VOL. X. NO.4Y MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1912 $1.00 A YEAR The Stores in Mount Joy Will Close Every Evening at 6 O'clock Beginning May 6thfand Continuing Until Monday Evening, October 7th THE W. M. 5. CONVENTION » * A Three Days Session Is Now Being Held Here The Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the East Pennsylvania |« ‘Branch of the Woman’s Missionary Society Is Now in Session in the United Brethren Church Here. the the now A interesting session of East Woman's Missionary being held in the United Church in this place and at noon to- day there were dred tendance The by members of the congr their The very Pennsylvania Branch of Society is Brethren upwards of two hun- delegates and friends in at-- visitors are being cared for and eg ation friends. Sunday School room of the church has been convert dining the delegates are ebeing entertained. ed into a large room where best attended the This is one of the conventions held in history of The had a the Society inclement weather vesterday tendency to dimin- ish with the weather of today there is every like- the attendance but fine lihood of delegates arriving The many convention opened yesterday SATE ut rw Which BT VSI CE SE. PS IEMA three lock when this rendered: Consec afternoon oc program was Service « Reports « teports of Announcements. Period at 7 follows Mt. Joy DeWitt Fellowship Last rendered evening 30 the program was as Choir Har- Song, Mrs. Service of Devotions Fry, risburg, Pa. Mt. Joy's Welcome, Bentzel, Mt Pa. East Pennsylvania's Mrs. C. M. Annville, Music. Junior Miss Edith Joy, Response, Coover Pa. Hour, Mrs. B. F. Neuman, Pa. Frontier, Harrisburg, On the king, Deaconess North ence. Worship in Appointment follows: Nominating er, Mrs. Stella Gallagher, Miss Robert Ceesey. Con: mittee on Resolutions-—Mrs. H. B. Spayd, Miss Ella Bemhauer, Miss Alberta Loos, Mrs. E. S. Poor- man, Mrs. Hiram Overly. Committee en Junior Mrs. J. A. Keiper, Mrs. B. man and Mrs. W. G. Bossler. This morning at 8.30 there was a good attendance at the rendi- program: Mrs. H. Miss Mellie Per- Texas Confer- xiving. of Committees as Detwil- James Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Miller, Mrs. Lillian Gable, Work F. Neu- very tion the Devotions, kens, Pa Evangel, Mrs. B. Lebanon, Pa How We Have Read, Balsbaugh. General Secretary's Letter. Porto Rico’s Message, Bishop Mat- v Chicago, Ill Memorial Hour, Mrs. baker, New Holland, Pa. Holy Communion, Directed by Dr. J. T. Spangler, Mt. Joy. At the time of our going to press this programme was being rendered, ol S. Kiefer, Ly- F. Daugherty, Miss Susan Frank Bru- starting at 1.15: Devotions, Miss Lottie Gross, Eph rata, Pa. Report of Nominating Committee Young Women’s Hour, Miss Nel- lie Buffington, Elizabethville, Pa. Message, Miss Harper, Dayton, Ohio. China, Miss Belle Myers, Canton, China. How We Have Journeyed, Mrs. J. A. Keiper, Philadelphia, Pa. Geneva Convention n . ¥ Mount Joy is being held amie i ————————————————————————————————— Prese giver rvice oir. orship Prayer. Music. Addres Alva and Mrs mant. General Secretary Treasurer Ohio. to Help Davton A Tomorrow, chance Thursday morning at rendered: Bliza- S.20, this program will be Devotions, Mrs. J. H bhethtown, Pa. Roll Call. Election of Mrs Stern, Officers, Japan, A. T. Howard, Tokyo Japan. Philippine Steelton, Symposium, Harrisburg. Pa. Federation. Deaconess. Mission Study. Thursday afternoon at 1 to be rendered Islands, Mrs. J. K. Hea gy. Pa, Mrs. S. K. Robinson, 15, as the program is fol- lows: Devotions. Africa, Mrs. J. West Africa. Recognition Report on Closing Hour, Mrs. Z. A. Weidler, Coatesville, Pa. All the delegates, as they must register and herewith pended a complete list up to clock today: R. King, Freetown, Service. Resolutions. arrive, ap- eg is Delegates—Mrs. Laverty, Harris- burg; Miss Mary Painter, Miss Lillie Garman, Hershey; Mrs. E. S. Poor- Miss Rama Grunden, Mrs. J. Highspire Mrs. B. M. Mrs. H. W. Kissinger, Mrs. Geo. Grove, Mrs. Miss Elizazbeth Meck- man, E. Keeper, Breneman, Hopeland: Geo. Hoffer, ley, Miss Bertha town: Miss Elsie Diem, Mrs. W. Mylin, Mrs. Elmer Denlinger, Inter- course; Mrs. G. D. Batdorf, Miss Er- el Grabill, Miss Ellen Witmer, Miss Lillie Gable, Mrs. Elverta Shopp, Mrs. S. I. Rhoades, Miss Leah Trout, Miss Hallie Hilton, Lancaster; Mrs. John Sholley, Mrs. B. F. Daugherty, Mrs. H. E. Maulfair, Mrs. Geo. Feather, Miss I.aura Kohr, Mrs. A. |G. Nye, Miss Bertha Long, Miss | Elizabeth Kercher, Miss Lulu Deit- |rich, Miss Jessie Lenker, Mrs. Aman {da Strohman, Mrs. Annie Witman, | Miss Lillian Lengel, Miss Sallie Hel- one o’-! Wise, Hummels- | Fi Pa.; Miss Bertha Gundrum, Mildred Matter, Jennie Detwiler, Mrs Miss Eva Blecker, Middletown, ler, Miss Miss Mrs L.ebanon Pa.; Pa.; Lititz, LLykens, M. G Miss Hope Mrs. Sallie sler, Reun, a. ; Epler, Mrs Carmel, Pa Mary Bletz Mountville, Daniel Stutzman, Miss Alice Mrs J. Pa.; Mrs Pa.; Mrs Frank Brubaker, Mrs. J. D Miss Anna Miss Anna Bear, New Hol Mrs. C. E. Boughter, Mis Pa.; Mrs I.izzie Hocker, Miss Miss Sheaffer Mrs Seitz, Miss F. Charles Lizzie Spayd, David Mrs Gockley H. R Myerstown, Mrs. J Overly, Wright, land, Pa.; Ella Bernham, Edward Stoppel Miss Usner, Oberlin Miss Alma Gir Charlotte Kreider Pa.; Kathi Minnie grich, Palm) Ziegler, Miss Marguerite ra, yn Miss affer, Packer, Mrs. Knupp, Penbrook Willig, Mis k phia, Pa Mrs B. Light, W. El Mi A her, Miss (‘oldren, vorta Hele Mis Centerville bright, Mrs H, hethtown Mis Showalter, Pa Mrs. 1. [Lottie Gross, Miss Ephrata, Mrs, B. U Pa., Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mrs. I. W. Geesey, Mrs. G. A. Rit- Miss Edith Wilson, Mrs. J. A. Miss Mary Walmer, Mrs. Harrisburg, Pa Mrs, F M Broomall E. A. G. Bossler, Mrs N Kurk holder, Mrs Wm. Breckinridge, Mrs. J. H~ Reitzel, Miss Clara Hummel, Mrs H. B. Slack, Miss Annie Bair, Miss Mary Baer Miss Florence Wright, Miss Annie M. Brubaker, Mr. Earle Rettew, Mr. Isaac Brubak- jer, Mr. Allen Hammond, Mr. Gerald | Brubaker, Mrs Elizabeth Myers, [ Ms. E. H. Mowery, Mrs. Hannah | Hitsman, Miss Sarah Binkley, Mrs. |W. H. Richwine, Mrs. C. I. B. Brane, | Miss I.izzie Garber, Miss Alma Hoff- {man, Miss Anna Reider, Miss Myrtle | Charles Mrs. Fannie Hostetter, | Mrs. A. C. Martin, Mrs. C. A. Parthe- Mrs. Anna Nissley, Mrs. Nissley Mrs. Mary Edwards, Verna Grunden, Rev. H. MM. Mrs. Aungst, Mrs. Meckley, {Mrs. J. R. Engle, Mrs. Martha Mil- ler, Mrs. J. Lantz, Mrs. C. Wise, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. Mary Erb, Mrs. | Mary Liter, Mrs. E. 8. Troup, Mrs. J. P. Burkholder, Miss Florence Mil- ler, Miss Edith Miss Miriam King, Miss Kathryn Beck, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. J. M. Bordner, Mrs. J. Cassnitz, Miss Carrie Severling, Mr. Harvey Bechtel, Miss Sue E. Lint- inor, Mrs. Jacob Fridy. A Menino Ar- iminta Mrs Gantz, Florin, Henrietta Gish, ter, Lyter, Goudy, Visitors Rev S |emore, | Mary | Mrs. Miller, Yeager, Aungst, Imperial Autos i Mr J PF. Longenecker of Lititz Iwas in town last week demonstrat- |ing with his Imperial Autos. Mr. I.ongenecker recently received three carloads of these autos among which were six roadsters and three touring cars. All of these cars have been sold. Mr. Longenecker expects to be in Mount Joy for one week in the very near future with a demonstrat- or. ————— a The High School base ball team defeated the second team this fore- noon by a score of 3 to 2 &. Bos | | | | | Wire jump | | Emma Smith | Local Notes SHORT NEWS (ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST ANY Oi Brief Local Happenings Gathered as hey Occur With the World for Quick Past Few Days. Reading Within the Marietta has organized a base ball team Lunch at the Farmers’ Inn on Sat- irday evening, For A.D Don’t in dry gods call Pa early big bargains Garber’'s, Florin, the movement goes into effect next Mon- it forget closing aa) The Literary Society held a very interesting meeting. on Saturday evening The Colonial Theatre of Lancas of has gone into ,the hand: creditors, B. Bernhart every & Co of Child's Iree S are giving with pair shoes a rope Wanted A girl, between and 14 Apply Institute young vears of age, for office Dramatic on da arm at this The tion Mount My Associa- pleased a large audience in Hall last Thursday G Joy night. John Keener is busy mov- (ing the building lately occupied by | | | | | Mt. | D | | | | Stern, Master Paul | k cessful ‘divide the United Ricker's studio to his property nearby to see the Green Trad- splay of premiums at 1 Don't fail ing stamp di Bener 1's They are all given away — Richland Club Smoker Club night smoker held at the Club a very suc- the I'he Richland Thursday this affair house 1n place was A large part of 8 well A eatures membership wa present as as guests bountiful the even ociable tin all The Club and most enjoved debt, hac money ii men a fied nt De Dissati nocrats in with satisfied and Son ley and that the; need then is OA This some Fence the fence in by the barbed El coast, longest constructed will of from be Paso, dis- (tend Texas, Pacific a 000 will and Mexico. tance of ov miles 1 States and > B-—— Bank of Report both National founded First Banks The the National report Union he and in our fail of this place may advertising columns Don’t to glance over them Ee Announced Bainbridge, Engagement L. 'Fitzkee, fas announced his daughter, Bomgardner, The wedding will take place in re. eet of the Ruth to George W Middletown E. near of near On Memorial Day. A parade and exercises be will Whirl of the | spread | Florin News THE BUSY HERE TAPPENINGS IN Vile \GE WEST OF Briefs That Our Local and Personal Occurred Since Last Issue in Our Hustling Wide Village, Florin and Neighbor Mr Tuesday Lancaster, Mr.. H. day at al.ncaster Mr Weaver was a Tuesday visitor Mr day at Mrs vigitor Mr trip Peter Kraybill spent at 8S. Musselman spent Mon- Henry to Lancaster, Samuel Flowers spent Sun- Elizabethtown, Frank Brown was a Saturday to Lancaster E. Moore Lancaster S made a business Tuesday Della Langcaster to Misses Dora and Wagner at Young made a husiness pent Mr trip to Sunday Oscar Lancaster on Saturday well at- Eby’s church on Sunday Nissley Jaltimore Preaching services were at Jay to tended Mr, trip auto Miss the on business by made last a Friday Lillie General Arndt Hospital was removed to at Lancaster Sunday. Wagner the Miss Lizzie iat Marietta es Wagner Mrs. William Wm., spent ey Sunday the Mis- spent as guest of son, Hersh- and at Wagner days | several Palmyra. A same and Owner Mr terrier calling Fair, Florin, Pa. Elmer Bailey several Found fox can have by on Samuel Mr spending ig York town of days in the guest of his mother. Mr the {large number of fine The Disaster, Pr. P lowers embarked in He birds Horace Cox has pigeon business has a sale bool containing Great Sea the sinking the Titanic Arndt. Mr George I son treating Jlizazbetl uel the property of Swords Mes rs Syl inor, John Ww illian sunda t of cob Charles Winter Manheim called o1 Mr Sunday Mr. W taken rents S. Kilgore the centh of charge of Florin which was re father lla Vogel Saturday Elizabethtown Eva Kreider Messrs Harvey Clarence led Sunday and Geyer ca Eby’s church on of Cyprus the UU, B subject was gave chu “The Ezqueal tall His the Rev. interesting in on Sunday Murder of Armenians by | Turks.” | Perr) engagement of | Lancaster uly. | held the same as other years on Me- | morial the Song of Veter- fins. Day, say ED eee Potatoes! Potatoes! GC. S. tatoes which he is selling very his ‘residence north of it from Bell phone. ——- ———— — sonable town Not Until Death Parts Court on Saturday granted a di-. to Jacob E Kready, Mount Jovy, from Amanda B desertion. vorce Kready for rr - @-— Appointed Assesor Charles E. Pugh has been appoin- ed by the commissioners as assessor of Elizabethtown to succeed J. F. Alwine, resigned. rene tl Ali sensi They Will Wed. Cards are out announcing the en- gagement of Mr. Clarence Reist and Miss Barbara Frey, both of Rapho. HS iE Its a Much Traveled Road The Rast Donegal supervisors are turnpiking the road along the river from Marietta to Rowenna. ed by Mr Mrs. ( Lancaster, Mr f Reading, and Mrs. Charles Mabel and Miss Sunday of Pratt of 0 Leisey were visitors Inn s Reading, the Florin Mr. A. brother, family and of Comp H Mr county, Frame and Baltistir, all and Mr. were pleasantly Mr. and Mrs. A.'D Sunday. tained by Gar- } er on Messrs. and Guy Shank, Grover Kauf Weiber, three of known- horse jock- head of fine horses in this vi- the even- fman Jacob Lancaster's well delivered 17 Mr. Charles Hallman cinity on Tuesday and in they were pleasantly few of our popular young evs, for ing a | ladies Frank has a lot of choice po- | rea- | sss fees meme THE SCHOOLS CLOSED the Precaution Against Diphtheria Take This I'resent Trouble. of the One pupils of our with diphtheria and immediately the Board ordered the and the school rooms The schools would Friday but it was deemed advisable to close at once and the pupils ,with the exception the High School, were dismissed recess this forenoon. School closed fumi- gated closed on of at eet A AI ————— Last Meeting The last meeting of the Circle for the season was held at the home Mrs. Estella Bucher on Monday evening After the meeting refreshments were Next the up of served season Circle will take Homer Have \wake local i | re schools is now confined to the house | Dante | Obituary | the ‘harles Hartinstine | at Blaine, of enter- { | entertain- | { their { May | Members wi schools | have | all 8 L | | | | THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS | TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER some Well known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | Conklin, of in his 62nd year John §S died eleven-year-old son of hel, of died his parents on Thurs- complication of di- WO Sisters Earl, the Elmer E Fis at the home of Falmouth, day, from a seases His parents and t survive NS. Hoffman Hoffman, of town, died on Wednesday from attack Of » was Mrs. C. Francis widow of Elizabeth- Mrs. Squire ( S. Hoffman an She Marks Ear] member of acute indigestion a daughte the late Groff, township and was a native of She was a sur- E. Miss and is Mrs, A and the Reformed Church, vived by two children Jacoby, of Elizabethtown Emma, at home K. Brandt. Brandt v Mary Mary K idow of the late John L.. Brandt formerly of near Hossler's church, in Rapho township died he home of her son-in-law Mr Square on at t rickler, near Union Monday hal Phares afternoon in her The Mennonite church this econd vear funeral held in I Donegal eighty- will be the on West street in Thursday forenoon y- F'hursda ( 007 ( ill be grounds 1¢ at 4 place at ten clock Interment made Reich burial Alfred H BH. ¢ ‘omp. Alfred home morning from heart trouble The LL Early ndex Closing signed agree of) LNA WE ontirgne October! (0. on Menaugh — -O AP—— Auxiliary. of will be held Buch Hospital meeting Hos- the Eliza- The the pital regula at in afternoon There should home of bethtown on May 9th, at 3 o’clocl be a good attendance as there is im- portant business — Attend. meeting f Friendship No. 1, will be held ip Thursday Please The stated Fire ( oO ‘ompan? ( pan parle n evening d, 1912, at eight o’clock 11 please attend without further notice as there is bgisiness te he atte®rded to that is important — tl ln Circus Day Friday wher be r- circus day Friday will be baloons, “eircus will The big show will exhibit on land of Mrs Hoffman North street d lemonade, ries,”” (peanuts) be in evidence on ee ee etl A en Attention! All the memberg of the S. -of Camp, No. 74, are requésted to present Tuesday evening, May 7 o’clock as there is special bu Percy Heilig, Commander nl A Members, at A Good Horse Sale Saturday afternoon Chas. H. Zeller sold 22 of horses and mules at public Mr. Ed. Re of this place y were an exceptionally geod of horses and sold well Auct- head On ioneer 22 al Sale a for m The lot Columbia, | 1 Personals WHEREABOUTS FRIENDS THE PAST or OUR WEEK | Who and Where They Have Visited Many Here Over Sune day—Were Among Them? Strangers You Mi Greider of Harris burg, spent Sunday in town. Nr family of Newtown spent Sunday in town with Christian Harry Frank and | relative Mi Buohl has gone to Day- where he has secured em- Paul ton, Ohio ployment Miss Mima pent Sunday Marsh with of Harrisburg, Mrs BK. Manning Misses Mary J. Hoffmaster Anna Eliza- Hoffer and spent Sunday at bethtown Mr and daughter Kathryn Mrs. C. S. Longenecker Sunday ind spent at Maytown C. Schock spending a H alter County Treasurer home the Mrs. F. spent Sunday ington Schaffner and family. Dr. W. M. Thome and Mr. Edgar Eshleman spent Sunday with the brother Milton Grove. E. Brown was visiting of J. B. Stambaugh, D. C one last has returned week thruout west Mr caster, S. Groff of Lan- with G. Wash and former's Mrs the Washington, at Elmer lin family day week. Mr Johnny 1] family Mrs Madi Evans and spent and Mrs of with J John W, Intercourse H Zeller and son sever: days daughter visit H.C. and here Chester Jones Wis., is Mh Of on Mrs on, a and er parents, 10ck Mr and da vith John town harles Light Mrs. Laura, and Isaiah Sumpman Sunday family ughter spent Butzer and Rohrers H. son Mar- the week Mr i and incaster, spent parents Wm. Kuhn h plain and a re - —_— — the Public. mers and Notice ust to dealin wi Bennett them that be continues Main sell Tha will East will meats streel, nothi ne al ng a 1 nki try and vi customers 1stomers the with the having phone new ability Persons please 0-1, Mt utche Bell Ing ca phor Joy Yours truly, Etta M Chas. K Bennett Bennett 1t een Germ ee Two Diphtheria Cases. has been re Mr. Jacob his three being ase of diphtheria of street Elizabeth, e victim residence of Christian outside Mr toll-gate The \imens, at the just € boro was placarded for on Monday af. vear-old vietim. case was reported in Mr. J, W. Eshleman ten-year-old-son Omar phtheria four 12 the son Barbara | Will Give a Recital 1pils of Miss a in the Joy ‘Hall on Thursday evern- They will be assisted ‘Harriet Smith Heineman foprano: and Mr. James Hinkle, {Bass and Violinist. bt — Ihe pianoforte pt {Welsh ‘wilh | give recital Mount 9 Ing. May by. Mrs | : Will Manufacture Ice H. F. Brooks & Co. have rented manufacturing and cold re plant Mr. J. H. Detwler 1 will manufacture ice on an ex- i this summer. They have cold storage for rent. of senle
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