"ITY at us before p year. er & Pen, > Ea d con- whole s cake is them,” er and hde home profit, and id over 1s on to him, He will show tion and speed. attended the the Church of the it Bachmansville on Wed- week as did also S G. Hollinger Geib and wife M. G 1d wife M. B Miss Anna Geib county S Sowers ol last 1an and C. spent metropolis day a fine rainy Monnt Joy Shreiner Shearer, C chaffe Milton and wife and the and wife of family > -— Wilson in Bermuda A himself of Ber- Atlantic enjoying Isle Ison in the little in the I cians and hung - 1 Wilson is miil ne: ny st and ne Inspiring wot re2ch him enjoying his unshine of resort, he is a famois health and boat and so doing the country a great favor, time causes talk amily were and his absence at this t cessation of political and the country kind hatter, thereby giving nuch reeded rest from this excitement and disturbance, uffering Yets! suffering of so many women at tjmes i by a little care and proper help. Is give just the assistance needed. They surely ; they correct faults of the system iat you will find better conditions prevail rst Women Who Take ed and effective remedy. Beecham’s Ip your Sigesiion, regulate your bowels, bur liver. adaches, backaches, lassi- IVOUS To will trouble you less and ju take at times—whenever there is need— CHAN'S PILLS lhing to retaim their youthful looks and to feel at Heir Best | be sure to read the special directions with every Sold everywhere. In boxes 10c., 25¢, inds KLINE -on crete Work Em — '' XY. BUILDING BLOCKS All Styles and Colors Porches, Columns and Banisters Door and Window Sills and | Chimneys, Hte. Lintles, Retailer of the Grades of Cement PENS A EST CASH PRICES OR DEAD ANIMALS PROMPTLY AUTOMOBILE TRUCK. ar’s | Sons Ginder| to | Bes | THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Farmers Column | USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE FARMER Cold Storage of Apple Would Settle | the Question of a Congested Mar- | ket—The Eggs in Winter Other Notes. Securing of { Possibility — most logical time to | all com Fall is the transplant trees and shrubs of kinds, because pletely at trees are then rest, and apples keep better if little the Pears picked a green Some pears core outward i! the from to rot allowed ripen on tree Trees set out in the fall do better the as the when winter is moderate, ground is drier and the trees make a greater growth the next season The the fact | winter framer has become wise to that it is possible to have eggs, which no longer is an idle dream, belief in The that it is as was the days of our forefathers farm- | er, too has discovered commodious, com and that {economy to have | fortable | | success winter houses, for there must not be a single {mongrel permitted on the place lhas even gone a step farther, and invested in incubators and devote a part of the profit {that he may winter months to instead of comparative idleness In short, he [has in operation a complete poultry {plant, and it has proved to be the best crop on the farm. That is the revelation of today, and the farmer { house rendered {the the | brooders SALUNGA Miss Malehorn improving Sadie family 0 his | Miller and spent Simon E Old Orchard brother Mi gunning Sunday with Jonas and wife Milt Miller is trip, having home from his bagged tur Keys easants, squirrels and rab bits Mr low is nursing a fall week | Shuman the Levi loose ribs result of a the ago Of Hog Elgin, 111. on streets of Lancaster a course he is up and doing Herr's slaughter | the killing at the the permeates is on boom and L.ancaste the sweet smell of grand county sausage Christmas air Ladies’ Chorus ol Salunga Alma their Hall Friday They Dr. lecture, The with accompanist { Mt credit Hershey as selections at the Joy night very ably ed were royally entertain by Garber and wife after Brethren and Methodists had churches The both ive services in their respect on Sunday morning, the latter Rev, Forney preaching in form Devine in the done for me. 1 that section wand Rey The farmer wise A of hens were not in our possessed a few hens heard a great cackling | Vegetable under his corn crib, a building so winter time he He doing that in often daily. situated passed thought yy friends. and al was something had take there tho he cluded looked recently he con to another peep, when, low in a remote corner in a well twenty nice eggs the hidden nest, were Had Biddy Pinkham’s V sounded alarm only? for those who st makes the it for the reason he has the proper facilities. Ithat [The breeds of the present pure are so superior utility that ne seldom 1s aay | | With quite a few davs earlier her | would have been about X { dozen richer dential) Lynn, he opened, red { Mr. Frank our town woman I accident Sunday nig driving on q | Harrisbutg church De wi Tracer of Dat poinrs | Experimenting | burg os | nneti yin ition breeders working meat show requirements entereu becomes the 1o0w bird 1t at proper! more prolif uniform and the mature more uniformly ve better carcases and the food consumed with crosshbreeds or mongrels During three or four months the fall there has, of late years congestion, of the harvested been an unusual due largely to recently the the such farm products, shipments of addition to regular the crops, in traffic. In winter problem things without better if the price seems | The winter app fruit that lends | storage for any length of time the only fruit storage. 1 is grown on easier and can be kept {be kept especially becomes loss had to be a little low. the only readily is about [itself {considerable fact, it lin commercial that mercial to and, in kent believe is about where fruit the of be the store scale problem con- gested transportation must met in the very near future by con struction of large all cold the principal When storage, warehouses at apples the shipping points. should alwavs be borne in mind Only the best grade should be 1 be stored placed in storage houl as soon as possil picked or gathered temperature is best and the market as rhest maturity, the selling main their hig tle before provided sufficient to warrant p the fruit is 2 ich better in storage the thin sell fruit is wrapped with 1ally expenses always and a the aper and will nsi for enongh little left. developement to It is also true that of the fungi is checked to a storage Freedom troubles, however {pendent upon the | handling the fruit during the pick- packing, that the better lorchardists will always be but little {troubled with losses through these | causes. Also indirectly, cold stor- {age tends to promote a higher [srade of orcharding by teaching the grower better selection; better {methods of culture; more skill in the art of handling and marketing { his crop, all of which tend to make | tor the grower more money and Inigher knowledge of the business. i r————— pay produc- ing apple rots great | extent such by from is so de- carefulness in |ing and Famous Stage Beauties look with horror on Skin Erup- tions, Blotches, Sores or Pimples. [ They don’t have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Ecze- ma or Salt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilbains; heals burns, cuts and alled for piles utilize | either | ag | Bi Enking h use, a com- | and they | when and two Mr. B: thrown lan ugly the And supplies in |- hrow able 0 AY recov SOLD out serions injury were damaged and the roadside Care | surmise, averted {outcome | eet 0 Mere. | Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt Read the Joy Bulletin Lancastel +ARAGE | i | | | EPORT OF THE CONDI2ION { FIRST NATIONAL BANK Al | JOY. in the state of Pennsylvania, st Nov. 26 1912, ! RESOURCES Loans and Discounts. . 375 314 59 | overdralts, secured and uhscorired 447 3 U. S. Bonds to ure circulation 100.000 (( 0 i" OF THE MOUN'I | the | close of business, Y sy 'ER Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 1,00 LANCASTER ki Postal Savings, 1.000 0 Premiums on U.S Bonds Eh 1.000 Of | Bons, Securities, etc 115.566 52 Fur niture and Fix tures: » ve N (MH) | Other Re al Estate owned. . ; 8,800 00 | Due from National Banks (n it re- | 87072 | class The BEIVe agents fireproof | Due from approved Rese ve Agents 15.1568 42 | g hecks and other Cash Items. 42 8 Notes of other National Banks . 2515 00 shop in and held SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Fourteen Y-ears. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. special directions. Words fail to express my thankfulness. I recommend your medicine ’— Mrs. G. The above are only two of the sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass show clearly what great things Ladin E. retable ( Ter from woman'’s ills. 1 1 STRICTL ‘“After fourteen years of © suffering everything from female com- plaints, I am at last restored to health, ‘1 employed the best doctors and d even went to the hospital for treat. ment and was told there was no help for me. But while tak- ing Lydia E. Pink- ham’'s Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use until I was made well.” — Mrs. HENRY LEISEBERG, 743 Adams St. Kearneysville, W, Va. duty to write and say what Lyaia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable “1 feel it my Compound has suffered from female weakness and at times felt so miserable i I could hardly endure being on my feet. “After taking Lydia E. Jompound and following your my trouble is gone. to all my B. WHITTINGTON. thou ,which ‘ompound does If you want special adviee write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- Mass, Your letter will answered by a t confidence. and in stri The with t-as=Good-Kir Buy age was - 1) | | Y ON ITS MERITS New 1913 Cars Now Here Automobile Co. 230-238 W. Lancaster City NEVER CLOSED King St. PENNA largest and only strictly first garage and repair of County. Pinkham’s | { Fractional Paper Currency. Nick- els, and Cents. x Specie v8 Lega) tender ne ne 8 { Redemption fund with U 20,791 H0 . 1.50000 22. ) S. Treas, LIABILITIES { Capitol stock paid In . Surp'us fund Undivided profits, “less and Taxes paid National Bank Notes outstand { Due to other National B mks : and Privste Banks an 1 Xpenses ing are | follow- | lime ¢ Cashier” United State dey savings Depos I'ot State of Penna. « EWCOMER JOWDMAN J. 0. MUSSEL! Boots or Aroilos We sell then EVERY EPORT OF THE CONDITION O | R tiox NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK i Yount doy, in the State of P the close of busine Nov 2 RESOURCES unts $ msecured Lones and Disc Overdra ured an¢ U. 8, Bonds to secure cir Other Bonds to secure | Preminmson U. 8S. Bonds Bonds. Securitivs, ete Banking house, furniture, Other real estate owned . . Due from National Banks ( serve ageuts) Due from approved reser ved age ‘ats Checks and other cash items . Notes of other Nauonil Banks , Fractional paper car 7, nickles andcents. . Lawfil Money Rese ervein Bank viz Specie . Legal- tender ‘notes . . . Redemption fund with U. S.. urer (b per cent of cir ulation). ts, s¢ Ss. Deposits 16 30,000 00 i 2,750 00 nxgures ne t re- 137 49 34,207 00 | 165 24 450 00 the For 305 87 | can’t A ) | faction be beat. in 20,471 00 | them. 2,000 Oo : In a Taial, THE LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided Profits, taxes paid National Bank notes outstanding Due to other National Banks Due to Trust Compaiues and Saving Banks Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Cashier’s ehecks outstanding Notes and bills rediscounted 100.000 04 ’ 150,000 00 | less expenses & 12,179 61 VW. 2%8 860 44 320 29 ix Total state of Penna., County of Lancaster, se: 1 H N Nissly, Cashier of the above named bank de solemnly affirm that the aboye statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belie H N NIsSLEY, Cashi Subscribed and affirmed berore me ‘his du day of Dec. 1912 N BRUBAKER, Notary Public Correct Attest: ELI G. REIS re h2 day at No. PAIR ladies every Dress Shoe I CROSSETT. oy | BE | You are sure of keeping y font warm, mfortabl wear when you famous GUARANTEED Also the Ever Reliable Freed Brothers Work Shoes For Men and Boys. the Lintuer Shoes Service and satis pair. Call and have the best Charles L. Dierolf EAST MAIN ST. MT. JOY PA. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law West Mair Street, Days at Lancuster, Monday and Fri Mt. Joy, Pa North Duke Street PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM and beautifies the Jor see | Our Your Hens Laying? Feed For Eggs Don’t wait tart your birds at by using any of the following Pratt's Regulator Rust’s Producer Barke's Poultry Powder Brak Poultry Tonic Kar National Poultry Powder Clover Brand for Poultry Hes Panacea fine assortment as put out these for sale at CHANDLE Sunday Hours 8 to 9-35 to 6.45 p. m, PA. parties The Druggist WEST MAIN ST. MT. JOY, Butter Bill HIGH-GRADE LUCK” Cut Your JELKE “GOOD BUTTERINE PURE USK ABSOLUTELY mranteed Under Government In- spection For Sale on and After Friday, Oct, 11,’12 Main Street PENNA. 104 MOUNT JOY, > ARTARALIN "1 988 FRENCH FEMALE ah bikin billy D Pp | LL: S. | TAIN RELIKE R KNOWN Jo FAIL TUTTE eS f. Joy by E. W, Garber D. Chandler & Co HOTEL McGINNIS I'he 2d the number is now fent and remodel adding & bath, etc rtain trans having Hotel, undersigned old Mc ey of sleening rooms prepar to ente regular guests RESTAURANT in connection with hotel will serve in season OYSTERS and TLAMS in any style TURTLE SO! P?, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies FT. VW. MoGrinnis, | PROPRIETOR It's A Cure That's Sure D. DRUGGISTS AND CHANDLER West Main St. 4-3mo = - r'ss Made A New Man © f Him, ES pm liver and k 8 did; not ee right, bo Ee bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. | TRADE-MARKS and cop: yrights ohtaines or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief description, for FREE SEARCH and report on pate niability. 2 years experience. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent infermation. It will help you to foe D ACES 11 and 12 before applying for a FAD HP AQ rite to-day. D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. A cure gusrantecd if you use o Rive Supposiisn) Sold ia Mi. Joy by £&. W. Garber ond W. Db. Chandler & Co. Cal for free sample. Read the Bulletin where he | December ~ — BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, 18 THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO £10.50, WedneMray, FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERI} NARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF dward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA. 0S Tou-R-TST Bar I | I | |: | Half Price, On The Square 'runks at Great gains IEEE LEER OETA EERE OO EE) Hasna RETR RERRRERERRRR RRR REAR RARRRRRRRRA RRR RRND x0 TO W.B.BENDER Mount Joy, Pa. FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO Barber Li East Main St, or anything in the ne WAIL BROY CHRISTMAS TIME or Any Time Brownie Cameras picture making children and littke all as simple as { Picture taking and has the samefascination for as for ‘grown up” the | Brownie makes it A.B. C | Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. It YOu ooNY weeo) JR | bof vif id © | ) > | \ F PARK & POL L Af { | {Tow CO. | APOTHECARIES | © | Mount Joy, Pa. {| Brandt ¢ Stehman MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Halr Cutting | (Joseph B. Hershey |Tonsorial Parlor | East Main St. MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam { Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday BONE MEAL tor Fertilizer Hafleigh & Co. Philadelphia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers