BULLETIN. MOUNT 10Y., PA Wednesday, September 25th, 1912 PAGE TWO THE BULL ETIN | The Mt. Joy Township Dyarfs | Indirectly Iwarflings ar exclu MOUNT JOY, PA, ive dws ! of northern tropica J. E, SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r, | "0¥lons 1 subsi mn pa inimal \ taff of fe t 0 TSA a mile en of Milton Grove reside SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR y © ‘ t ad Six Months 50 Cents Three Months 28 Cents } . \Y Siugle Coples = Cents od hi f Sample Coples FREE Entered at the post e at Mount ' Joy as second- natter All correspondents must have their " tanding o communications reach this office not : { ‘ . later than Monday. Telephone news |, n - o3op of importance tween that time and ' & ¢} 12 o'clock noon Wednesday Chan | ioned 1 y J ges for advertisement must posl- d fron e ai oncave at the tively reach this office not later than i Vina "whate.} ' are. oon Monday night New advertisements | nd straight a a church spire fnserted if py reaches us Tuesday for the past thirty vears they enjo night Advertising rates on appli- {ed the comforts of their rural abode cation {im an Eveless Eden and feminine in trusion is not premissibl in their LITORIALS house Their culinary skill and 1 isir alatable their ashing Football hath its victories no less | W!Sine Is palatable heir washing . and mending par-excellent; house than politics LJ * . * renowned . 8 . cleaning of high merit, and perhaps i sre are few families i \ Many a theatrical advance agent |there are fe families om the country who enjoy life more thoroughly than the trio of little y fisherman in their rustic home A man is known by the Standard . perched on a pyramidical spur of Cherry Hill, rr AR Ie ee makes a show in himself, . . * » Qil contributions he keeps. ¢ oo oo There are watermelons enough for all. Will Enter Lecture Field . 99 ¢ Prof, H. K. Ober, of Elizabeth- Mexico's revolutionary movement | town, who has established a high has degenerated to a case of prickly | reputation as a lecturer on secular heat. and religious topics, has decided to . eo © 2 enter the lecture field regulariy. feature | His subjects will cover a wide range of the Penrose incident is that it|including the popular, educational may never happen again, Sunday school and temperance field 0 © in all of which he has been heard at | with much favor by large audiences. Perhaps the pleasantest Col. Roosevelt still stands Armageddon, but he does not stay —— Wi —- hitched very long anywhere. The Taxpayers Feed Them . 9, 9» There are 114 persons in the Steamships still follow the ice-| Lancaster County almhouse, 314 in berg route. Its fascination is as ir-| the insane asylum, 59 in the hos- resistible as rocking the boat. pital, 77 in the jail, and 70 children ew 0 at the children’s home There are four dozen wild buffalo in Yellowstone Park. We suppose A the tourists make them wild. es 3s 3» Lieut. Becker appears to have grafted almost enough New York money to pay his ve bills. WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, IS THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50. Senator LaFollette as proof that he is not discouraged is still wear- ing his hair pointing heavenward. » » Dr. Palmore, of St. Louis, has visited the tomb of Aaron. Now it is up to Dr. Cook to visit the tomb of Moses. FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS ward Kreck LANCASTER, PA. Tou-R-TST Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- Whoever wins in the campaign, it may be predicted with confidence that Col. Roosevelt will do most of the talking. ’ 9 > - The social views of Mrs. Wood- row Wilson and Mr. Wilson Wood- row are as diametrically opposite as their names. eo oo ® @» Recent exposures are enough to disgust the Standard Oil Company with its self imposed task of run- ning the country. ® ® ® n The man who takes the job of ticket chopper for the Panama Can- al will probably have to be some- thing of a diplomat. » * > ”* A Berlin historian rises to re- mark that the world has always gains. On The Square. flirted. Who would expect a histori- an to be so observant. CLLLLHEL RELL EERE ELE ERLE ERLE TLE . . ® s > | There are still nearly half a doz- en places in the United States where Lefty Louie and Gyp the Blood have not been seen. | | +s ss s = | ‘What has become of the plan for | making denatured alcohol so cheap lf | that it would supplant gasolene? Let John D. be searched at once. We make an offer that will save you | ® 9% so 3 y | When such men like Judee| money. Iftroubled with Landis and President Taft agree in regards to the constitutionality of DAN DRUFF the garb aet, there isn't much % 3p : or Or 1n need of a general stimulating chance ‘for argument. A ? 2 + o's and permanent The “Danger, Blow Your Hom? HAIR TONIC signs are certainly doing good work e is 1i 3 if ¢ y sodine in ir hx s . . and there is little if any speeding in| A preparation that will give perfect rough by autoists. It ust Fo Ir: . the boroug : 3 mu satistaction and bring you lasting be remembered too that there was 2 : but one example. “lain Beshore's for Dandruft Burke, ex-convict and ex-Philadel good use home determined to live down his|50¢, Botfle 39¢. $1.00 Bottle 19¢. past. Which will be harder to live down, his connection with the peni- 4entiary or his connection with Philadelphia politics, we leave to The expert solvers of knotty qutstions. iy Druggist el CB Largest Flying Fish. The largest flying fish on record Sunday Hours, S to 9 a. m. § to twas served up for breakfast on the 6.45.0. m ‘British warship Ardeola a short time | = =~ ilago. The Ardeola was homeward | West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. ‘bound and was off the Canary Islands rt — when a large school of flying fish was a on observed. They were apparently in Tras § = full flight from some deep sea enemy Baa -iectri C the large crowds mand traveling rapidly. As the ship ur) County is the “met and passed them several flew on board and were seized by the crew as welcome additions to the mess. One of the fish measured 19 inches; the Jargest flying fish ever seen before the _Ardeola’s catch have never exceeded 10 inches. The big one was fried for ‘the captaln’s breakfast. Flying fish are ery palatable and taste like R FT ai Sitters ‘Made A A New ian Cf Him. “I was suffering from pain in m stomack, bead and baek,” writes I ston, Raleigh, N. CG, “and my he and kidneys did not work right, but four battles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. ling of tables, and the heaviest Ephraim B. Ebersole, pounds of butter INERRRRERRRER EY Nm his W. McElroy, at Marietta Misses Hattie and of Middletown, were r. and Mrs. S. R. W. A. Shenk, wife phia Councilman, has returned To = of Bridgeport, returned the gates NEWTOWN Mrs Mar Med ‘ n Mi { IH It] 1 nd a A im Brad Mr, A m Mun seed stal n hi height with leaves length and 20, inches of the Broadleaf ) beat it The last sermon ence year was pastor on Sunday communion services the afternoon the a “Willing Worker's” the purpose of furthering terest of the church. Geltmacher was on [pro tem and 25 rolled as members ing of the Constitution the following permanent were elected: President, Risser; Vice Pres. ers: Secretary, Treasurer, Mr.s Louis ist, Miss Tona Kemmerly: ans, Miss Annie Mumma Geltmacher. The jon Sunday evening, the committees will be appointed. Miss Iona Kemmerly al days last week as the guest friends in Landisville. MARIETTA D. R. Mehaffey, was a guest here, Prof. S. L.ee and family, |delphia, who spent the summer here have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. | yesterd: Ay celebrated wedding anniversary {on Front street. Adam Wisman have returned from a tietam, where they Mr. and Mrs. | She ymokin, accompanied {children are the former's parents, Adam Wisman. All Democrats of vicinity are invited Musser ‘Annex’ at 7 o'clock for the purpose of Marshall club ing a Wilson and Petty thieving iin this section. Many & creamery, The following | stalled officers mandery, No. 139, | Iustrious Order for the ensuing term: | Portner; geralissimo, tinger; captain | Yeaple: senior warden, wine: prelate, David [sistant recorder, [trustee, 18 months, The officers were trict Deputy Grand N. Heller, of Lancaster. —etl 0 ELIZABETHTOWN Miss Laura Brown friends at Harrisburg. Mrs. J. G. Wilson has returned | until after the 20th of this month. f4 rom Wallkill, New Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. . | land, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. O. W. Heisey [returned from an Reading. Mr. and Mrs. J. ruests of their Philadelphia. Charles McElroy I homes after a sojourn here. The Sunday school held in the Church Thursday evening, attended, not only but places The music ringed Allein LANCASTER COUNTY Elizabethtown, Noteworthy Improvements rangements for A most noteworthy in the arrangements system tried out in first time at the recent horse Instead of the public to purchase tickets every person can g from the train to the turnstile enter the grounds deposit of a quarter turnstile attendant. in practice wherever crowds are handled. IEEE RR REESE ele ET IRE OL National expositions have adopted | 50th anniversary of except on school children’s day when the teachers and children will; them. The exit arrangements! : { September 26, have also been greatly improved, | 7 : . | , 6.5 A October 10, 1912. more space having been provided on; eave Balunga—A m, "5.15, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 the outside of the gates between the | fence and the railroad. Five large losing chickens ¢ cates have been made to uvrevent| congestion at any one exit, The|”, at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45, SPECIAL TRAIN of pallman Parl Car anagement is ine al i its] 3.46 46, 10.45, 11.45 Pm, 12.45, 1.45, 2.4. Dinning Car, and Day 108, running via the inagement is doing all in its) ip Fhe x 6 Ti 5.45, 5.45 10.46. Am : ower ft romote comfort and con-| 12.80. Powe > promo , . a ASTWARD Pltwiosyus Susquehanna Valley Route venience for its many thousands of] , Elzab otRiowi—a 6.45 patrons. | +46, 9.46, 10.45, 11.45. P m, 14, 1.45, Ta airs I he TYali ADS Sounoons 1 dE : 45, £.45, 6.45, 1.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, , and good returning « regular trains I — . | § Within FIFTEEN DAY. Siop-off within limit : ; . ve Mount Joy—A m, 5.30x, 7.18, | § allowed at Buffalo returning. Date of Planting Wheat to Avoid the 10.15, 11.16. P m, 12.15 1.16, 2.15, + | § Mustrated Booklet ful ti ; 2 5.16. 7.16, 8.16, 9.15, 10.15, | strate Jooklet and full information may be Hessian Fly i | obtained from Ticket Age The i ror nil Ym oy 4 14 i.e Salungeas--A m, B5.4x, 7.30, 8.20 The season for planting Wheat 18/, if 10.20, 11.80. P m, 12.30, 1.80, 2.30, 3.30. | i now at hand, and as the chief] 0, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 8.30, 10.30, 11.30 ; feature in avoiding destruction by Landisville—A on™ 48 60 YEARS’ the fall breed of the Hessian fly lies Over the greater part of Penn-| i 33 ¢16 7.16 415, 8.15, 10.15. 11.15, | sylvania wheat should not be plant-| on saturdays a car will leave Lancas- | ) for \ as reek Sep- | | ed before the last week of ej Rn | tember, and to be sure of avoiding On Saturdays and special occasions cars | quickly f | the Hessian fly, it is best to delay | j,y every half hour form 6.15 a. m. to 8.16 the planting in all parts of the State |P- m Car marked (x) connects with ori A year ago the Hessian fly was very . . »QtT ive . o Si vl- A handsomely illustrated weekly. id cir- of | destructive throughout Pennsyl | Shaving Halr Cutting culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a | vania, and farmers then learned the | Philadelphia, are visiting here. | lia, John Bell, of Cleve- | importance of taking precautionary Joseph B. Hershey fl NN 2 Co. 26teronteay. Moy York | neasures toward preventing on] To ns 0 y ia | P a r lor|- an | | increase, Volunteer grain should S | be plowed down by the end of this East Main St., MOUNT JOY HOTEL McGINNIS | RT ve LLER' S Te i rise enougi | ie ; I i All Flavers at All Times. month. Those who are wise parents, Mr. and the spring brood of the Hessian i ! | | | | | fertilizing and no insecticide has yet| been able to check it or reduce it. | | | | | | | { | { i | hundreds of thousands of doll ! does not mean that the seed bed should be prepared late. The seed | bed should be prepared by early D SWIF] & GO : i i plowing and abundant harrowing, so NT LAWYERS . - ’ he - that it is in a good state of culti- 303 Sen St, Yashisgion 3 C. EB Opp. First National Bank cash-at-the-gate vation to receive and retain mois- ture and keep the plants growingj —— ding vigorously. - Aa > EE FILE 2 Terms MJoderave. Bell Telephone : It is getting so that a nice suave|§ MADAME BAY Pl L LS. CHARLES S. FRANK | | gentlemanly set of grafters hardly A Saye, Camrarv Ruumy for SuPPREssED MENSTRUATION. AU simply upon the; get under way any more before that JEVER Nowa TI » FALL, S catiace. a UCTIONEER | A Ew for $1.00 per box. Will send them-om trial, to be paid for MOUNT JOY, PA. | the | Burns fellow drops in and sets ‘em when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not bi hem send rdei the | ! upside. down xd, LAmOABYE | Prompt Attention given to Sales of | - | Real Estate and Personal Property. @ W.R. or Wi lin Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Sold i Wi. Joy by EW, Guber | Reterence: Jonas L. Minnich. | RL gERICE 80c and 81.0031 5. F010 ORR Re Rm mE {> Style Clot “The Same Price The World Over” iv THE BeEsT AND MOST STYLISH CLOTHES IN THE WORLD HT OR NERR THE PRICE We know that every STYLEPLUS suit is made to give good, hard ser- vice and to retain its fit and shape—tailored from—all-wool or all-wool and silk fabrics in choice patterns,—handsomely finished and cut in the latest fashions gry by the best designing talent in the world. I We know that every STYLEPLUS suit is made in strict accord in the STYLE PLUS standard of ex- ceptional quality and superior workmanship at a medium price. Every STYLEPLUS suit is equal to the best S20 to $25 grades of other makes. You need one for style! You need one for comfort! You need one for economy! Come in and get it here today—We are the exclusive STYLEPLUS agents in this town. GETZ BROS. Mount Joy Hall Building, Mount Joy, Penna. 1 {i ts J 0 TTA amusements parks and State and | TROLLEY SCHEDULE THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER Works like an ordinary carpet sweeper, Send | —— > | s ‘ J For the benefit of those who | i&ncaster, Rohrersto™, Landisville. Pennsylvania Railroad | card for cirealar and demonstration. 5, 4.15, 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 11.18 | 3: o C1 may not have the exact charge, out-| Salunga, Mt Joy and Kliz2beth. P a. $10 d $16 side booths have been erected to| Wn Street Rallway Go. }porsonally.Gonducted Excursions rice an make change for them. Cash only] SA = 3 aye WESTWARD TO will be accepted at these turnstiles! YLeave Lancaster—a m. 4.30, 6.15, 6.15. h, 9.6, 10.15, 11.15; p. m. 12.16, L1b | Niagara Falls admitted with the tickets furnish-; L200, 10.00 11.00, 12.00. P m, 1.00. 2.00. ¥) 9 5 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, | nt Joy—A m, 65.30, 6.1 4 7.16 4 Round Trip From , TLE Pim, 1235. 116, ih H Mount Joy Pa., ave 5.48, 17.38 3, y 23, 11.33. P. m, 12.33, 335. 1g fo EXPERIENCE B FF PEFFER Agent not planting too early, Prof. H. | : x a ¥ town—A m, 6. 65, Surface, State Zoologist, Harris-| gs, 8.55, Roprersiown m, als 1% } TL, burg, sends out the following in-[%F. 458 55, 6.55, 7.5. 8.55, 9.5. 10.65. 11.85, | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. formati 1 is ice r at Lancaster—A m, 6.30x, 8.15 TT TTT formation from his office. 116. Pm. 12.15, 1.15, 2, 315. [ae Moet Me on the Bridge and We'll Have a Plate of the [Best Ice Cream in Town TRADE MiaRks Desic CoPYIe 4c. Anyone sending a ske tch and description may ) free whetl ( wm. 12.16 1.45 er at 1016 p m; Leave Elizabethtown | #ill be run betwwen Lancaster and Mt m. Sundays, first car leaves lancaster at 15 a. m, Leave Elizabethtown at 7.45 vear; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. 4 ancl Office. 625 1 - Washing I'hree Chairs. No Waiting Special Prices to Parties, Festivals | t ave a trap strip across » field , , . i a have a trap str 2 ros the Bele) Agen for the Middletown Steam | The undersigned having remodel 3 in order to catch the eggs of the | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a | Suppers, Ete. ian “fly can turn this down by¥lapq delivered Friday. [number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete. | ist of September, and drill it to]. = lis now prepared to entertain trans- | Mrs. GC. H. Zeller ‘ I | {ent and regular guests. | M jetta Stree INT wheat for their regular crop. | R. J, IMEN TNICTN | Marietta Street MOUNT JOY i ; hi a isnt DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS RESTAURANT bo seeding efoe 1 ( le Hep | ~. x > ¢ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat | in connection with hotel where he | ber is almost sure to be infested] ; ° °.| 530-532 Woolworth Buiiding | "ill serve in season. Krall Meat Market vith the fly, and carry this pest over Y EN No Lancaster, Pa. ps a) © JAMS In aw styie | which is the one that causes the] Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. Private dining room Tor ladies wheat straws to breal and fall Sunday and Other Hours or fore harvest time. There is noj By Appointment 3 g means of preventing the destruction] Jd. VW. MMoGrinnis, . Both Phones PROPRIETOR = - . I always have on hand anything Sb tele dd ded bed db No agricultural practice, no | {in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, 3 Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. } i | The best recommendation that can] I HARRY WILLIAMS - Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and | given for preventing the ravages po Mutton. Prices always right, this pest, which has destroyed BAREER ren H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. ps in TRADE-MARKS und c cop; a [a btair ned or no ee. Send model, sketches or | )s and brief § ; saan a description, for FR SEARCH and report on JB Shav Massacing patentability. 26 years ¢ Zhe rience. 3 aving JSrassaging + + Ed 3 Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, fh i oo Cutting Razors Honed ‘ania, is the one point of seeding. This, of course, full of patent information. It will'kelp you to § Shampooing Toilet Waters & forty % ort ToD : | sell Telephone Singeing Shaving Seaps — " PACES 11 and 12 before applying BH “After ih in our fa mily had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough #nfiung trouble, # but my life was saved and I I gained 2 87 pounds through DR. KING’ or a EAD nt. Write to-day. Agency For Elkhorn Laundry MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA ee TE wing] PINE, | Slosdeodealoioodoodonde dedpelearae oafoefectorfectonge | 3 DISCC — ami zmmh al ile la al ab
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers