipofecfocfosfocfesfecfeoioods cfoupijonferfonyrifesfrofoofooforiorforiosfoeioofoeiroforisdoeiorforiorforiooforipd Bob idesfosderfocdedeidesiosfeciesfonfosontesio docfentesfusoderoiferts foods Gouge i Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors ME on Men’s or Ladies’ Coats : soon time for house cleaning and if g Bofesforecfoidenosferdifesfectofoddectedfosfecerdorferfe dfecfosiecisfesfortedfecedradoeiolecfodede Ehdbibbbibbii bbb bbibbbbddbbbbibbbbdbbb bb bbb bbb ddd Pb bb etr bd bd bbb ddd bbdbddidbibdbdddddddddiddbb bbb bptbd bbb i db ibd dbbid ddd bid ddd tb bb ddd db t+ FE PPE Sb t 4S tb I EDI PR EE ot want to clean the woodwork or brighten up the furniture tse a aE» little of the trial size I left yoi so that = = you will be gonvinged that there is nothing better rson was sun ed States, a 8 © les, can sell any quantity you want n ( at a very reasonable figure. » =~ ae ——— A reader asked sage for advice, no ily had died ® ~y ® + re SINg yg . t . ’"n / am 1 ¥ €e t a ria saying: ing’s Ney ife s, and end h @& of consumption I 5 taken with Appropriate. “I am engaged to Kate Murphy, but : Ou a frightful cough ax 1g trouble, phy, system. y gently oe : $ ‘ ystem. They genth but my life was saved & I gained ne 1 ; : 4 as gathered about a small stoop, an old roBtons G6 mo for breach ¢ Opel: Fight « ( ¢ li 87 pounds through using ; pe lady called one of the littie girls. oe isc ‘an you advise 1 ow jor ahd OWe S And SOT Ori DR KIN 'S : “Are all of these children vour sis- : } he: d all feelings one ® N i s have on hand ters and brotl 2” she asked. PY [Dion ee dig Fs Fr ats Jernhart & Co's N RJ uw the Jise of Smoked Meats, “Yes, mum,” 1 : the youngster. The ply of the sage was short. EV v B Colowna Dried Beef, Lard, Bt Gh 1 is the largest one named? a : D i & C O\ = » y B Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork aad Aexie, mum.” SL din : ene DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS P= f RY © iure line d nbal Gazing at a gi yi nine children ; former Ka Dooley, pH GG AREAL RANE RLRNNS ’ ~ My dear rcader, Y 8a) L. Pattern ® on Prices always right. the smaller cem ic kh ra-Kated 3 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Ae PES - Woolworth Building AERTS eR ou Lancaster, Pa. HH H. KRALL Office Hours: 9a. m ' ’ Main Street, Opp. Bank, Conkey’s Salt-em will rid your | Shirts ee Sl : ne ; ’ | One x, Sunday and Other Hours CHARLES S. FRANK x MOUNT JOY, PA. ’ 181.00 AT & DRUGC one al yi 520-529 Lh + en = RI — IR " 10080 RRR stock of worms: ward off disease Feet. Mount Joy Pa. 254 make grou ar isl pradusiive: By Appointment yney ha Mt. Joy Bulletin. lO aa Read the Bulletin
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