BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA Wednesday, April 24, 1912, A be MOUNT JOY, I'A I Fditor & Proph SUBSCRITTL PRICE $1 A YEAR Si lox . WO Lend Three Months 35 Cents Single Coples 2 Cents Sample Fil Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mi il matte All correspondents must ! their esommunications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday Chan- ges for advert ements must posi- tively reach this office not late than Monday night New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night Advertising rates on appll- cation 2 —— ee ———————————————— a— — EDITORIALS presidential candl- Some of the dates talk like - “white hopes.” | “ o» ! a true magnate wants, others fellow The more the less the gets. What will we dash for now, since both poles have been discovered. * * . * enough and | her radiant | Give Spring chances she will get here in all glory. » * * » La Follette Dakota Republican wagon and dragoon. « » & @ North | horse | swallowed the delegates’ A woman never thinks her hus- band unreasonable as when he ex- pects her to be reasonable » % » » Our idea of a pessimist is the | man who is worrying about how hot it is going to be next August. r * * A | How appropriate that while it is yet in its infancy the Chinese Repub- lic is to establish kindergartens. yr 5. 8% ¢ 0 There is no reason why the United States should follow the example of European nations in coal strikes. . - . - the people of most of them | | New York. | { | | Three-fourths of Brooklyn are aliens, having emigrated * = & » = from would like to see | business prosper, vet he wants it to remember all the time who is boss. Mr. Roosevelt Evanston, says if you are Perhaps Prof. Scott of your feet are cold, ed with something. weather. displeas- | the Whether Captain Amundsen beat Captain Scott to the South Pole or not, he certainly beat him in the race back. - * = » Cap Hobson should . cheer up— the Panama Canal may be blown up by the volcano before the Japs de- cide to take it. . - * 3 Dr. Wiley didn’t resign under fire, except such fire as is directed at all times against the man who is doing his duty. . w * - “Kaiser changes his mind twice in one day,” says a headline. What a great candidate was lost when he was born a king! LE ss c Our idea of a liberal-minded man |s is one who would contribute an ol ina 1 LANCASTER - = = ‘A Vacuum Cleaner) I errr 3c N Dal gdll gl $10 JUNIOR Is » more clean~ other HE DOMESTIC n leaner that will do han many high priced uch more than any an equal price like a carpet eaner ol sweeper sweeper-—but is cleaner that hrough | 100KS like a carpet cleaner-——a Arpets acuum in ( 1 and rugs t and through This shows the amount of solid dirt which the Domestic Junior took from a carpet which looked clean. All we ask of any housewife is [that she give it one fair trial—plick |out the cleanest carpet in the house {and run this vacuum cleaner over it—then open the cleaner—look at the amount of dirt you got out of your carpet or rug which you thought was clean, The cost of this wonderful little vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and is sold to you with the guarantee to { be perfectly satisfactory in every re- [spect or we will refund your money. Drop card for circular and demon- stration. B. FF, PEFFER Agent MOUNT JOY, PENNA. HAVE YOU DECIDE What You Would Wear for Spring and Summer ? Aprorciprinntipr df | IT HAS BEEN A CAREFUL STUDY WITH US ABOUT STYLE, THE HOME HEALTH CLUB | iy Dr. David Reeder, La Porte, Ind. \ GREAT WALK A musician New York, Mi David Beach, fis king from Ne York City to Chi go, a thousand mile ind on the | long tral will eat nothing but | raw food she is an enthusiast on | the “no meat" diet, ad she is taking this long walk to prove her theory and contention that through a diet of raw foods lies the road to health, wealth and prosperity There is no wager to be laid on the feat and it will not even come under the newspaper heading, Moreover, the feat for “Sports of the Day.’ lady is not performing the notoriety or any other gain than that which she hopes to achieve for | all the world in the matter of show- | ing how the general health may be increased She is evidently a “well- to-do” woman, as she will be accom- panied on the tramp by her own automobile, chaffeur and maid, and a correspondent who will give the details of the trip to the press. Moreover, she pays all of her own expenses The lady will walk the tance, not for but as the most palpable hibiting to all the world, may undergo great continuous, like labor, upon a diet or any other cooked food is exclud- ed, and yet she does not advocate “he idea that folks should not eat cooked food, but no meat. on this trip, merely excluding food to emphasize her contention that the simplest food people to live on, and that entire dis- spectacular purposes, way of ex- that one exertion, and any other kind of from which meat and is, cooked is best for much decreased quantities are better, She also ad- mits that this should all be arrived at by degrees and should not be begun. this person is the most that has so far as we radically Altogether remarkable ‘‘enthusiast”’ come into public notice, While she handiest walk- one know. insists that ing is the exercise for to take, she insist that one does not "should walk a long distance to work and back. She does not insist that one should carry a lot of grain in a pocket, to be eaten between meals, that the kitchen range should Aiter You Are Through Experimenting with The Just-as-Giood-Kind LOCOMOBILE AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS Sold strictly on their merits New 1912 Cars Now Here Lancaster Automobile Co,” i a mat it you are bra GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 0-238 W. King St., PENNA. The largest and only strictly first lass fireproof garage and repair hop in Lancaster City of County. equal amount to each presidential i SE | SE candidate's campaign. s v * » Only a fire, cyclone, cataclysm, or act of Congress will save Washing- ton, declares Doc. Wiley. Well, we have no preference. * . » . The speaker of the New Arizona legislature is a railroad switchman, but what the baby state really needs is an engineer. LE I J. P. Morgan told Lin Cavalier that he wished he knew her beauty secrets. Well, sir, the Sunday papers cost only a nickel. . » » * Simultaneous : outbreaks against officers of the law in New York, Vir- t ginia and Nebraska have prevented | any sectional mud-slinging recently. Ad * . ® Governor Hadley, the Republican | governor of Mississippi has liberated | 504 felons. It is going to be mighty | hard for the Democratic party to | carry Missouri. * * * * | These congressional ovations to! Speaker Clark will be commended | by his friends to the Baltimore con- | vention as models of style. . . > . A sixteen-inch gun that will shoot fourteen miles will be a powerful | argument for arbitration in the minds of a government which does possess any such weapons. ® » * - The minister's wife who testified in eourt that she had moved into thirty homes in eight years is com- | petent to sympathize with the | Methodist preacher's daughter who! used to tell her friends that she was | born all along the South shore. * » - » One of the Vanderbilt Woes | gave a dog party at Palm Beach | Champ Clark’s famous houn dawg | was not there, not having. been in. | vited. It wouldn't feel at home any- | way, with a campaign approaching | in which its master expects to ap- | peal to the plain people for support. | and many serious sicknesses you will avoid if you keep your bowels, liver and stomach in good working order CHANDLE 6.45 West Main Sk. DUT OF SORTS 2 Lots of discomfort—the blues— )y timely use of be thrown out of a window, that that is not one should eat anything desired, but she declares that if she can persuade a great many to quit eating meat and very much of any- (thing else, her mission will have been performed, and while she has a set of rules for diet that she strict- ly follows herself and thus keeps herself strong, healthy and compet- | ent, she only declares that the more {of her rules that are adopted, the greater will be the benefit of those {who adopt them. While declaring: that coffee is bad [tor the health of anyone she says: [e1t you believe that you must have | your demi-tasse after dinner, have it, but please give up coffee at [luncheon and drink milk instead. If |your palate craves bacon and egs, eat as little of the bacon as possible. know that if you are liberal fier form of diet to read what I write |about it you will be willing to try a [tew of its features. Once you obey one of my rules consistently or try half a dozen of my recipes, you are lost. Gradually the habit of follow- ing my advice will grow upon you and you will become healthy in spite of yourself, “Everybody wants to be healthy, but few want to take the trouble. It is difficult for a person who lives in boarding to diet, no matter how much he may want to. I will tell you though, how even the man who lives in a boarding house can improve his health. “Most of my recipes need a kit- chen at least, a Kkitchenette— for their perparation. I am going to give a great many receipts for dish- es that require cooking. Even I eat cooked food when in my own home. I am going to touch nothing but raw foods on my long tramp, however. I want to undergo the most severe test possible to prove that my the- ories apply as to the many who do manual labor as they do to the wo- man who has servants to wait upon FIG LAX | | very 12 doses, 10c. 36 doses, 25c at The Druggist Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. § p. m. MT. JOY, PA. FRADE-MARKS and copyrights blaine od or no 'ee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief description, for FREE SEARCH and report on pasentabigty, 25 years experience Send 2-cent stamp for NEW B K fo of patent information. it So0KLET, 0 ne 1 june 12 bef oh a EAD FP PAGES 1. > ore applying D. SWIFT & CO. TENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. | this stage of the world. {and at two of the (vails, a better her and who seldom goes out of her home.” Evidently this lady is very intell- igent, decidedly philanthropic and much in earnest. Moreover, many of her theories are sound, though to some extent impractical at She will do a great deal of good, and it matters not how good it is done so that it is jaccomplished. The Home advises the very Health Club constantly coffee, the reduction of meat out of the three, reduction of quan- tity in all foods consumed by the in- dividual: : the simplest food that one can possibly bring oneself to eat alone with. This, with plenty of ex- ercise, deep-breathing, pure air and water, sanitation and all cleanliness, will work wonders in the advance- ment of the world, through increase of realth, capability and consequent happiness and prosperity. As Mrs. Beach says: wants to be healthy, take the non-use of considerable meals, none; the “Everybody but few want to trouble,” and means far more than physical good feeling. It means a better state of mind and heart, a greater capacity for doing well and to the extent that it pre- people and a world to live in. ; STYL MOUNT JOY HALL BUILDING wearin proswir ipo GETZ BROS, COLOR AND WORKMANSHIP, AND IT’S JUST THIS TIME WE GIVE THESE DETAILS THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SAFE IN BUY- ING HERE. YOUNG MEN LIKE TO FEEL THAT THEY ARE UP | TO THE SECOND, BUT MORE THAN THAT, THAT THEIR CLOTHES LOOK WELL, A MONTH OR A YEAR FROM NOW. STYLEPLUS CLOTHES Are the greatest values for the money that have ever been put on the market. EPLUS SUITS, $17.00 UNIQUE SUITS, $7 to $20 Mount Joy, Pa. CLUB NOTES Dear Doctor: -— Please tell me what can be or done but very thin® of to gain flesh. Am well, Have been drinking warm milk with Am 23 years old little satisfaction. and : For ie Year Ending married Mrs. N. P. A. ———— — deep breathing systemat- daily Practice three times about one ed and removed. | Boyce David, Commis All readers of this publication are | and supplies at liberty to write for information Bube Alois, pertaining to the subject of health at any time. Address all communica- tions to the Home Health Club, La | Ice ... J. H., Paint { Buohl, M. N, | Brubaker, | Brunner, H. geese located He ran with thought he seen wild along a small stream. | Pennell, Ji Fey examination, before better | | were granted a marriage license. aiming his Rink, fowls to be wissimer, John labor firearm, observed the Bulletin Printery, Printing Surveys and acknowledgements C. Furniture Porte, Indiana, with name and ad- | Dice Goo. labor... $ 375 dress and full and at least four cents | Edison Electric Light Co. in postage. | Street Lights ........ $ 479.35 ——- Ee Eagle, Eli H., Hauling $§ 315.29 Te Frank Geo. labor ...... $ 12.76 NORTHWEST RAPHO | Fellenbaum’ R., Salary, Henry C. Frey delivered his 1911 | Postage, etc. ........ $ 48.47 crops of tobacco on Saturday. | Fellenbaum, ‘A. 'H., Dist Sh: 3 Boro Tax Notices .. 3 .63 : : Woaday (Frank, H. P., labor.. § .37 horn was tooting on Monday. Futer, B. F., Recharging Many farmers are engaged in| pattery ............. $ .65 hauling their spring fertilizer. Glatfelter, J., auditing $ 2.00 Mrs. Maria Werner visited in the | Garber, Jacob, labor $ 8.86 c B dt on Sunday | Garber, H. S., auditing .. § 2.00 family of C. B. Brandt o >* |Givens' Elmer, painting John Geib and family spent Sun- PO $ 67.00 day visiting relatives in Milton |Gillums, H. H., salary § 45.00 Grove | Hoffer, J. E., appropria- : ' tions for medicines in Mr. and Mrs, Joseph: O- Werner / small pox case ...... $ 189.76 and son William spent Sunday in the caqworth & Crandall Co. family of F. W. Geib. i Crossing Plate ....... § 17.11 Frank Shenk and family spent | Henry, H. ; M. Songreliag i 4333 | Hamaker, S., labor ! I Fi Sunday in the home of his rover: | Hensel, YW. Ww Solictor . 3 41.87 Clayton, near Green Tree church. ! Herald Printing Co. Print- John Stern, of Harrisburg, on Fri-1 ing ................ $ 6.00 day paid a brief visit to Mrs. John | Herr, Reuben, labor : 225:87 M. he West Hershey, F. E., auditing. . ¥ Stem, osing if he Wester iinkie LL, 1ab0n. oss» $ 19.12 border o ques {Hinkle W=-. labor ...... $ 3.00 Messers. S. S. Eshleman and Noah | Hoffer, Jno. E., salary .., $§ 36.00 Gibble accompanied by Christian Hoffman Clayt, resording § 5.38 Hiestand, jr., hauled C. B. Hie- Kramer, labor ......... 2.25 on i 5 L ‘tobacco. t Kolp, Albert labor ...... $ 127.056 stanc s entire crop o obacco to | ip’ M. M.. appropriation Lititz on Saturday. {i for B®. FP. Co... ..... 50.00 John Stern and wife,of Harrisburg Manheim & Mt. Joy Elec spent several days last week visitin tric Light Co. ........ 850.62 2 the family amin K. she % over G., supplies’ ...... $ 101.98 : : ie A | Newcomer H. S. supplies. $ 66.08 man. The latter is a sister to Mrs. Newcomer, BE. W. Prof. Eshelman. services... ih, $ 1.40 On Saturday a certain young man Northern Mutual Fire Ins. CO: Slain ai $ 10.80 J. R. printing . § Annual Report Mount Jo. Borough March 13, 1912 RECEIPTS sion 46.79 $ b.34 $ 23.76 $ 95.69 $ $ ~ 35.62 147.00 ‘Tonsorial Parlor PROCLAMATION Hon. Charles I. COURT Whereas, the dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- ler, Associate, Judges of the Court Lan- and Assistant Justi- and Termi- Delivery and Peace in and have is directed things of l.ancaster, Courts of Oyer Jail es of the € and General Quarter Sessions of the for the County of Lancaster, sued their precept, to me among other to make # Common Pleas in and for the Coun! { | | { leally, Balance in Treas. March public proclamation thru- | hour after each meal. For desert eat 3, 1001 a... 978.90 | out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy- daily 2 ounces salted almond nut premium Foreign Fire Ins. [er and miner and a General Jail meats or chocolate admond candies. 0h Sigs viet ii $ 22.16 | Delivery y a Court of the General , : ¢ a Hote icense yy : 20.00 Juarte Sessions of the Peace and Lie down after dinner for ai least 39 BO en ? P.O. y? BE ioe ary, will commence in the minutes, sleep between 8 and 10 Rent i...ivaiiivivs,s $ 250.00 | Court House in the City of Lancas hours every night. If you can do pyrgess Hoffman Pole Tax $ 388.70 | ter, in the Commonwealth of Penn so. 0 to bed early and get up late. Burgess Hoffman Licenses $ 24.75 sylvania, : : If you follow this regime religiously David Boyce, collected for On The Third Monday in April >. ; Oe 1910 is $ 879.34] (The 15th), 1912 for six months and don’t Worry In py, 4 poyce, collected for | In pursuance of which precept Pub- the meantime, you: will be as plump 1911 ............nn $2333.81 | ji Notice is hereby given to the May- as you wish to be. If you don’t gain (Old Iron Sold ....... $ 1.13 | 5; and Alderman of the City of Lan- the desired amount of fat under this [Bolen Blocks Sold $ 15.11 | caster, in the said county, nd all the en |. Jrigtices 0 e Peace, >» Coroner system, they you should have a | $5313.90 Jago este ue © one thorough and careful examination | goyee, Collector, reports tv of Lancaster, that they be then made by a reliable and experienced butstanding tax to be and there in their own proper per- physician who is familiar with re-| collected ............ $1115.77 | sons with their rolls, records and ex- flux nervous troubles and have the | EXPENDITURES aravations, Bad Inqusitions, to ae cause of mal-assimulation discover-| Bombach, John, repairs $ 2.95 [those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done, and also those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be, in the jail of the said ‘ounty of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 23d day of March, 1912. AARON B. LANDIS, Sheriff Shaving Halr Cutting Joseph B. Hershey East Main St., MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL Spring Garden Bt., (formerly 585 N. 6th 3 9 Boe Pa.) Ein Deutscher Arts, Only German Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than the Disease itsell, it’s a curse of humanity. All Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weake nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, Piles, Losses, Varicoeele, Hydrocele, Rupture & Stricture, no eutting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hospe €xp. in Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Museums, ity & Country Advertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4, 6-9; Sun. 9-2. C. 8S. MUSSER. THE BAKER Fresh Bread and Cakes Delivered through town dally #resh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention store & Bakery, West Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. Branch Store at E. Ream’s. Peffer Frank, decorations § 12.75 sanitary | the gun so that he puffed like an en- and decorating wie Boece $ 65.00 gine to get to the spot and on closes P.R. R., freight cee $ 85.59 'Reist, John, dist. notices. $ 1.43 | $ 124.05 39.10 | guineas. Stauffer, J. N. & Bro. stone ..........n.. $ 964.16 sell Me wee=e=—teseee Smeltzer, F. labor ...... $ 7.50 ’, : Now why Schock, C. sand, coal and Wants New Irin : amber... i asi d $ 162.95 Harry Waring, of Harrisburg, South Zanesville Brick Co. found guilty by a jury at quarter Brick iil $ 90.37 sessions court in Lancaster, Wed- Snyder Adam, burying dog § 50 nesday afternoon, on two counts of Wharvell John, labor $ 51.83 : Webb J. E. repairs ...... $ 2.82 false pretense, last evening entered Welsh A. B. labor ...... $ 276.71 bail in the sum of $1,000 ‘before! williams Eli, special ser- Judge Hassler for his appearance vice and labor ....... $ 154.03 there in September. It is understood | Zercher E. H. stone $ 147.31 that an effort will be. made for a | $5313.34 new trial. Waring was prosecuted pajance in Treas. Mar by H. C. Schock and Clarence; 25, 1912 ........... $ 300.66 Schock, of Mount Joy. The alleged | RIE : > roy. id $5313.90 offence was committed in exchang- | ! ing certain certificates. Respectfully submitted, H. S. GARBER, etl F. E. HERSHEY, Licensed to Wed ! E. M. TREXLER, Auditors. Mr. I. F. Grove of Lancaster and for T-3¢t. Miss Elsie N. Hershey of this place, | — | Advertise in the Mt. | Joy Bulletin. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a | number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain trans. ient and regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he | will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Etc. Etc. Private dining room for ladies. American Plan Rates Moderate Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J. M.. Backenstoe, Pro. Has just been remodeled thruout. Has all modern conveniences such as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam | feat, Electric Light, Etc Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. Also Liunech Counter y *N : Where sandwiches, Cheese, Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Etc., Ete., are served Soups, BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Yelephionee TROLLEY SCHEDULE Lancaster, Rohrerstor=, Landisville, Salunga, Mt. Joy and Elizabeth- town Street Railway Co. WESTWARD Lancaster 5 y 6 10.15, , 6.15, ‘6.15, id Leave Rohrerstown—a m 85, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, 11.35, P m, 3.3, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35, , 8.67, 9.67, 10.67, 11.67. , 3.67, 4.57, 6.67, 6.67, 7.87, 8.67, 9 lunga—A m, 6.15, 6.00, i%. 5 " 8.16, 9. Sy Bi — Fro FRR gt on a8 8 eo SRE 553k rosea en 833 5 2 < ® 2 : 5 sg Ta I: » 8 5 8 .16, 1.16. P m, 12.15, 1. 8.15, $35 6.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15 m, 12.15. Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.46; 8.45, 9.45, 10.46, 11.45. Pm, 12.45, 1.45, ie 28.1 45, 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, "9.45, 10.45, A m. BASTWARD Leave Rlisabetheown A 2 6.65, 7.4 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, 11.46. P m 46, 1.46, 2.48, ig 16.5.4 i, 7.45, 8.45, 3 10.45, Am Leave Mount Iya n od 5.80x, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.16. 15 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15, 6.16, 7.15, Ris ‘9.15, 10.15, 1115, ALE Sal A S45 ve Salunga—. m, X 7.80 8. 9.20, 10.30, 11.30. 1.80, 2.30, in 1.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.39, Bs, a0. 10.30, a5 A m. 100. Leave Landisville—A m, 6.48, 17.88 3.38, 9.83, 10.33, 11.33. P. m, 12.33, 1.33, 2.33, 5.33, 4.33, 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, §.33, "9.33, 10.83, 11.33 A hrerst A ve ohrerstown—. m, 6.10x, 17. i85, 9.55, 10.66, 11 m, 12.65, 1.56, im 8.65, 4.66, 6.55, 6.55, 7.55, 8.55, 9.55, 10.55, 11.65, A m, 1.2%. Arrive at Lancaster—A m, 30% 8.15, 4.35, 10.15, 11.15. P m, 12.15, 1.16, 2.15, 3.15, 8, B15, 615, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.16, 11.15, m, 1218, 1. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas- orth lL 10.16 p m; Leave Elizabethtown Pp m On Saturdays and special occasions cars will be run twwen Lancaster and Mt. Joy every half hour form 6.156 a. m. to 8.1 p. m. Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at 615 a. m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7.4 a. m. Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Hancaster. €uas. ¥ ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J. VW. MoGinnis, PROPRIETOR - | DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones _ Bell Lan, 994 | Ind. 1877 Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Balletin. E. Main St., Mount Joy Oalling and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Conveyending. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law ¢8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri day at No. 62 North Duke Street Advertise mm the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Ea aa a
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