PAGE SEVEN THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. PA, Wednesday, September 25th, 1912 CORAL and The Best Under The Sun DARK PAYS | ~~ PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. THE GAME LAWS 77 SEE —— —— — - 4 ) i 3 » 3 1 Of course if we simply talked Ape Days of Suffering—They Are | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Se Vv Galbius Lasu MDE -> Cy “Best” you would be Justified in Becoming Brighter for Some Mt. Say This Week, Showing Open Seasons ho i not giving us your trade on Feed Joy People | | - a z 0 but we recogniz that in these Th, { | & nl 1 NEY strenuous irchlight da \ 1 1a d kidney LTH | ed { fo ‘ | -> Dl A oy Backacl headache ired d Lo ime | 3 Ml We Must MaKe Good! : : 4 | 1 i o i yu ble 1k nia \ You know good Feed when you 1 hn A ® 4 hy oon en ‘ | & _ -.» Rh ST ns ie ve Cette olf RINE Oriental 7 | a will never know that WE carr) E: 1 H (7 - \ nN Za PE oe. 4 uch an excellent quality unles ul Ha : 9 7 ne BA I ET Soy | Ww you : ! 3 : ER Si {idx 1910 Gillette Ad Co pic yo ide fo 1 I'l l¢ i Mot v 1 {ob + a : | 9 E. 8. MOORE go ] ] . q © » Mrs. H. E. Greenawalt, Donegyl ! ih B 1 Mt. Joy, Pa., says: “For some] B+ ; 3 Deal er in time 1 was in poor health and | N 15 to Ix 1 B I : A i ope ~ . ye finally came to the conclusion that ah | English, Mongolian, Ching no 4 M Y f S Bl f Th B I h i | + C 1 Ls Cr - my kidneys were disordered My | Ringne nhe int ten one d i agni cent pecimens 0 € est € “+ b -“ { " » oa um er Yalil bacl ached constantly and I was a | tent h one week and fifty in one E Pr d O E hibi N 3 ’ ) : subject to chills and dizzy spells. a | season, November 1 to December 15 | ast ro uces, n Xni ition ow $ {The least work tired me and I had Heilich hogel, eck-shtanich sock Hare or rabbit, ten in one day 3 : ’ A) : “ {but little ambition Hearing of |ement, dihenker noch amole. 50 [ Novem 1 to December 15. Hundreds of rarely beautiful Persian, I'urkish, Caucasian & Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement Doan’s Kidney Pills, I decided to hut der orem Joe Hashy gflucht vu| Hungarian quail, five in one day, tnd Turkoman Rugs. Sizes from 2x3 feet to large Carpet sizes 3 he give them a trial and procured a aer ous scllem ferdulta shtink woga | twenty in one week and thirty in in superb variety, : > \ y and Fertilizer box at Garber's Drug Store, They &floga is ve der Frunky tzu fer- | one season, October 15 to No- | This collection, the most comprehensive as to size, wear and I acted just as represented. I re-|darrept shtarick ums eck room vember 15, color harmony ever brought to Lancaster. is to be sold at prices eive p t relief and my condi-/#onga is vu se hame kumma sin fon | Plover, unlimited, July 15 to that make each rug an investment. An investment ir ‘ lual : A f Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid |“¢'Ved promp } on 2 a dual @ A large stock o y & [tion improved in every way.” Lebnon letshta wuch ay dawk. Wel December 1, sense, since, aside from the money-saving as compared with the : for grain | (Statement given Oct. 26, 1907.) mer kenna ene net feel blama fer | Quail, commonly called Virginia prices these rugs usually command, there are the daily dividends ¥ VE-ENDORSEMENT (flucha un ich denk aer het nuch feel | partridge, ten in one day, forty in of satisfaction; the delights of luxuriating in their beauty: the When Mrs. Greenawalt was inter-|shlimmer gsawt ower aer kon net [one week and seventy-five in one keen satisfaction of proprietorship. Each piece has been careful- Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty viewed later, she added to the arick gute deitsch, | season, November 1 to December 135. ly, painstakingly chosen by Mr. Kawam, personally, who ig an |above: “I gladly confirm the state-' Is war eva usht so. Feer kals | Raccoon, unlimited, September 1 4 expert, and will show them to you, { ment I gave two years ago, recom- Sin noch Lebnon gonga de perade |to January 1. $e ] mending Doan’s Kidney Pills, My tzana. Se ware der Miles, der Ruffed grouse, commonly called |$ 3 FLORIN, PENNA. [Wealth has been excellent since! Peggy, der rote-keppich Hashy, un |pheasant, five in one day, twenty in 3 > then.” |der Sharly Frunk and si bruter, der [one week and fifty in one season, t Al tS or 0 1 rs — sm —as — = For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Jimmy. Es war shpote wu se gonga | November 1 to December 15. T 2 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New sin because es hut se so long gnuma| Shore birds, unlimited, September 3 2 i T . p YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED | York, sole agents for the V\tmited fer ous mocha wu se onna gay vella [1 to January 1. > ® » + P 8 i INE States. noch Lebnon otter Middletown, Se Snipe, jack or Wilson, unlimited. + About Children S 2 ALLE S. & H. Trading Stamps pL LBZ Remember the name—Doan's— 'sin enyhow noch Lebnon un ich [September 1 to May 1. i 3 : ¢ predlHLS r and take no other, |drou ep aneichs fonna fergessa in de Squirrel, fox, black or grey, six joo 3 : WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR ' ——— lip eeeieeenes neckshta pore munet, of the combined kinds in one day, | ; x oe CHASED FOR CASH AT ; | Now deer wissa so gute es ich du, | November 1 to December 15. i a ea we al 3 [ Motorists’ Action Against Turn- ges kens fon denna kals abotich | Webfooted wild water fowl of all J 3 gy pike |soufa, nossirree. Of course a pore | kinds, unlimited, September 1 to | 2 3 . nari o ro ‘tg Ff Nn a > a . v 4 r Mn 1 : » d er S After hearing reports of the bad fonna data epmols denk a venich April 10. Not to be shot at before | & We want to acquaint every mother with the fact that one 3 |} 1 jcondition of the Harrisburg turn z & > > + L 3 Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate mstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material | pike. By the latter route the toll! De no huts ower vice der gut shpoo- | Telephone No. 883. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot | A |its September meeting held at Ew ONG i ! Dece sr 15 | i LUMBER YARDS £ oll es ich temperance bin, un for- | December 15. | Mount Joy, Penna Sele agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always om hand Iroad by avoiding that section of Wel se hen der perade tzana, hen birds during the winter if you want | | 5 milich, sassafrill oter so epas drinka | sunrise of any day. [Bite between Oreville and Bamford up aw guty sigar shmoka. Wel so; Wild turkeys, one in one day, two {the Lancaster Automobile Club at eppas shot nemont nix. Der wisset'in one season, November 1 to Quarryville on Friday evening de- |ysdich druf es hut noch nemont jeided to recommend to motorists a mime ruck ferrissa browera mich in| in one week and fifty in one season, | partial boycott of the turnpike for en vatshouse greega fer un butly | October 1 to December 1. { refuci > . . . aip ' : : | mn co refusing all summer to repair the sassaparilla der hols nunner shitta. | The secretary adds: “Feed the Woodcock, ten in one day, twenty iB u aah adht lh uaatiacal dl. i ue LI a a a a a y i «3 y Nac > Q or po ! ” road in using the Rast Petersburg blenty kot fer essa, eppas fers nuner to have them next year State road and the Manheim turn- shwenka, de no sin se hame gshtart. ——— eee FALL OATS Our Fall line is complete. Tweed, Silk and Cloth Finished. dollars for road improvements. Plain clors and mixtures; $1.50 to $3.00; Velours, $4.00. Caps and Gloves of every description. NC —o— ® Six applications for membership ve ser ous de machine kumma ig 50 Lo rere rage y 1 i : the differe sized ap t a Were Presented - at the meeting, sawpt aer. “Ich wase visder gut ' ' President Wolf 1 : ; : 8S = « . put nto 10Xes n or r V | Si t being in the chair, pet ep ich rous gashumpt hop oter : } ‘ 1 jo} , soon become able to dispense wit! and eight new members were eleci- eny how icl : : 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. hares Bas Vanes Grading Fruits Bd charges are less. chteri gevva. Se wara uf era waek | While the apple crop in the great- 3 A communication was read from|iver ger barrick driva naceksht ons | : Po rh Ae A + svriving " : er part o ennsylvania is not more the Pennsylvania Motor Federation Koch's. Der Frunky fort tzu ferdi- | pe : shi . | asking the clul Tr ? » ¥ than fifty per cent of a full cron, | ¥ asking the club members to use felt shtarrick ums eck room, un p their influence ij : most of the orchards that have beer | 1eir influence in electing to the nock im bush mind du, de no war sed a Shon iitios ob si fo vorials . iv tree . Cs . 5 sed as demonstra 1 ana super- op | Le gislature only such men as will der difel loas. Der Hashy is hinna vision orchards of il Division otL 3 SPT Ae . i. SiO renaras le Vision oi favor the resolution authorizing the nows gtloza. eppas hut gagrocht un}. ! y i ‘tate tise 1 Pw pir Vii 5 ’ ie 5 Zoology, of the Department of Agri state to issue bonds for fifty million der Miles hut gmaint si bouch is x v : . culture, have such crops & of our special features is the supplying of stylish and becoming Hats for children. We have made a careful study of the -chil- dren’s wants along these lines, and are splendidly prepared to meet them in a manner that will leave nothing to be desired. CHILDREN'S CORDUROY HATS—In the new helmet and pretty roll brim effects, daintily and effectively trimmed with ribbon. These Hats come in black, brown, navy blue and white $1.50 to $2.98 WHITE FELT STYLES—Ribbon trimmed, high crown, roll brim: $1.98. FUR HATS—Mushroom shapes, white, trimmed with ribbon 8; and a whole host of other pretty styles, so and flowers, becoming, stylish and moderately priced that it's to all mothers’ best interests to view the display before purchasing. TTT TPIT PITrTrTreTresveeerreeede thdiddddddd ddd ldd idl il sles. ae fergs rang: ower es war net. . : ‘ fergshprunga ower usually fine fruits that State This resolution must pass the next Aens fon de retter sin usht op y . I eislatur a : 2 : : gist Surface sent the owners Legislature before it can be sub-|gfigwa. Dot war der orem Frunky oo Ty : itted 7 ay a Ah following irief directions for grad- mitted to a popular vote. As real gn about holver in de gichtera fer- |, : : : sstate DAVE no. cinta ; : > ? ing, which will be found timely and estate pays no state taxes in Penn- ghprycka, der Peggy is grawt gong ; sylvania and never can until the i useful to other f der Joe sucha un der yung Frunky, To aid y ai t growers, i p hs 2 in assorting apples to ur voters of the state vote for such a well daer hut net shwetsa kenna fer ’ } : re i 1 onositi i 3 E ¥ form sizes for boxing, a sizing boar proposition the interest on the honds , pore shtunt nochderhont = : can never fall : : with a row of holes wiil be heipful. : xe a on real estate but Vu se amole viter oll tzommer . : : hese holes shonld be about 111 kumma sin, hen se der Hashy gfrogat ahi : i must be of the State revenues. to JI in. in diameter representing ipples ep ich rous gfolla bin, h : | v.11} the sizing board except vher jed, C. M. Reiling, chairman of the bin gore diflish shnell dot hinna | . ”" ho} ; TH ne {good roads committee, reported Fer] lich dra.” De nol 2 0% The anpies are “held up (0 ’ S Ww 7 5 : ( 0 ) : 3 : nous now ferlus dich . the hole, but are never dronped havi > made . i 5 i 1avin i 1 tour of the Sproi aer ) TF ff gatzoga den ‘ proul hut aer de hussa nuff gatzoga de no through. . 4 . covered You can answer this question correctely after you have ex- ARE YOU BUYING YOUR rocery Needs Where You Can Get The Best Quality at The Lowest Prices? i —— EL TL > = = Ty routes and finding the Siate doing, aer. “Ich hop mine aenter ih Wada ne 3 rior rorls TS : : \ 1 t clo 3 5 .: de esorferjurfesfocfrrforfocge , h superior work to any done be- hay gore dunners fershunna. Usht cin ‘he ned on which amined and compared our prices with what others ask and tore. In the north-eastern section egooket amole do.” 1 eg %* the ro: eR sto . os ue : apples in ( \ . $ . J : . . \ GU Sl GU SI GU SI J (the road drag is being extensively) Se hen oll recht shoffa malocht. colt To ALEOMeN tals fons oradoc. tasted the quality of our goods which are guaranteed to give r * PA arti hl 0) ow, G 3 : a J ; i: an be ass 3 Int Ir grades & & ° ® 2 %|used. Martin B. Brenner, superin- hens rawt uf gfixt, sin in de machine 1. "Phe finest for ‘boven: Th 2 . ; i jltendent of roads for Lancaster gagrottelet, un sin fot gfora un wos Should eonset oF wail Colao 2% entire satisfaction. All goods Delivered. le r aa oF STE x A bi SNoni( onsist ell colored Of all makes are now in stock. They are unredeemed goods, %|county, has gathered together an|pochder-hondt ghapent hut on em finest fruit of high quality vari 0000 > | cof is nefival . soil : 8 1t 118 juality arie- and a great BARGAIN awaits the early buyer. sjtanie tore and is actively engaged in Koch sime vatshouse date ich net ties, free from blemisl and. of : Fi nproving the roads under . his gliga sawga. fi ; finis} 1 if > 3 Single-barrel Guns, $2.50 up. oo charge, great improvement being ex- Bs ine nnish and uniform size. Bal It} H 1 & | Dected on these roads i ne i | = 2 First grade for barrels: Next -barre ming aker, aca, ammer an | 8 ads n another 3 3 3 ; 3 Double-barrel Remington, ake! th 20 * month The Men Who Succeed sizes to box ples, free from blem- ® ° agen eroer c wrless 3 ‘inc ster J i 8, f res ices, + : 5 SN nd : . ice : anRifort Hammerless. Also, Winchester Pump Guns, at lowest price I On the suggestion of President @° heads of large enterprises are ishes and bruises, and of uniforn SD BY tr. ae ; ; i n oral nergy. Success, to- size throughout the barrel. A # | Wolf each member will -oach men of great energy. Success, I [his fri BD OREN dar, dentuods West, To ut th, tol 9 Senond grade for ares BELL PHOKE PIROSH & SIMMONS {in im he i wy og y i : f bd be is Ne Rar a Iw Second grade includes the smaller i 4 them to display a light at night on fail. It's utter folly for a man 01 M J + splay a light ght on Lol ae So Tt a n oy = % their vehicles for their own safety endure a weak, run-down, half alive S17 8 of sound fruit, free from ou t ’ Penna . Jewelers and Opticians 20 North Queen Street. land convenience starting a move-, condition when Electric Bitters blemishes. : J ! .- : : ti el tv {. Culls: These inelug ) he y : x %* me increase safolV Of ut him right on his feet in A : a MRI Print Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store J |Ment to increase the safety of all yo ; i hort lid me | Test of the fruit, and usually should | ZS USEHIRLMELIGM EHS E080) 8810 Sd BR *% users of the highwavs Also atishort order. “Four bottles did me » 1h and ‘ § ‘HE : * » 4 x : *» 101 he ‘nt th ni +1 et 10 m= LANCASTER PENNA, j President Wolfs suggestion a push- more real good than any other not be sent to the market to con-| & BUILDING CONFIDENCE : v pete with fhe hett grades t A all TERE CRIN TYE : ; ? * 3X mobile race will be held for the medicine I ever took,” writes Chas. | Pet we : Ie 1 CONFIDENCE Is THE CORNERSTONE UPON WHICH OUR M iR- . for i ¢ porating < 1 5 eo “> TE . NE BY ~ Greieefocioelredoeiodosdeciosorlecdorosdrefoodeifocfontosfoifoofonfecfoceciunlochsafeofeofansofocfoaooforiproidedpdoiooopipopoede® DOVS, a committee having been!B. Alen, Sylvania, Ga. “After for evapo! cans ! VELOUS GROWTH HAS BEEN BUILI appointed to make the arrange- vears of suffering with rheumatism, i a nd misrepresentation neve ot foot it s store. IB ments. New Holland was selected liver trouble, stomach disordens, Cop HS a ; 8 \v vhole, plain truth about our go 5 . 3 : : uniform size and color. 10 market = 2 PLT TTT TC for the October meeting. and deranged kidneys, I am again, te : ® the \ My ma its ¢ 1¢ ) 12 —— ——— thanks to Electric Bitters, sound 5 ; ; . : FT oxte of oul = Ed i i y 1 meat y des )y the: 1 @ 1 ? = i toware of » Frost-proof Tree 301d Well I'ry them. Only 50 3 vol bot ir s |B They are so ) ¢ ) Engle’s urniture Warerooms El ftee eo 1 Borniest § Co iY mn gs at 8. Jernhs : 8. ymnoriant to. Jeon. fitlts tree from: aste m d 2 * x i 3 s ret Aree : Nr IEE fn Ave-thoweand-d¢ } ) MOUNT JOY, PENNA. State Zoologist H. A. Surface is | bruises, as it is to sort out those |g speaks © pc ny housand-dollar responsible for the statement that a BACK RUN that are more or less decayed: and | g the great volume o I sines 2 esac Bs prin man from Lock Haven, Pa., is going Henry Shelly gave a watermelon . A therotore ould he ro- i E tiv O nt N : E |through the State selling trees, Party to a number of his friends on| ed as dist an n . GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY which he claims are frost-proof, but Sunday. nrocess from gra ] { | ( 1 ¢ ets 1 go creat : 4 1 tp 2 ; | 5 = UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER which statement must not be bhe- Albert Rettew and wife done. De the erading | & est Furr rpet nm gg lieved. Doctor Surface says that a Sunday in the home of Henry taken. Also, fruits can = d Pitts 2 - 38 E Bn & | few vears ago this same man went er, near Mt. Hope. and sorted at the same time. = E mg pe — 8 i > ; {and sorted ¢ | A £ onan Tioga county, selling trees Benjamin Shelly has watermelon ee ent Wr net |= Westernberger, Maley & Myers Poplar Lumber for sale in lots to snit the purchasers £ (that he claimed were grafted on oakiand cantaloupes for sale. They are Catarrh Cannot Be Cure (S 125-131 East King S., LANCASTER, PA. i 8 roots tc ie them borer-nroof iv 1 : 5 : i & . = 8 ) 1ak 31 borer-proof.ias good as the river melons | r as they | = » ot es : Bh EB ; \ RE RRR BRE RR REE gis rt {The farmers at that time had a The tobacco is fast being housed. | a BE Ll mt 0G Be wil ren » L Undertaking and Embalming § TO NY 1 0 O10 0 0000 mrs THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST ESTABLISHED" 1897 WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROKERS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts, PAILADELPHIA STOCHS—BONDS—- INVESTMENTS 30 SECONDS To Chicago Board of Trade. Laneaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. / J \ Sreat deal of trouble with him, but Most of the farmers gare not an (finally managed to cancel their crowded as in previous years ali rders be oe the BOS WOT yu : : 3 : orders before the trees were de Frank Brubaker, wife and Mis ivered 5 : is | C 1 Se : Naomi Brubaker, visited Albert | Fa ’ersons who lesire uy ‘ees : i | 8 1. Jessie x0 buy trees|pottow and family Monday evening. | should procure them from reliable I a —— TTT E - ees | nUrseries and avoid dealing with : : i : t blooc Wu | Special Attractions at air us St S. combina- tree agents whom thev do not know, tay | £ 1) i nts a : i Among the many special attrac- in and who can not furnish satisfactory .. 3% duces su curing | = oy fal 1 ] 1a t si © [tions at the great Lancaster Fair! catamsh. ¢ free. o u credentials. rey should not sign . : : ~ ~ edo, : 5 one of the most interesting and re-| F. J. (MIEN 3 Toledo, Os a their name to any order or paper : ; Sold by Pruggists, price 5c. y : em jmarkable is the Engleside Herd of | make Hall's Family Pills for constipation. © until they are entirely satisfied that " : ———— s . the Tuberculin Tested cows in TE : {it can not be changed into some : tat : ) . = bing ui : oil X Hot which is found Princess of Donegal, Stefly—Lichty {ind o a note, nil, or order tha . : . > 1 1 it . I for whom the claim is made that she Miss Mary Steffy and John Lich- a was not intended. : ha ' § : : dod lm {is the best cow in the world. tv, both of Bainbridg were ujgted | 8 —— tl eee ee { . > od « { | ih in marriage last Sunday by Ret. S. | ® | Woodrow Wilson says that De-| Did Mr. Archbold depart for Eu-|H. Brinser. They will reside in|g : | . E mocracy offers the people a chance rope to try to escape the expense of | Bainbridge. " : bs ; : : IU lessee E 2 MINUTES {to be parthers in the Government, | inducing Pennsylvania to vote his - B To any Cirdin Market in America [but judging by the signs of the way this year? Congress will get clots om = time they don’t wamt to be silint! —el A Pee brain trying to think how to seuare | = | . » partners. Advertise iu the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | itself with the pwhie. p S. H MILLER, EEE EBERRON Eg Special on Watches I have just purcahesd a nums- ver of watches, undoubtedly the best values offered in that line for a long time. They are opem face, dust-proof nickel case, Rockford movement 17 jewel, fully guaranteed, with care will last a lifetime. Can you beat it anywhere for only $10? s Also Repairing in All k's Branches : = » Kast Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. %
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