UCE § 50 CO Thre 235 Centy Single Co $ = Cents Sample Coples FREE day Chan must posi t later than lvertisements es us Tuesday on appli EDITORIALS 1an always Xmas. a From Santa WHY not plan to make this an ideal C been'living in a year of prosperity, ideas can be realized. We have searched the and planned to make this store your store fo We are now in a position to show you a large plete line of Holiday Merchandise than ever be are privileged to say as large a line as any stord caster city. Now, to realize an ideal Christma your shopping early, and know how much easie sonal comfort it will be. Shoes For Xme A pair of Shoes make a very sensible gift. You may as well give something useful to him and know that he appreciates it. You cannot get any better shoe than the “Whitg... House” Shoe. It is a shoe that plea We - show Button and Blucher effects in Tan, Gun Metal, Velour Calf and Patent Colt at from $2.50 to $4.50. ‘ GLOVES A Suit Or What would please “father” Swe ate or “brother” more than a dur- Ove rcoat : able pair of dress gloves. We've Auiy fellow will app never had a better line in suede, | a good sweater. We have Is a most practical gift. The father, son or | mocha, capeskin, etc.; lined and | too, The “Pennsylvania Nc wife can give nothing that will be mere ap- unlined, 30c. to $3.50. | buttonhole Sweater is appr | ed each year by thousand to know vet whet sary public or the police . » & Having been pitched into the! Pemocratic band wagon by ourt docree California can with her usual good nature heat the hig brass drum and call attention to her unrivaled ddimate eG The Week in Grain “ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- #in, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- easter. Penna Phila, Pa., Dec. 9, 912 The net results of a slow and featureless trade, has een a nar- row price advance News items have been chiefly concerned with with the progress of crops south of | the equator, and private reports up- | on the condition of fall sown wheat. The estimate of the agricultural De- partment will be issued early in| the week, and from the tenor of private estimates should show a slightly increased average over last | year, with a condition approximate- ly five percent. better than at De- eember first a year ago Bullish advices have emanated from Argentine from day to day,| the crop especially in the province of Buenos Ayres reported to be suf-| fering serious injury from drouth and excessive heat In a trade way they have made little impression. largely by reason of the fact that European markets have been undis- turbed by them, but more particu-!| larly because nrices at Buenos Av- rex have not advanced Trade sentiment 1 a bearish undertone of prices to ad kan turmoil h ng proac! hag heen a of ora Buces serves and avallat Nor bh summnl ox] ment of 1 distri} preciated than a good suit of clothes or over | NECKWEAR § 2 Wig sling Men and Boys. Come and A stunning tie, neatly boxed, | us. We show a variety of patterns andmod- | is an ideal Xmas. g gift. Beautiful patterns in silk and satin, collars, | mufflers, etc., are also appreciat- | ed. Our line of mufflers is un- i] De. to » $6. 0 ww Ln lere t the post fice at Moun as secon a | atter il I pondents mu ave thel ’ ’ : ¢ 0 1d y \ Us a an Monday I'elephone ov n i ceilween \ 1 ) ) 00 ¢ { 5 r a ertisene ; y y rea 1s office a , t ev . / bv reacl ‘ l { { Adver INE ra g n : on e empting to ge it S t 1 I Mm ‘ 5 ¢ girl as a e might : een WOrse 2 UT Be enti ) I is the t time 3 nothing i be reduced y 4 hathtnt trnat 1 1 e bathtu 1 ’ , 1 t t 0 e € vond ful ell ' I % ris 1 0 2 haut v 101¢ ¢ ing \ T n vy 1916 < ) le hurl his hat t ( 1 raska Indiax is I but met ] ¢ ut mere y } al 1 1 vn € ¢ Dn 1 y Y 1 1 1 he ' ¢ in th ¢ 1] epub ( 1@ Seems ry . ; $ se B < 1 ~ ] td Panton RS pirtaensll firttased coat for the ong stretch of winter ahead of | the Skaker Sweaters with sh collars. We are the only sf 1:1 els and would like you to see them. $7.50 to $25 — ET i Fo rR Se in town that shows this swea! ob usua IL attractive, 25¢ to $3.50. a — EE A. 0 a HO A TR SANA EI BE Ee Saas ri Le ————_————— YY HALL BUILDI NT JOY. VIOU IN i nt 9 2 iB owt an agra wpe Spemaen Sipe ips. Wesson Yo availal annnlv vances tr eel A-AE A cet AUDITOR'S NOTICE ot } Stoel fortmmall fires Ja The Matter of the Receivership § Pyscnetlly wally rwodyrowalipew Apron fippomsci fiona rostfly, EE a a of the FKlizahethtow and fari- aes - E Ra EN | rile SA Ba OB 4 BB HD etta Fle Light Company Se LE RRR BR GURL | A TP NS ETE TER TR TR AREA SERA. |) PY ES § A 8 A N FETS! A [KE TS! YR Giiino g FH etinatin y ¥ REE #® WeareAlways Prepared t BL NK KETS! BLAN KE E | L sstase ano J JONS nparon [| =o ! Pure rnin see ar Te a ————— INSURANCE bod liolly tronhied Tn BE Ed ang 4 ~ Horse Owl ha : E. Main St, Mount Joy its of t ( ! ; Spring alling and Clerking of Public ~ 8 in those ; , yet Y oroug h and & : 1 £ ater 8 really wonderful 18%. i 5 4 : 15 : ICE: Settlement of Estates. x 25 1 i # : | én lectio DR. KING'S | : ‘ANT ITY kV ‘ollection of Rents. EES = ; 1: < IN ANY QUANTITY at Vey ’ Moderate Charges. Surv eying and Conveyancing. i | - ew if ge E i Don’t fail to see us before p ; bE 1 bag 3 ji 1 OLD DR. THEEL &| & DR. Ww. L. THEEL 3 rs ; GR 1a | ng vour order this year. pring Garden erly 535 N. 6th | Adolph Schingeck, Buffalo, H 4 “Ah : i & J: 2! Bt., Phil, Ps.) Ei B Ni i ad 1 5 1 7 mom irs | | 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE AT AL DR osrs : § : ® J. i. Stauffer & Gunranteod Cure for 8 pecifie Blo ‘others | Ulm v py se 3 ’ sel 2 ’t *. u oN P= or BE $ {he Di saaon Hols. 1 it's carsstol humanity. - RE 4 ae J) Mount Joy, Pen, Skin & te Diseases, KE 8, both Ab, Weak- peri: Norvons Debvility, Loot Mineo, ben AUNT, Read thre Bulletin Se0e00t0 & ricocele, Hyd ie, Rupture & Strictu = z 2 3A3 : Qi: a ET ayo Duleiyees Agt For Middletown Steam Laundry or A Covaiey 4 iversining Feandu. firs 3000: pegs, | Advertise In the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | MOUNT JOY. PENNA. Subscribe for th T™e pointed to remaining in Nauman an¢ eelvers of and among t 1 the same, will git for that purpose on Fridav. Januarv 2. 1913. at ten a. m.. In Conrt Room No. 2 of the Court House in the City nf Tan- easter. where all persons interested = EE vice all-wool pressly to my ol = horse 1 3ilk Plush Robes, $10, $12, $14, $14.50. » $2.50; Chase all-over Stable Blank- All-wool Kersey Stable Blankets, $3.00 to $5.00. ine over; goods cheerfully shown. EB. B CROEFE MOUNT JOY, PENNE. 0 AO OY fn sald Aistrihution mav attend BENJAMIN CO. ATLER S. R. ZIMMERMAN M. E. MUUSSER Bec. 11-3t Auditors ge I am 1111 1 4
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