PAGE BIX FNP RR me uN « Automobile Buyers! - wi ® Here Is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From = x " . . n : Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone » Columbus, Velie, Oakland. " —— es en a : » w § . » « © u on o — ; -— » We are also In position to quote you on delivery trucks and = = carry a variety of second-hand rs. Do not fail to look them over w Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the ® E county. B We have just closed a contract for oll which enables us to = sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know ¢& = it to be good. Your patronage solicit o w &® & Landis Bros., Rheems. : 0 EERE RE Reserved Seal Tickets FOR Lancaster Horse and Automobile sfeodespreorfordpciripeipoipoiedorocfede ecto foforfro dod Show On Sale At : “Music Hall” : Kirk Johnson & Co, ; is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenport China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Mirrors Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY. PENNA J. Y. KLINE All Kinds Concrete Work Door and Window Sills and Lintles, Chimneys, Etc. FI. ORIN, - EE — —-— DAINTY SUMMER SHOES for dainty people and meat, stylish and durable ones for more sturdy wear. In either case our footwear | will always give perfect satisfac- tion, beeause it is faultless in shape, style and finish, comfortable and - enduring in its wearing qualities. ‘New styles for Spring ready for J. G. KEENER W. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, WILL BE DEADLY FOE GERMAN CLAIMS HE CAN MAKE AIRSHIP INVISIBLE, Pr iF r 3 1s Large as th 3 imer Oly to Defy ti Te e nce 1 I? inv [ dy pater b ron Hoenn 3 nl ) | wn n Ei nd h aval engineer 0 ¢ ¢ be id to 1} $ Al ho r ny 1 vi 1t y tec cal v] [ \ ne has } 1 1 Ne t ( il ( y I 1€ it : 1 it « 1 V p is in ) 1 I'ake wa v white sheet ( £ \ ol a few f Vi abl detect where the paper the wall begins Bt & 1 is the wall looks all wall. You would never suspect the paper of i there if you did not known already. That is Baron Roenne’s idea The outside covering of his airship is made of metal, the composition of which is a secret. It is almost as strong as steel, yet it only weighs one- fourth as much. No hydrogen can leak from a vessel made of it, so the danger of an air )» exploding from that cause disappears. It is due to the discovery of chro- mium, in fact, that the invisible air- ghip is possible. The most important thing about the metal, as far as Baron Roenne is concerned, is that it pos- a very hi r polished surface. a thin The le, in fact, airs} irroms, and { of them the d y reflected from the eartl ter The keel will taper t } t there will b the bottom of the it will be like the ch Ilways like the color of surroundi In other words, it will be invisi Baron Roenne’s new terror of skies will be as large as the Olyr The Olympic, if it could float in sl y be detected at a height of four or five miles, yet Roenne’s dirigible will be absolutely invisible, even to telescopes, at a dis- tance of less than a mile! It is designed to carry 400 passen- gers, or their equivalent in cargo, and it will be fitted with 15 motors, devel- oping nearly 2,000 horse power. Pat- ents have already been taken out in England. What this *new sky scraper” will mean in time of war can hardly be realized. It could carry enough am- munition to utterly wreck any city, or blow the world’s biggest navy to pieces.—Pearson’s Weekly. Ah-Tish-Oo! | The only attention we pay to a PA. SHEPHERD OF THE SEA HUNGARIAN MAN OF WEALTH HAS EARNED TITLE. Has Long Devoted Life, Fo ents and St th in M ring to Emigrants From His Own and Other Lands Count Vay de Vaya. lord abbot of St, Martin's in Hungary, hus earned the title of “The Shepherd of the Seas,” because he spen I his talents and his strength, in min- istering to poor emi er ch A man of I amid scenes of squalor and suffering might so spend ating we help those who are his equals a1 timates Count de Vaya Is one of t inces for wlier birth, and one bred naer na and one of the 1 Hung } 1 h help the poor « rant try and from « has forsaken the ease that his riches would bring to with them on many troubled seas and teach them how to «« in the comforts sail nduct themselves y to face. “At home,” he said, poor are forever watched over by the parish priest, who is their spiritual father. He tells them how they shall conduct their lives and listen and obey. Then also there neighbors with whom the peasant hopes to stand well and to be respected. This environ- ment helps him to lead a Christian life, to be honest, industrious and strong to resist temptation. Then he hears of brighter opportunities in a new land, ¢ all of his little possessi away. Every- thing ti in the past, the te , the good word i of his new life the “the are the 1 he sells sails i But if it is good 1 be a good man as he work that all of the gi me 1S to meet w d to fill them with eator, v that God has given these poor people a the thoughts of o duty we all owe to one another, and with the peace that comes from good and the torment that comes from evil, “I opened the first Hungarian church in the slums of Chicago. This was in 1905. I have visited all of the differ- ent labor centers in the United States, ith the I" CI and I have crossed the ocean 19 | times. And always I am seeking to place in the hands of the helpless the sword of righteousness, with which to | fight temptation. On one ship, the Ul- | tonia, from Fiume, I preached to 2,300 emigrants. I speak nine languages, | and I preached to them, so all could | ! and in the Slav. | sneeze at the present day is to endeav- | or to get rid of the chill which causes | | it, but a sneeze in the days of old and import. There was then a god of sneezing, and great undertakings would even be abandoned if a man sneezed at an in- appropriate moment, the act being looked upon as the oracle of the god. A sneeze between midnight and noon was looked upon as a fortunate sign, but between moon and midnight it betokened great misfortune. To sneeze to your right was lucky; to the left unlucky. Two or four sneezes were lucky, one or three very unlucky, and any undertaking in hand should, if possible, be abandoned; more than four sneezes did not count. There is a saying in many parts of England today, “Once a wish, twice a kiss, three times a letter, four times something better.” If people sneezed together it was a good sign, particular- ly if they happened to be discussing business. Biddy’s Blunder. Mrs. Howard Hinckle has recently had a remarkable experience with a new Irish girl: “Biddy,” said she, one evening, “we must have some sausages for tea this evening. I expect company.” “Yes, ma'am.” Tea time arrived, and with it, the company; the table was spread, the tea was simmering, but no sausage ap- peared. “Where are the sausages, Biddy?” inquired Mrs. Hinckle. “And sure they're in the tay-pot, ma'am! Didn't you tell me we must have ‘em for tay?” As a Man Is Known. “A man, like a watch, is known by | his works,” observed the epigram mak- er. “And by the hours he keeps,” added | the wife. “And by the spring in him,” said the athlete. “And by his being sometimes fast,” remarked the reformer. “And by the way his hands go up,” | put in the pugilist. “And by his not always going when | we want him -to,” finished the girl | who'd been robbed of her beauty sleep. eet 3 eee: For Sale Several good Building Lots front- | Mount Joy and extending in depth of that width 154 feet. There is a good stable on these lots that could very easily be converted into a double dwelling. For further particulars apply to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy. ——— I eee Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. i Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. ing 95 feet on South Barbara Street, | | storm Samuel Eby, jr., residing near | of the seeds that I have sown. Greece was a matter of great concern | i | day. | | ! experience. | understand, in Hungarian, in German A more devout peo | ple I never saw. I am glad to say that I have seen something of the results | And if | the work is continued, in a generation i or two it will go far toward bettering | conditions all over the world.” | Belaseo’s Idea of Venom. An actor, at the Players’ club in| New York, praised David Belasco. “You oan’t make a silk purse out | of a sow's ear,” he said, “but Mr. | Belasco, time and again, has made a | skillful and flery artist out of a cold | and awkward amateur, | “Mr. Belasco has a happy way, at rehearsals, of driving home his points, | Thus, one day, he wasn’t satisfied with the contempt that a leading lady was | putting into a certain speech. { “‘More contempt!’ he said, ‘More | spite! More venom?!’ | “‘Oh, I can’t do any better than 1 | am,’ sald the lady. “Rubbish! Of course you can, | cried Mr. Belasco. ‘Hiss the lines as youl hiss the word ‘Musquash,’ if you saw a lady friend ih a great, long, imitation sealskin coat.’ ”—New York Bun. | | One Leg en the Ground Always. In 1872 Gov. Leland Stanford of | California had an argument, which | ended in a bet, with a friend, wheth- er a horse ever has: four legs off the ground at the same moment vite | running. i Eudweard Maybridge, an Paghioh- man and a photographer, had become interested and put up twenty‘four | cameras on the race track, so ar- | ranged that the horse would have to break the strings. The individual | pictures were all of even size. He | pasted these together, then used the toy knoswn as a ‘“zeotrope,” and it was found that all four feet never leave | the ground except in jumping. —By | the Narrator, Rare Gift for Mrs. Taft. Among the strange gifts Mrs. Taft | has received are several sacred tea | plants from the garden of the Bud- dhist priests in- Ceylon. The plants were sent to the Secretary of Agricul- | ture, who will have them cared for in | the tea farms of the Carolinas, which | are under the supervision of the de- | partment. i RR 1 a A Man Struck By Lightning | During a recent heavy thunder- Elm, was struck by a bolt of lighting | and the wonder is that he is alive to- He was knocked down and for about four hours was unconscious from the effects. He is now about about again as usual. Mr. Eby cer- tainly passed through a remarkable | | . Wednesday, Laat 26, 1912 elelodeiroirrdodrodileoddededodeoiedederiododeddededde doddoiidoieddedodoind CEPT ‘ THE DONOVAN COMPANY THE DONOVAN COMPANY } ; ¥ Have You Been To Our June Bride $ i nage y young folks furnish who h should are a lew st Hel 1 items selected from hundred read them carefully, Refrigerators 1-4 Off | 3 Sale of Furniture and Carpets? $15 Iron Bed Complete 14,000 square ving with the our buyers nd mills Iron Bed, 23 normous; | lned at $1 inufacturers are ull tr ur A ——— a QO cole Donovan's For Less--Always S1 1.90 Brusse S $9 a0 ————————————— w———— — RR ugs 5 . . 4 Y al; et A special purchase of manufacturer's dis- During Our June Bride Sale Our | conynudy 20S0u Pusdase of manufacturer's dis- is = \ > i. rr cost of manu ture, All Wool Brussels, room | rices Will Prove a Revelation {0 You size, a Wide range of beautiful patterns In the richest colorings. A limited number, surely you'll a int to e the wonderful : ee to house- money $10.90, Full size very teel frame spring: Ar —— $10.90 mattress complete; offering at brass trimmings for real comfort extra strong. pring ind 5; an extraordinary bed, white, well made, woven wire top; BRT TTTITTTTTTTITeYIeeTY eelecleifieciedietedicailedoaisaoiogiogiogt ab ga ut. 2 ub bE aS home or a ly investi- Ve a certain Ca 1500 yard oj og oe og ge og oh 3 3 og : 3 Choose % stock 1 pa) og ge ¥ 3 x ogo og of ole of 3 of an extra good gathering of patterns suitable 1 Refrigerator in our entire | for parlor, dining rooms, halls and stairs; we and 25 per cent less for it. The | have borders to match most of these. At this variety includes the famous “Century” refrigerat- | Wonderfully low price, we will not charge for ¥ or, the great ice saver: ena led interic solid | making carpet any size you want, ode oak case, splendid circulation of air—Prices $6 to i 850.00. — rm — a ——— 8 ne - oko 2a a 50c Ingrain + $50 Parlor ¢ G i 550 Parlor S$ Carpets " 3 Suits ¥ One f our most pop + Parlor Suits Heavy wool filled Ingrain Carpets, designs J consists of sofa, rocker, arm ir and two wall pleasin and attractive—and woven 5 2 chai 1 frame, neatly ick, which nables you to use ge a 1 her s X patt 5s to choose from se o ogo 4 9 plush or 3 a a 5 5 5 i 5 3 ¥ % 90c Brussel s of high grade Brussels Carpets; naam vemanca oc w—— 60c¢. rpets CE RT TTTTTTTe Tee TTR tdedd Molediedoditedindaldodhadd dt a 2 2 aa and a great value s 5 oo J & | riced items. Be sure to come > to 1 10ther da f tremen- 32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Geolociedocfocfocforforfocierioriecfeniorirfociocfrfodocoafececonis sosocforfonfoofosoofe ifoefocfocoofocfonyy efeocfocfonierforforferiorioofocfodfordeoforfocfosfociecfosfeofesfeciocireforforioefofocfenfororiondofoufeafeody eel eloeloriookh olodle dlediuete Poctoctdt edt l 2. 5 5 5 4 BET COTTE TTT DDLDTDPR EE a DOUBLY PROVEN Mount Joy Readers Can No Longer Doubt The Evidence This Mt. Joy citizen testified long ago. Told of a quick relief of lasting benefit. The facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete—the | evidence conclusive, It forms convincing proof of merit. | Mrs. L. P. Heilig, Main St.,, Mt. | Joy, Pa., says: “I had been troubled by kidney complaint for some time | and nothing had helped me. My | back was often so weak that I could | not get about and I had severe head- | aches and dizzy spells. Spots flashed | before my eyes and I felt all run | down, Seeing Doan’s Kidney Pills | advertised, I procured a box at’ Garber’s Drug Store and began their | use. I consider this remedy worthy of my endorsement.” (Statement | given October 26, 1907.) Confirmed Proof On Japuary 29, 1911, Mrs. Heilig | added to the above: | “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney | Pills just as highly now as I did | over two years ago when they gave | me such great reief. 1 take Pleesure| in confirming my former statement.” | For sale by all dealers. Price 50| cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New| York, sole agents for the United | States. | Remember the name—Doan’s— | and take no other, | SILVER SPRING ] Mr. Waser has the painters busy] coating hig house. | Sk | Rk Aiter You Are Through Experimenting with The Just-as-Good-Kind BUICK LOCOMOBILE AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS Sold strictly on their merits. New 1912 Cars Now Here Lancaster Automobile Co. GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., LANCASTER le. PENNA. The largest and only strictly first class fireproof garage and repair shop in Lancaster City of County. SE DOES UPHOLSTERING Persons having upholstering to John Irwin is remodeling his barn do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, or and building a garage. The Silver Spring TU. B. school held Children’s Day Sunday evening, | John Stauffer who has been on! the sick list for two menths is not improving very rapidly. Mrs Nora Hoffer, of Iowa, is at home waiting on her mother, Mrs’ Jacob Stauffer, who has been critici- ally ill for some time. A. L. Hershey, with his force of painters, has gone to Marietta to finish painting the house of W. LIL. Hershey, the former’s brother. — Oe eee Receiver's Bond Approved The court has approved the of John A. Nauman and B. J. as receivers of the Elizabethtown and Marietta Eleceric Light com- pany. The bond is in the sum of $10,000 with Lancaster Trust com- pany as surety. etl ree een. Shenck—Rosenberger i Prof. John H. Shenck, Burgess of Manheim, and Miss Emma BE. Ros- enberger were married last Satur-, day at Manheim. Best wishes. | ——— A Cee | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bullet!a. | Sunday bond Myers § /placing window shades or anything {in general repair work, will confer ©d the old Mooney Hotel, adding a a favor and save money by calling number of sleeping rooms, bath, etec., services on me. Prices are right. H. 8. MUSSELMAN, May15-3mo. Florin, Pa. MADAME Dadar D MENSTRUATION, 8 A Sarg, Cerrary Revi for Sc NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. faction Guaranteed or M for $1.00 per box. Will se when relieved. Sampl have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., 80x 74, LANCASTER, PA. Sold in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler & Co. LUNG DISEASE “After fuar in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING’S NEW | DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Martin L. Grelder, late of Mount Joy Borough, Pa., de- ceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make ims- mediate payment, and those having claims and demands against the same will present them without de- lay for settlement to the under |signed. SAMUEL 8. GREIDER, | Mount Joy, Pa., R. D. No. 4 CHRISTIAN S. GREIDER, |P. O. Box 264, Harrisburg, Pa. Administrators. Cleon N. Berntheizel, Attorney. may 29-6t. ce Ice I wish to inform the pubdie that I have one of the largest erops of Pure Crystal Spring Water Ice that I have had since I am in the busimess, which I am now ready to serve the public. Wagon thru Mt. Joy and Florin dally. See me before piaeciag your ovder for the semsom. Prices reasonable. C. S. Frank Bell Phone. MT. JOY, PA. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. ! RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Ete. Ete. | | | | Private dining room for ladies. J. Wr. MoeGinnis, PROPRIETOR Electric suffering from pain in my head and back,” writes H. L , Raleigh, N., C., “and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. I THERA LMOTP li 5 u i ; = u 2 » # a ® a To C
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