CT ET ES CML 25-31 West King Street, hancaster, Pa. Beclestostoadoctoneotectostosiod ooeciociadecfordecfocieddodod edrodeddeoloforiosdociecionfoofoctodecfoofoofuoforfoaiosoriooforforocfosfocforioofectortosfesfosfocfesforgorts one Mr. John of Read- well known hotel proprietors th his wife and daughter 1a, v velcon ts at the Florin Inn on Sunday 'HE BULLET MQUNT JOY, A RRR : Wo 1 Re se ull tm re now = 1 mnie o deer, my y a 4 4 ¥ ! 1 { neg | n ho ) ? } . t ) i b 4 N 4 % J 3 w d - . g & A/ : [UC Ww LS oi. § vy . & 8 1 t fun Unser riend W ¢ I'o won oh h wither » : 1 au t » wn ] C 1 ¥ “ ked lr lo ® ™ 1 \ hu ¢ 1 : ity and particularl t w 01 n du husht mich he . N isht du en d htate i { y v 0 o ; » eriect nttin ) ' pony 3 un Pennsylfawny mere de deer, Ich n ———— A ———— w ni — -— bin nuch en mon Gook mich aw Ww ® My hussa sock woo es elf bens shticl - dies’ “Setsnug” Union Suits Me ’'sS Ihe mperial Union suit has m haebt woo de Polly mere usht gevva { 81.00 ND . far an rink reap is es ain n ; come to stay I'he most perfect ® hut far en drink greega is es ain ”n adies Cumfy” Union Suits @ siched ons ding as mae on meree <0) th market. 2 | Ich hob a pawr boweri g'schlook , Underwie . die Union Suits at 235¢ nN e al | d Sha Y- 2 ed Gook mere der hols nunner » i Sho sleeve, 3-4 length, drop- ® ‘ ’ / Consht ebbes saena? Good-bye Sam die umfy Vests, § : 3 w p lin off shoulders, at 123 The most dificult problem is seat We show two qualities, Doh is nuch en arlich hartz oonich . 15¢ t tail at B® jom farissna ruck. Ich blame dich alia lo secure a garment 0 retall a $100 ¢ $1.50 ver sui y ta : 6 to secure a garme ¢ $1 ind $1.50 per suit not awver ich sue. Woo ich hin Ladie \p Ol wing vests, i . ine ’ ; ; ; = 25¢ on account of the high price ® Coom mich saena in ma yohr fun 10 and 12}3c Athletic underwear, showing » Teh hob nuch ae gooter longer = . of cotton We believe we have m now ch hob nuch ae goote Ze Ladies fine gauze, long or gook in de shtoop g'mumma, der Bil- = rt sleeve vests, 25¢ the best to be had in either long up better each season, made of H I Bixler, Sam Seeshuls Fridder iis : Suite OSe 3 : ' : . ; : i oi Sent ! = Children Union Suits, 25c or short sleeves, full size, draw- fine cloth Not as clinging as Shenkelmoyer, Mike Bubrigel, Bill B® Children's Union Suits of fine (aioroed at and no ball I All n Biflemoyer, Sammy Sensawetzer un ers reiniorcec seat, e the a gee ‘ ooler : ® combed yarns, all taped, at : }albriggan ind cooler “i ® 11 de goota karls wora mere in da | 50c seconds sizes, in two qualities, 25 and ® awga, duch wora nemond in der htoop Ich hob g’'shpeered dos ich wu Children Vest and Pants, a ; rads - “ € X : At 50c we offer the Williams 50c. heila muss un ich hob aweck ga- m high neck, long or short sleeves, wn 0 . 10c to 25¢ Bros. make fine Egyptian yarn, = draid un fot galuffa. Ich con dere 5 t Boys’ Balbriggan Underwear, g sawga. en mon feeled schlecht oon- 4 ‘hildren’'s fine gauze vests, shirts g p 101 Ss y : : =® Children's Aine Apes S shir long. 01 short sleeve, : x ich so umshtenda, un we ich hame ped, at 10¢ : short sleeve shirts, knee length . % Ni ® drawers reinforced seat and ex- coomt bin hut de Polly g’'frogt wos Infants Wrappers at 10c¢ 4 t = lotz w ich boh era vt deh 1 i i i rawers, at 25¢ a garment, tz ware. c h era g’sav , = Infants Wrappers at 5c tension band at waist line drawers, at 25¢ a garmen B ¢ 1 : 3 & ss = daid net goot feela, un se is ni in de - S———————— gs Tn "™ B® kommer far widder tzae cent greega R d BM woo ereeked hut g'hat fum Hul- r Special For Friday and Saturday Be a a To u 1 high = g’sawt ich het ken use mae far’s & We have secured an assortment of Glass Berry dishes. 6 diffe rent patter high Cy — § lished, would be cheap at 15c. Special at 10¢C. e 2 2 Fi W ———— or in Ne WS sc nraem— a —————— I ——— - —— = I] . ERE | \ = Opposite Post Office ww ,\ppusings In THE BUSY vir =m 2 ; “21 - - - @ AGE WEST OF HEI & . .® Bea “sd e MOUNT JOY, PENNA. tl Bw = ” ih ra " Ba Local and Personal Briefs That Have I 8 LJ BRE ’ ERR ® 2 Occurred Since Our Last Issue in g " ’ iy > 2 Our Haustling and Wide Awake PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. meim laeva un ich feel’s my duty “0, nix,” hut are g’sawt, ‘‘usht Neishhor Villaze. Flovit . Labor age, cjorin. a dere’s tzu shriva du konsht nix mae hovva.” Thai Shwilkey sock He N : : “Mauch ken ferflompts kolb fun : What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To We ich un der Billy Bixler fun : I vi 1 rh “Ich bin A valuable horse died for J. H. av is ‘eek hed oud : ialanp | HCTE oO C 8 S¢ Ls ~ Say This Week. sellera Prohibition Friheit Licker °° Li = . Haldeman on Sunday. Aged : ._ gor dihenkers doshtich un will ebbes . > y . ‘Sociation” meeting hame kooma sin : . yr Mrs. Harriet Young is confined to ; hovva far my mawga uff toona. a hen mere hardt gagooked, we ich b . N : the house with measles. : 3 : “Ich kons net helfa, Gottleib, aw- , . dere g’sawt hob on der tzeit, wile : 4 ’ Messrs. Charles and John Carson 1 s : : ver ich darf der kens mae gevvt. 4 mere tzu feel fun der Constitutional Ware hot’ wat?” spent Sunday at Maytown. Ware it’s g'swat? ; . Amendment gaschlooked hen kot. : 3 Mr. 8S. Z. Young transacted busi- ’ 3 3 “De Shtate fun Pennsylfawny. a Well, we ich moll widder lawfa hob ness at Columbia Tuesday. : : “Farawss?’’ : : hob kenna waega mina waega bin Hr arawss Mr. Roy Ishler resigned his job at ich nooner tz'um Hullerheck far eb- “Wile du en siffer bisht.’ J. K. Freymeyer’s bakery, bes ous der schwartza buddle grega “Dunner uns goll eisa,” hov ich Oscar Miller Young spent Friday far my mawga uff toona. We ich tzu gsawt, “bisht du un de Shtate fun at Harrisburg transacting business. deer ni kooma bin is der Sam hin-| Pennsylfawny in pardnership?” Mr. John Guhl transacted busi- nich em bar rous g'luffa, en shtool “De Shtate gebt mere de arlawv- ness at Lancaster Saturday. on der dish g'stezed un sich druff jhe licker tzu fedkawfa, un ich muss Mr. John H. Miller of Lancaster g’hucked un de fees in da hae gpa helfa.” called on friends in town Tuesday. 'shiteko Ie i \ ‘ 5 . Nas Mr sorge S ‘aps ancas g’'shteked. [ch bin on der bar un “Helfa in wos? Siffer maucha un Mr. George S. Caps of Lancaster hob motions g'maucht os are kooma derno se ob choka. Ware drinked ™Made a business trip to town Tues- sul. Are hut sich net farraiked. sRunsht os we siffer?” day. np } >! froo “Wos is S, : : fr y Rp Mr. ¢ PS. £ ¥ Hy ar- Don hoe ich g’'frogt, Wos is let Der Sam is uff =luffa on de deer, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eden of Har 3 3 S¢ 2 x is ror » 3 re mid y ch hab en ni blawt gadraid in Sam: SMiss ren - hrdlu fwyp gkqj hr risburg, called on friends in town atm wz meres. SUNAAY. Godesfodood fe dodoioofoieaoioofeinioiufedufeoiiiuisiodiviiuddubiddufodn 1. Roy Hershey left for Carlyle i 3 College. His many friends wish him of success, 3 & Miss Anna Shank spent several 3 hs ® i days at Maytown as the guest of her 3 o mother i SEER 2 Mrs. A. D. Garber and children KX X are spending some time at Blaine, 3 @ 7 ® %¢ Perry county . gy, 2 3 os J i xtraor Iinar oi « OO oe Preaching services were held at oJ y Y 1 > : : og 4 4 Eby’s Sunday. Baptism was held in 3 3 the afternoon : % Messrs. H. G. Myers, D. M. Sen- 3 waAY Tv i a a % senig and C. W. Coble of Lancaster oe 0 AL @ ed 4 3 : 3 WW £45 3 spent Monday in town ge . : ole M and Mr A 1 Cie tr : oe 3, MT anda I's N >. rant ¢ x o> ntertained by Mr. and Mrs Harr 2 ™ . * Y smaker o nr * These desirable wall papers are from a recent car-load purchase which we made on excep- 3 i0oemaker on Janqay ? : i tionally favorable terms—together with patterns from our regular stock which we wish to dis con- og Mr. and Mrs ay. Hroniser ar- of i : 3 xd home after taking a honey- : tinue, 4 itn various BlAcss 3 oi 1 trip to various places 3 This sale is of unusual importance to property owners, churches, hotels, public institutions, + The opening at the Florin. Inn x and others requiring large quantities of wall paper. The actual savings on large orders will surprise * was very well attended. The F. of 3 you % A. Band rendered fine music, 3 3 Mr. Eugene Garber was severely ode 1 i stung by a swarmof bees at his % c . ye — 2 Bm % sne v2 02, 1 t ather’s residence at this place og i A i] i nat x Mrs. Tillman yantz is spending sr piece » papers - pe yiece for papers 1at regu. : : x for papers that regu- i per piece for papers that regu ver piece for papers tha 8 3 some time at Reading as the guest ® y sell at 10c, 12%c and up { larly sell at 20c and 25c per larly sell at 30c and 35c¢ per : of her brother, Mr. David Young. 3 t ’ : 5: Pat {table i roll. Paterns suitable for li- § oe Mr and Mrs. Israel Leisey of R6 hak io ' 5 i piece. atterns suitable fo x 3 18c per Disce. . Patierns i. ¢ : brary, reception hall, parlor, 3 Reamstown, spent Sunday as the i spilable for kitchens, . halls, : hegroons, living . rooms, digs j dining room, bedroom, and * guest of their son, Mr Lemon Lei- ® bedr : > ! ing rooms, parlor, etc 3 Var HAinee sey IS sdrooms, etc. ng HS, DE 3 € arge bui gs, etc. 5 a ! 3 | h rooms, bedrooms i ! large buildings, etc oo Tiss Lavina Hostetter and Miss i ro EE . EE TC S—— to EE A EEE TER ETA i Baker of Mount Joy, spent Sunday oe 2 at the home of Miss Bertha Eshle- i oe man * % ” > Mr. Cl yn Hertzler and family ¥ Pld Urc [TC] WO Ul | P ¥ | RM ey ; I | oe ; * B oy oo ff M ind Mrs Ephraim 3 3 ertzler oe 8 ww As op i I y i i a] il pC BY x \1 51 3 d fi 5 i’ bs rm e 05 I LP § LC 3 of it pi B ol 3 go) il de pul Jae C13 - S 1 ole oe : Henry Bae z y hi : te rt had 3 1 M * Every man who reads this advertisement will probably want to “get in’ on 3 VI ge 1d save a few doll: We closed the lot from a well known maker at striking savings, There x ¢ in- * re all sizes from 29 to 44 in the lot Worsteds, meres and flannels in neat 1 t and dark gra 2 a ‘ oe ’ : o& Sund: % ie effects Some have cuff bottom There are semi-peg styles, hip-grip, and re gular cuts, % : Dunas ogo avid Mick Prof loff aq ¢ nl * $1.98 for trousers that would regularly cost three dollars. * 1 € rof. Neff and F. % of Stroup of Blain, Perry county, were $2.98 for trousers that would regularly cost four dollars. 3 i i op | xuests of A. D. Garber on Sat- i ; rday and Ter 1 wy do mn a sn —- - EAE ci 32 Pungay schoo), 2.45; Preaching, i { % 1 }; Junior. C.. B., 515; Sr oe Come 0 I Ho h-E d S Le S Cl 3 H z C. E.,, 6.30; Preaching, 7.30. Pray- i 0 Uur Month-End Sale ummer Closing Hours FOV ooh renung, 100 Pry og i S ie meeting every Thursday evening. i Friday and Saturday re Chris Fate of : rigay an atur ay From July first to September thirteenth i 1 i ie Fair of Harrisburg, , : : re and Miss Mary Mill f S & : inclusive, The Hager Store will close as fol- : ions 2 er of alunga, : very department will be represented 1 Go! Vere guests of the former’s parents, ie3 : 3 ows: tp wi Mas i with special offerings these two days and vs i a Yee, Took Bair Sunday. % there will be REAL BARGAINS in all kinds of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednensdays and 5, Ne Honan) Musselman and fami- needed Summer apparel ¢ ome furnish- . x vy of Philadelphia, s re i ede mmel pparel and home furn Thursdays—at 5 p. m. r Li 8 I s pent several % ings 3 days in the village with the former's "ridaves 9 'n ak . - Ea a de For further particulars, see Thursday’s Fridays—at 12 o'clock noon 3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mus- 4 Se 3 and Friday's issues of the Lancater papers. Saturdays—at 10 p. m. i 3 selman. 5 | Neuman, 3 a x * 3 + 3 3 + + # ge * oe oe’ | National | N¢ M of th lace nd M | | I Lancaster former ol Vid ( vere mar it the | L 1 10 \} | 4 { \ | I Ball Club has or Mi John RU ( I nd | 1 I rom al the 1 { nt Mi \ tl Blanche var neaster Myrtl Groff, Wf Rheem nd Mr, Harry Fleisher of La Vel isantly enter tained 1 Mi itella Wachstetter I'he open air m n which was conducted the | } church has con 0 I ¢ take this meat than Il who particip ated in making it such a grand suec- cess Mrs. H. R. Frank of York, is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Em- anuel Young, after pending some time at Atlantic City and other places of interest Mr. Frank is taikng an auto trip to Boston, Mass. Miss Laura Eicherly of New York City, Mrs Ida Pfleigh and Mr. Chas. Snyder of York, Mr. Y. Kelly and two daughters Esther and | Mary, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Baker of Spring Grove, York county were pleasantly entertained at the Florin Inn Sunday. | — en | Makes the Nation Gasp The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of Jul ers humanity. Set over against however, is the wonderful healin by Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, o thousands who suffered from bur: ts, bruise bullet wounds or exj [t's the qguicl healer of ulcers zema, Soi li 0 25¢c at S. B. Bernhart & Co's eR ubscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletir I'HE NATION RESOURCES Loans and Discount £3,037 61 overdraft ©« od nd un 1 2) U.S tation ) i 0 cur Preminm 1.000 00 Bons, 114,204 Bankin 1d Fix tures: . . . 00 Other Real Estate owned 8,800 Due from State and Private Ban and Bankers, Trust Compan ies, and Savings Banks , Due from approved Reserve Agent Checks and other Cash Items Notes of other National Banks Fractional Paper Currency. Nick els, and Cents. : 144 Q ia . 83 tender notes . 3 . 23,443 2 Redempti nd with U.S. Trea 5,000 0 l'otal “a 665,497 64 LIABILITIES Capitol stock paid In 100,000 C0 75,000 0) Surp us fund Undivided profits, and Taxes paid PEE ‘ Bank Notes outstanding Due to other National Banks Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates ot deposit 1 Xpenses less Time ¢ s of ( leposit Cashier's checks United State deposit Savings Deposits, $3 2( 1,008 2 Total . 665,407 64 State of Penna., County of Lancaster, I. M ker. Cashier of the above-named bank, do v swear that the above state me nt 18 true to ghe best of my knowle and be life M. M. Brubaker, Cashier scribed and sworn to before me this 21st d Inne, 1912 M, HoLrLow BUSH, Notary Public Correct Atte HOS. J. BROWN) H. B.MY} Di L BENJ. O. M SER) EPORT OF THE CONDITION oF TH% UNION NATIONAI MT JOY BAN want Jo the St ff Pennsy t ) ine 1, ) =OURSES Lone $ 4l 7 0 ral ‘ 1) red 61 57 | 0 t ( re tion 1 I ep emit n 000 60 ul 0 | re nt 167 7 e from approved 1 rved a 7 sh it 1 No i 1 0 Ix ) 1 1 1 : I t \ I Z | 26.654 2 Lega 1 ) .2 28.604 2 Redem 1 ith U0. 8. 1 urer (H per ee ition 0 Tota 823,60 LIABILITIES f ( id in 100.000 S 125.000 00 | { rofits, 5 expenses & | 2 | : ) utstanding Do to other National Banks | Due to Trust Compaunes and Savin { Banks Div nds unpaid Individual deposits 8 ect to check Demand ee ri of dep 2913 lime ¢ 1 266.838 Cashier’s ehecks outstaund g ~~ 61 2D | 2 | ni., ( 1 { 1 nk mm 1 NISSLEY v « 1 MN | BA \ t3 A | 90 { V 1A So ic SI & YOU have to keep puffing a cigar to get the good of it. Same twith a business. | | : | An effective way to Puff Your! Business just now is to SEND BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS io acquired and desired customers. See us F abe ut the printing of them the Mt. Subscribe for Joy Bulletin. | Wednesday, June 26, 1912 FAVOR INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS Few Breeds Better to Farm Ralsing—Imported From West In- : dies Fifteen Years Ago. Suited h the dif. in but zo the Much has been sald throug ferent farm and poultry jor favor of the Indian Runner du ( believe rnals nais 10) 1CK, who real there are few possibilities and advantages of ing ducks of this breed As I have been raising this ducks for a few years, 1 that they deserve all the pra them, They are not rear- breed of testify e given can an entirely new ety, having been imported some 15 years ago from the West Indies, thus it receives the name of “Indian” with the “Runner” added to denote its chief peculiarity, its rapid movement over the ground. They are great foragers and pick up innumerable bugs and insects, This alone should give them an important place on every farm, Owing to their extreme hardiness, it {8 quite an easy task to raise a large flock of Indian Runners, with very little trouble. They are never bothered with lice, there are no roosts to keep clean, and no expensive houses are needed; just a low-roofed shed to protect them from! the severe winds and snows in winter, says a writer in the Farm Progress. The houses should have a dry floor- covering of straw or some ter, as they must have a dry place on which to sleep. While they are not not at all necessary water for them to swim in, all that is needed is plenty of clean water to drink, placed in a vessel deep enough it 1s running a land fowl, to have for them to cover their heads, as the nostrils are liable to become clogged with mud or feed. rari- | kind of lit | —— Farmers’ Inn Mount Joy FRANK E. LEFEVRE, Prop. Well Stocked With All Populas Brands of Bar WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS for Man and Beast Also Automobile Parties BUBE'S MOUNT JOY BEER and Piel’s Celebrated New York Gess man Lager on Draught. Accomodations p. Me Oh the Bridge and We'll Have a Plate of the Meet Best lee Cream in Town RT ZELLER S All Flavors at All Times. ‘pecial Prices to Parties, Festivals, Suppers, Etc. Mrs. C. H. Zeller {arietta Street MOUNT JOY. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law [48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- | Terms | Reference: American Plan Exchange Hotel The young ducklings grow and ma- | ture so quickly it is indeed very inter- | esting and fascinating to raise them. | We have weighed when 60 days old; had young ducklings that three and one-fourth pounds when matured they | will weigh from four and one-half to | five pounds. Being a quick maturing fowl makes | their meat exceedingly tender, and | juicy, of fine flavor, equal perior to spring chicken. or su- | | Their eggs are large, about one-third | larger than the average hen egg, and | perfectly white. And, contrary to the | general idea of duck eggs, they are of | mild, delicate flavor, making them very desirable for the table or cake | baking, ordinary will hatch exceedingly tors. puddings, etc. conditions are very fertile and well in incubar Renew the nests often with clean material. Field peas make most excellent feed for laying he Feeding a preventive of 1owledge, experience and » a good egg The more comfortat bi happy the hen, the more « N A hen should have all the green feed she will eat every her life. A turkey will consume 1 than any of the poultry kept on farm, New blood is a neces if one in- tends to 1 € ing and market qual flock. After yOu bi best s: ondi possible and keep h¢ sf lice and mite Great care should } exercised In St 3 ( [3 { ing i l : are yom al OY ¢ > ( A « el +1 nas- winter iQ $100 Reward, $100 will be The readers of this 7 > leat _paper pleased to I ake I Family Pills for constip:tion. The eggs under | day at No. 562 North Duke Street Moderate. Bell Telephone, CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property, Jonas L. Minnich. Rates Moderate Mount Joy, Pa. M. Backenstoe, Pro. Has just been remodeled thruout, | Has all modern conveniences such as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat, Electric Light, Ete. Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. Also Liuneh Counter Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese, ripe, Oysters in Every Style Ete., Ete., are served Tes EN STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS EER, W di WATS CER) hg) omoda ion Uelephones ® ® ye 10 serve IN ANY QUANTITY at Very » « “Moderate Charges. a Don’t fail to see us before plae- al : ¥ ing your order this year. & Bro. Inna. Q/nist v N. lau] fe Mount J VY, POSS HE && 9399 POPOV PVEPIIV IO Sale > a fine lot of bage, cauli= r, pepper, tomato, egg plant, ind lettuce plants which I reasonable. . Hostetter JOY, P MOUNT 12 Halr Cuttin Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parle MOUNT JQ No Waiting Agen for the Middletown S Laundry Goods called for Tuesd delivered Friday East Main St. Three Chairs. {and MAKES EATING A PLEASURE | GEST Ci NE TSR : EL
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