THE BULLETIN Wednesday, April 24, 1912. MOUNT JOY, PA. Roosevelt says he noe to be a king, at the same .ime cous we— cor comm | (‘ol | MARIETTA \ . ~~ V v Y rE a | desire | Chester Fink, of Baltimore, is vi Qoltuat y Stomac lood an em oR | | het Or. Cel LONE Aili A I Jil Caria i! he | oing to do his best to keep ng refative pare —— Ee {! vay | ' ba : op 4 » X / p ol looking like a political two ed from a © HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS J Arse 7 ia ae 104 {i : aT me} J ’ J ’ . Auk i ot this summer i ela x Ol FRAVEL SOONER OR LATER doer’ & / FAL po { \ en I Alon Child of Pottsville the ‘Much sickness t iN aly" | ¢ fl M na M ‘a mn Veople From Our poor, impo i copie luck | = \ : | Roosevelt thinks he is not a cocks | \. Child ighborhood Have Passed to the #ood, rich, r h JIE AAD ed hat, but a steam rolled one. | 1 H | Haldeman, of y 0 Last 1 for, after } : lf 40 A ——— a —————— ———— . . . Colon orace ae stent Beyond Sine ur Las NS he A remeds | ‘ : . ; oo. From Forty-Five to Fifty Are Much Benefited | Philadelphia, was the guest of rela ave oer Ril PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE b | tives several days Henry Keller, one of Wrights ut dise ase-produ : soil : a . y | Miss Lillian Thompson was the |ville's oldest citizens, died aged 83 tude of dis hy ON FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1912, | years Get rid of your | mach ! | By virtue of an order of theOrph- . . ’ guest of relatives and friends at | A G \ Lydia E. Pinkham 5 Vegetable Compound. I ncaster for several days rep LAE. 44 & ans’ Court of Lancaster County, Pa. A as se al ays | The remains of Mr Musser of Dr, Pioprots » “w icv a | { ‘ , il \ wsigned exec * of the last BE { Mr. and Mrs, James Dunlap and Elizabethtown, were interred in the the great . vom : the undersigned SRequsor v , Hi {el ldren, of Baltimore, are the | Henry Eberle Cemetery here yester- Lavigdoratom 3 | will and testament of Charles Heme The “change of life” is a most suests of Mr, and Mrs, Willlam B. [day forenoon vou can’t afford to accept any medicine of unknown ||8) | HR ple, deceased, will sell at public sale le “chang I rand { ———— composition as a substitute for ‘Gr lden Medical Discove oi | * EE { lon the premises on the roading from ihe : : Ya | 1 ink and family | on ou : ed v - { critical period in a woman's e¢x- Mr. and Mi B F. Hogentogler I'he Feluaine of Xiliam Slyine ’ cry,”’ which is a medicine or K ou y SOMO N, hay < KOR aco i [Mount Joy to Madeira’s (formerly istence. he anxiety felt by : : 4 | former resident o Mariet a, nu a compiecte ust of nts mm plain English on its | I Sover's : C ile wes fetence, and the aikie! ; : of Philadelphia, are guests of the | who died at Harrisburg, were inter- tleswrapper, sa ttested as correct under —— Geyer’s Mill,) 1-4 mile west of the women as it draws near is not [attr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- | red at the former place Saturday Dr. Pierce's Plessani vcllets regulate and invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bow: latier place, in Rapho township, without reason, uel Kine. Gay street | He was 756 years old — - - the following real estate viz.: : r ert: mT v ec When her system is in a d Frederick W Zuch, the oldest | yon H. Heilman y All that certain Tract of lam oa e er Sys S a de- . : ; ‘ ’ . i p aining » acre, more or less, ad ii : av 1 | son ef ax Collector and Mrs. Geo John H. Heilman, of Lititz, form- NGC YOUR i us A 4 i rr J. K ranged condition, she may , he { I. Zuch, who was special representa- | erly of East Petersburg, died at the ARE YOU BUYI Joining lands of H. P. Herr’ J, . predisposed to apoplexy, or con- [tive for the Scranton Corres- | General Hospital at Lancaster from Young, and others. Erected there- gestion of some organ. At this | pondence schools, has been awarded | appendicitis, aged 35 years. on are a 2-Story Frame Dwelling time, also, cancers and tumors the managership of the Pottstown Ralph Myers rocer ee Sy on Rhee > y , Sale wee re : ; . I z : : man ricken House, are more liable to form and begin [ district, and left for his new field of Ralph, young son of Mr, Ed. My- - : : ino A variety of their destructive work : | labor. ers. died at Salunga last Thursday other Sutbuiliings. A variety o €1r aes C > WOTK. ‘ ' [aged six days. The funera was ’ y fruit on the premises | Mr. ar Mrs. Wesley Houseal, of | a8ed ¢ v i : # k h B Sua : ls wu i ntertained at an even. | Held on Saturday with §prvices and Where ou van et | e est Persons wishing to view the pre= such warning symptoms as 0 10 ainbridge entert: ed { ven- interment at the Mennonite church i : : 2 J a i : se y ay sale wi a8 sense of suffocation, hot flashes, | Tye mT OF + | ing company, the following guests: | at Salunga : - Th L. 5t P : ap mn ge prior today of i l Ble 59 lacl < he 1r | ONE CASE OUT © MANY | Sherman Schaeffer, Elizabethtown —————— Quality at | e OWES ricCes: call on the premises. Sale to coms- heada nes, backaches, dread of | TO PROVE OUR CLAIMS. yl aM. Horr mence at 1 o'clock P. M., when the : 1 : 2 Ss Miss Dawn Herchelroth, Middle- Anna M. Herr ; / impending evil, timidity, sounds St. Anne, IlIL—“I was passing town W. Scott Longenecker, ir Anna M., daughter of Mr and ———————————— terms will be made known by in the ears, palpitation of the | through the change of life and I Stats colloze: Robert ard Doulas Mrs Bros Herr of Jour. Sa Ange ) ED. REAM, ‘as a perfect wreck from female |°' By ; 2 | died last week, aged 7 months , aE . : : sovrvartal altaw x : r— CO Zoller ot. Ever ] heart, sparks before the eyes, Nas Perle doch Jom female | Longenecker, Billmyer; Benjamin days. The funeral was held at YY ou can answer this question correctely after you have ex— €. H. Zeller, Auct KE Xecutor 3 it : 3 rove Nee . ’ ‘ ; rill stershurge sre interment was al- op . w irregularities, constipation, vari- | . aring ans ak | Herchelroth, Sellersville; Willis | Petersburg where in . gilli, ‘1, ae nals: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 5 i I ) and be aring down pains, weak | I spew. Frank Lib. | 5¢ made amined and compared our prices with what others ask and ii I able appetite, weakness and | fainting spells, dizziness, then | Smith, Dewey Depew, Frank Lib Estate of Charles K. Bennett, late . : . s ¢ ) feelings. S o- hare ana J. ‘utherfor 3ain- . bis , . . Sina ea “ed ay xyes : 1 . ” ane inquictude, and dizziness, are numb and cold feeling Som [hart and Mrs. J. Rutherford, Bain Walter Flinchbaugh tasted the quality of our goods which are guaranteed to give of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster . : times my feet and limbs were bridge Miss Della Neidig, Holt- Walter, a voung son of Mr. John ” Co., Penna., Deceased. promptly heeded by intelligent | swollen. I was irregular and had wood, Miss Carrie Houseal, and {Flinchbaugh, east of town, died of _.. o. .ive satisfaction. All goods Delivered. Letters of administration on sald OTe ‘ho are : oachi so much backache and headache : SU . : iq. arp Saturday, aged 11 | YOu Sallis 2 5 y i / So f women who are approaching the > A Nou irrital Rg che, Miss Grace Smith. of Bainbridge ditt ri 3 on Sa ird I aged aL estate having been granted io the : . . n : ~ as 1 » abil ol a 3 . montngs and &% ays pt i 5 period in life when woman’s despondent. > Sometimes my ap- The commencement exercises of ww interred at Frisman’s burial PESO undersigned, all persons indebted great change may be expected. petite was good but more often it | ‘the Maytown High school will be ' opounds on Saturday thereto are requested to make im- was not. My kidneys troubled held next Wednesday evening in the — Li ; D © mediate payment and those having These symptoms are calls from me at ines Jud could walk |. mai Mavtown Class Day Anna Gibble her of . 1. ay ‘ |claims or demands against the same r r a short distance. fii 2 . : Miss Anna, a young daughter of d : hi nature for help. The nerves are | rs ar os ment ina exercises will be bold on Tuesday Henry B. and Amanda Gibble of will present them without delay for i 7 i | SOV. q ruseme : i he alumni wi hold | | on roe ie 3 ay settlemen he undersig crying out for assistance and the | paper and took Lydia E. Pink- evening, and the alumni will hold near Milton Grove, di d on Snel BELL PHONE Settlemen? Xe Er pl ery should be heeded in time ham’s Vegetable Compound, and | a banquet and meeting on Friday | night from blood Du relrhe ETTA M. BENNETT, A ’ . eA m™ 1 v : r 1 vear 3 months ang { 5 : LP 1 was Helped irom ih Resh. Ab Sveming Pie: baceniauteat Srinon on ral was held this forenoon with 6 Mount Joy ra. 33 y Soin i » ond of tw onths the ol. saduatine class will be de THe]. ve . : . aster W. U. Hensel, Atty. Administratrix Lydia E. Pinkham S y cgetable the na of two mont 15 U swel to the graduatin la v ue ervices and interment at Master M nna. 3 1 A A Er rived 3 . ; { ling had gone down, I was re- livered on Sunday evening in the _ . lille ou nt Joy, e mar20-6t Compo d is prepared to meet | Heved of pain and could walk verea : . 1 a the needs of w ’s wvs | wi I somti | with the | Church of God, by the paster, Rey = —_— EE ———— EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 1€ needs of women’s system at with ease. I continued with the I Kauffman. There will be a Anna M. Hoffman XE X'S 1 } iS trvine peri yf her life medicine and now I do almost ail t au Pr : Xs Shiow 0 Enos K. : .—s Estate of Charles Hemple, late of this trying period of her life. It NY honvors I Seapondl lass of nine to graduate. The prin Anna M i ter ; i, po tered desdesferteJodesioesfentortertei edecets fostordeleiedie Toll dois oiled debt ts : I ae invicors and | ) he Jt : io n. « it he taph ywnship, ancaste ’ mvigorates and strengthens the | medicine has saved me fron the ipal of the schools, J. S imon in rances |{ Hof 1 ; € * i I 1 : . | A ' Tir. SS Se Y Uf mile north « Salun- | * a., deceased female organism and builds up | grave and I am willing for you to vill open a summer school on n- 1 ( y oP id pe do AY PN ) a Letters Testamentary. on sald: esa the weak rvous system. | Publish anything I write to you i pril 2¢ Wednesday afternoon at S 1iAUB & § OMPA \| * : SE ] : = Wenkened me FYOUs Sysien { oe 200 | of others Nr DL : s ood ont) § A A w 4 3 tate havin been granted to the thas carried many women safely | Estonia ( 4 .iR.E.D, No. 4, bk il , : lersi ! : indel > Se ir og EsTErnLA ( £.D. No. 4 ‘ ine 1 r Lo undersigne all persons indebted gh this niin mn a 2 SLILOLS, ma—— Auto Club Meets at the house on Saturday at YOU KNOW, OR OUGHT TO KNOW, HOW IMPORTANT 11 . thereto are requested to make im- cum I'nder most auspicious circum Yolook ro the M IS TO HAVE YOUR SHOES FIT AND FEEL RIGHT % nediate payment, and those having II JE J NE SE JE RRR Hmm ances the first meeting of the Lan- veal } Interne x claims or demands against the same - a caster Automobile Club under its |, ) i comotol We know how important it is and have provided hundreds of 4 will present them without delay for = E “URE AND oO ME i D> § a] B= = new president, William A. Wolf, % the “right” sort styles. The “flats” (English) are very much the 3 settlement to the undersigned, resid- @ Mus. Doc., was held Friday even- Mrs. Gabriel Miller 4 vogue; plenty of the best to pick from here. High toe, high heel- 3 ing in Mount Joy Borough : § 5 x 1B @ ing in the rooms of the Chamber of Elizabeth, wife of Gabriel Miller, | £ ed ones, too, if you'd rather havethem And the good old standbys * ED. REAM, » ? Cie, - : . y a ¢ qr , ’ Iver o Nh ie #8 ' Commerce where a large and en- | 4.4 at her home in Silver Spring | % always here in all leathers—for all feet * B. Frank Kready, Atty. Executor Ed or oa | thusiastic meeting, was held. Presl- | |. Tuesday afternoon Death was | oe b apr.17-6t. 3 ™ ast 1 & am dent Wolf read a strong message | .,uced bv senility and valvular dis 3 ~ i EXECUTORS NONCE Saturday, April 27, 1912, at 12 o’clock we will sell at our place outlining the work he would like to | j4q6 of the heart from which she ha'* * i Estate of Leah Haines, late of of business at Rheems, Pa., 20 second hand gasoline engines, 3 see the Club accomplish during the suffered two months. The deceased | % 9 9 3 Mount Joy Borough, Pa., deceased. complete steam tractions, thresh rigs of different makes, 5 auto- ® .oming season Applications tor was eighty-eight years old and w 28 | > Co * Letters Testamentary on said es- mobiles. Besides this there will be different ote HAG hi B® membership were presented by Har a daughter of the late John and | & i tate having been granted to the Ac ovate ~ we Ney I i Ansilage ‘utter anc yr T SrA roe njamin B. | privia Dae Yio is rive or. 9 9 : a - > 3 as Tornado Fodder Cutters, 1 No. 16 Ol Ensi ge u ter dori “ivy S. Nolt, Strasburg: Bettiam Effie Berry She is survived by her | 3 SRE CON Hes ’ B I i t undersigned, all persons indebted steam saw-mill. There will also be Sold me heavy belts, b ane ‘ m Long, Landisville; H, B. Herr, Lan husband and one son, Albert, the x § Bs thereto are requested to make ime inch wide, ranging from 80 to 120 ft. in length, some practically = | caster: T.. F. MeAllister, Quarry- Silver Spring undertaker, The fun- | i ' i mediate payment, and those having as good as new. Also one home made breast strap harness used ville. The speed trap at Mountville eral was held Friday morning at | os - . Fp # claims or demands against same ; al a half dozen times thods for its : i ted |B BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and IOSIERY | only about a half dozen times = | was discussed and methods for its |), o'clock, services being conducted | 3 Sal, Vikh y hs h % | will present them without delay for B olimination were devised and refer- in the Silver Spring church. Inter- 4 LANCASTER ¥ Ssttiement to the undersigned, fe. ® ® red to the way and means commit- |, \¢ i) the adoining cemetery | X 18 N. Queen Street, © % siding at* Mount Joy, Pa. Landis Bros. Rheems. Bites for Seton. Wl. 0. Yorvey, o = [* : , GEORGE HAINES, ’ b was selected as secretary L. Greider CHAS. H. ZELLER Lancaster, Martin = | 5 SRL 3 7: = Tt 3 in @ to fill a vacancy, and S. R. Zimmer Commissioner Martin Executors. a CT 1181000 E01 00 5 a Ex-County jan, Beg, Nes elected solidiion, I. Greider, widely known through- ° ° W. U. Hensel, Attorney. apr 17-6.t | The following standing committees |“ : : 1.45 o'clock | t g sc ty, died at Ae | rQ 'Q y n D 4 eee chelerdedodedododndulndodufufdoiin { were appointed by President Wolf: | out the coun y : his home on | ou 1 1S en HALLMAN’'S HORSE SALE AT THE I ip, F c : Friday morning at fe iw. | FRANKLIN HOUSE, LANCASTER, + x ' ' . % | Membership, F. L.. Krauskopf, M. P. : « a lingering ill- | : . ] By iC 5 p * | : Ws 5 Marietta street, after a linge 5 't eason and wisdom you will On MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912, & ping Ime S ll Mme % | Haverstick; H. E. Moedlinger; ways |! ss News of his death will be | or RkDross Toad of Ohl RoTSos. won, 3 N.W. Keefer, J, 0 nose 1 pi i sisting of trotters, vacers and gen- h J pe | and means, V is . wep sorrow by frienc 9 | 5 sis g § 1 4 $ ; f Schutte, H. L. Wiant: good roads, learned with deer .ounty, to | purchase your new spring shoes at Tal Daroose Rosset. : 3 + } Chis L. Reilling, D. F. Magee, Esq lin all sections of the co ft his You will find among this load L 4 | Lhas, lL. 8, . «Mag >, Sq... ood , through hig . . x Wa ro I ken carriage WwW v Te 1 W h was known ’ rt some extra well broke g > THE STE ART % [Albert B. Groff: laws and legis- fin ae rd 2s an oxtensive and Keener’s, where style, fit, comfort, or. Tro TOT Te age 3 & |lation, S. R. Zimmerman, BEsq., Edw. | offici: I or ‘mer. | by my son, in Fayette and Hamilton : BALL BEARING CLIPPING MACHINE 3 Miller, Albert Hupper, Aaron Lan- expert tobacco raiser and far Febru- service and economy in footwear {counties, Ohio. He writes me that $ $ | ai auditors Christian Nolt, J. G | © Mr. Qreider Was horn en rab he has an extra good lot of horses : ~ ge Als; © S, Shristia : 3 Ue . 3 o neh’ 5 PEC YN” ay d x Clips horses, mules and cattle. It turns easy, clips fast and && | > re : ary 26, 1842, in Rapho township, * | are proverbial. A reliable shoe SPECIAL MENTION A horse 3 ) x : & | Forney, H. T. Wilbur, pennant, H. he late Christian and Mar- | called Edward E. by Waymo, by ¢ stays sharp—a quality machine used by more practical horse $C. Schock; F. F. Groff, S. Clay Mil- SOm Sf ihe aes iid Yo fob | store. A sore where your hos Moko. He is o arent zreen. LroHter, i i { { o 4 y x : arless a jects Als 0 4 owners and horsemen than all other machines combined. Clipped & (ler: Lancaster Motorist, Walter R. in nC sii nnn In. ilo sont) . fearless of all obje ts g ls 0, firs . . * , : . owed as a y g me : | pacers that can s a z. gan. § animals rest better, do better work, look better and bring more ¥ { Markley, Geo. D. Brientnall, H. T. of his father. and conducted the pa-) money goes farthest. CC. HALLMAN. a s ol ary s fo ; : HA oy 3 money if offered for sale. Every horse worth keeping is worth & | Wilbur, Edw. Ruth. | tornal ’ farm antil 1893, when he | I will also hold my Zopige Sus 3 ipping i i > -- — ? y : ‘her FE |tion, in rear of Manor F ; © 3 clipping in the spring. » | Te moved to this borough, where he G KE N ER [Monday morning at nine o'clock, 3 3 MASTERSONVILLE established a large farming imple- | ° ° Ein TG mules and | | : : y - o*» | ade his | ; 3 ¢ 3 of » | wagons J ission for anybody. : F. B. GROFF Fon Tr en to tase i SL Ni HA SNE For Te Takin on ommi t Hibe 4 5 machine on an old horse saying any- am 1, Greider and Company, which | Ci b ole a i 3 { ; North Market St., Mount Joy, Pa, # thing for me but an auto. he conducted ever since. He was | "i TB BRR, ARR . lb 3 T | -Uncle Franklin intends to sell his ' a.tive in Republican politics, and in | Artie ofoofoodoodoleerdoiecfoodocdorleofeofeofentenderirofeofoodeod fofeled Bedeobodedocfeobledeafeleoded 3 Qosieofecferorfocforfoodecgeofoctoofuniocfocgorforfocforfeofunorfoofociorforforoofoofonfs ofsefoofecfeofooforforfocfsoforgenorferesfecfecfesesterge old machine and get a new, up to {ggg was elected County Comn- | bo 3 EE — Ee am oo | d3te: Puncture proof, never to wear missioner, serving two terms. Mr. |¥ We Give Green Stamps I A100 | ot automoble. Franklin is coming | Greider was an expert tobacco rais- | § * ; | : i T SALE 3 8 ® | up in the world. er, and one of the most active mem- 4 A GREA 3 " Newest Styles and Latest Ideas ®| Wilson and Roosevelt have swept bers of the Lancaster County Tobac- 1 : 3 a m | the state as clean as a hurricane co Growers Association. He worked 's OF SUITS AND COATS AT LEINBACH S + a in Summer Furniture @m | SWeeps the island of the sea. Some | industriously for the interests of the 3 bh * & B | one has said they took all the cream | T,ancaster county tobacco growers, z HIGH-GRADE SUITS FOR WOMEN, AT $9.95, $12.95 AND $18.95. WHAT THIS MEANS * . . . J : 3 4 5 : v r em TEIEAN Ro nl ATT OI SPRING CA! NL oo A spring display of all that will be helpful to the up-to-date = |and left the skimmed milk for Clark both to improve the quality of their | & TO THE WOMAN WHO HAS NOT ¥ ET ig Nl TAILORED SUIT BO Ng 3 home-maker. A complete assemblage of all the various kinds of ® ana Tart. crop, establish higher standards for | § BE UNDERSTOOD BY THOSE WHO ARE HERE TO! 0 SEE SE S. ¥ Summer Furniture, so grouped that they can be seen at a glance, @ Come one come all to see. and ine 1 ah Sott logis- | $ . * thus making it unnecessary to shop elsewhere. i herr a inh : oor : ! ‘ ~ 5 Tn hendhing 10 0T0D 08 4 Ser ] o ot Our Regular $15 Suits at $9.95 * A minute’s inspection will supply many bright ideas and sugges- ™ |Near a specia program to be given lation to protect home growers fr ¥ 3 tions, as well as lowest prices Obtainable, and render it an easy Mat the Vastersonville school on Fri- | tariff tinkering. He was for a num- 3 The suits in this lot are all beautifully tailored. Materials are serges and whip cords, dainti- > matter to arrive at a decision. m | day evening. The Elizabethtown Col- her of seasons in charge of the 3 Iv trimmed with lace and ratine th All are regular $15.00 suits. All are in one big lot * For Porch and Living Room.— a lege quartet has consented to furnish Government experimental stations In 1 : un Full assortments of the newest designs—Chairs, Rockers, Set- g special music Which will be a rare this county. t At $9.95 > tees, Hanging Swings, and many other useful pieces, in reed, rat- -:|treat for this community. This Mr. Greider was a member of the & tan, cane and the new kaltex fiber rush. B | quartet is very poular and we brom- | pancaster Lodge of Elks. He was al- | § . Awnings—Place your order now, before the big rush begins. B® ise all who attend will enjoy the so a member of Mount*Joy Borough > Regular $20 Suits at $12.95 CARPET CLEANING AND RELAYING. m | Programe. No admission is charged. | council for several forms i = m !f the weather is unfavorable the Mr. Greider is survived by his | & This is an unusual collection at this BYjes The odels of the se A%0u re presented 8 their Le g | Programe will be given on some date «.: ho jas Mapv Shirk, | ¥ best. Materials are fine serges and whip cords, in a good assortment of spring colors Are our BE Westernberger, Maley & Mvers a ° wife, who was Miss Mary A Shirk, § best. Materlals are fine serges and whip cords, = 125.131 East King S!., LANCASTER, PA. @ and the following children; Samuel, | % = x ers. of Harrisburg; | # 501 01 1 RR RR RRR Sale Register | HERBET GG. WAIT TEACHER OF Violin, Viola, Prana, Oran and Mandolin Director of WAITZ’S ORCHESTRA "Music Furnished for All Occasions Studio: $40 West HingSt., Lancaster. Bell Phone, 978M feb 28-3 mo Saturday, April 27-—At | and exchange stables on Marietta | street, Mount Joy, a carload of ! Berks and Lebanon County horses, consisting of leaders, drivers and | general purpose horses. Also a set home-made brass mounted harness by Ed. Ream. Zeller, auct. Friday, May 10—On the premises his sale Mill, one fourth mile latter in Rapho town- ' ship, a small tract of land with im- ! provements. Also a lot of personal property by Ed Ream executor of Charles Hemple, deceased. Zeller, auct. to Madeira’s west of the on the road leading from Mount Joy | of Rapho: Christian wife of Jonas N. Ho- and Lillian, steftter of this place. The funeral and burial was pri- vate and took place on Sunday after- noon, interment being made in the Eberle Cemetery. The body was viewed at his late home on Sunday | forenoon by a large number of his | friends. Lancaster Autoist Honored i County Treasurer H. C. Schock, | ex-president of the T.ancaster Auto- | mobile Club, attended the meeting of { the Pennsylvania Motor Federation | in Pittsburg on Saturday. and was | elected as a director for the State iat large in the association. BooloeloeleeReetectoate Beate alh be 2 ile Be ie Be Ls 8, Extra Special at $12.95 Beale ado ole ale ole ale Beale cde ode ale ste ale fants Foul. 2.8 8 0 0 8 0 BR RRR REY rN Tle Tee YY or + : ; $ 7 SW se, but they are beautiful. They are made of fine whipcords and the high- ly a few of these, bu } : r x set ny, oT20S. The linings, trimmings and little details show the best of workmanship. These i ts stand out with unusual prominence at this price. Some of them were formerly marked 3 $28.50. Very Special at $18.95 i : », } : h “- 1 nr od I - 1 or . 3 z . . > ; 37-49 North Queen St., hanecaster, Pa. 3 . ¥ . * - dodo dideoddesdeiide ede ar ia dels do iddedobaiil dd aan mia x. = CHEESE SAREE EERE ERR Rr bb fig
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