: MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1912 $1.00 A YEAR INTS—OUR ADS BRING RESULTS—THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM NOTES ore ae FOITNErS Moat rm tus bh oo» Obituary cone ne Florin News | 08. Store It was alleged, have been fighting ert 1 a in the cemeter) idjoining HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY Vike settias in bloom | the inspection law from the first ¢ | SESSION HELD IN VILLAGE [ SCHOOL HOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT 'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUNI and it is up to the farmers to say . TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER SE AGE WEST OF HERE th { Miss Carrie A — l 1 a 10 o'clock from Reich's | | | | | { Hoffer's ood cook Apply at whether they want it or not, The xchange Hotel, Mt, some Well Known People From Our { i 2t.¢. : " has more tuberculosis than this| Neighborhood Have Passed to the Views on Growing Tobacco and Po- 1 that here m sf the > | six room house in State and that is where most of the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue tatoes and Liming Soil For Grass ; "™ as \pply to John H X dairy cattle come from There can| Gone to Their Reward. red at the home of her gocal and Personal Briefs That Have Columbia from tubercu Occurred Since Our Last Issue mn ie was ill five months. M Our Hustling and Wide Awalse twenty-five vears old Neighbor Village, Florin, speaker said that New York State Talk on Inspection of Cattle be 10 legislation for special States i i Detwiler is haivng a ud } y In the West tuberculosis is not so Dr. David S. Hamaker Miss Fanny K. Gochnauer Revi \ i being held ystem installed at his| ° Fle MONLHY 2 Fn he common and Virginia cattle, are| The death of Ih David 8. Han I K: Gochnauer died t Rheems Farmers was hel Hatur sale In reply to a question, the aker, a former practitione | urg on iss } : Gro Rheems waa day evening in the village school speaker said that basement barns | Blizabethtown occured at his home | Fhursday afternoon, from convul ! A sunday illon at the Washington Rouse and it was a most interesting are not injurious to cattle if they lin Elgin, Va.. Heart trouble X f the kidneys, aged 50 years Frank Klugl pent Sunday one sSour-krout by the | ’ Vas be th \ at Philac yhii are properly attended to. He ex-|death The deceased Was 3 as a member of the Menno Philadelphia A letter was re; f 16 secre oie : ! : . oak a . vi . ana a fts for the entire fami- ' 8 read from the secre plained in detail how ventilators |years old and is survived by irch, and was a daughter of tevival services are in progress tary of the farmers’ institute to be a ; to suit everybody. Bern- te t “may be arranged to carry away the |wife and two sons held at Maytown on December 20 Henry M and Anna 8. a I Roads church unhealthy air Light is essential to] She is survived by the Kd Steigerwalt of Paoli vis- i y air. Jdght is § ¢ — . | and 21. There will be exhibits of { following rothers d siste) J. | ited ( A Geyer ar amily ) Int H. G. Hagenberger has : its ofl, stable William Matter {lollowing brothe ang Te X qd family on farm products and poultry and. be | 2 ' . store news to tell you in rr ll ey ee Word was received in Bainbridge tween $20 and $20 will be awarded K., Henry K. and Mary, at home; | Sunday n another page. : : ie Ln fon Saturday announcing the death | Andrew K., of Lititz Emanuel K li 1 of Mount Joy n Pannebecker tool | the in premiums v FHE LOCAL INSTITUTE {at Hillsborough, Ohio of William | @nd David K. at home, and Amos K. [spent Sunday with her parents, " i CKe K { 8S al ! y an mt . — — t \ tof Lititz Mr. and Mrs x. Bed / tion for fireman on Friflay, | Potatoes or Tobacco? : Hed H I Matter, an aged . veteran, |! ititz | ind Mr }.. Q Jeatty . ay . successful Sessions ele ere Aast . The funer: y d on S ‘ \ B ic WY was 3 1 a position with the P. “Which is the Most Profitable | Successful Sessio [who formerly resided there He Fhe funeral was held on Sunday Ir. Ben Mickey wi the lucky : ; v | ride Saturda ” rning ROT { ‘ ' at < ‘ro ver's yv { Crop—Potatoe or Tobacco” was Friday and Saturday [was 76 years of ag and has two | Morning with I a J.0 K. Freymeyer On Satur : : . : - | } lo’el | and day inn th ine cake reports of both the First Na-|the subject of a general discussion. |sons in the West, ; daughter. |0’clock a I : e fine cake Tt : The Local Institute of the Mount | N 2 clock and Union National banks of | The views expressed included many ; 1. Eligabet] : residing in Elizabethtown : Joy anc clizabethtown districts, nit wtireh en sunday as guests of . lace, may be found in our ad-|and varied opinions It was the be- : hal vy . een nonite churcl uests Henry , : | which was held at Mt. Joy, on Sat - _ Bre at ireneman’s Se . Ling columns {lief that a great deal depended on vhic y € : Sarah Winters Breneman chool urday, Dec. 7, 1912, was opened by in the East wrshurs Villi Hamilton and family Charles Dillinger has a aot |the farme: and the land. Some : Sara i Henry Ginder : armor . . Rev. 1. Howard Kern conducting | anv : a ' hie ® . Irs rel Lupfer. & Harry Xceptionally fine Christmas trees | farmers grow 100 bushels and more 1 1 y Iq P I y ; het 4 +3 the devotional exercises I'h 1 Nr i : Ia ij 4 I lary « aine. are If ou want to be sup otatoes to the acre and others get : wn hur £ ixt ¢ 1 ? . , 4 y ute then sang, Holy Holy, get your order in at once > anted. Land adapted ® : a po after whi \ Roudabu (Charles Jroome, an expert | co m no He good for | { lumbia, is now em question mav be Elmer Heise who | M € ¢ farmer seeks : should arrive . {or ao f plaster- | I ror money 1 big contract of plaster- | is Nixdorf Landisville I De 1elp, but the and County Medical Society Ie t Lancaster farme | { { Wednesday. Di John J. New- | kno v to ow tobacco and not was nominated | potatoe Vith 200 bushels of po-|° ii. he o Irs, Anna Dupler for one of the censors | tatoes the » the same money : Neitig ot imei llama. | | will be realized as for tobacco It Auto Service for Maytown jes 1 at tobacco involved more 3 : ; are running an au Residents of Maytown have form-| Wo! ne otatoes. A big crop of | potat } TOY sandr . with the carriage ed the Maytown Transit. Company | 2 'e grown on sandy or : ° : rrr vel . mn or hel kindly soliciting with an authorized capital of $5,000 5" Ss The soil here is too iia is ™y : 3 ’ ; i : heat Int for y of . 3 : gi sen I'h ' ght |. ols a y Y 1 AVw- 1 ‘i I atrond y f the publ Come the purpose of operating an auto | '®4Y) A 01 potatoe and 1s : eter le w } 1 ( : | hette wdanted f tobace Cavern: ort! cus fro: g i resid i that 1. Once served auto truck service between | er adapted for tobacco Several fu ] { farmers gave experiences of grow- : "sho n ing born and raised a 1 | } . Roudabush. wird : ) 3 Font ; . " ee etl eee eee directors: Hon. M. R.|ing tobacco and potatoes on the [ 1 : 1 } it ainbridg Beside 1 hus as la ) » rr ra n the Business Meeting which |, : Viv . or. wit ile : : » John A. Dehoff, Al. Risser, | Same ground and the results varied ti band, two children and : number | d 1 nin S¢ vd ir Suit on Notes served town and other points, these! 1 ended the morning programme les and Charles D. Zell. | Comparison was made of the money | i b of brothers and sisters survive | termen at th Mastersonvi Phe ional Bank of Oxford hae Be . : > 4H : the report of the treasurer, Mr. J . , rene Haines to cove 2 R. Hoffman was elected from the two crops : ; [church pore fu ¢ tanes to recover yi. . ci = | B. Kraybill, was read and accepted J mms lb enon. 1 3 T secretar : : s ie 3 de n A. Dehoff, secretary Discussion on Liming and an assessment of 25¢ laid on Mrs. Fannie B. Gantz D. Zell, treasurer Mrs. Fannie B.. widow of Fred Notice 2 Eis County rust Com { We Apply Lime [each teacher. 0. Lyte for $2009 es will be igcned at the, 5s for Jest Yost $0 wh ™ <3 Ra 4 s k Gant died Monday mornil ¢ as ! $ con FE aa pM har ? 1 Bes Results vas | The afternoon oan ) : v3 E Vistaions Ress a 53 : : n a note signed by J. W. Lansingee a 8 I 1 ( i all v RD Top Pr ‘ . om iy y | & ne 101 or uas a at et oc : , mE : 2 talk by B. F. Garbe I, | Institute singing k els an : ; - : 2 re we f iT duty xplai that he endorsed. eet GG eee on = raed nA hia : R44 " Y , . | from the effects of a strol yf | ’ Sident, and wi 3 3 3 - n or y } nr \ i ne O01 ’ » 1 aE : estdent. ou ich evoked con-|“All Through the gh SOpt los : : is : Wor t ia 1e First National Bank of Mt Public Sale of Apples siderable discussion. Mr. Garber be-{Dean gave a short talk and then | Paralysis sustained last Thursday ted BH ‘and HH. Rov Nig 3 Si I & { : 2 ‘ ugl suel y ane . LOY Nise iturday, Dec. 14, Mr. H. S.llieved that the old routine and lim-|the first topic of the afternoon, |"'®H! he aged lady was found in| he : le) }. H. Gish A. B. Demmy ans . suitabl for he y YY, Y 1 rls, A » min) ¢ Newcomer will sell the balance of |ing on sod was good. Corn is the “Home Study by Pupils,” was dis bed on Friday morning in an un suitable for the I his barrelled apples at public sale|best feeder and lime breaks up the cussed by Mr. Walter Eshleman conscious state, and she sank grad- from his warehouse in this place. |combination in the soil. Nothing The ually until death ensued. She wag |Pla¥ing and did other ennie | yr. 3 3 fit to mention Some members T. Miles to recover $700 due on | | therefore indulge i ar 3 ller: note discussion ‘““The One Book has about 125 barrels of these|is better than the old yearly routine | Valuable etl Gp rr to You in Teaching.” by |Seventy three years of age and dia i es : en “+ h ; i choice New York State apples, all{and lime before the corn crop. | Miss Ruth McAllister. was followed |@ member of the Church of God. |J0ined with the intention of break- Glee Club is Coming ewark, | hacked in first class shape. They [Some lime is good with wheat with is, Mr. "Me vhilAva TT Ge Yians . ing it up and then start a club, In The Glee Club of Susquehanna by a recitation by Miss Katie Iwo children survive Clarence tl they did 1 holl 1 1. | Uni it t Seli e, P wilt ic xr i x . 3 y c i: ® ¥ rahe y ‘ 2 Is 3] 1d ot WIOILLY succeec ATS y & Selinsgrove a 1 consist of Baldwins, Greenings and |fertilizer added. It was the belief: 0. Miler. ond an Instramental solo | Hershey of Mount Joy, and Joseph |? the dic ) v 1¢Ce¢ niversit) 1 elinsgrove, A {G. Gantz, of Elizabethtown The | Although there are not as many |render an entertainment in Mount Ben Davis. Sale starts at one o’-|that lime helps grass, but wastes|by Arthur Moyer as = 1 r 1 : ins : i : ae 0 : : : smbers i he Y 1 ' as here- yV g 3 Ie azdat wn nt last clock. Mr. C. H Zeller will eall| fertilizer in this method. “The Psychology of Punish- | {1D ral is being held in the Church |Members in ti Y. M. C. A. as here Joy Hall on Wednesday evening the sale. It was said during the discussion |ment,” was a topic discussed by Mr, °F God this afternoon Interment : ; g Tm .'— that the lime vill be made in the Mt ov | €t¢. used. that are unfit for the Y.|members and are considered among ie City of A. Signed: Y. M. C. A. per the best entertainers In Central guest of tofore, there will be no more games ' Jan. 8 The club consists of sixteem should be put on the |Werntz, Principal of Mount Joy i i i : Operation a Success ground and harrowed good. It|Township High School, and later hy | cemetary ei : Piourning in ar Greiner Pennsvivania They will appest Echman, instead ————— | On Sunday Doctors Bowers, Trex-| keeps the ground moist and mellow |Mr. Singer, Miss ’ R ee etl eee ee here for the benefit of the Forest- the week. . : . r i i ’ i iy ler, Reith and Thome performed a During the summer too much lime |of taking the broad subject,” | Mrs. Annie Sheetz affer has gonej...u ; , : ; : : ; : affer AS © ivery successful operation on Ward [should not be applied. Tt is better |‘“Nature in Literature,” where she will ’ home with the |ers Band The program will be e : | wm 1 as mention I'he death of Mrs. Annie Sheetz, Prudential Agents Banquet ack v y C x Y - r i + fr 1 | Backenstoe, young son of Mr. J. M.|to apply lime more frequently and {ed on the program, chose one phase | widow Backenstoe, at the Exchange Hotel. [not so much at a time. The amount [of it, “Birds in Ward has been suffering for some |for application is twenty five |discussed it . ; : { published later of Christian Sheetz, occured On Saturday evening ) agents l treet Alf mcs Literature,” and |: the home of her daughter, Mrs. |of the Lancaster city office of the 2 : tas . ri iT ) 1 T.3f \ Lutheran Pastoral Association In a most entertaining nuel I Hoffman, near this [ Prudential Life Insurance Company | The Lutheran Pastoral As in the chapsd n vans has gone to|,; 3 sii: : ' s | 4 ¥ time from an injured hip, having |bushels to the aare. Lime should | way was in her eighty-sixth ld a | juet at Haefner’s Cafe, ere she will spend been unable to walk for a number |be applied after . harvest on grass s with her sister relical Luther- The following officers were elect | year 3 husband died about €or} rrig proprietor The | r ar . oq } « . | of years. and now there are bright]and wheat and should be put on the |ed for the ensuing vear: President. |thirty vears ago She is survived hn | : id hi a $ S sur 1 ckson, who spent prospects for his speedy recover: new grass field as soon as possible |Prof. C. E. Roudabush: Vice Pres. |by three sons and three daughter ste | : town as th desk Por re -fin crmeenn Some farmers apply lime in all Mr. H. 1. Gise: Sec Miss Bertha [as follows: Rev. John M. Sheetz. of | I as eB 28 | { Church Officers ways and get results. Corn is kept | Hejcev: im fos arrorite) Maonlic ik . wn has gone to her! Is kept | Heisey Treas Miss Margu te | Moonlig Kas Rev Amo I Station, Md { Brunner of New | | The members of the Preshbyte greener with lime and grass bene-|Herr, Upon motion the meeting | Sheetz and Christian CC. Sheetz. of | an church elected the followin fitted considerably. Some farmers {adjourned | Rs Katie Nissle of Carlisle : officers for 1 3: Trustees, Gabriel | Who never used lime are doing so Hof m: ent from Friday to | x ee wo Ty ? i: > foltman ia Mover, Levi Stauffer, Fas . | now It was stated by one farmer| of Bast Donec: <. Barbara ile guest of his father] . 4 3 ' . : Hi 5 : je Bet oe | fri i Chandler, Clarence Schock and I hat he fed two sets of cattle and | C. KE, Otlicers Kans. The nner and friends. ~ : ie 3 Th Tu iceis " ; | is oe > roomates man 0. Schmaelzle. Auditors, H. E. Eb-|thus obtained plenty of manure, | he Christian Endeaver Society | 1 was held Sunday at 9.30 - Musser, of near Mount = . I sn bo livia " tis | : * : Rr YD : . ersole, Emanuel Sumpman and M.| with which good clover was secured fie Church of Go i revival services at 7 { S. Bowman was said that lime is t | following office : : : : . all, € oe t « 2 18 not | in Christ Mission at at Cross Roads meeting house Were Quite Successful Rye—Keller i interment in the adpoining | On Saturd: ¢ 11 M esse \ aT N. Rye 1 well knowa : ee eat Geer 1ecessary for clover, Tt mav be ar President, Miss Tm } aT: < i Neve =t thi lea Tai) i f this a nd Mim during the past two 11 Ing i Jacotl ; 1 Mil-' Ma ] ller, who is Hving with 111¢ an Osyter Supper used with manure. There is an old |ers vice president i |M svelman f indisvil er Strickler. DH. The oyster supper held in the hall [saving that “Lime makes a rich |enecker; secretar y: Miss aggie | John Shank yn Miller of Salunga returned from } Geopfer .and Elmer on Saturday night bv the Young ither, but a poor son.” It was | Hotter) : corresponding secretary Yohy Shank Sled Tash toi dou aurining tit sho Black Loe v1 were Yin the Dy bond ohool directors of Mt |VeRS League of the Lutheran St that too much lime will burn | Miss Beith Myers; freasurer Not | tioritbun. at the He of Lis ountain. They shot four turkeys, !|of matrimony Sunday evening af p, held a meeting at church was very well atiended, and|the soil. One farmer limes every} 'dmie Greiner: orsanisi, Miss In {John M. Shank, at Mayvtown, from |? lot of grey squirrels pheasants, { the United Brethren parsonage by re Hotel here on Satur- and a few rabbits Among the tur-|the pastor Rev. Spangler They kevs was a 26-1b. gobbler shot bv | have the best wishes of a host of as a result their treasury was swell- | Vear and uses 125 bushels to the | Nile Greiner; asisstant organist, Mrs ed to the extent of $75. acre. It was felt by some that lim-| Eli Smeltzer. { etl eee ing in this way involves too much | Tm ete nfirmities due to old age, in his ninety-fifth year He lived in this Joseph Neill. of Mr. Engle [friends nding a few days s parents, Mr. and nabecker, left for , Utah, where they ir future home. county all his life time. He was a \ : sab Eee mt nemo Fine Mules Republican politically, and voted | Messrs. C. C. Hallman and E. S.|for nineteen presidents of the U. S Premiums at Ebersole's { Apples, $2.25 a Barrel Weaver will sell 5 head of fine|nphe first president he voted for was Merchant H. E. Ebersole has in- On account of the cold weather I Wired for Electric Lights work. Tt was made known by one Emory Gochnour & Co. of Peters-|farmer that he limed for alfalfa and burg have wired the residence of A.|Not a stalk of clover was there. Tt B. Cling on Donegal and Market |Was felt that there must be humus|myles at private sale at the latter's William Henry Harrison, in 1839, |augurated a novel idea in reference |have decided to sell the balance of streets and A. K. Manning on West |l0 equalize the soil. Lime will not stables in Florin next Monday, Dec.|ffe is the oldest survivor of the|t0 giving things away for nothing my apples stored in the old P. R. R. Main street for electric lights. kill Canada thistles, but gasoline is 16. If you want good big mules|,riginal srhool board of East Done- | last Wednesday Mr. Felker of the depot at Mt. Joy at $2.25 a barrel. a or : 3c o - : y : ’ : ements good thing for this purpose. Much |pere is an opportunity. gal township, and for a number of |Back Run, was given a fine silver|| have 150 barrels of these choice Accepts Position depends on the crop to be raised i Vi nd the kind of li vears served as the supervisor of |Set gratis. For particulars call at|New York State apples and have is not necessary. You| Miss Anna Witmer, who lately |? e kind of lime used. There is ie diatyic H 1¢ | his store ; ow i : i r ’ ‘anted at Onc his district. He connected himeslf i priced them low in order to move on any suit that you graduated from the Pennsylvania|lime known as farmers’ and chem- Wanted at ce : : — ' Sak Ee ; 1 ; : . ~ A bright young man to learn|with the Mennonite church many them quick. If you want apples. tz Bros. All wool, 7 to Business College, Lancaster, has ac-|ical lime. The use of ground stone cepted a position as stenographer |as a filler was commented on. printing. Good wages paid from |vears ago. He was a retired farm- For Father, Husband or Brother |call or phone C. S. Frank. 1t eect mnie and typewriter with E. I. Nissley & Co. of Florin, Pa. Rteresting to Mothers ——— y . 1 want your boy to feel well gave a talk on what he said was a — A eee M. Shank, Rowenna, and John H.|Vest. Getz Bros him up in one of our Suits Fancy Waist Coats disguised attempt to do away with Christmas Box Shank, Maytown His wife died Tre oats. 2.50 to 7.00. Getz Beautiful Cream Flannels or Silk the inter State inspection of cattle. The King’s Daughters of the|nine vears ago There are also Far Caps ; - stitution at Washi on. 1 reps for the Holidays at the special The State Livestock Sanitary Board |Presbyterian church sent a box of [three sisters, as follows: Mrs. John Are a usefn and appreciated |. sts n " Ra to . os ry price of 2.50 each. Geiz Bros. has the say as to what the farmer|g00ds as a Christmas present to the|Qber, Elizabethtown: Mrs. Daniel |Xmas gift. We show a large varle- WEY fs 2 ae Christmas Candies : is to be paid for diseased cattle [Kentucky mountaineers Moyer, Harrisburg, and Mrs. Harri-|tv. 1.00 $5.00. Getz Bros feabouts : ik buy your Xmas can- Christmas Vacation when killed. Before 1897 a person T——— E... son Balmer, of Philadelphia. Twen- x i see the’ fine line at The borough schools will be clos-}.4u1q buy cattle rejected in another{ Do not fail to see the beautiful {ty grandchildren and twenty-three White House News ast Main street. 2t ed for the Christmas holidays from State and sell them here, thus|line of Bohemian Glassware at 10 | great-grandchildren also survive. A new Jot of White House Shoes Don’t you Prefer Qeember 20th, to December 30th. affecting sound cattle. There is|{and 15c. Bernhart & Co. He headed the only five generation |just arrived at Getz Bros, 2.50 to| To deal at a store that gives you 8 of Handkeg now less tuberculosis in cattle than Tr —— i Esser group in that part of the county |4.50. All leathers and styles. your money's worth or your money ption. B istmas Savings Fund Ohecks fifteen vears ago, and 50 Der cent. [Christmas Savings Fund Checks|The funeral was held Friday morn- SE Mle back—that's Getz Bros. Overcoaw. ) ed at Getz Bros. less than eight - years ago. REvery|cashed at Getz Bros. . ing from his late home at 9 o'clock Subscribe for the Mt. Joy BuMetin. 7 to $20.00. . 2 3 Take a Chance want to buy a Suit of the start with an increase every |er. These children survive: Mrs Fancy Box Holeproof Hosiery, em ent me seaman 0 . | Umbvrel: : an Talk on Cattle Inspection (three months. Apply at the Bulle Abram Hoffman, of Lobata: Mrs. In Pens, Siw oe Lan. Mum TS Home on a Visit Dr. R. C. Gross, of Elizabethtown |tin office, East Main St. Mt. Joy [Aaron Snyder of Mountville; Amos |Sweaters. Shoe vercoat or FRNCY) 5 Omer Nisley, 4 former vest dent of East Donegal, now at the ad of a new and prosperous bank- eee tt A Assam.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers