HE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN VOL. X11. NO.I17 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1912 $1.00 A YEAR »we[RCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING RESULTS—THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM Florin News ei Tisau Obituary | "um aus "| Local Notes town the fore part of the week, Personals 78 $80 fore Jar OF ARE WOVE, er State Treasury Has Paid Only $533, \s stated in the last issue of the ’ ——— E 'HEREABOUTS ma | guest of Mrs. Dr. J. J. Newpher APD ‘Q THER : 000 Out of $7.500,000 x | Bullet “Ol olks ‘ ¢ : THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR 16 HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL Ol Wey CHE ROAD WHICH WI ALL Mugs | Eijetn »0ld ‘Folks / ay was ob-| MANY SHORT NEWS (TEMS Op | served in the morning, and "Harvest GENERAL INTEREST ls gpending the week here as the —— RIENDS THE PAST WEEK Miss Edi tochnaue q A lA WRYSARMEY \ A "ublic FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK | I dna Gochnauer of Lancas AGE WEST OF HERE Publi chool authorities all ove TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER ler spent Saturda) and Sunday as | he state are protesting that only 1 : 3 : | Home ervices were held in the ho and Where They Have Visited— |}, oyest of Miss Verna Chandler iocal and Pe I Brief [small fraction f tl t : | : 26 ay 3 3 A al IBS Fhe i ¢ | ) ¢ or } ’ { al ra ( ti stat appl s " | i ‘ Many Strangers Here Over Sun | \ , a uy ’ | ' rsona riefs That Have | ! 3 ate PPro-| 3me Well Known People From Our | enin wie! Local Happenings Gathered as P —\Were Them | essen acob Schroll, )aniel | Occurred Since Our Li Sue | priation, due last J », has bee : ' \ ] p lay—Were You Among Them (3a 1 Leo} | ) H 3 ce ur Last Issue in | ( ne, hi ¢ Neighborhood Have Passed to the | I'he chureh vas beautifully Fhey Occur With the Whirl of the — SCNroil son : Schroll and Our ustling an 4 . ce | PA to tl h 2 number . . | a ’ . ' v I! chroll an ul ing a 4 Wide Awake ( ) chools, ' In a number Great Reyond Since Our Last Issue | corated with plant fruits and | vorld for Quick Reading Within Mrs. S. A. Witmer Is visiting at lil unday at Reading Veighbor Village, Florin istricts the absence of state mon | vegetable o arranged as to give a| the Past Few Days. )eodate ! Mr, anc | BE. Ebersole left | the beg ing of 4 " | Deoda H. E. Ebersole 1 t I ginning of the fall term Mrs. Elizabeth Krall ery fine effect in color, the speci p / dersor el atl | vesterday for Balth © d.. where \ \ nt Tue leged to have t tat i 1 Mr. Wm. Anderson spent Satur- | ¥¢ | ore, Md,, whe I [ I 11 ( ( have necessitated te iy Elizabeth Krall, the oldest |mens being of the choicest of gat | M I. H. Long celebrated het in \ they re wendine everal « n ay | caste no y lo | day in town lt eral day: ; nea { Pe roans dent « Manhei died on Satu { del nd d | 716th | on Monday ny n » ig here ( a Ma ad May | (M111 1 y \ 11 Al Flor v Reo . \ + Jer. pruni sy mn x a M McCullougl | ; . Because of the man prote € da ged 9 ears Deceased was I he ¢ of elcome was made | Mr irs, Abram Fauby a his parent of Philadelphia vere ests of | Sul t ¢ OV nest treasury i ] t \ | 4 his paren ) I . V oe ¢ ea 1 i ow hustlil 0 2¢ e! born in Raph ownshiy bein : D D) Garbe n well chosen, { nounce the birth of a daughtei arenerite Her snent Sat friends \ n J] dnes y friend n ut iat t 1 ss Marguerite Herr nt Sa ’ n tow ‘ Inesd: { or ou About ) distri e'd ht of the te Henry Krall, | filicito remarks The Misses Mr. Henry Derr has a fine crop urda¥ at Philadelphia M I ind 0 chile oseph McGarve ent Sun-| being paid daily; but it e tl , e I M t . vat vA ) ’ . 1 ¢ ) 1 family « vary and Emma Brown, sang | Water Ielol at Myers Landing . ree 1 f yhnst n | t r few davs he re jdaay at Bellaire nd 1y 3 tl 1 0 ct or ) Y [ Mr. H. Greenold of Johnstown ‘ | re a ests { 1 | 1e | end Octol befo the children la fine Due and Dr. Garber rendered | G lover ell the highest qua was in town Monday M d Mr B. Frar Greenawalt nest of Iriendas money is out [ fort Oe } ) ) : \ ’ - very ellective the song Face to | | othy seed 3.00 per bu Lc” Miss Gertie Baughman spent Sat Mr. and Mr John Hershey and | r. Ru B thto The s y appropriates - 50 ) : ! 1 : Mis yertie Be man De 1 : 1N¢ Her ‘ and 0 htow1 I'he state appropriates $7,500,001 D. Irvin Grove Face. A hvmn was sung by the Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt au 1rd at Philadelphi: daughter arv of Landisville is | spent 1 n the » as the | ¢ . yr 1e li but I 1 { urday a hiladelphia wughter Mary Landisville visit ! e a ie la year for the public schools, b D. Irvin Grove, an architect, son | Prim: department Letters from | nounce the birth of a son on Mon- Ir } jo f NY 3 a ad t i Raffel herger’ 1 14 PR ru t 1 A \ ¢ 1 3 » 9 r 3 Mr. C. R. Light of Lebanon, spent €d R. D. Raffensberger’s on Sunday. |8uest ob { Wi ‘ only $ 1,000 of this has been paid, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BE. Grove, |the following pine da - Qatnurd in this init Messers x Tron y nd A aluah huntii Y ing wit . Sear . . . Saturday in this vicinity. i S. B rout, Roy Hend-| N se untin oz belonging | not with standing the fact that thers ied Friday morning at 1:30 o'clock | Were read and gre: | Walter Root has taken a positi / Mr, I fuder of Leb: y rix and Samuel Shelle re to Mr. Emlin Buller, sr., was killed | is a lance of ve than $7 : m { ] Mr D. O Mude: of Lebanon, wa x nd LIM U6 Shellenberger of | r, , was killed a cash belance of more than $7.- at the Lancaster General hospital, | Thos. Kirkpartrick, the Dill Auto garage, at Harris a Friday visitor to town, | Richtie d, spent Saturday in town. |hY the & on Sunday, {000,000 in the banks that act as after an illness of more than a year. |J P Mill urg Mr. . 3 New f re i Miss Salome Teeser § niyo). 1 Oscar Young spent Sunday ¢ the | state snositories : : | " ' . Ms 2 E, ewpory, of lows, @ F. S | me Peeser, and Mrs, J | di 2 pen day as tl ite depositories Death was due to a complication of Aspril, Cl 0. R. Cook, C.] I'he Dante Circle met at the home circulating i ge parts ¢, Steigelma f Harris! o vere uest of his brother 1 B ‘oung the 1 day se be 1 y | : irculating in these parts i eigelman o Harrisburg, wei ; € I B. Yo In e old days it used to be mo diseases He was 25 years old. He |M. Haddw: Deacon, The |0of Miss Marguerite Herr on Monday Mr arti neece F Frie > “ridav gues t \ 2vch oo | and family ear arietts "nr QS : . 28 a . “rh “ . y Mr. Martin L. Speece of Erie, Pa.,| . 4a uest at he Exchange | i k yon Marietta, or less of a scandal the way the graduated from the Maytown high | Pastor, G in made a brief | evening spent Saturday i ov | Hotel. Ir. Irvin and family of May- | school ) as he ack so . or" ¥ spent Saturday in town. | Ve : umily of Ma chool money was held back so that school several years ago and for the |address, after which a bouquet was | 221 persons registered at the lev, §& Sg 5 3 s | Messers Jc wmse ‘ own are the guests of is f¢ » favore ¢ $ + ave » ke of ; . . : > z Rev. and Mrs. I. E. Johnson [. ; 8 “i a hn Bowman and 3; o ests : f h father, favored banks could have the use of past few vears was studying under presented to the oldest lady and | Root— Rutt reunion held at Rocky a Tuesday at Terre i | Bysshe eilig left N lay » State | Mr. Frank Fair an amily it: bt i rere - v5. hi 3 p . i Q 2 spent Tuesday at Terre Hill la » eft Monday for State K d fe ni yut in recent ars there has architects at York and Louisville, | gentlemen present. A souvenir was Springs Park, Mr. P ». Dattismari ‘ordelic ‘ollege where they have enr »d as Virs ames Schlegelmilch of Cor-| been Ii » . ai fq ‘ , : A . Ir . P. Dattisman of Corde ia, | , ev have enrolled a ‘oli el 1 2 r ittle to complain of in that Kentucky. He was a member of then given to each one present, 60 Miss Alice Dillinger entertained as i ow ec sday | students. delia spent several days as the guest respect 1 i y 3 : > . . : was in town on Wednesday. | : " Fs : ; q oe >" n itil now. the Masonic fraternity, and of the years of age and over. It consisted |@ few friends at a watermelon party Mr arry E. Getz spe ast Fri-i Mr. anc Mrs. J. K vere ¢lof her brother, r snry Schlegel- The i . appor 1 v . ; ’ i . | fr. flatry EB, Getz spent lest Pm ' J Ci : dX Ee ict ee e amount of such money appor-| Bethel of the Church of God, May- of a large card beautifully penciled | on Thursday evening. 3 av ¢ is a i aphrat: +) Jersey City, are here ‘ isit t miicn tioned to the districts ancaste : s ats i : 3 : day at his home in I phrata. 5 : y, & : ere on a visit to el * : i he districts of Lancaster | town. Jesides his parents he is in silver, containing the list of Mr. James Newpher enrolled as a Mr err oO .ancaster, | her yarents Mr. anc Mrs. N iss Nora Lawrence of oney- | county is over 50,0( The ex: : y y - . : ir. R. H. Herr f Lancaster, | "i ; and rs. M. M. rok | ¢ " a | yi r $150,000. The exact gyrvived by two brothers, Walter, | former Dasiors from 1835 to the |student at Franklin and Marshall pe ast We ssday in tow | Brubaker. yrook, is spending some time as |an t ‘or ac st ri is rel nf : : a , . Coiba Ti > he > Ali kl £1 £1 : M I H RS ou for each dstrict is here of Philadelphia, and Elmer B., of present, forty-six in all. The |Accademy on Monday. N “harles F Schmi f Lan- Miss Alice Spickler, p arris- | the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. . | with given. is for rear e " p : ; : r ; . ir, Charles V, imide of Lay [1 f Ds ot Te Duk 7 ; It is for the year end- Maytown. The funeral was held on services In the evening were appro Wanted—A girl for general house aster, spent Thursday i ow yurg, a former resident is ace ukeman. ing June 30 912 , 3 : R S . . caster, spent Thursday in town. /: > é of this place, ie eal M Cott of Haerist ED » 1912. Monday afternoon, with interment priate to the occasion. The sermon | Work. Good wages paid. Mrs. C. . nl Sti }ibralts {is here on a visit t Su es Mr. and Mrs. ook o arrishurg ‘oln fa: =, HN £27 tins ; . Mr. H. F. Stine of Gibraltar, is 8 o her aunt, Mrs. ay : ) 5 mbia ........... $ 10,637.48 at Reich’s cemetery. by the Pastor was from the text, Musser, Mount Joy. 1t # spent Monday in this section. | H. H. Long. and Lydia Ann Grey of Blaine, Per-{Conoy ............... 1.748.30 TY * G aw: . + . : : : 9 > ——— Every good gift is from above’. i. Moyer has big rambo apples Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baughman | Mrs. Margaret Markle left on]|TY county, spent several days as |Donegal, East ........ 2,685.30 - ‘hict : : E 5 . . xr : . : ’ . A GALA EVENT Jas. 1: 1% which he retails at 15 cents per hal spent Saturday at Philadelphia. | Monday for Oswego, N. Y., where the guests of A. D. Garber. { Donegal, West ...... 1,277.28 kor : : . . h - 5 . “ii.= 5 ol eee ell peck or $1.00 per bushel. Mr. Benjamin Kirchner of Lan-|she expects to spend some time O. D. Brinser of the firm of E.|}Elizabethtown ........ 2.134.04 : : : Harr Ce i + 'i Pik C vb . CYral ~ ir Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Donaven Enter- Quite a Relic arry arpenter entered the caster, spent last Thursday in town. with friends. _ Brinser Grain Cradle Manufac- {Ephrata ............. 3.141.66 . . = N33 : freshm: Ansa 4 . : . | i : . ror’ : ster. V 1 x tain at Their Country Home Miss Eliza Myers, of this place, | reshman class in Franklin and : Mr. H. S. Baur of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ober of [turers of Manchester, Va., called | Hempfield, East ...... 2,588.22 , X M: ‘ ’ : ; Mr. PG 8 3 ‘ | 5 : 4 e——— undoubtedly ha one of the most |” arshall college on Wednesday. was a Wednesday visitor to town. Manheim, spent Sunday here with |on Mr. P. G. Shelly on Saturday. | Hempfield, West ...... 1,963.10 y ; ; The families of S C t s . : x: i oie Minni x ese : One of the most successful social | valuable photcgraphs in her posses- 1e families of Samuel K. Henry, Mr. Frank Gantz jr., of Philadel |the family of his sister, Mrs. Aaron Misses Minnie Foltz, Mary -Eber-| Lititz ............... 2,402.34 : : : : ’" : M Alice fm: croll 3 : +t fn 2 2 ay : : | : : events ever held in this community sion In the town. The picture is a |™IS Alice Hoffman and Peter Kroll phia, is home on a visit to his par- |G. Garber. sole and Marie Bowers'of Elizabeth- | Manheim ............ 1,906.84 . . held : ; ; xn . : . An in { ; : took place on Sunday when Mr. and pen sketch of Jacob Myers, grand-jhe'd an outing in ». R. Snyder's ents. | Mr. I. D. Beneman spent last town, spent Friday evening as the Marietta ............ 1,876.24 : : Gr § / ! foe ane >ali suosis of Miss THH toi | -% | Mrs. 0. M. Donaven entertained at father of our townsmen R. J. Myers j4rove on Sunday. Messers. John Felker and Adam | Week at , Balitmore and Philadel- guests of Miss Tillie Weidman. Mount Joy ........ : 1,759.92 | : v Wi TI ‘ . v y | i iti Mr. St isser z if | mn * their pretty country home. two and H. C. Myers It was nade of ie two sons of Jacob Garber rj. Walker were at Lancaster on Satur- | phia, where he purchased additional Mr. Samuel Risser and wife and | Mount Joy Township .. 2,070.08 : : 4 A ma ; J: sg ar i | , : ; : ; Pp 3 13 miles north of this place. The oc- Mr. Myers in the 17th century when {James and Earl, of this place, were +... day. stock for his store. Rev. Mease and wife spent Tuesday | Mountville ...... cn 545.24 : ir ; ii . | 4 y < at Law aw ne . “% | casion was the celebrating ol eight he was twenty years Ol age The | 2@dmitted to the Children’s Home at Mr. H. G. Good of Conestoga, | ev. and Mrs. G. W. Dungan left |3t Lawn where they attended the |New Holland ...... < 648.88 . : : l Lancs . WE 1 isi I Ti esterday f Philadelphi I funeral of Mr. Brubaker and Mi Rap! birthdays and three wedding anni- picture was recently taken to Lan-|lancaster on Monday. was a welcome visitor her yurs- | yesterday or 11ladelphla, where Te Ae srubaker an MISES taped viv sien Faisieisie 3,045.66 : 3 : = as ¢ t ere | : é pile € Ka) i versaries. caster where it will have a con- Wanted—25 operators for Shirt dav. | they are spending a week as guests Aayior. ———— ' ; : fe ry Ca ; i of Mr. Jacol :™ 431 Refreshments were served on the SplCuc ace in an art exhibition | factory. an show opportunity for Mr. R. R. Marshbank of Elkton, of Dr. and Mrs. Poole, Mr. Jacob of East Donegal 3 , : Av v I I'M Charl was Ve unfortur vhile baul-| Landis—Stauffer nacious lawn and everybody pres- 10 be held in October. [five to ten dollars per week. Apply 1 De Thursday i , it r. and Mrs “harles oht and as ver) for 1ate while haul- } 3 : a ns >t n 1d., spent Thursda) in town with C S arle h ni’ on 3 David B. Landis and Mrs. Emmalent greatly enjoyed the outing. The — a ito’ A. R. Kilgore, Florin, Pa. . friends {son Martin of spent Sun-|1ng a load of tobacco. He fell off Lo Su : : The fami r : | : h fosy y . : tan ere married Thursday at|scene of the event is one of the fi1 Henry Brandt's Sale The family of Mr. Jacob Brunner ) Miss Gertrude Greenawalt spent day with Mrs. parents Mr. |the wagon and a wheel passed over |. . ; il 4 : 4 | s hic 15¢ and 3 i . : he he of the ride's fathe ( est f 1s in th section, the build- Don't ¢ ext Wedne vill move to Lancaster in the ve: * Sunday here as the guest of her and Mrs. lewis Seeman. his left hand, bruising it very badlv.| = T% ; . f hile Mr. B : i : ostetter, at Flori he ceremon S we sucl a p Sept. 2 the time set | Dear Iu while Mr. Brunner wi ; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Roophard of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hertzler, a ! y : Sl ; I | } . : : : : , 1 y Mis \ 1M was performed by Bishop Peter R.|tjon t he cot be viewed for the f ler Brandt's | remain here for the present. Mr. Benjamin Brubaker of Eliza-| Hummelstown are spending a few | VISE 1 Wagner and Master | I { East Firs 4 i ! ’ | Mr. Paul E. Getz 1 been el . : . i113 a . rani Yi Z - 381 y Ol ““ LDOTIE 1 ound 1 dire 0 1 pt ere S d . (xetz has been electe bethtown, called on friends here on with Mr. and Mrs Albert | William Wag pent Sunday as| of 1 I I : ret: of the Bibl 1 Sence I a rge number olf reia Those esent we . Pauline fine rope 0 he O ne ecrets ){ the Bi e sg f the Thursday Campbell and other friends the gi Mr. and Mrs. Samuel s 5 J : : Jd) vi 3 ser Ay 1 = : : Wa : 2 0 Thursday. . . ' Rip : cris tives nd friend A wed (S id and Miss Id Daiss of | Harrisburg turnpike close to | Hu Church vice Bysshe Heilig Mr. Michael Murry of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rollman, Mrs. |* terr .abethtown, fact foll 1 \ 1 Pp : 3 | was 1 | + ‘ . 1 . ioliowed ¢ W Vi h 300 f I 1 et ¢ 1 nd ( away from town attending was a Thurs visitor in this com-|H. S. Garber and Mrs. Chas. Del.ong Mr. John Carson who for the past : ’ oh) : Pe | 4 ’ \ Se 8 1. S ¢ ane MY ¢ 1 nd Amy e noney ma Persons intere qd olleg¢ munity attended the funeral of in Grove | Sever ears had been a clerk in J | a : Gi . | o 3 : ! oy ( hile [ ’ : In \I i o ir [Lost Between on pike Messers. H. G. Myers and E.|at Maytown Monday afternoon. » A n stor nd also in A t y I fet . e : G 3 phe Of 1 B ‘ ne 1 I da Mi H y \ [ jo: +1 ethtown and Harrisburg, a Ort Malev of Lancaster, were in town Mrs. Rebecca Billet returned tol rarber’s store, has taken the y a3 1 1 : y . itior I ara Ralls, I 1 i wn; M and Mrs ————te i0llo containing papers of the Be Mong 5 her home in York afters spending i dk ¥ t Talend t the PD. BEB He : : eee etl een ee = Jacol < de 1d son Oliver ( Muinmert—Boyer l'elephone Co Reward for its re- Mr. Samuel F. Foultz of several days here as the guest of re R. R. stat ir s pla ; gh Say q ho . z y 3 3 3 i 1 = orir 1 an My ¢ 1 )O1 I ¢ I 1 ) I, HO Bell lephon bia, was a Thursday vi « to these | her niece, Mrs. C. 8. Longenecker Word was 1 here bj In Let's Have a Team . y : " , : : ; I ART tR : H Youn ; M Motnt Je : I Alois Bube. Miss Tekla Malinda Mummert of this place Co. Harrisburg Pa 1t parts. Mrs. Fred Schaeffer ind mother, |’ ent roung 11 1 nel I Vit { nas sone 1 ‘ > > z - © y . os . 2 e Joht Kissin: f ‘ ATT ' ont ‘ 3ube, M Wilma Frank, Dr nd er oved at Manheim, nd Miss or Sale—Two story frame dwel- Mr. Leon Dea » | of Lancaster, ‘were: the welcome}’®"" Kissinge ( Carsonville ason ith a [ all te io : rs : : : _— was a T e and Mrs. Fredl'" lightnin ck in the K n- atly 1¢ ) the rbitant | ! ! i 3 Nerd +} al F thi and irs. 0. G LLongenecke 1 Y Monro¢ Boye1 f that on and immey 1 Fro 1 m1 ¢ ome a7 } ed tl Y ay ked 1 el this time l 1 parts ylace on Thursday. | ® heh a: , l ell -year- ! ! . : : any : * foot. devil P r Merchant I. D a foyt Nis and |0ld son, John The child the ye e see no good reason Whi o. wd at a Sr y 3 l qai 1 1 ‘lA Vota 5 F ler n laughter, Vn eri ¢ ¢ ning by Re H V 2, Greiner, for Est. of Jaco business trip to d Steelton, spent | a%'¢ ould be obtained 1( : : 7 I Y 1 1 Thu : 3 ir fon aa ie M1 Susar | 1 1 I T € ¢ last Thursday. ( in town 3 1€ of Mrs : 1 an, . I : : . A ae — Li : Ye £3 : : 1 N AT r Mrs. Dar Smit} villi Q 3 { terial or nd fol o( tear re and n, r. and Mrs Sl co ! ’ eet © I i Miss Catharine Myers of Allen- ISSle parents Mr Z : wl IA i : : } in Ny : NT , 1 T 3 : . ax IBA aldo o : \Tv Tr De he il] 5 noihiy 11 Butzer, Mr and \ . Johl 1 t ¢ i i Grand Opening town, 1s the guest Ol Albert Kulp. nd fam-| et ent A Rr i i lace Dr. 0. G \ Abr 3 3 ¢ Rant Hurrah for Tommy town Sunday. Mr. John ( 0 st » | street carnival there, vitn g R g gpent Sunday with W D. Cl ler Miss Alice Klugh ittended the | Were pleasant! ertained at the! ne 3 er Misahethic v 1 and family. sessions of the State ague home of Jonas Smith as a surpr toa Sat rd he defi ited the -_ : 1 He! Sen oe is} musi Mr. Fran vife and two! Convention as from | for their daughter, Miss | Cincos of Lancasts in: the $0C0 GRADE CROSSING TRAGEDY i Te hu Ired pelons en } an An le 4 fhe [0 $107 children of e here on Mount Jovy on Tuesday and Wednes- SY t g game fou the Coun — > t > = 1 ; Spas | evening . ; : 19 visit to friends. da it Harrisburg. THAT'S GOING SOME C1 tonship Manazer [FEbersol Lebanon County Couple on Way Fo 8 ithdrawn € he — Misses Sadie and Clara Mr. and Mrs Howard Peifer of FEE GTS had a mood bunch of players thi Elizabethtown Killed By a Train a ] 4 Arntz returned last week from As- | Salunga, spent evening in | One, Solid Carload of Food Choppers | son and won from all of them jin - ; : Sold His Mansi Sunst : . Te oy Fat 2 pury Park, N. J. town with Mrs father and for Australia | the county. on Brubaker, minetoell yeas 0 : . NSN hata ( : I hi Mrs. Sue Wolf of Maytown, is grandmother, E. Hershey x ll | " old. son of Amos Brubaker, of Li ma : Buller has old hi ta Clubs of Eliz th el spending a few days with her sister, and Mrs. Aquilla Hershey. The New Standard Hardware .ebanon county, and his sweel : ne bre mansion Gall riday eve Mrs. S. F. Eshleman. Messers. John Wintermeyer and | Works of this place this week | Goes to Panama to Wed Ada Kaylor eighteen ye ot of gro! nd on We : 3 Mr. Martin Longenecker has gone | John Horstick were at the General booked an order for a solid carload | Miss Geta Bender, daughter of old, daughter ol nel Kaylor, of |= ro In pe bit ¢ to 1 | he ; \ to Cleveland, Ohio, where he has | Hospital at Lancaster, on Sunday of food choppers to go to Australia. | William B. Jender, Of near Bachmansville, were instantly f f BB izabethtown ie \ y E secured employment. ! where they called on the latter’s The Company now has sufficient or- sailed from New ed saturd ‘oven ng at : the | terms The new owner , ¢ Heisey Richard Plummer and family of spouse who is undergoing treat-|ders booked to keep them running | afternoon for. I shel Lawn grade crossing of the Corl DOSSen on 0 tober 1. Mr. Brann r| 2) i ve ox otte elser Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with | ment, very busy until the New Year. | will wed Warren and Lebanon Railroad. os i ur additional lots 45x168 feet | Sma Be ; nger, Martha Heisey J. W. Shrite and family. i Paul Dieter represented the | Their new line of Ashestos Mats, | caster who is an hev left the Kaylor home for a vhich he offers for | Esther a Ke ASK in, o Mr. H. E. Ebersole and family en-| Mount Joy Tuther league in the Toasters and Griddle plates are al- | ¢ n the canal work. irive to Elizabethtown, and were ——— = sane Js her Rhus : joyeamean auto trip to New Holland | capacity of delegate at the State |S0 meeting with great favor every- | nA pe truck 3 Real Estate Sales na a Dre e, Ethe and Terre Hill on Sunday. | Luther T.eague convention at where. Appointed State Chaplain train leaving Lebanon at 6:50 Auctioneer Summy, of Manheim, Rerse Ys 1 largare Mrs. H. E. Hahse of Bridesburg, | Harrisburg on Wednesday and The Company, since the fi of! The many friends of Rev. Walter o'clock. were Di 1p de on Satu 1 sold for E. S. Metzler | Veils 8, R ith Wor? Philadelphia, spent a week at the | Thursday. Januar of this vear, 12 sent | H. Egge, of Mahanoy City, formerls The carr was demolished. The }a tract of 70 acres of land, with jm. { Minnie Nissl oo Methodist parsonage. { iMss Jennv Koons of Linglestown through the freight depot here, {of this place, will be pleased to|ho escaped and ran awa ove ments 1 Rapho township w Lam hai Lillie ¢ % ¢ Bi r Mrs M. F. Breneman attended the | Miss Esther Koons of Penbrook and about 14 carloads of their goods to | learn that he has just been appoint- The unfortunate young is a|? vay between Manheim and Mt. | YYormie y i The Luther League state convention at | M G. A. Backenstoe and danghter | PTac tically every part of the world. | ed ( the Patriotic |niece of Mr. Amos Ka Jo . o M B Hiestand, for | Ne eh ¢ Miss Harrisburg on Thursday. {of Enola, were pleasently entertain- ——— A —— {Orde rica of Penr ? n acre | vorn a . Samuel Garber and John | ed by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe Mrs. Amanda Bush of Phila vania : een ee A een T———— Sprout and wife and son Carson, |last Friday. phia is the guest of Mrs. —— Will Get the Returns nl Methodist Church | Sold a Farm spent Sunday at Ephrata. { Mr. and Mrs Angnstus Fackler | Stoler. Sociable at Donegal Springs Mr. R. J. Buzby, propriet( ( Phere Will be. po Dreaching Mrs. Barl Le! n, exeeutr] -~ Mr. A. F. Chenoweth, of Balti- and danghter Anna and Margaret of K. Shellenberger of Phila-| A grand Sociable will be held in|preamland, has arranged to g ni vices in the M. E. Church on Sun-|of tha est Oo. 1 ; . more, Md., called on 2 number of York, Mr. Paul Deiheler of Phila spent a few days here asthe 2ro £ Donegal Springs or election returns ( V 4 on De mo # e ulsence of tks | id i ir business men last week. | delphia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson st of his father, Mr. John H.|Saturd oveninz. September 21st.l weed ia he = olecild s h Te e and S p S01 Miss BEarla Baer spent the week {of York spent Sunday with the Wm yerZel There. W Hie 104i : so kt shit I x hire 1 hov be he ’ ¢ FN] with friends at Lebanon. | Fackler family. Belle W. Leader of Eliza-|attend and nleasant time fos vasls of good moOvir ; x } | em 8 EB Mr. C. O. Krauskop and Mrs. F. | B Hershey wn spent a few days with] ——— O—————— Zor te radi Ve Melon calor. | : : Store Will Close 1. Krauskop of Lancaster, spent last | M. Backenstoe| Mrs. Sarah Brady. Tax Notice 1 . , - end : torel “: : —iiy dnesday here with friends. : llenherger made ar Mess WwW. S. K r All {axes = nd. reserved 2 7 o : " o . Messers. Thomas M, Bonasch an 1 Hie trip to Tebanon last Thursday |tin, H ui B. cont ' BPO at G Dh S Mohs: : ( S Arthur O. Stasch of Lancaster, were | here they : Xiinessed the State nd i: de ymol and scl 91 2 re Hen? ' i} Q BX 5 201 seen on our streets Sunday. or ty dion yan left Sundav = 04 a p 2 go! Band Concer! A Florin : ger g¢' lot § ! 8 x ; a 2 holig Misses Mabel Beital and Hannah | orning for Washington, Baltimore |iel I svre, sons of G. Schools Are Cle tend 0 Tr rn a | Pe st Poache: Frederick of Catasaqua, spent last | #3 New York, where she will spend | edits ( “The Home,” S burg, | The school TW imiville. have y 1 y y . Ey 8 Jas 8 : MrT a ; id a ha Thursday here with f fends. a weel She will purchase stock |spent part of Sunday with Dr. Dun- been closed S¢€ 1 s onil C T S: a 1 F 4 4 7 eceive ar pntior ine 1 Messers. J. H. Church and BEdzar|for the ladies’ department of Mr.lsan, and also called on W. D.| account of er epiden ening 2 Al Sund A 5OTODHIAte ¢ : 111 hes Ss 8 z at Church of Mono , \ Pa. were in|Beneman’s store. Chandler and family. i vrevalent invited to a i ih a whi x }. bask i i i y |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers