Wednesday, September 206th, 1912 PAGE SIX YOUNG WIFE SAVED FROM THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Column | 1 Men's Week at = Farmers —— The Care of Hens During Moulting seasoli=How to Measure Hay in ITmmedi- | HOSPITAL = + = KR gl Tells How Sick She Was And What Saved Her From An Operation. [the 4 re iand Stacks==Spread Manure erload the team Lancaster's Home of Fashion Sey term ber nother t FRESH EGGS IN GOOD DEMAND gilo correctly used will solve $100 an Begining Saturday, 28th. iestion of profit from Little More Attention to Detalls Will Result in Profit, Repaying Time bills 1 and Labor. Circumvent large feed Upper Sandusky, Ohio, — *“ Three years Those men who desire clothes perfection in it's broadest sense—who consider refined styles, careful tail- ago 1 was married and went to house- keeping. I was not feeling well and The silo could hardly drag | way | the cheapest way tc myself along. 1had such tired feelings, my back ached, my ides ached, 1 had [Dice Way for the i bladder trouble aw- | fully bad, and I could | The noteatorsleep. I had | seed | headaches, too, and | became almost a ner- 4 vous wreck. My doc- tor told me to go to a hospital. I did | not like that idea very well, so, when I |er : saw your advertisement in a paper, I The wrote to you for advice, and have done as you told me. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. “If sick and ailing women would only know enough to take your medicine, they toads « - (By PROF. A. G. PHILLIPS The demand for eggs seems practi. cally unlimited, more especially for the better grades. The growth of the ptorage industry has renred to equal. | To jerk the horse is not a ve fze prices by increasing the de- hired man summer when fresh eggs growing plenty of protein oring, dependable fabric, artistic pattern designing, accurate fit and drape; each and all of these essentials to farm Kansas.) 8 the only safe the perfect garment—should give this Autumn Display of ours their earnest consideration. {the corn crop The Donovan Company, has attained recogonized leader ship, among the men of this comunity for it’s mand in clothes dependence and authority on correct dress. are plentiful and supplying the defi- clency in winter when fresh eggs are, pecarce, Since the best grades, a little more attention to details will result in a profit amply repaying the| extra time and labor involved. . It is not the purpose here to enter fnto any discussion of the ways of! {increasing the production of eggs, but; simply to point out the possibilities | even with his “boss With a stock more than double that of any other store, we are enabled to show almost unlimited selections ground for sweet clover ghould be prepared the same the demand is greatest for it seems obvious that so varied and beautiful, as to be almost bewildering. It's very doubtful if there is another display in the state as for alfalfa or clover With good and will altogeth The best Clothes made in America by equipment with very few exceptions, that is equal to this in any respect whatever. ing workers having is not “The House of Kuppenheimer” are on sale only, these garments rank with the best products of the custom tail disagreeable task best garden seed are not found or. Our famous “Donovan Special” at $15. is the best ever offered anywhere at the price is equal in every de. wavs in the ack i which are the prettiest pict teil to suits sold elsewhere at $20. It’s the greatest value in the country. emands for good, proa property is steadily increas high prices Comparison is the Fairest Test--to You--to Ourselves and We Heartily Invite it. It Cost You Nothing to Look; and Only $15, for the Famous | “Donovan Special”. Here Are Fall Hats Some ver) nreparing the seed hed would Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable | testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy and should give every one confidence. "New Coal-Carrying Vessel. An improved type of coal carrying vessel has just been launched at Blyth, Newcastle, England, which, in opinion of experts, will begin a new era in the building of cargo ships. The vessel is constructed on what is known as the “arch” principle, which, it is claimed, offers important advant- ages over boats of the ordinary type, with a dead weight of 3,100 tons and a draft of 18 feet 4 inches. It is as- perted to be the fastest collier built and it will be used for coaling pur- poses in connection with the British fleet. Smaller capital outlay, cheaper maintenance, and increased rate of speed are among the favorable fear tures claimed for the vessel. | not | { vield handsome returns, The sooner manure is spread in| Do You Know Youve Been Paying About One Third More Than Is Necessary For Your Clothing--If Fare SW You've Been Buy ing It Anywhere gi rg gern the smaller the loss of | That will smile the field fertility the amount of make Mr. Gooddresser satisfaction. True to our reputation we are showing the styles of the : . ' } { incurred and the i Yer labor reauired to| with { handle it. harrow is smartest season. than any other alfalfa, and does good The disk never were more common seen generally used have comfort make them the easi- popular hats in town. shade; the latest approved fashions $1.50 to cultivate adjusted implement to features that est and Every when properly most new finishes, the in soft and $3.50. work, Outside of Donovan’s you have, and comparisons will prove it. often between fail- clovers are Consider the clovers. It means the difference ure and The indispensable in the most Well, stiff success. An Excellent Egg Candler. Ete of profit as a result of extra care in | The same grade of Suits and Overcoats that other stores sell at $20 and 22, can { handling and marketing the eggs now profit is to be ' obtaining the top retail | price, and, as consumers become | acquainted with the product, by ob-! taining a premium of from one to five cents per dozen over the regular price pair for ordinary to obtain top almost farm scheme. be bought at Donovan's for $15. At all other Of course saying so doesn’t It can roduced; the extra : : He ‘ p is on the same basis—that of 25 to 33 per cent. so—but— one's farms on prices the saving expended in would not There are very few additional labor beds returns. It cents per acre to harrow about 35 cents per acre| $1 land can be| In order | eggs, they must Men’s Shirts Shirt; ful- made by : thatthis is so, is a fact that cannot satisfaction. make it proved o any which preparing seed be honestly disputed. easily be The famous “Emery” pog- ly guaranteed; in a broad of nobby new patterns; white; all regular or separate or $1.50. vield handsome costs ; : ; : : : question of having advantages which no other store in the city variety © v also plain coat cut, , cuffs, about 15 It is simply a land, and to disk land. For double disked and harrowed twice. One bushel of wheat or barley, two quality. ‘The uniformity in color Is half bushel | p54 a1ways important and depends om will pay| the market; eggs. sesses. The maker of men are recognized as the leading makers of high with $1 to Artistic Birds’ Nests. For true art, one must look for the They are of the most exquisite workmanship and really lovely to behold. They .are woven | bushels of corn or so carefully and compactly that the | t t 1d disl | of flax increase per empests seldom dislodge them. The | for this extra labor. ‘Style Clothes” for young throughout also for two firms and the wearing apparel. In Company” ex- that these garments everywhere as and clothes for quality, but These product to one firm in a city men quality leaders as to prices for | Clothes for be uniform in size, ! uniform in color, and uniform in “Kuppenheimer”’ Virus’ note men, attached only are they acknowledged Men's superior grade clothing in the country. States. Not business in the United the largest one acre Wonderfui Values in Neckwear, their the first in Men's “The sales, the have followed the plan of confining the sale of uniformity in size ex- secures the privilege invariably | cludes small eggs and unusually large | while uniformity in have | quantity calls for absolutely clean eggs | that have been gathered promptly ! | after being laid, kept under the best | © “<= possible conditions, and marketed not fertiliz-| more than three or four days alter it is plainly they are laid. than spreading! Handled in this portions of the] con-| store that ranks as Lancaster clusively. The their outeclass all other Hosiery, Underwear, Sweater Coats little masses of lichens, plant down and vine tendrils, looking for all the Doneyan world like baskets hung from the | lots as it erotches of trees, and nearly always | some points in its favor, but well concealed by leaves, are prob- | the standpoint of realizing the larg ably as safe depositories for eggs as# | ogi can be founa in the bird world. Clothes” are sold by profits manure in small ones as well; “Kuppenheimer” and ‘‘Style afield may The piling of and store designing, made-— and small enormous likewise; as for makers figure on is hauled Men’s Shoes Superior handles product does tailoring and finish, simply the Best in from clothing—equal to custom famous season’s desirable shows the grades in the styles, in all Every workmanship of the fully possible good from the America, 1 very latest | ing elements contained That is why our prices are 25 to 33 per cent below those of other stores. And in addition to thispositive saving you will get leathers. shoe, poorer method from us A iotine alitv: i. f 1 us the highest quality; finish and Nisa 8 | from the | way, the ADMINESY GATOR Estate of Arua Guhl, Joy Township, deceased. iministration on estate having been granted to t persons indebt. thereto are requested to make Im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same | will present tiem without delay for settlement to the undersigned, resid- | ing in Florin, Pa. ne JOHN F. GUHL, spreader. . : a 08 satistac ry clo 8 < CE be ade. : nd m t thit tha an m C killed guaranteed. ooking i looking makers and is $1.98 to $4. late best ‘TEACHING HEN GOOD Lesson, | ‘Poultry Gate as Shown In the lllustray | soluble that the once goods for the pretty In less than a year's existence the Donovan store, through the best | fertilizers manure this is a give. clothing business in Lancaster; guarantee any store least has brought us the largest good record to bank on. It is the best Letters of money tains soak at into the soil, | | while if the manure is put in chemical changes | gases, tion Will Save Cussing and Garden Truck. could possibly Ride To Lancaster And Back FREE Out-of-town patrons, chases at our store, We will undersigned, all piles loss by there is a and the escape of Bulletin No, 155, Experiment station, structions for the measuring of hay stacks. The or rick to as- Barrels of perspiration may b paved by the poultry gate shown |! herewith, which is reproduced, with the article from the New England Homestead. Whoever has unintens tionally acquired the hen chasing, hen-cussing habit may cure himself with this little device. i Suits $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 to $25 Overcoats $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 to $25 Trousers $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 to $6 of the Kansas contains in-| making pur- can ride at our expense. refund to you in cash the cost of your round trip e-. or railroad ticket, poviding puchases on any one day in long and round | measuring of a stack ertai he tons of hay it contains Administrator. | certain : Coyle & Keller, Attorneys. is, at best, a The bulletin| In the fence, preferably at a point y | states that when alfalfa hay has| Rear where the fowls are fed, a little, days it re door about 10 by 12 inches is bung to make 4 has been in your exceed $10. We want this store to be as convenient for you as we can sibly be your guess. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE | been in the stack 30 pos- Christian Seitz, late of | deceased. ton; make it: we want our store to feet that when the hay the stack five or six are calculated for Estate of quires 512 cubic Rapho township, Letters testamentary on said es- | granted to the indebted | Tn stacks, 343 store. months, 422 a ton.| When through you simply show your and salesperson will the cost of your making purchases round ticket refund to you carfare. tate having been cubic feet undersigned, all thereto are mediate payment, and claims or demands same will present them without | delay for settlement to the under- | signed, residing at Mount Joy, Pa. | EZRA NEY, ! Executor | > | number of tons in the stack. i N 1les OER Hh % would get relief.”’ —Mrs. BENJ.H.STANS- | 1 tor well imnroved forme BERY, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, mk se : : = Ohio. i { your asparagus tu ole 2 a pL If you have mysterious pains, irregu- i sign f rust. BEvery affccied] larity, backache, extreme nervousness, ' plant sho » at once ot 1 : inflammation, ulceration or displace- | j,,1n0q0 or well sprayed. Bis : ment, don’t wait too long, but try Lydia : Re Ss: E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound now, | There are very few farms po * : For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s | which additional labor expende? in| pi : i well settled feet are figured further than al- hays persons the case of old, requested to cubic making a ton. Tt says heavier against the sustain other IL ANCASTER FAIR NEAR LONG PARK, PA. TWO MILES WEST OF LANCASTER October 1, 2, 3, and 4, 1912 EXCURSION TICKETS (not including admission to Fair) will be sold September 30, October 1, 2, 3, and 4, good to return urtil October 7, inclu- sive, from Paoli, West Chester, Landenberg, Harrisberg, Littlestown, New Freedom, Peach Bottom, and intermediate stations to Fair Grounds, includ: ing liberal stop-over at Lancaster, at REDUCED FARES CONSULT TICKET AGENTS FREQUENT SPECIAL TRAINS BETWEEN LANCASTER AND FAIR GROUNDS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Coyle & Keller, Attorneys. ed by the cheapness of going prices. 23, 1912, Fair been little in which is items to dis- opportunity. of the past ———— ——————— been a dis- During moulting the | | | | | hens require] | amount of care and in| ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE an extra Estate of Joseph Welfly, late of | fact all the attention | East Donegal Township, Lancaster | given them. In too many instances| Co., Pa. Jpesling is considered just a natur- Letters of administration on said | sequence of poultry trade trading activity marks the presenting fair % | y 8 a] hel which can be! Sept. | | keeping. - claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersgned. LILLIE WELFLY, W. U. Hensel, Atty. Administratrix. Sept. 11-6t. TRUSTEES period. On Saturday, Sept. 28, 1912 with | Breeders for Next Year. short covering of coarse though it is to be questioned if any sustained By serious damage can be is stopped from swinging outward by] the garden, will poke her head into, those having aS gate will thus allow her to enten are lighter than alfalfa. Having owner, iv ake. ,| tion with the laying pens. If the tw jreqitifeg to Maks a ton 10 ind. hs) Ey 2 rin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L. tensive shortage at distributing Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- While there has 1: q estate having been granted to the] De fowls at this time are just as| few weeks there has i i 3 A and of unusual interest is on the mediate payment, and those having | Ts or position in trade circles to modity d utional disturb- ing is letharg at Lancaster. It is the Old Soldier | of moulting is lethargy. Garden or Nest Gate. lished has been of influence, but mope ! at | ing outward at the back or the sid with the South have laid away their Of ood "that 5 crop movement is being absorbed SALE ing Dainty food should be JAY k80W Which hens have au] have | most emphatic pictures of forgotten The sharp decline in September and! at 2 p. m, at R. V. Fegley’s store | have a continual change. In re-|pary trap nests, : : i and collectively many of the old| with a slight cessation in receipts. | Referee in Bankruptey, the under-|Meal—anything to tempt the appe-| This is the season qf the year to v. s All of them saw hard service, and | grains, al- | | : A ie | gain prices in order to have the room and fixtures of the jewelry store of | Waer are great helps. In confined ! ; latter was shot from his horse at] from that source. | AT on the inside of the yard, so as to ale | the peg shown at the right. every mesh of the fence in her efforts, | Je 32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna. that slough hay is | without excitement or commotion fro found the contents of a stack in cu-| But another advantage may bg The Week in Grain values at thiv juticture. than] | gates are used, one opening inward Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, , .,,i a5 well as a demand enlarg- aster. Penna the way of news i g | Colonial undersigned, all persons indebted | bad as a child cutting his teeth. hi tinct hardening of grain values dur- D | { z 3 . programme for the last three days | much a8 the co the rather extravagant estimates of ! One symptom | g e T'S, : Fiddlers. Two soldiers who fought instead of being early risers probably of more importance has venture out in search go that the hens may go to another > . arms and taken up the old fiddle, and the stubbornness with which prepared. Warm meal with a dash|pot aid. Thus he may a y aval ys |hatred that the public has had since cash corn last week, has been fol-| : . { 5 ~~ at Mount Joy, by virtue of an order gard to grain: Corn, oats, wheat, | . NN | = t : time songs and dances that bring| Or O11 Vv Sharp frosts in sections have also ety | buy your brewmders for n signed Trustee of R. V. Fegley, will tite—two or three rusty nails or a|Pu¥ ¥ or next, as now J Col, Pattes, their leader, was close | needed for the growimg stock. a — the bankrupt rung meat must be added and | | = : p Gettysburg. Besides the Old | YO PA 1 9 ° reported ac- holdings by C. H. ZELLER, Bankruptcy of R. V. ways swing shut without springs. If | Mrs. Hen, returning repentant from make jm to rejoin her happy companions. The | falfa and that upland prairie thelord of the harem from the irate | Eirnyremenfpenfipmmeaflymen firmer only aenfle » fe ivi nt or root | 88ined by using the gate in n . { bic fest, uivide the number of ‘feetly 2 g Son] GoY “ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- any factor. It reveals an ex-| Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, Phila, Pa., tinguish from the tenor y y o fe / act quite t of the ordinary thereto are requested to make im- | is not the mere fact of losing feath- wae the week just passed. The dis An act quite out o 0 pushing a foot through as > t 1 > at is s f this week at the Colonial Theatre, | ance that is set up. vields that have .recently been pub- 0 Ss k The birds, : about on their perches and will not|in front of the nest, the other open- been the ease with which the heavy with the North and two who fought Je as av) is so essential te them at this try-| yard after laying, the poultryman . . traveling together in one of thef premiums have been maintained. | of spice in it in the morning and trouble usually. connected with ordi. eA the war. They fiddle individually lowed by almost complete recovery of Redmond Conyngham, Esq.,|Parley and mashed potatoes ing| = cy, : ‘ back memories of the early sixties. | > = u served to force a liberal volume of i : ny the large breeders are selling at bar- sell at public sale the entire stock |Pit of sulphur in the drinkin : to General Reynolds, when the] fact, scraps of meat may well Nevertheless the Soldier Fiddlers, the Colonial pro-| given on any run. Two things are Free Trip For Soldiers essential. 1—That fairly early morning the hen house should cumulation of liberal gramme included three other Keith Trustee in important interests in the trade has ,. i .5q three new moving pictures. | Fegley. each| October 17 has been fixed by Attorney. For Sale Several good Building Lots front- ing 95 feet on South Barbara Street, Mount Joy and extending in depth ef ~ that width 154 feet. There is a good stable on these lots that could very _eagily be converted into a double ng. For further particulars W. C. REHM, cleared of belated *risers. floor should be swept at the same time as a lot of vermin with the shed feathers. sweepings should be taken away and not put on the manure heap. After over give morning mash of shorts and bran in a crumbly condition and feed plenty of oats. These , Lewis Seeman, Mount Jey. 2—The| come off | [cen tery “nlpepper, Va., right | nearest | moulting isla be Governor Tener 1s the date on monument to th : Keystone Stat oldiers buried 01 National is to be ded d ‘he Governor and the] State officials | ed nd members of organizations which , mei be of his staff, vicinity of Culpepper exercises and the {fought in the will attend , the |Gov ernor( will take part. gone far to modify the recent over- whelmingly bearish position for the trade at large. Receipts continue primaries limited in markets only by the ability of rail-| roads to bring grain forward. And it is probable that the failure of 8 to become burdensome in sition, is serving more to| liberal to all! nearly all} The admission prices remain 5, 10 and 15 cents. | a — Uf — | The Christian Science clerk [the Navy Department who took 30] days sick leave for an imaginary | illness would have a real fit if the | {purser should give his pay envelope | the absence trtatment. October 7, 8, ©, 10, and 11, For Oct. 5,6, 7, 8,9, ive, from Baltimore, Sunbury, Lykens, Mifflin, termediate stations; gtown, Downin PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD this occasion Excursion Tickets will and to West York (Fair Steelton, Hellam 10 and 11, good to return until Oct. 12, ineclus- andintermediate stations. 1912 be sold to York Frederick, and in- Ground), from W.
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