e more indeed kets or warm a good Muffler we will all sorts i Come monkey ry intelligen Middletown n concluded evolved from CAUSES HO many keys of them simple things jn, ous de ESTION it ANOTHER ug THE BULLETIN, Ey ANK WITH TOWN MIDDLE. Oltizens Add Their 'raise link with Middletown is grateful Another our neighbor town of provided the gtatement of a Mr, J following and gener well-known W. Lon resi nt there Avi who say that help prove Then uy I th kl one”? was and wi pa shi tre Grain, It, Cement want it Ki in en Highest cash price paid Fe ad years Ki cu a Speciality 1n« this INA. pr cents York, the ay that aised | ! willing mn's Kidney Pills em to be an exceller ney trouble Sot afflict witl 1 had | WK | ins in my ! kK ar I'he was ardly eno suffered inte iid that working in Ape doctors yuble due to my cold and dampne I do not unders Pills they tood that Doan dney cured 1e, but 1 ean proved effective nost relieving me tatement glv Feb, 12, 1908 NO TROUBLE Long was inte 1912, and he the recommending SINCE Mr rviewed b. 4, d nothing on sald: “I can to statement 1 gave Doan’s the have ago dney Pills except to say that re has been permanent I number of people to heard it luced a try remedy and I have everyone.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Foster-Milburn Co., New sole agents for the 1'nited highly by States. an H OF COAL PUR WH AT F. H. Baker's \ Coal and i LUMBER YARDS +1 n wl by Agricu to Mount Joy, Penna, | Cedar Shingles always om hang Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etec. pent. Also Roofing Slate ¢ on all kinds Building Material Old P. R. R. Depot TS k and Cloth Finished. art Ol pre ml C rressman Roa ed phle request elours, $4.00. Tif ption. the ert & Haas: ed, pbueen St., Lancaster Pa. Na me at to ismas Gifts For All the most desirable line to choose your presents are decidedly popular and pleasing. See our A var Tollet Cases Vanity Cases Bracelets Bar Pins Shaving Sets Smoking Sets La Vallieres Lockets Mesh Bags Jewel Cases ent Vil binb a aniniy sesjesoctaciects lg done free of charge. & Be >RBSTEGR, P&SNNA. eJoofasfofrsfodfesforfoe fo cjorfeofoctosesterforieofoctvoforfoiforfocgosts pies ieee Sortosgoefe sfesgenteoe sual ER 1000101 0 T1011 1 Furniture Warerooms MOUNT JOY LE HH [TE , PENNA. 11 ; FURNITURE A SPECIALTY UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER Le ul AT na amber for sale in lots to suit the purchasers ing and Embalmir FE RAIN HOUSE OF THE ESTABLISHE] IAM L. BEAR & (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROIRE ERS 1 BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA | UT try S—-ONDS- INVESTMENTS e 2 MINUTES To any Grain Market in Americs h 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. 1897 ills At | ple I'he issuance of De ress Ior winning higher Show {the best ear ( ber [and | She burg, blanks. A then will pleasant herb | 'Co., Remember the name—Doan's— d take no other aan, lessens Work Bulletins Horse Vork Horse will be w farmers’ bulletin and issued Department of Ol \ ne ich will be prepared the United States ture in the near future. quch a publication made the 1 1 i suggestions Agricultural nan W. W. the the ia of the partment by CongressI iest ancaster. During jongress the House es passed a resolu- the printing of a Road Horse, instructive entitled The and sting icle on the care and treatment This of publication, the had Griest horse which also been Mr favor, paration met with ich publie and the Cong- nan then made the suggestion farm horse bulletin. secured of the and is prepar to furnish a the pam- one who will mail thelr Griest has large number of copies bulletin copy of I Horse to any to him. > EW Medal for Corn Annual Meeting Corn Show of Breed- Har- 1913 will Gold rteenth th Annual sylvania Livestock tion will be held at and 23, stockmen urg, Jan. -21, 22 e country’s leading The prizes judg the the win All won will be and present corn the awarded specimens sent on to there to exhibitor. diplomas tional Corn Show, honors for our lals, prizes and our National the Show will go that 3 Show. Corn who can enter the State been offered exhibitor, only through gold medal has for best in Pennsyl- the num- differ- corn 110 Pitts- entry 10 ears of corn iia and a silver medal for the the your best Bayard End and ‘agh offered prizes to oD) 72 of classes. are on Save write to E. S East dy Avenue, for particulars postal card will fo you. mse GR QI ere ~ Rk {iatars ‘amily Pilla for constipation. is Boy Gai be fully as popular em me GP Aree Here is Relief For Women i f you have pains in the back,;l nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, Mother Gray’s Aromatic Leaf a remedy for women’s and a great system regulator. Druggists or by mail 50c., sam- Free. Address, Mother Gray LeRoy, N. Y. Powders cleanse liver, {complaining remedy ist, A. S. Olmsted, I.eRoy, N. VY. SYLVANIA DUTCH, What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week. PENN iF a Der onner dawg is ebbes om Bar happened os mich, be-chudes, hut, Du der Jeck Billy si is unser Well, Sendaptezer rick salechert waisht Bixler, em brooder, are hen ! blackshmidt om Barrick oldt Sammy g'settled BE fun finf kettashtreng fart un der nit anonner wore en settlement yohr far giles maucha, Der oldt en p'shloga, gsena dengla, un so hut gons der garshta Sammy Sendapetzer blawd Jeck far si gacharged g'hot raega fun hovver far si seilin, hoy shtrow, grumbeera waetza, un so fardt, black-shmidt oldt booch Se hen im Jeck sime shop g’'settled, un we der Sammy ni Jeck 'Shquire 1 cooma is mit sime hut der grawd gschicked far der “Un Lawbuck,” “’i,"” dich tsu maucha.” “Warroom oldt charged os du awbuck mit em ’'Shquire der Jock account wos wit Sammy, | “Ich will | schwara | frogt oldt sawgt der dinera sull des si?” frogt der “Ich hob dich husht Sammy nix ga- | un | net greeked mich net | | “Ich onner husht in dime laeva fore g'schwora.” der Jeck, wore der shtued du der “Well,” my sawgt Ich bade ursoch. in der haradibakentniss hob Du | eldter socha | | owet un dich gevva. os du olla sedsht, der admit en bisht, du du net dich in kartza wordta os du en | bisht. Ich hob gawatched si, husht dart sinder 0s dawg doosht os lusht der der deifel feera, un eldter shellem on naws room ga- doh hare | misht ich der denked du hare b’shtelt.” “Oh!” usht hov 'Shquire der Sammy, “sell bakentniss in sawgt en der 08 | wore karrich far wisa ich bin. Es wore het so shlim es g'mauched hob.” “Don husht any sawgt Jeck 'shquire.”” Are hut hen g'settled Jeck hut mere are we dameedich we how ga-looga,” “Bring schwara | der der ene arrording un se Der lussa tsu law. noach- derhond g’'sawt het em long nimmy gadrow- reicher yord gabade maucha Sammy shunt ed, wile so en os en hoonert kent tsu mon we are ae dawler es awennich usht gevva ware un daid em porra tsu geitsich far gons arlich si Un sawg, der Jeck is ken kup, far ich glawb selver net os der deifel en mon feel room feered oony | are gebt eme ga-lagenheit rer nt A A PARCEL POST doom- writes THE That Will Packages Mail law goes Prices Be Charged For | sending Through the into et The fect on J parcel post inuary 1st It provides | mail | i embrace all other | “that hereafter fourth class matter shall matter, including farm and fac products, not now embraced by laws’| ither the first, se wxceeding bring ———- Wee This Town delicate, fev To Mothers in Children sh and cross ief from Mother for Children the stomach, act and who are get immediate Gray's Swe They will the for on are recommended children. A pleasant for worms. At all Drugg- 25c. Sample Free. Address, received | Fairview i entertained | Ginder that t oldta | | yohr | tai | yielded | | with [— TR. A feather duster will layin the spring | months —when eggs are cheap. PARK & POLLARD ap MAKES C » | THEM ve, LAY OR. BUST +% NOW the HLS FG NY right feed — Brings eggs at than half the labor to care for hens Contains mixed right, lowest cost. Less money back —if you want it. Don't delay, get started now and Shove eges plenty of them ght Ask u * the Park & Pollard Year Book | learn ali about this wor | along. dollar » of running the quality ) gel a AL be Lit Ask If your chickens have sure and use ter, A for further lice Poultry ventative our 0, K. positive pre details For Sale by BrandtsStehman MOUNT JOY, PA. BACK RUN Benj. Shelly, wife and Lizzie Nigsley A prayer of Benj dau visited 1 hter Rhoda family and tsrael | nday held at and meeting the home on aturday evening but attendance small, The Mount Pleasant and revival meeting held church was closed only One convert was John tained the Hossler and follow Wolge Wolgemuth family enter on Sunday: Samuel muth and wife Irvin and wife The revival meetings held at were Only the broad close Sunday one from Harvey to turn road Rettew and sister the Jennie following on Thurs- Hossler Paul day Miss Messrs. John Baker and Samuel Baker On Albert for Saturday Rettew bull Jacob T ned the beam at slaughtered a nounds tainly and mily enter follow 0 White of near FY near jonn Nora hank Chiques ch Rendal Malen, White of Aaron fammer and John Jack Run and Henry Stauffer, Geo. Geyer Harry Sheetz ol ind Robert and Albert T. Re Groton, S. D. all potato sttew that the crops were good the The that he year especially wheat crops wheat crop ranch working on 1 over 23,000 bushels They had him plowing for 57 days again 4 gang plows. They have 100 eres and plowed over have plow in ding ED JUNCTION tory |’ LANCASTER ct lubricat ion arbon Al. foo freely Free--320 page book--all about oil Waverly Oil Works Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. Gasolines Lamp Oils | Lubricants was | and | decided | Anna | Brehm was a | wirland; | and | still | \ Wat © i » | Retidsy Specials In Men’s & Boy's’ Suits and Overcoats Christmas savin The values deal of Men's ur them Men’s A fine lot of Black and $10, $12 to All-Wool tailored A fine cial, $15.00, Specials For Holiday Boys' Raincoats $2.95 yecial 1 Blue nd ray for Special $4.95 lan uit Boys’ Breasted styles; $1.75 Two-Pant special, Other sty to les, extra strong iT at | | | | f White Silk MW 'wo-P Chinch $3.50, $12.00. $3.95,%4.95 Club Cl wuld y put consideratic Overcoats rehas Prices $0.05 5 $292 0 Suits xture Worst worth what vy Suits tyles 1 malty shades £3.95 to $6.50. and $7.50 Boys’ Overcoats Buy the boy one for Xma here beause you can save choose from. riety to All from the Reefer with styles, fancy backs; prices sd on | and 1 pleased and see to the full-length Coat $1.95 to $12.00. $11.95, $18 $6.50 at big good exception Overcoats $14.05 eds, well 00 Spo- Shoppers val- usual- ou reduc- have two Buy it an end- S lined A special lo Boy ant Suit egul les $4.95. Boys’ Blue a Gri ’h ill reo ly pay $6.50 r; Special $4.95. Blouse and Russian S $ 3 to ) veat { I Norfolk or Double sty a grei | pairs of pants Just what the boy need All oleedodgecdofosfocfociorocfocioeiecfocfociocfocioctereofeciocfesfocfocfodfocfosfosirofoofeoiocfodfoctecfocorforoce Corner Square and E. King Sts. The New Store SRR | only 23%| FINEST LINE OF | Men's, Women's and Children’s Shoes At From 98¢ to $2.48 [to be found in this town. They eom- | prise the best there is in shoes and should be considered when you pur- chase that next pair of Shoes. Thursday: | All Kinds Repairing modern machinery I am to repairing on short notice and at right prices. tive me next job and let me show you. | prepared do your | | | Having | | the | Hast Main St., MOUNT JOY, HARRY LASKEMWITZ PENNA. UES Curtains S EE Lo TR ET . J ang | EI i ) East Main MOUNT TE 1 LR 1um- the line open case, jewel, will beat it are 's Branches Street, JOY, PA. Adve rtise in The “Bulletin” = Fil LHR
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