x \ THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD | 7% | [rrsssssssseeees Ye a FE SELL CHEAPE : Bulletin. the Past Month BECAUSE WE ly Lein \ | ) I. Donaven S. & H, GREEN 47-49 TRADING STAMPS | LANCA LINE SPLEN rposes, 1t may be satis hii : : : we |g oki . naire i - ne 5 LI ( Nn D { cal andq 1 concerned, by taking shi farvey ar. ty 1 linen we'll commend r judgment I'eachers CONVIENT TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES nd kin Bh a 11 he ———————— bl 511 = owns, so that whether factory « a Pennsvlva arr ra tt 1earest poin Rut ' : tu srubaker, Martha lunies | import nt centres of ) i Van Her he eller } ¢ ( Beatrice hours fou . 4 Y Myrtle world: their fingers ity Ww oh IB lars ce Bru- * to find Cluny piece for gift No CLUNY PIECES AS DOILIES i8c to $1. in hi ; oo : 5 ny Ter Root CLUNY CENTER PIECES LUNCH CLOTHS [he spirit of the holid 1 stimulates the wish to travel, and the facili hh: Stoll. ElgWor : CLUNY" OVAL PIECES. FROM THE SMA] ties of the Pennsylvania Railroad a ts connections appeal with equal force to og! Salil ERVING CLOTHES rermer ye e rating people of maturer years. nrougn 11 From France population, and meals on the throt trains adds 1 { to the security ar CLUNY SCARFS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CLUNY LUNCHEON AND TEA SETS IN 13, £350.00 wr, Elva nk, Jen Ww om the local trains well known in ie. Wits in itmer > itor leulah Zercher \ p Vay John | . ory oar Nar Bas { ‘Warren Towels--All Sizes And the home-coming young The comprehensive each community, covers a wid (tent of territory dahl v tant 7 1 Towels are always acceptable as Christm: aiff 1 3 an, ri yd Gar € avs a ptable Christmas gif BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST we oh Musser, Farl Grissing. them, for prives are extremely low and the assortmien | here are splendid limited trains between New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore La Ih, aru oyer, Fear there are hemmed, hemstitched or scalloped towels. tha in regular, medium Washington, Harrisburg, toona, Pittsburgh 4 pote i: the West, notably . : iy : E riced : 25¢, § le, 623¢, 75¢, 873c and $1.00 e “hicago and St. Louis. Included among these are the ‘ BROADWAY LIMIT. Anna R. Kraybill, Teacher : : Chicag u N Te Ta Chote: Delong, Jz Embroidered Pill I hot ED the ) am Lv n NN rs and Chicgo; the 24 HOUR ST. Samuel Hinkle lvin Re Put up one. pair inal Made of zood quality LOUIS,” to St. Louis, and Chicago; “THE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED,” Robers, Omnis Stk, iaser iat & pair, Sie. Stauffer “CHICAGO LIMITED,” ters, George Weber. Frances Bea At $1.00 a Clara Campbell Chicago. St. Louis Clex to Chicago, Cincinnati, and the highest grade of service. idition there are a number of express trains pr Toa Nie linati T ins Vo 1 wnapoli Not iy Moveland eve States Tar Linen Pillow Chic 120, ot. Louis, Cincinnaty, Lou'svil Indianapolis, Columbus, Clevelanc Mary Sti le : 1 «214 y . . ae EATS > ‘ Plain and embroidered, including the John Brown I other important nt f the Middle Wes which provide INTERMEDIATI GRADE a ) ( ¢ ( own I1 : ) gl 1 Teachel loped, neatly boxed—pricer at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, 1 ullman trains and provide ler. Goldie Heilir Embroidered pillow cases at one dollar a box. Hilda Johnso Pequot muslin er Dorothy Mye edo, Detroit, and both Pull-man and all steel coac vi ncng these are the ‘Chicago Vooie: Detwiler Mildred. Pelle - : 1 g } § i ; Initail Pillow Gs A yn \ : 9) AFD C 1 I yy y CIR tat KE va » 1 he 1 rent raln ns ‘ Special, hic: oi Y res: ' IX] S, \ n «Xpress, and the hus e FHALK Fewtns ' Scalloped edge or hemstitched pillow cases, beautifull Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Chi Fi 8S. nert, R Murray, E N Every pair boxed and tied with a ribbon These are made of or. Pan A ¥e nder. Warren Be ; handsome gift at $1.00 a pair, nites! Bed Ses Those ¢ Georgia. Irall Yavid tauffe mory Wai These sets consist f sheet and one f pillow Florida, between the import hemstitched, beautifully embroidered with t termi 1 ~it3 he 1 re 1 + a1 FIFTH GRAD] Don’t forget to vote for the bov or girl ant terminal cities ol the more 1mportan : 2 Washington, Balti 006 cities tothe South running through from and to Ne ) on ['rains’between . more, and Philadelphia. New York and Florida will be placed in service ingle, Omer Eshleman, Joh Gain Prepare For Your COMMERCIAL CENTRES LINKED r. Join Gochuatier. Walter Mum ¥ Ww $ f the time tables of the Pennsylvania Railroad will show Star] CH RISTMAS i hy 4 An examination of . . FOURTH PRIMARY ommerct centres on its lines and connections are : Tone] + - — Y¢ left deolel that practically all important commercial ion ahi 'e linked by through trains, through car r convenient connections, affording Lottie Hshlema hristine G DINNER {el Sarah MeGinnis, accommodating service. ! Mumma, Mildred Murra) [Laura Anyone who wishes to go anywhere should consult the nearest Ticket Agent : re or. lau % ” ‘ . . : . annebecker, Blanche Sherk, tuth | 3 of the Pennsvlvania Railro: » can give all the iformation a traveler re— Conrad, Henry Witmer, Elwood Gar Buy a Savory ¥ > bei Alt: 1igrich, Virginia Green 3 Glenn Derr, Paul ote quires. awalt, Al ay, Hinkle, Ja indemuth, Jay Pen OASTE i | James app, Herbert Tyndall, ERISMAN'S CHURCH Trum: Sprout, Harold Funk, Har- Aligriean en RAS None “FAGGED-0UT” WOMEN Mr. Peter Witmer visited Jacob! ry Secvears, Isaac Ressler xolirer on Sunday. THIRD PRIMARY 95¢. and up You are placing héine happiness farthe say we will wait In This Letter. y. 1 Pbereol : 5 Clayton Ebersole, Leroy Engle, st Bucher of Lititz Visit-| jon; McGann, Amos Ebersole, John | If You Want The Best Christ near here on Sat-' Germer, Mary Moyer, Anna Brooks, | k P out” women who feel as though they |c¢ his 1 | J M. Bac enstoe, IO. could hardly drag about, should profit |. ra: Marie Carson, Emily Gingrich, May Buy A Savory Mount Joy, Pa. Overworked, run-down, “fagged Exchange Hotel eit wri Be) Yo | i Will Find a Helpful Suggestion Wi ww. John Snavely's on Sun Ellis Fellenbaum, Gilmour Shma- oe elzle, Earl Myers, John Coolidge, ee ———— 1 Pla ¥ 3 A V e - Rr J i Shel 1 Piano evo ee yy Miss Richiers SSperncs. 2 | Mr. 1 Mrs. Benj. Stauffer and 35 neste i atrice Newcomer, 8: ast Ww as Co! te «i. . | Klizabeth Shatto. I = Gr eled thruout own : elt fagee it all t ‘ visited Rev. John Snavel) . : i : . Has just beep remod let t jrun d and felt pi A ou i the | ; = SECOND PRIMARY will keep the children home at Has all moderii conveniences such) time, was nervous and had indiges- ion Sunday. ruth N. Stoll. Teach f as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Stean on. . : { Mrs. Elias Metzler entertained Ra y . ny wv Open: 2 Sheaffer night, this alone should induce you . : Neetrie Lizht. Et ‘One of my friends advised me 10 |v. vounz ladies of this neizhbor- tmer waerle, <osoph bheater, Heat, Electric Light, e | take Vinol, and it has done me great |. Hy gs : 4 . g Amos Stark, Samuel! Gillums, Char- | to By a Player Piano. r rOTT~ Foeli ia | hood S ay , h, Howard Stark, Beatrice | Ho : . + 1 800d. The tired, worn-out feeling is od on Sunday les Roth, ar , Table Is Supplied With the Best all gone, and I am strong, vigorous | Rev. Banks Swinery and wife of Sheaffer, Martha Zercher, Verna " . and well. The stomach trouble soon |: tine : vielte a ia 3 wr's | Cunningham, Dorothy Buckwalter, 0 the Market Affords Grofidale visited Daniel Metzler’s disappeared and now I eat heartily 5. Saturd: and 8 ay Margaret Glatfelter, Evelyn Mum- a sso and have perfect digestion. I wish ©0 Saturday anc Bi ay. : ma, Margaret Krall, Esther Garber, | MOUNT JOY, PA. $3715 to $1 P| every tired, weak, nervous woman Mr. and Mrs. David Nissley at-{ Dorothy Pannebecker, Lena Dilling- Look at Our Stock, Largs could have Vinol, for I never spent | tended Gantz’s church on Sunday|er, Martha Royer, Clara Pennell, With each player, sold before Xmas. we wil We have a Player, to suit every pocketb Also Liuneh Counter any money in my life that did me so |... 1 visited John Rohrer's Olga Hyson ; obese. Oheo much good as that I spent for Vinol.” {© __ ' . "’ ; le Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese | BUSS S000 55 HAL | Sheps Br Vina! Mr. Amos R. Nissley of Lancas FIRST PRIMARY Tripe, Etc., Etc., are served Thousands of women and men |(¢r visited his grandfather Jacob K. Mary Garber Miller, Teacher. | tancaster, Rohrersto== Landisville | . . who were formerly weak and sickly |Rohrer on Sunday. making the dis- Eli Engle. Howard Lindemuth, | 5 : , M Choice Prime Oysters owe their present rugged health to |(ance on foot Charles Walker, Clarence Blyer,| Salunga, Mt. Joy and glizebeth- ! ; v the wonderful strength-creating effects | | . vs Harry Brooks, Dorothy Schock, Han | town Street Railway Co. In Any Style of Vinol. We guarantee Vinol to build {| © Francis Keener has leased nah Shatto, Mary Peoples, Virginia Ei esses you up and make you strong. If {the John Kready farm for next! Newcomer, Mary Gainer, Nedra WESTWARD It does not, we give back your money. |year. Mr. Keener will not change Kaylor, Mary Way, Martha Wit-| Leave Lancaster—a m. 4.3, mer, Myrtle Witmer Mary Weid- | -35 8.15 9.15 10.15, 11.15; m. BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS BE. W. GARBER, DRUGGIST his place of residence. man | ag, 218 45 6.15. 76.15, 715," 8.35, and Mrs. I. B. Erb and fami- Prof. C. E Roudabush. | ; OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Mount Joy, Penm vo a Svs. Monroe. She 07 i SIL sak haba Ly ATA ind Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin SPORTING HILL ‘ : . Tuy i : Flinchbangh Sundayed with Albert 3. PWalich and wife Spon 4 15T, 457, 6.57. 7.67 flood Stabling Accomodation ir « ripen on the tre Th a Te J. B, Fralich and wife spent Sun. | 0 8 dl 8. 85 «I'D and amii] a at Colebrook 8 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 Local and Long Distance Telephon: : y ! } \Iy nd Mrs. Daniel Metzler and : \ {09 6.00. 7.00, ; FT aliled J 4’ 3 over « [anc Tr, pen Ls Mount 5, 11.15 6.16 TROLLEY SCHEDULE Scarf, $16.00 worth of music, guarantee ten TeeesBoBotoaBonBocd tet. v3 ERT free life insurance, deliver right into vour Save Money 10 Per Cent--REDUCTION--10 P On All Players From Now Until Chr I. Brubaker visited Kirk Johnson & 16 and 18 West King St., LA Meet Me on the Bridge and We") : ile Vivocrt n Sunday Rov ) Street on § 1da) le Have a Plate of the : 3 1dncted religious ser- +i : Arri t Elizabethtown—A 1 1 5 spen : fev days vith relative ¢ ? 40, 5, 10.45, 1 46. Pm, “10.45. 3 Best Ice Cream In Town 7.45, 8.46, 9.45, 10.45 church ZoeTesleoleeteelsolosTests ole ole teste ste ste Yoo Todeaterecte lect, 3. EE TL OT IT Repos vfer]e vee) ids ™ ss Emma Sipling is staying | EASTWARD in Sny-i, Zovs Buz Deal WO—A mm 645. TA | sffuefeedeedrdedodniedecdrofeenisdifoldundoddbdedsddudobdeiofoe . 9.46, 10.45, 11.465. >In, 4 Tries to Bribe 6.45, 6.46, 7.45, 8.45, man Palmer 3 3 Mount J 11.15 of Penn- Maste ; y general : 0, b 5.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, ccording to Repre- SPent . 1 ing vel . 3s Pali Li Landisvilie—4 m, 65.48, 2 } cheil Palmer of ) ! ; 4 10.33, 11.83 , 12.33. 1.33, 18 Lhe . Tyissindor wife ahd laughter | . 5.33, 6.33, 7.3, 8.33, 9.23, 3 AT ZELLER'S | 88 4s ot Jaokod upon ts] D. Dies shter | £5, 15,55. iki a, J Ry 3 iy Mat rilirei fannie nioy a auto rip Rohrergtowr —A n y 7 7 3}: & R : . Al: Flavors at All Times. Es "a : B80 ® > distrib HOTS, | hai or on Rend: : 3.55 Jute, 1165. Ps m. 12.55, 2. Roc KEers M irrors H d Rpecial Prices to Parties, Festivals | | & 1e 4 nd snm of $500 : Sins ona . Tei iires . S at Se lf ostoff that pavs 21 5 aD EL Tet TEV Lh al Arrive at Aancaster- AT 2 1 . Ny . 9 Suppers, Ete. 3 : ¥ ' NA a ind ae Bi ao as 30x, 8.1 Pdr aes 4 1 g . i is ool, Mr. Palmer witANaIt the nieme of SPO av and Saturday in the | $i 115 115" Fm ie "Tin 2%. Picture Frames Ladies 1.46 Te iy Mrs. GC. H. Zeller | pa : n iter and the town 108-1 OF ; BAL i 5a tur: a aL Cs : ee i? 3 2 artin : irdays a car LANCE 7% O, ~ 1 = ‘ { hi : E ¥; Leave Elizabeth X 1: S10N CX Other i aDIECs, i ree MOUNT JOY o1 ! h otte ead ir Marietta Street fOUNT JOY | SEH 3 d i Hershey, daushiorl n% D.0 .Xtern asi , Tura and son Ralph of Silver | #i be run betwwen Lancaster and Mit ~y" ¥ nN}. : Ze} tate TOT Spring, spent several days with hor | nur TY MO fori 6 4m. China Closets, Kitchen ( ae wot DeEoiraitc . Mr 1 Mrs. J. L Kanfl-1:155 a f° Tern Blobtion ister, . : . ; . oerat] ym ar marked (X) connects twits In fact anything mn the Furniture Line from our district in : ; yy Tyee i > a -—p—e . % § 8 a -— De me dn 5 a Your money back if Pratt's Poul- Boloman Ne. 3 Ss Clitigtitias | i ndertaki ng and am val ‘ : try Regulator does not insure more We Chestnug. Frolie; Dutch Thagke Wit » only kind I sell—Furmture that Furnit ® } OO DVOP00002 9200600000640 Bows Catarrh Jelly yives Immediate Rel Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma, Cold in the Head, Influenza fimaranteed or Money Refunded Price 25¢. By Mail only Bows Mfg. Co. OOOO a PIO P990OOIOOS atic National Committeeman °° ivi i : | £ mitt 2 iving Mollie a ra Vv tt] : Pennsylvania for ur ip. ©8%8 and better fowls. Pratt's llie and Brave Little Giu ennsylvania T your - z seppa 2 for hi brave) Poultry Book, worth dollars. free. ppa are four short touching stor doo 5 { rom dorsement I know the competi- ies i 0 is I Fl r “bp s «7 n is keen for these jobs i 1 For sale by G Moyer W. D. Changd- js Mites WO. DP. Rime, pastor bra a “4 0 I fl, o il HER im willing t ; ten - ler and J. H. Buohl of the Mount Joy Church of Go ] 1 llling to pay a fair price for and published by the Osceola So = A es roa TOY. 000000806 n re nee Will vou consider lishing Co. in booklet form, entitled | i912 A 3500 a fair figure? If not. name Just as expected the cabinet “The Gem Series No. 1, of Splendid Monday, December 16, vOur price wre : makers step in and relieve the Pres- T.esson Storles Prio 10 : 3 f £88 $ S. rice 10c or 3 for ident elect from the necessity of 4 » p py y : > 500 West 159th Street 4 New York City p ling an extr ( lot ! Mr. Palmer ans p rer- = ‘ | | : 1 er answered the over hoot dite Coal © 25¢ sent postpaid or on sale at the zealous applicant £ rise hn choosing his officia amily. i . s plicant apd advised him DY parsonage and at several of the Adv, that he had better k is . — ee me > i : tter keep his money. stores. A York, Pa. newspaper mar! rT T Qeocint N 4 : Pure Food Serial No 13605 00004 00000000009009¢00600000 000000000006 0460000600803 A -. ry y ar Y first O1 ? 7 . Het : ps What has become of the farmer's sald “These are the best tore 1 Read the Bu etin / HALIM wo s - UG ad \ Subseribe for the Mt Joy Bulletin. old friend. the lightning rod pedd- ever read. «MM Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin E. 8. WEAVER agvertise In the Joy Bulletin ler’ A fee Advertise In the Mt. Joy BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers