PAGE THRER THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, September 26th, 1912 : | HOME HEALTH (CLUB Loss of Energy and Ambition ROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THR pent Aon 2 clogs Bavtion 1B oT ations which have ( ———— This in nearly every instance is au THE TTI TION SUBMITTED T° tions, or fixing or changing the place of | been heretofore issued, or which may here (By Dr. David H. der. Chica : on The . es E C ENS OF THIS COMMON- 5 after be Issued, by oO ’ x a Vv | y H. Reeder, Chicago, Il | tointoxication, I'he poison has per WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR Granting divorces pality, o Ie r than Ph aunty po ps 14 ——— meated the entire system: the in RE BCTION: BY THE GENERAL AS. rac K new townships or boroughs, for the construct quisition of wae« : 3 "vant re g m™ 1 CMBLY rT OM) / anging | 1 OUR is the only kind I sell-—Furniture that is Furniture Auto Intoxication: I'he full tellect is not go acute: all the fund Se Na TH OM ON W A IH or p ne Sr: Pp lines, borough limits | terworks, subways, underground railways v eit . ro . © INNS NIA, » - Schoo 8 | or street rallways, or the urte 08 . H {significance of thi condition has tions of the body are impaired, and BD BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY Creating offices, or prescribing the pow- | thereof. shall hy", r dhl telat ag » y ‘ 1 R: ke but recently been fully realized 3 : FF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR- | ers and duties of officers in counties, | a municipality, wit} ° Roc kers Mirrors a ac In t that H Hae they do not readily respond to the BUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE | cities, boroughs, townships, election or | tion pd of arti Sh Tovaning of Sec 0 { 8 { 1 ditio ( . "a 3 RIVE 1 ’ TY TT » - ; a . 9 ho 18 & new condition, IL weakened nerve impulses. The per- CONSTITUTION school districts tion of Pennsylvania or of this amend- S « ) ¢ > D Jk > iI8 not, but the result of it has un-'g, hus affected e S808 self Number One. Changing the law of descent or sue- | ment, If the net revenue derived from said MN ll Picture K ramecs Ladies €S S til recently been attributed t oh nN L108 aitected exprestes Nimsell . 4 « y Cosalon | property for a perfod of five yours, either . : : oll 10 many feeling “All in,” A JOINT RESOLUTION 2 gulating the practice or jurisdiction | before or after the acquisition thereof, or . other causes, ; m Proposing an amendment t o of, or changing the rules of evidence In, | where the me " . a \ | 2 Q D: | Biliousness This condition indi i ndment to article nine, 2 4 rad iriLr a same Is constructed by the a oN Extension & Other ables, avenport| Failure to reason from effect back. : ; al : A section four, of the Constitution of the RY Sudicial proceeding OF inquiry before | county or municipality, after the comple- to 43 u held \ cates an acute attack of anto-in Sommonwenith of Pennsylvania, author Sot ph i Sepmen, Justices of the peace, | tion thereof, shall have been sufficient to . . . ) 1€¢ cause as held in cheek the eliza . ng the State to issue bond h werifts, commissioners, arbitrators, au- pay Interest and sinking-f 1 ~ y 3 toxication, and shows a marked nds to the ng fh cha a nking-fund charges China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets progres of the Science of Medicine. pe hn amount of fifty millions of dollars for Sitoca masters In chancery or other trl- | Quring sald period upon said obligations, . ; effect on the part of nature to rid the improvement of the highways of the di §, or providing or changing methods | or If the sald obligations shall be secured - ; : for at least a hundred years. Med the system of poison Commonwealth. or the collection of debts, or the en- | by liens upon the respective properties, 4 In fact anything in the Furniture Line ical men for the last half century re : Si : 3 Bection 1 Be it resolved by the Senate forcing of Judgments, or prescribing the | and shall Impose no municipal Hability. 3 - - ‘ : ous 00K X or av ae be : Bine . - onwealt 0 ‘enngylvania In Gi 1 b * 5 ! ces oO | sue obligations to provide for th - ter, neurasthenia, ndicates tho . y ehera wer , alae } r the con 4 Undertaking and Embalming “bu and trying to discover anti- : "3 : hat Assembly met, That the following amend- Powers and duties of aldermen, justices | struction of property, as herein provided, ; vont oa the nervous system is being poison- ment to the Constitution of the Common. °& !N® Peace, magistrates or constables: | sald municipalities or counties may also 8 toxins, serums and specifics, to ed as well as starved through the Nealth of Pennsylvania be, and the same ac Sulating the management of public | issue obligations to provide for the inter. { § (stop and study thoroughly and from > 4 r Is hereby, proposed, in accordance with © 0." the building or repairing of | est and sinking-fund charges accruing ¥ 7 PE lozica) ol ; : lack of proper food, due to poor the eighteenth article thereof:— ~ hool hovges and the ralsing of money | thereon until sald properties shall have & 4 y ph § eica ste ) y 1 1 The : Sue ees: a v i cal indpoint, the wuman assimilation and elimination I'hat section four of article nine, which ad ar Be ; > been completed and in operation for a o - body and the real cause of the dis- ‘ reads as follows: g rate of Interest: period of one year; and sald munleipali- " |} = 3 4 . nit Rheumatism-— No, our old friend "Section 4. No debt shall be created by Affecting the estates of minors or per- | ties and counties shall not he required to y eases affecting it, rHieNmatien. is Tol. a disease: of i or on behalf of the State, except to sup Hons Under disability, except after due | levy a tax to pay sald Interest and sink- 5 io If one has a thorough knowledge ao x ay © ply casual deficiencies of re ) otice to all parties in interest, to be re- | Ing-fund charges, as require . ? i MOUNT JOY. PENNA knowledse! yy ot merely 8 symptom of n Deaseiel deficiencies uf veveuus, dupe) | fe i% Bil attics Tieton | ten of article nino of the Constitution of ; A —— —————————— SE —————— ——— — of the human body and the laws - . State in’ w 4 Sr » Remitting fines, penalties and forfel- | Pennsyly 9 D ) ; : : poisoned, clogged up and abused ate In war, or to pay existing debt; and | 40g | nnsylvania, until after sald properties ¥ governing its existance. the matter y x § ¢ the debt created to supply deficiency in Juke i y= funding moneys legally pald | shall have been operated by said counties J | . f . ve . 3 we _ | system; autointoxication describes Mvenue shall never exceed, In the a Be { e treasury: | or municipalities during sald period of one . Y. KK I N Fo of finding the cause of its disease is it gate at any one time, one million ego Exempting property from taxation: | Year. Any of the said municipaMties or * not so very difficult. The removal lars,” be amended so 4s to read as follows: at hating labo, trade, mining or man- | counties may incur indebtedness In excess WwW the sauce is LHe SE cv in, Constipation—This condition is Section 4 No debt shall b facturing; but the legislature may reg- | of seven per centum, and not ex 1 ’ i» All Kinds Concrete ork of the cause is, however, a different cither the caus resntt oF : or on behalf of the gp Bate Ane fix the wages or salaries, the | ten per centum, of ti ry SXSetaing matter. There are many things yao talise A Suit of auto- eagual deficienc of revenu ours of work or labor, and make provi- | of the taxabl v the oy mn | : : , es e, repel inva- y , 4 able prop therein, if sald which the physician must meet ang 'htoXication. sion, suppress insurrection, defend the sion Jor Xue protection, welfare and safety | increase of indebtedness shall have heen hd if ibl 3 th Since the mission of the Home State In war, or to pay existing debt; ard |g; SUE ikjoved by He State, > by | assented to by three-fifths of the electors I" possible overcome, Some of these , judg hod = the debt created to supply deficiencies in y co y, city, borough, town, town- voting at a public election, in such man- BUILDING BIOCHS are; the mental attitude of the Health Club is to teach people how nae shall never exceed, in the aggre- BTID, Soham! Qispsiet, Vidas, oF OHH sl ney on Shall be £ Joi Qed Dy Aw. : . : : f avoi isease. as oll ag : ate at any one time, one mill S81 State, or by any ¢ rue copy of Joint Resolution No. 5. All Styles and Colors patient, his confidence in, and his © void disease, as wel as how to fra: Provided, however, That lich of Gat. or sub-contractor performing work, labor | ROBERT McAFER, cooperation with the physician de- avoid it, that aspect of the subject hsvembiy, Jrrespective of any debt, may ty es Jar the a En Solretary of the Commopwenlth . will be liscusse i a xi Ty O uthorize the State to issue bond Nh reds denen ' , ‘nship, | I , ————— Borcher) Seles uy termined to a large degree the onut- aftiche. : ised m followin amount of fifty millions of 3 ois jo fhe Slsivieh village or other elvil division y is case: sreditv: in. te purpose of improving ar re Arb. | Banisters Som of hie case; Here a An ivi AH readers of this publication” Blehways of bp ag and repdiidug the Creating corporations, or amending, re- | GO TO srited ase or sndency ; xe swing or exter 2 the chi ’ . ¥ eritec disease o tendency, wi are at liberty at: any: time. to write A true copy of Joint Resolution No. L en OF Wi he the < harters thereof: Door and Window Sills an¢ greatly influence any treatment; | = ° : * : : f ROBERT McAFER, or tdivrar corporation, association | Lintl idiosynerasy (special characteristics for information pertaining to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. orivie i pul 30 Shecial_ or execludive | . . intles, Chimneys, dlosynerag) specia ‘haracteristics H €ge or immunity, or to any corpora- . subject of health Address all tion, associatio indiv | Ete or temperament); this condition is : : g He LY » assoclation, or individual the right to | i r per ith 1 . On M8 communications to the Home Number Two. lay down a railroad track: [Rast Main Si, Mount Joy, Pa not often met with, but when it is, ‘ - > XE Nor shall the Gene 8s - the case must bo studied: and: the Health Club, 5039 Cottage Grove A JOINT RESOLUTION rectly enact such rere) I R A » case S S eq ane 3 . ) 8 8 : : FO! Retailer of the Best . Ave., Chicago, 111, with name anq Proposing an amendment to section sev- the partial repeal of a general law; but GOOD SHAVE " treatment outlined with extreme address in full and : least f . en, article three of the Constitution of laws repealing local or special acts may | : Grades of Cement chive é S¢ ! 1 and at east four Pennsylvania, SO as to permit special be passed: { STYLISH HAIR-CUT ice ; : : : J cents in postage, legislation regulating labor. Nor shall any law be passed granting | 5 Auto intoxication is according to = __ = Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate | POWers or privileges in any case where | REFRESHING SHAMPOO : ints °"y “ : ivr and House of Representat! the granting of suc a | he \ ‘ ictionary - Yoisoning Lia presentatives of the granting of such powers and priv- ’ i ~ A fie mellieal Mctionernds rolson WHY WANT A CHANGE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen- | lleses shall have been provided for by |OF AUVMINg in the Barber Line. x I.O i I IN. . - PEIN o by faulty metabolic products elabor- oo =: esl Assembly met, That the following is Sencral law, nor where the courts have | f — s—— ated within the body: Auto-in- |, : ; 3 Obosed as an amendment to the Con- | Jurisdiction to grant the same or give the | " —_— __ P— —— : rosperity is Here for the Farmers, Stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn- relief asked for. | TAKE ALONG A fection—in other words, it is The Laborer, the Mechanic—Iet Sylvania, in accordance with the provi-| A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. | he New Sh oe St r self poisoning induced by faulty Welt Enouchi Al : bia hi sions of the eighteenth article thereof. Be ROBERT McAFEE, ) | | f ] : : » DN gh Alone mendment to Article Three, Section cretary of the Commonwealth. | { ) assimilaton and elimination. Sever : JR —— sven. o————— | Food taken into the stomach must The country is i : Bection 2. Amend section seve rticl V { 3 untry is in a highly pros- 4 n, article Number Three. | ee hat aire . Bh, § ree of the Constitution of Pennsylvani * Since taking charge of the Yoblonovitz Shoe store I have added be acted upon hy certain juices perous condition. In every direc. Wien ress me soncoon y a, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. one of the finest lines of secreted by glands in the stomach, tion business is booming. Labor action 7. The General Assembly shall Proposing an amendment to section three | . i . : . : Yass ¢ 'g s | pa : ni : before it is passed into the intestines everywhere finds employment. and DE he RY Joel or Shecial aw the. of arecle igne of the Constitution of | > : ea . . yf or » ’ - ‘ennsylvania. Me ’s WwW men's and for further digestion. If it is pass- at higher wages than in the past. Ing of Nena: Section 1. Be It . .solved by the House . i eguls ¢ : n ’ 0 ed into the intestines without hav- No ma able ; : tegy 1 Ing the affairs of counties, of Representatives of the Commonwealth | man a to work has trouble efties, townships, wards, boroughs, or of Pennsylvania (if the Senate c | . ’ ing been acted upon thoroughly by te find work to do. From almost %ehool districts: That the following aes eun) | Children S Shoes the juices of the stomach, the every section of the country the Pai uging the names of persons or Srendrment to the Constitution of the | ai : y . oes: ommonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5 bowels will he unable to thoroughly demand for labor is ' far greater ; Fhsngine the venue in civil or crim- cordance with the Drovinces of Wy | o : : ‘ : nal cases: : At From 98¢ to $2.48 digest it. Consequently this same than the supply. Wherever In- Py Ses! eenth article thereof: — [ 4 ° : A % ‘ : * : Authorizing the laying out, opening, | Section 2. Amend section three of arti- = S 3 | decaying mass gives off poison- dustries are not worked to their full altering, or maintaining roads, highways, cle eight, which reads as follows: “All xz to be found in this town. They COM" | 1s gases and other poisonous pro- capacity it is becau of an insuff Breels Or Slleys: Judges elected by the electors of the State Se : red S gases a § £ apa ¥ 1 £ ‘ause ot an insuth- “Relating to ferries or bridge prise the best there is in shoes and ASRS Se hase ina rhea 3 yin . ho , ges, or in- at large may be elected at either a genm- | , A should be considered wien ‘Vou ‘pur ducts which may cause diarrhoea at cient number of hands. Sorpotating SitTTT or bridge companies, eral or municipal election, as —— WILL ADD TO THE VACATION : : y first, but will probably cause con- Why should the people of a coun- yng DT es er ton of bridges cross- stances may require. All the elections for | FUN OF ALL THE FAMILY chase that next pair of Shoes. ran : i Wohmen : : : § ams which form boundaries be- judges of the courts for the several judi- | stipation later. try in such a condition of prosperi- tween this and any other State: cial districts, and for county, city, ward, | ADybody can take good pictures A certain amount of these poison- ty want a change in its administra- ed ¥oR05, town pists, streets of horus, and township officers, for regu- | with a Brownie Camera ; . . wei ta nes van hean Nes: 43 J : Be SSA Sa a ; ar terms of service, shall be held on the | : y All Kinds Repairing ous products are re absorbe d into the tion and in the economic policies Bs lating 19 cemeteries, graveyards, or municipal election day; namely, the Tues- | Brownies, $1.00 to $12.00 4 ; ; system and thrown into the blood that have brought it about? We are ou : Sot of the State: day next following the first Monday of | § Having modern machinery I am sili Tic poorer the ligation nat Willing 10 Belicre at the, de. eal ths Ping t ie adoption or legittma- November in each odd-numbered year, but | 11€ two best sellers are the $3.00 a £ { . I 16 gestlor Hime the 3 . *hildren: . : | prepared to do repairing on short tairiad : re pi Ao “Tiocating. or . chang} the General Assembly may by law fix a |and $7.00. — . : . Gi and the poorer the elimination the We are confident that no one who he noe o nang Ng county-seats, different day, two-thirds of all the mem- | notice and ai right vrices, ' Give Me ereater and more everything in the remembers what happened to the MNnes: g FURYeS or ohaneing oogaty Bors ville ign og jlesets: ji R150 carry 85:2 Side line % awh 4 ” . N ; g ¥ jh : rovided, 1at such elections she - vour next job and let me show you. catalogue of human ailments. They country when the last Democrati Vi Incorporating Sitios, Lows, or villages, ways be held in an Bain ol { Camera and Photo Supplies : ‘nangir 3, Ne : 5 "OL : HH = Be RY LASK 1 XZ will be discussed further on in this president and congress were elected “For Be TE a: oniueing of gi A a Judges elected b | A I : ry : J Fo 4 ec \ dges electec article. can want a repetition of the distress Slesiians, or fixing or changing the place electors of the State at large ay 1 Mast Main St., MOUNT JOY, PENNA. The cause as wiven above. ig tie Which affected evervone. It was n of Vor i otfess: elected at either a general or municipal [Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. | si {5s J ht . . : 4 : oe = election, as clrcumstances may require. - EE : — ————————— one usually given by medical Period of extreme business ann in- ting new townships or boroughs, Al] elections for judges of the YI ie, | > authorities, and the condition is dustrial demoralization. All enter a np lines, borough Wmits the several judicial districts, and for | » - no eo American Plan Rates Moderate % Tite Wis Dalles Trrastinents ce Iho S i¢ ss county, city, ward, borough, and town- | Jon o S ®) Toms A) y= S usually studied from that stand ! : He as halted; investments ceas pe in ji a ts Prescriving Mii ship officers, for regular terms of service, | y RoR NEED - . ; xd; mills and furnaces 1 a 3Y C tiles of officers in coun 5 ¢ i y ify pont. But to find the real cause we © : mn; ne fun ee! ng of cities, boroughs, townships, election or gsi ey the Fo Tues Sacto YOu NEED 3 p 1 : tories Se wn: 1 y iat ri ” ’ or od | = y must go still further back. A little tories closed down: h 4 schoo aisty it the first Monday of November in each | | "ARK & POLLARDCO'S) After You Are Through k X chan 0 Hote thought on the matter will suggest thousands of wage-e ve deonanging the law of descent or succes- odd-numbered year, but the General As- ‘CROWING FELD 4 : g ‘ Bux . p : a sembly may by law flx a differe \ 4 4 this question. ‘Why did not the OU! of employment, Regulating the practice or jurisdiction oes of A the Renton Sex Ex ri nti ith Th stomach and bowels take care of the The defeat of President Taft il a Bee of evidence in, House consenting thereto: Provided, That Lf a g > le coming \lectior \ judicial proceeding or inquiry before guch elections shall be he an ¥ pe me ng Wi e Mount Joy, Pa. food ih a normal and ' proper the coming election would ¢ courts, aldermen, justices of the peace, en agg oor) toed in an Soa. \ ecti p v Ir 3 ti oriffs n {asi g y x 2 L . ° manner? To answer this question a the election of Woodrow Wilson #he riffs, comunissioners, arbitrators, au- all judges for the courts of the several Just-as-Good-Kind M B k P : ] a : f th tion and another disastrous trial of the Boone ae Shancery, ar ptbes 15) Judicial districts holding office at the thorough knowledge oO 1e function : SA : 4 a's, or providing or changing methods present time, whose terms ze . ° ac enstoe, ro. ‘ - he digestive soone and the Democratie tariff policy, for there for the collection of debts, or the enforc- De dan az hii rea pov Tey of all the digestive Organs and the could be no other result. The pres. ne of judgments, or prescribing the effect | tinue to hold their offices until the first : BUICK sess & | physiological laws governing them a ; ee of judicial sales of real estate: Monday of January in the next succeed- 2 be To illustrat A Iaa ent prosperous condition of the Regulating e fees, or extending the tng Svon=namm aad ¢ : % x Has just been remodeled thruout | 3 necessary. o stra * country inevitably would be upset. POWers and duties of aldermen, justices of | A true copy of Concurrent Resolution Ev ery chicken will live and LGCOMOBILE : x : 39 years of age had for a number of : : % ice, magistrates or constables: No. 3. i YANG onl a Sw . iIas all moderit conveniences such | : 1 fer with rhenms No one can want such a change lating the management of public : ROBERT McAFEE |row as you never saw chick- { 3 vears been suffering w rhe a- : . fei : y building alrl os MC eh . t AUTOCAR AND as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam |* : it nt a gcoeeap Ad No one Is ‘going to invite ft hon the building or repairing of school Secretary of the Commonwealth, | CNS grow before if you use the fleat. Electric Light, Etec. Us, poor eYe Siahi, ant 2 SoleTAE with his Voie unless misled hy DInd paren 1 [asiig of money for uch rem Park & Pollard Gritless C : | feelin of lasci s. She ht ee ; ID : - BUICK TRUCKS feeling of lascitude. She had been partisanship in adherence to a part Fixing the rate of interest: Number Four. Chi 1 d C . F under the usual treatment for a'_. : u : g : “Affecting the estates of minors or per- ATI Y Irery icns > d 3 ul : : : Table is Supplied With the Best long time, .without henefit It was Whose chief purpose of existence sons under disability, except after > per A JOINT Hi TION ict an . rowmg ee Sold strictly on their merits. (long time, ,Witl @ReMN.. JL WHS to destroy the American policy of i all parties in interest, to be recited Provosng an amendment to section one The vitalizing effect of the 3 ] { & ai ase of auto-intoxiecation. . : . i 3 the cial enactment: o icle nine of e Constitut F . . - i) the Market Affords. > plain Case ! Y protection for American industry, * «Remitting fines ities and forgel-| Pennsylvania, relat Pring °f| shredded codfish in this feed mE | Her diet was corrected and propel or unless misled by specious efforts tures, or refunding moneys legally paid Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate 1s just what is rec . d : | e989 8 treatment given. To-day one year to arouse a spirit of discontent and into the treasury: and House of Representatives of the Com- . JU > € S IC juirec . es | « » < Si o « 1 SO y Ff ), - : later the lady enjoys excellent Sean ; : : 3 Exempting property from taxation: monwealth of Pennsylvania in General | Learnallaboutthiswonderful : ! € Bu. Sas “HY phy fictitious promises, impractic- “Regulating labor, trade, mining or man- | Assembly met, That the following feed fr heir Y B New 1912 Cars Now Here Also Lunch Counter health in every respect. able and impossible of fulfillment. Rial oa orpoTats poss $ Jo pn Rraendinent 2 He Ror rom their gar ook. | a we > hore at « qm i : ating c rations, or amending, re- B mmonwealth o . a Hence we now see that auto- in I'he president under whose ad- newing or extending the charters re: vania, in accordance with the provisions Ww orth a dollar to you. We | Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese. |toxication is the result of improper ministration present prosperous con Hos aning fo any corporation, associa. of eighteenth article thereof furnish it to you free. ————— | 3 : 7} i P PIE ahits * livine anc 43 : on or individual any spe ection 2. Amend section one of ar- Tripe, Oysters in Every Style | diet, abnormal habits of living and gitions have been brought about is privilege or iin iesid a Txeluaive ticle nine of the Constitution of Berne y Etc., Etc., are served lan interference with the normal worthy of the confidence and sun- tion, association or individual the right to = Vania, which reads as follows: > x ' at, [supply to digestive organs It t. ov : lay down a railroad track. “All taxes shall be uniform, upon the ran & e man ac 0 N. | “nian ie ye DI : ges > Sans. port of the country and entitled (Lo “Nor shall the General Assembly indi- | 88me class of subjects, within the terri- [CAS il } ll 0mmo Je 0) | might be well to name the digestive it. When President Taft assumed Jocuy enact such special or local law by | torial Hone i] the authority levying the MOUNT JOY. PENNA Ye | 5 ; r have , ; - i e partial repeal of a general law: tax, and shall be levied and collected | : > ’ he BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS | C7" 2 that you may have a more office business confidence, which had jag Recs JoPy Bf 8 Soneral laws but Soci hulls, it the General Ant | —— — — } GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 2 ®| canprenensive idea of the subject heen impaired by reckless agitation be passed: sembly may, by general laws, exempt | y fie i > Viera aed " oy % a “Nor shall any law b | from taxation public property used fo under discussion. They are the teeth phn 0 ther effec begs 0) 2 e passed grantin 3 3 r Y o y ; 230.238 W. King St., OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Sil 4 y I b t without 0 her : effect, ef AD powers and privileges in any case oni public purposes, actual piaces of religious HAS. . ELLER eves the tongue, and the salivary glands, return. There has been constant the granting of such powers and privileges | Worship, places of burial not used or held \ on 3 : . . y > : | iv 5 » corporate - So / NCASTER PENNA. [the stomach, and its secreting progress in the work for restraining shall have been provided for by general | for private or corporate profit, and insti- REAL ESTATE AND ’ LA . -- . | . 5 . ; 3 law, nor where the courts have jurisdic- tutions of purely public charity,” so as to J Good Stabling Accomodation |glands; some twenty-five or thirty and breaking up illegal business tion to grant the same or give the reliet | read as follows: INSURANCE [feet of intestines with their glands, combinations that were formed eR to read as follows:— | All taass Shah De tmiform ape the E. Main St M . : | = + o ee ection 7. @ General As > same class of subjects, within the ter- . am . Local and Long Distance Telephones (ho pancreas, which is itself a under previous administrations. pot pass any local or special FSerly oan | ritorial limits of the authority levying ’ ount Joy The largest and only strictly first |secrtting gland; and the liver, the More progressive legislation has ing the creation, extension or impairing of | the lax. and Shull be levied and collected . x : . Ph z ens: | under general laws, and the subjects of | Ualling and Cler of Public Sales =~ class fireproof garage and repair It's A Cure That's Sure [largest of all the glands in the body. been enacted during the term of Regulating the affairs of counties, citfes, | t8Xation may be classified for the purpose | ue us shop in Lancaster City of County. |The digestive system, then is a com-| President Taft and upon his recom- townships, wards, boroughs, or school ais. | Of 1aving graded or progressive taxes; | Settlement of Estales. -F" = : 1e G sral Assembly av steel Y Loti Ol FoR plicated system and should be mendation than under any other pists: iiig the nates but tie inks 3 ii oy: BY Zen | Collection of Rents. = “Sh RHEUMATISM, GOUT, | re : h aa Phe anging the names of persons or plages: | °T2! 2Ws. eXemni rom: taxation ‘public | Surveying and Conveyancing wv ® © ® AL ' + [treated with the utmost consider- president ever proved himself more Changing the venue in civil or eriminaj | Pope; y a gi public purposes, actual | ¢ . . 2 | , x . i & OE TESSIV + at h has done cases. | places o religious worship, places of en - SCIATICA, AND (ation. One would suppose, from ob- progressive in all that he 1 Authorizing the laying out, opening, a1. | Purial not used or held for private or for the benefit of the country. If the people of the United States LUMBAGO We have cured Thousands with | serving the manner iw which some |people eat, that the teeth and the] P0006 0069000904 is 3 “i i wv Ww Al Prepaieditaiorve bd JONES BREAK.UP | mouth had very little to do with the cannot be satisfied with conditions 2 Ta : AND IT WILL CURE YOU | digestion and assimilation of their as they are to-day, with peosneniy . levident on every hand, they could Always in stock at [food § Sv ? : ® ure 2 y | H 1 1 ness, in respect not be satisfied with any conditions. A & in urry and carelessness, res : . . a > : Th 7ill t improve them by in- 3 pr 8 4 Ww. D. CHANDLER GO. to food and mastication is ever in- I Pu To Oc ti party in : stalling i smocratic art) & Water 9 /DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES creasing the demand Lop Be Sip power. There is every reason why ® ICE: $ | West Main St. Mount Jo. val the phycician, as well as that of, (p41 Jet well enough alone. ¢ ¢ 's 4-3 % [fue patent dope™ Vendors: [Any change from the wise and safe IN ANY QUANTITY at Very ept. 4-3mo. a ; aturally askil.o ,C ange trom v ang ® Moderate A 3 The reader will naturally ask; administration of President Taft 9 Dou’t fail to see us before plac- g TEE sfliow am I ® know that I are AO" myst be disturbing, and for the : ing your order this year. ell - - ar | Intoxication? What are the symp-\._ ... Sept. 25 1i , | toms? | rom ina— $ J. N. Stauffer & Bro. 2 v Gonstipation To discuss these symptoms at| lobbed Express Company A | 2 : : IMpan) Mount Joy, Penna. (fl —f |length would perhaps not come| pang in the service of the Ad- & ¢ |§ “For Dany years 1 yas troubled, nx | within the province of this article, | s| HApross Company 1or : t 9000000099050 069 | § spite of all so-cal'ed remedies [used. § | “®rlams Express Company for the past IgA last I found quick relief and cure § | but a few of the symptoms, which)caventeen vears and since then f T in those mild, yet thorough and in nearly every instance, indicate|charged with stealing packages, 1 really wonderful DR. KINGC’S OLD DR. THEEL & DR.W. L. THEEL | 5. 1719 Spring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 6th articles which i hundreds of autointoxication, will be discussed.|watches and other Headache—This symptom, more|will amount to many 1 [ | 4 [® St., Phila., Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German | Charaniusd Care dor Specie Hood Foisons short | s {than any other indicates au-|dollars, without being caught or ev- the uncertainty of political appoint-| ob. IloTtY Vears of Circa Prove REE 2 & Arsenie, worse : : Ls : o { . ? es : : ; foes. ¥ veard u a3 prov pes oR: oe ee oa a EX Ce fw } @ ills | FO oT cation. Tne oy BR hejen suspected, 1s ihe Teeord of = 1 oly wil be on >. of the most SoH mest “Untivaled for ! ifos.] Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber znd VW. D. Chandler pyvees. Sorvaus ebitor, Last Mathued, Brains, Aophts Adolph Schingock, Buffalo, N.Y. : bat % rt oo : oh scussed, y (Anderson, a forme: agen af prehensive and far-reaching as af- | ie : : I pile J © & Co. Cali for free sample. esse ot Noone | {135 GENUS PER BUTILE ATALLDRUGEISIS., 11 oo Of the statement can-|Marietia, but lately running be- fecting the civil service ever issued Corns or cold sores. Only 25 cents ESET ty & Country 4 dvertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4, 6-03 Sun. 9-2 y ‘ n not be questioned. | tween Harrisburg and Altoona. by a president of the United States. | at 8. B. Bernhart & Co’s. Read the Bullet) corporate profit »» public charity. A true copy o tering, or maintaining nd institutions of pure- | streets or alleys: Relating to ferries or bridges, or incor- porating ferry or bridge companies, ex- cept for the erection of bridges crossing streams which form boundaries between this and any other State: Vacating roads, town plats, streets or alleys: Relating to cemeteries, graveyards, or epic Slounds not of the State. : uthorizing the adoption. o - tion of children: P y Jor logit, Locating or changing county-seats, erecting new counties or changing eeunty | Unes: Incorporating cities, towns or villages, by changing their charters: roads, highways, Joint Resolution No. 4. ROBERT McAFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Five, A JOINT RESOLUTION | Proposing an amendment to the Constitu- , tion of Pennsylva Be it resolved by of Representativi the Senate and House s of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania eral Assembly met, That the following proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Penn- sylvania, in accordance with the provi- | sions of the eighteenth article thereof: — W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law n Ger n Ge is é8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, P= Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- iay at No. 52 North Duke Street Will Effect Many What We Never Forget It was practically decided to-dav| according to science, are the things 1 : m : 3 associat 1 ur arlv y ife A cure guaranteed if you nse hat President Taft in the near 2SSOciated with our early home life, uoy's: Supposit x . : : : uc 5 Tc 'q ic Ialv w i uture will issue an executive order | Such as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, that BIL it rae say lacing all fourth class postmasters mother or grandmother used to a So Wiis This order, cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, from n the classified service. relieving 36,038 postmasters . > | - : Posimasiers skin ‘eruptions, cuts, sprains or
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