PAGE FOUR HAPPY THO MARRIED? There are unhappy s, but a percenta homes are due to 1 ’ nervousness, the bei and circled eyes, the woman to | Draggding-dow: aches-—are to Favorite Prescr lating and correc above distress (EN df A . y ledical Advise by R Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, } ! N. } answers hosts of delicate questions a which irried ought to know sent free every woman, single or nn Mes. 1 £0 on receipt of 31 stamps to pay for wrapping and m ailing only, Aesiralsalestoajed “i fosjertosfuefesfestorefoterieforjosleofoifrleJocoich dob 4 + + E 3 { a i SHAUB COMPANY 3 3 lo + YOU KNOW, OR OUGHT TO KNOW, HOW IMPORTANT IT . 3: IS TO HAVE YOUR SHOES FIT AND FEEL RIGHT - le oo > We know how important it is and have provided hundreds of 3 + he ‘‘right” sort styles. The ‘flat ‘nglish) are very much the *% Ie ogue; plenty of the best to pick from here. High toe, high heel- i + ed ones, too, if you'd rather havethem And the good old standbys 3 + vays here in all leathers—for all feet 3 += Jo se 13 i ) b % $ J : ah ole 5 4 i s—— fe He ¥ pits an ii i 3 “w Ry “ > 3 - ; ot + end '® ¥ ow 3 + PA THE rm r * + 2% » » + + 18 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER : + dg } elooiosfeciofesiocfoofeaeioofosjorfodooiodraireiop @vefenjoroefocforfs cfecfococfocieofscforforforfosforioefenfectocfociocfecionerosferesfocioefssonfoofecfocfesfeofocfociesfocioofecorfooforfocieoforioi Atlantic City Cape May . Wildwood, Ocean (ity, Anglesea, Sea Isle City, Holly Beach, Avalon, Stone Harbor, New Jersey THURRDAYS, JULY 11, 25, AUGUST 8, 22 SUNDAYS, JULY 14, 28, AUGUST 11, 55 $4. 101 ond } 1h 83. 85 Round 4 Trip FROM MOUNT JOY THURSDAY TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING MONDAY, INCLUSIVI SUNDAY TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY, INCLUSIVI STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA For fall informati werning leaving tiffie of trains, consult t Ticket Ag PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD recestocfocfucfocforferforfosfosfocfocfecfotesiociertesfocforieciosforforfocforfecteefecterfocfesosfosostocts ofeoforfostosfecfocforfocfecfocfesforfosfest: fesfocfocfesfecfocfocfcfectecfocfoctociocipefofecforforfocfesfocte SOOPPP Pb bidder didi ddd God dled fide MR. HORSE OWNER It will pay you to read this ad carefully, then come and inspect ETO E PET RTT TE my line of Flynets, Cooling BlanKets, Lap Dusters and all kinds of needs for the horse. + 9 * 9 + ” " “ L “ L " 9 " # » 9 » » * » Driving fly nets, fiank,........... Ci vden $2.25 and $2.50 Driving fly nets, to breast............... $2.75, $3.50, $3.75 feather tem BElS,.....ccvcostvir civic ronn dais, . $2.50 Yellows and ‘Black Cord Nets, $1.00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Wooler Cooling Blankets,......:.....00.1.. $1.50 to $5.00 o Always a complete line of all kinds of harness in stock. Prices cheerfully given F. B. GROFF North MarKet St. Mount Joy, Pa, Grdededeeriodesdodedoieboinpode oil beniriedeioiieioide defedededeidoloiiefofednioddeoid Ze BocBoatoadoatontonle teed. 8. 8 ROAR LPT TRS Ray-Killed Bacteri A method for steri milk with- out heating or adding preservatives is claimed to have been effectively dem- onstrated recently in Hollard. An ap- paratus has been constructed, it is explained, whereby the milk flows in a thin stream along an electric light, the ultra-viclet 5 working on the bacteria. The is attributed to the quality of the > formed under the influence of t.—The Argo- naut. of patent informs fortune AD PACES 1and 1 fo AD | D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYE 303 Seventh St., Wash ew ET Scotch Alarm Clock. A tourist in rural Scotland took ref- uge for the night in the cottag old lady He asked her to up early in the 1 § that he C. 8S. MUSSER, THE BAKI} 3 read ii al ¢ rex € \ through i ¥ h 1 th 1 h Strict rega fc I ties vd ] it's Py irize oun TT tition his flesh A ot DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS alwaes. seamad with oaits ot Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat fat which are dilated by : into Sh : ge-fec 530-532 Woolworth Building steer, not nursed into prominence, af Lancaster, Pa. fords the better steak or roast Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. 1 oe n He ~L Sunday and Other Hours Must Have Been Her Lucky Day. a lot of old pape nd magazines By Appointment t Mrs. T. G. Payson gave to the Sal- Both Phones vation army of Jersey City the other «2Y was an envelope containing $225 - 1877 Bell Lan., 994 in bills that Mrs .I n had overlook- 2d. After 20 men 1d searched for b DR THEEL 2 DRA. L. THEEL | hours fn the army's waste paper pile, 1719 Spring Garden St Mrs. Payson I¢ > n n Phila, Fi Ela Deutscher ey Aor Mrs. Pay RB n, the money was The German Treatment, the only | found and restored to her. teed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others e, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than se, ie Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All —-G-— ie Estesics, both sets Abusats Woke: =. Norvous Devi Lost Manhood rains, Atro . | ros oceles liydroceie, Repture & Stricture, | Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. PY: ens beck Tr + 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hosp. | » Book Free, tell tells all, exposing Huseums, | Frauds, Hrs. 9-4, 6-9; Sun. 9-2. | * uk CU ———— ¥ ” S- = Fa = ir ets a a_i NRTA! 4 Her PORTA C \Y HEN HOUSE Structure Is Suitable for Brooding Early Chicks and May Be Used on Range in Summer (By H. L. I T'} Mi Experi The {illustrations show a portable colony house which has a versal use, being suited for broodin early chicks, when fitted up Vv 1 indoor brooders It may be used as a colony house on the range for growing chicks during the summer, or as a special Side View of Colony House. pe for breeding hens in the early [ t by 12 s four inches rin I'he hous the of ne t ich ma- ed; for joists it} floor is then laid rk is constructed. toenailed to the front and placed three Le 1 the back, ar feet apart. Two by four inch pieces are used as plates. The door in the center is 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet. On each de of the door is a nine- light 8 by 10 inch glass window, hinged at the top to swing out and fitted in a way to permit its removal in sum- mer. The house can be easily hauled from one location to another, gely eliminating the question of yarding young chicks, and making the summer care of growing chicks comparatively easy. Simplicity of construction, economy of building material, efficiency of ven- tilation and lighting, with due regard to location and dryness are the essen- tial points to be considered in build- ing a poultry plant. All fixtures should be movable and simple in con- struction, being so placed as to utilize Front View. the least possible amount of floor space. Feed boxes, hoppers, nests, ete., should have sloping tops and win- dows should be arranged in a way to prevent birds from roosting in objec- tionable places. A little forethought in planning will make the house much more satisfactory and convenient. COOP IS MADE COLLAPSIBLE “Knockdown” Affair, Invented by In- diana Man, Can Be Taken Apart in Few Minutes. A sort of nockdown” chicken coop has been designed by an Indiana man. It can be put together in a minute or taken apart and laid away in six flat surfaces in the same time. The coop is of metal, and has rolled bead edges for s gement with each other. One of the most able eng turn- he whole family ze hole is moved Annual Reunion (Continued from page 1) sey, Rheems; Benjamin F. Hoff- man, Bainbridge; Mr. Amos Gish, Rheems. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Bossert, who had conducted the opening devotional services. Announcement was made at the close of the meeting that Mrs. Manson, of Connecticut, had given $300 for the purchase of a library paid a tribute to are compelled surroundings those who founded was made that the boy Too long there has been a as its objective and not the leaders success of America, resident will be an pleaded that the farm- be not classed peasants of France, its highest sense. Address By Miss Evans introduced as a furniture and and in conclusion she plead- | the cause represented meeting closed with the sing- ing of the “Star Spangled and the benediction by The Closing Meeting In the evening there of Lancaster, Reunion Conmunitte ——— AUTO CLUB NEWS laking a Great Campaign for Better Roads Hereabouts ommend on of « way in ancaster Autombile Club conducting its campaign for good 0 n Lan ter County was given | State Senator John G, Homsher wddressing the June meeting ol the club on Friday evening, Jane 21, Strasbun The senator who favo ood roads for their value to con n xpressed hi - tiol of the happy manner a- dopted by the club to prosecute con- ten and in a fraternal and moderate way its good roads camp- *n in whicl educational rather than force 1 lines a een i d The people 1 profit by he work of the club and as time XC on the results ill become nore apparent A larce amount of the ood road sentiment in the ( ty v ascribe by Senator ymsher » activitie of the club 'he m was the first by the 1¢ T.ancaster thi eason and it was largely at- tended and most successful. Presi- ent Wolf was in the cl The report of the good roads committee by Chas. M detailed the work of that active committee and told of numerous improvements be- ing made to city streets and county ads. On the recommendation of alter R. Markley chief of the pub- licity bureau, another compliment- ary run for the newspapermen of the county similar to those of the pas two vears will be held in the near | future The importance of teams showing liechts at night was shown in a leng- thy dis told of the extreme difficulty of | seeing an unlighted team on the | road and how drivers for their own safety should display a light on their vehicles, which many states | and cities now require. President to interest the mayor in having such an ordinance passed in Lan- aster A numler of instances of | bad roads were reported and refer- | \d to the good roads committee. Tt] was stated that Conestoga township has the worst roads in. the county. Members having complaints of bad | roads were requested to se nd them to Secretary J. G. Forney. The lub was unable to accept an invita- ion to participate in the Fourth of July parade in Lancaster and its reasons will be explained to those 1 charge by a special committee of wo In an address by Irvin H. Handley, city clerk of Los Angeles, a guest of the club, the speak- howed how good roads are a convenience to the autoist and a] profit to the farmer. Report of an interview with Mar- | tin B. Brenner, county superintend- | ent of roads for the State Highway | Department, was made by Walter R. | Markley. Since June 1, when the | State took over certain roads in lancaster county, Supt. Brenner has | made an inspection of several and has planned to remove breakers, in- | stall pipe for drainage and crown | tht roadway. He has difficulty with securing sufficient labor, and the fund available for repairs being | small, noly $60 per mile is allowed | him for dirt roads and nothing for stone roads except where absolutely necessary. He promises, however, better road conditions than under | the old supervisor system, After | electing eight new members the club i adjourned to meet at Ephrata on } Tuly 19 EE m—— ARE YOU ON OPPOSITE SIDE? Frank Crane Thinks the “Standing | Minority Report” Necessary to Keep Mankind Honest. Doubtless each of us knows some | one in his circle of acquaintances who is intellectually contrar: Such 8 one delights to t sion the opposite ke on every occas If he is in a religious community he | atheism; | will take his stand firmly for if he is among scoffers he will argue just as valiantly for the church. He is a standing minority report. He is a crooked stick that will not lie in the woodpile. Like Goe he is the spirit who co nies. This class of persons is a steady, | normal crop in the field of RUSTY. We would not get along without the They keep the kettle of things stir which otherwise would settle and spoil. These are they that keep the course of social life pure as a rune ning stream and prevent it from be- coming like a green, stagnant pool. They supply ginger for political | campaigns. They are the party out | of power. They are the watchdogs of | progress. Without them religion | would harden into a cruel tyranny of | superstition, falsehoods would be crys. tallized in power and ancient fraud live forever. They harass mankind into being honest.—Frank Crane. ane S— Aires ition. \dvertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. “= 2 4 @ scussion in which the motorist | LENE ERE BR i | slomeafertiosfooforiootecfostosfoof ofrrioctesforfooforfeoferforioofonfeefrofeoforfonfororferfosfeode forges deerpdnirfoigr odio drive logo Bleefoce foefeofoofoled EPRI T iodides Goode fed dioe Tit tbibi tr tt bb ri 111100011 11 he’s devil | antly de | & I] ¥ pI =e nesd June 26, 1912 COO OOOO NAA Cc i Vv i A 7 ne? THER If not wuill youtry thetrial size left at your house today There is nothing to equal it FOR CLEANING CLOTHING of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors on Men's or Ladies’ Coats It is soon time for house cledning and if you want to elean the woodwork or brighten up the furniture tse a tittle of the trial size 1 left you so that you will be convinced that there For House Cleaning We can sell any quantity you want at a very reasonable figure. . gf BR ul U East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. a TRE) OC) ogo 1912 Imperial Car Imperial Model 33 Roadster $1250 Specifications—4 5-16 by 5 1-4; 40 h. p; wheel-base 115; 34x33 demountable rims and tires, Mohair top, wind-shield; speedometer and gas tank. ru 9 i 150 Motor, 4% by 5 1-4; wheel base, 120 inches; full floating rear axle; tires, 36 by 4. Silk Mo hair Top; Wind-Shield, Speedometer and Gas Tank. Where can you get better value for your money? Imperial cars are noted for their quiet and beautiful oper- ation, remarkable flexibility, hill climbing capacity, simple con- struction, easy-riding qualities. These are features that should satisfy the most critical buyer. Imperial Cars are strictly high grade and at a medium price. Imperial Modei 34, Touring Car, Five 1400 Passenger, Fully Equipped Specifications: Motor, 4 5.16 by 5 1-4; 40 horse power; wheel base, 116 inches; tires, 34x4; demountable rims; mohair top; windshield; Speedometer and Gas Tank. A demonstrator will be here at intervals and can be seen at post office or Exchange Hotel. Pro-spective buyers are invited to request a demonstration. BELL 4-3, IND. 78-L. EE SE a HS SAA J. PF. LONGENECKER Agent, Lititz, Pa ofseeofosfonerfosforforfinfeofecforforjorfenfocfectoafesfenfoofocfocforfocforforfocfonfosfecionfesfofenfecfocorforforforfects sa PS 3 L.enet TA TE TAI ee —————r A Real Jewelry Store we wcza CE ETE Jewelry Stores are plenty in the general sense. But this is a jewelry store in all the special senses—not merely a little jewel- ry for Christmas, but for every time—for the gift givers, for the birthday, for the June bride, for the Commencement girl, for the silver, gold or diamond weddings. All my jewelry is fairly and honestly priced. Call and be convinced. rE a , Ik East Main Street, %. H. M LL ER, MOUNT JOY, PA. SOLO \ he rd Th. ~ ERE RRR EEE EEE ER ERE | NERETTEN CER Lo El. JE Ji J]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers