‘: 2 THE BUL ETIN MOUNT JOY, A J. E. SCHROLIL, ¥ditor & Props Le SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months. ..... 50 Cents Three Months. . . . 25 Cents Single Coples.....2 Cents Sample Coples. ..... FREE I Se Entered at the post oflice at Mrunt Joy as sccond-class wall matter, All corresponde nts must have thely eeminunica cacl ate: than Monda Irelenh WOWR of fmportance hetween that time and 12 o'loceck noon Wednesday Chan ges lor adverts ent m t posi. tively reach this oMice not later than Monday night. N« adverusements tmserted if copy reaches ug Tuesday might \dvertis ’ Lie a appli= EDITORIAL Next time they try a pretty woman fm Denver they should blindfold the Jury » . » . The turkeys left over can now get togeth wind fou 1 survivors asso «fatio L I J Contributing editors of the Out- look rush in where Lyman Abbots fear to tread. - * » » Gore is out for Wilson, we read. RR is also understood that Wilson is aut for Gore * . » . Don’t cry over past opportunities; he tears may prevent you from see- fag others that are coming > r * » Mr. Bryan does not propose that any number of defeats shall prevent Mis sending messages to Congress. » * * * There seems to be a determined «ffort in progress to put a good trust Mm the category with a good Indian. IEE They have named a brand of oys- sers after Senator Martin, presum- ably because he is so seldom in the soup = » * * A Kansas City judge says that all eriminals are small scrawney men. “How the burley burglar” has shrunk * » * . The Hon. Gene Foss thinks T. R. #8 a candidate. To a man of Gene's mervols excitement the woods must seem like mountains. . x ox Perhaps the McNamara’'s thought they might as well go to the peniten- tiary at once as spend the rest of their lives in court. nains to be seen whether Congress will rink at the pool of Federal incorporation to which the president has led it. - LJ " - Once more the Senate committee will hear how Senator Lorimer as deceived into thinking that all of friends were innocent. * . v . If Mr. Bryan is so taken with wire- less telegraphy, i ay be presumed he will try next tc laugurate a - tem of wireless politi * ¥ »* - lent Taft's installment mess- ages to Congress | e that power of sustained interest which comes continued in our next.” * * * 4 A lawsuit begun in I gin 1 1 has just been concluded. Perhaps this is the one Hamlet had in mind when he complained of the law’s de- lay. * * ® s . Dealers have reduced the price of eggs so high that people would not | buy, which, unusual as it may be, | seems to be a pretty good business | reason. * * - * | A good many divorces would be | prevented if men would only give their wives as much money as they eould hope to collect in the way of | alimony. “Dr. Wiley says a man can live on water and a bushel of wheat for six | days, and the total would be below $1. So there! Ye howlers about the | high cost of living. - - * » The Sterling, Ill., girl who fell in love with the man who shot her | fourteen times is no doubt one of | those creatures whom it takes strong argument to convince. * 2 » * 3 “this is a joke” at the time of mak- . ing it, and not waited until it had been taken seriously. * + * * A Mr. Blankenburg is going to {ry to reform Philadelphia and a Mr. Yuan Shi Kai is going to try to unite "the factions in the Chinese empire. Gentlemen, you have our sympathy. 2 ® » * @ Although the gentlemen in charge assure us that there is no water left in the stock of the United States Bteel Corporation, it probably would ip a little if squeezed real hard. * * * * ‘A Toronto editor says that Cana- is sorry she defeated the reci- ty treaty.” Well you give prac- and electorate evidence of ance little sister, and all will fiven. A to'say that Gifford Pin- d not be declaring for La 2 geevsevesesss Champ Clark ought to have writ- ten under his Canadian deliverance, | THE MILTON GROVE Clayton R. Gibble and wife enter tained his brother, Mr. Samuel R, Gibble and wife of Rheems on Sun- day John Ginder, B, Ginder of Sport- ing Hill and Henry Shearer of Elston ville, were the guests of the corres- pondent on Sunday . Harry Hottenstein, the energetic East Petersburg confectioner, was one of the registered guests at Hotel Milton Grove last week. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Heisey of ' When Your Horse Gets Mount Tunnel, were entertained at His Back Up dinner on Sunday at the home of his brother Samuel 1... Heisey and wife. going down hill on snow-covered ground \ s B. Hess. a skilled far f or icy pavement, he needs the strongest, HOS (OE pu Surmaf © sharpest calks to grip and release like the township, leased the tenement of a brake on an auto. He’ll be sure of the late Peter Koseer, located east four feet of security — fore feet and hind feet prevented from slipping when of th Green Tree Church, and in the he wears pring will move there ROWE Rlmer Strickler, William Gardner, RING- POINT CALKS iron Gepfer, Davir F. Greiner, and Improved Tool-Steel Centers wnship supervisors E. W. Brandt, You've known Rowe Calks for years. (. B. Hiestand, and John Newcomer Now the best of the old is made better t hotel Milton Grove i h 2 tere 1 hn el on rove on n the New Ring: Points, The only detachable calks cheaper and better rday than old-fashioned sharpening. Cheaper Whil feeding a meat cutter at ! ; ecause they cost no more at first. hutchering, Ed. Henry of Pleasant Better because they last twice as long. nce in right, always tight. Never break off at the shoulder. Never bend #f¢d which ih r strip threads, ONLY RING-POINTS tation of the phalange of the index HAVE A WELDED TOOL STEEL finger. Dr. Thome attended him CENTER. That's why they stand the ‘ar and tear of rough roads without dulling, The only calks that grind man of nerve. While assisitng his had three fingers badly lacer- the ampu- Harry Doutrich is a remarkable gharp = they grow short. He who friend Jacob G. Stauffer stripping tates loses tin y 8 pace of ne, money and maybe tobacco the other day, a heavy pole a horse, t me fix up that set of calks : ; the fourth tier dropped down and today. on landed on his right arm, Dr. Thome C. S. Longenecker repaired the damaged aritecle and he MOUNT JOY, PA. § Row recovering, H I.. Ebersole, teacher of the Milton Grove school, ended his BEAUTIFUL SILVER oo) "5 matenit, tommutemic, Percentage of attendance 94; males 94: females 93. Average attendance, males 16; females 15. Those a1 who have not missed any time since the beginning .of the term are: Alice Heisey, Mabel Shank, Stella Geibe, stella Heisey, Louisa Thome and Ira Heisey Regular scholars the past month were: Alice Heisey, Stella Heisey, l.izzie Ober, Mabel Shank, Stella Geibe, Barbara Arndt, Kate Kramer, Mary Burkholder, Louise Thome, Phares White, Oliver Rasp, Ira Héisey, Victor Koser, William and Aaron Diffenderfer, Walter Fry, John Kauffman and Charles Shearer. is always appropriate for Wedding The following missed one day only: Gifts, Birthday Presents, etc. No- Mary Koser, Mabel Hoffman, Ray- . : ynd Heisey, Samuel Koser, Allen where can you find so extensive or so ‘ ; Brosey and Stella Heisey missed one attractive a display of exquisite Table 1,a1f day only. Mr. Ebersole extends a hearty invitation to the patrons Silver as here.. Bon bon Dishes, i and friends of education to visit his Forks, Spoons, Servers, Ladles, etc. _., ¥ - " " BACK RUN Y 73 BGLEY Fons 64 c ited A : 4 we H 8 Bp John Hossler visited Anna Be er, e J. "Side Bast Main Street Ellis Rett w 1 grandson, TY ) 1 Sunda 'El i ¢ [3 ec SE , 1 r € n 1 ) Becker 1 the 1 ol 1 I ] red a y URA J ) i ind ent 1 1 S \ x n 1d ( ’ i 1cob nd CI s Of 1 i! i 1 sc i t we a he VC 1 I ; rch for three weeks ere closed ¥ Vv WY < 3 : m . : A 1 lay evening. Twenty-one per- PROPRIETOR y er convert 1 Edgar Breneman and Harry Bp Bb pO ® HSH HSE Sheetz, the two boys who left their Ww A - \ 10111 ¢ about nine weeks > Ne are Always Prepared 10 8erve ; 4 : once more at home. Mr. Brenneman # ~ * ic ¥ Veidow Por » came s home i ay § 1 PPuirc . 4 ime to his home on Friday night 4 and told where: Mr. Sheetz could be Spring » found. So Mr. Sheetz’s father found % i Water him eight miles below Baltimore. x ; The boy intends to go to school in IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. | about a week. eet Ge LANCASTER JUNCTION Henry IL. Myers and Henry L. | Buch are both on the sick list—both |are suffering from heavy colds. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. ; Emlen Fetter, wife and daughters Mount Joy, Penna. | Grace and Anna, and Mrs. Polly Fet- 00060600 L909 @ ter, were the guests of Isaac Wal- { born and family on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Herr and children of “HAS. BE. ZELLER | Salunga, and Jacob Weaver wife and daughter Stella, were Sunday guests REAL ESTATE AND {of Jacob S. Henny and family. INSURANCE | Mrs. E. B. Fetter and daughter, ; Anna, Mrs. Jacob Weaver and Main St. Mount Joy | daughter Stella, and Mrs. Irvin Fink : spent Wednesday at Lancaster. : and Clerking of Public Sales Mr. Alvin S. Hershey and wife, of | Manheim, Wm. Heisey, wife and son Jonas, and Mrs. Katherine Rothfus, were Sunday guests in the home of Ose S3D ve C4 | Hing Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Convevancing Jonas Snavely, SL a) | Instead of Liquid | $15.00 to $50.00 per Week Antiseptics«Peroxide We will teach you salesmans and fruit growing free Will pay many pe opl e are now using : Any. peop: > you well for selling our “Hieh Qual- Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic {ity,”” Propagated-from-prize-winning The new toilet germieia_ Jovrder tobe | parent, Guaranteed Nursery Stock. dissolved in water as needed. IB . - . ME For all toilet and hygienic uses it No other nursery offers such great better and more economical, To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. ! To disinfect the mouth, de- stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework elean, odorless ~~ To remove nicotine from the ST od | —--— purify the breath after smoking. | Frightful Polar Winds Tas Eradicate Desspiraie and body | Blow with terrific force at the far The best antiseptic wash known. north and play havoc with the skin, causing red, rough dr sore chapped es. Heals sorethroat, wounds | hands and lips, that need Buecklen’s ts. a box, i sod cn 45 snd 0. ara SS | Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes THE PAXTON TOILET CO..EosTon, Mass. the skin soft and smooth. Unrivaled 3 Lg em for cold-sores also burns, boils, sores, Though the football season is over {ulcers cuts, bruises and piles. Only some persons persist in kicking the 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co’s., ” |inducements to the planter. Perma-~ {nent, year-round position. Pay { promptly. Outfit free. Write be- [fore your territory is taken. | PENNSYLVANIA NURSERY CO. Girard, Erie Co., Pa. (Jan. 3-3 mo. i osevett sentiment all over the lot. | Mt. Joy. BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, GIVING OUT The Struggle Discourages Many » Citizen of Mt. Joy Around all day with an achin back Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one “give out." Doan’s Kidney Pills will give re- newed life, They will strengthen the kidneys. Here is Mt. Joy proof that is so: Mrs. M. M. Frank, Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa., says: “Il can recom- mend Doan’s Kidney Pills just as highly today as I did in 1907. They ured me of kidney trouble at that PA Wednesday, January 17, 1912, fall lllecllllElllealclalee i Save Money Now 0 8 Suits and Overcoats$ 5 0 Reduced 0 time and I have had no return at- Q tacks Hard work was probably the | . ise of this complaint in my case, My back ached a great deal and 1 (0) S 1.00 For $10.00 Values Q nervou I tired easily, did] not sleep well and had headaches. (¢) He i é deal ¢ Doan’; ye aring a great about ney Pills, 1 decided to give them tl and procured a box at Gar- | brug Stor 1 ir u rougnt prompt relief, in fact, 1 did not think | t time I w cu 1 and to 1 enjoying ood health 1 He icine could act so quickly f) 2 ) hoi time w ed anc (4 . 29 D1 1 aid 101i ! y Fil M n 1 of an opportuni to re-ens For sale | all dealers ‘rice 50 Poster rn Duffalc MARIETTA John Hinton of Coatesville, is vis- iting in this section, Prof. David Kraybill of East Lam- peter, was here for several days. Miss Mary Wood of Carlisle, was the guest of friends in town for sev- ral days. John Tome of Mercersburg, was the guest of his parents at Maytown or several days Mrs. J. G. Whittaker of Phoenix- ville, is the guest of her daughter, \1 Irs. George Hiestand. Sa / - & $16.00 For $23.50 Values ol © ee | A& v Getz Bros, 8 ro Mount Joy Hall Bldg. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. - 0) S 8.50 For $12.50 Values Q WD S10 00 For $15.00 Values 5 My $13.00 For $18.50 Values e &) Cd 2 y $14.00 For $20.00 Values o uctions on Boys’ Suits and Overcoats are just as 0 Stop to see the bargains and be convinced. Miss Josephine Garber of Mont 0) &y Alto, is visiting her friends and rel- atives in this section and at May- | Bod ads 1V n 11 0 ind a 1 Na town Mr. and Mrs. Parke Ensminger, of Rov ngtown, have returned home [i Its Fie sh You Want § Can i 1 a visit to the former’s parents Mr. and 8. Peter Ensminger. Walter A. Swiegart and Charles Filling of Harrisburg, are the st arents of Mr. Swei- WV. H. Sweigart. V1 s. Enos Miller of York, er a visit of several days with the parents of the former, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Miller, of Maytown, have re- i 0 § tings in progres at Memorial church are very el tended and prominer 1 sections are takin I hi n a large nu er ] W nus WAS INVILLY il Y ( ith a 15 n € Rn ¢ vif mad 1 I'S hn Wit 1 ay \ r Y ¢ W 1 1 1 "We y All nvited t int ted 1 $ re ¢ tled t \ i The Keystone Literary society at Mastersonville organized as a 1 of educational students, and the na- ture of the literary society,eta ? ture of the literary society, pure and simple, is to develop, strengthen and broaden the minds of those who par- tieipate in the success of the organ- ization. The following officers have been elected: President, C. G. Beck- er: vice president, Raymond Geib; secretary, Edna Hackman; critic, W. A. Bishop; editor, Harvey Geib. lit lisesi Your Lungs and Throat. The preparation mentioned by the Rev. Chas. Sager has been for over sixty years of incalculable worth to sufferers from consum-= ption, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, grippe, coughs, colds and all lung and throat diseases, and is a household remedy in many, many | homes to which it has brought health and | happiness. August 1x, 1905. s of t} ars of the ilson’s Preparation Write address and ne w : proof ot t nret it prep arati A New State New Mexico, the forty-seventh tate to enter the Union, ceased to | be a territory on Saturday afternoon | { when President Taft signed the pro- jamstion of statehood. The procla- ation was signed in duplicate, one | be preserved in the records of the | government, the other to go to the | New Mexico Historical Society. The | flag now then to be strictly proper | should contain forty-seven stars. lA EAST PETERSBURG | The fourth annual K. G. E. band fair will begin in Snavely’s Hall in this place, on Saturday evening, Feb. 3. Reference: Jonas L. iinnich. jez. Read the Mt. ng Bulletin. | FLASH SHEET HOLDERS, FLASH =. sp po 5 > A Ie & SENSES EN or Ss Cg Always Supply You [6K Up 1a bold ys ys flandsome Rugs \11 sizes; out of your old Carpets. Avi id P ficumonia Also, Silk Rugs and Curtains and WITH nial Rug: make acceptable presents at r. Agnsaws erate prices Wi vs h » on hand all Kinds ould be pleas- ¥ ] Vea Tu} on he rders at factory Jold ‘Mablets AT NIGH: ick H ne ; \ ’ { ¢ | OF ins how ( Gro : i to take splendid flash- is ss ova mg Yio 4 % ts vith KODAK \ A TURES n Pa r ERG CREAR ARRAN RENNER EGR : BLANKETS: Alva rs i Patronize WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- Bi FITS ON WOOL HORSE All Our jd” BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT Advert ia rtisers FROM THE MAKERS, 1S THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50, aL Om ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Annie W. Engle, late of last Donegal Township, deceased. Letters of administration on said state having been granted to the ndersigned, all persons indebted THE EASTMAN FLASH SHEETS, PISTOLS AND ALL OTHER NECES- SARIES ARE IN OUR STOCK. FINES™ STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, TT SEERA EE REP RRNR RENN ERR ARERR RRRRRRTRA RESTS EE nN > t FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- thereto are requested to make ime 2 =f ‘Ra E ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE liate payment, and those having Vy : eS. RB = N i J] “R 3 laims or demands against the same : : AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL 1 present them without delay for MOUNT JOY. P = STOCK - tl I i i \ = STOCK OF VETERINARY = Settlement to the undersigned, resid- Be Nii SEA = ing at R. F. D. No. 1, Mount Joy, Pa i A 4 : St = MEDICINES, MAKER OF All med rN Ww fe, © ENCE ER RYNDE OF Tard IRVIN W. MUSSER Yet, EX N = KINDS OF HARNESS z Administrator Td Sp “ry : : c Keller, Atty. dec. 13-6t nd = © 3 = pe td 21 dard Keo H Z Send In Your Sale Date = = persons having sales in the = LANCAS R. P = spring, whose names are not in our ee le list, please drop us a card " : = giving date, name and location and Z = it will appear in the list at once. = ¢ -- —_— : = 8 fo = This will prevent others in your g : = neighborhood T & lrunks at Half Price. Great Bar- = = fom - selecting the un oa : = same date. = gains. On The Square. ~ IN SaaTReSL OI yl ae ee ik A aha eabebes UNITE ee | Washipaton, | | For Sale Terms Moderate Tn Several zood Building Lots front- | era ouerate. eli Telephone. ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street A Sarg, Crrraiy Revize for Screspess Muserngan x. » NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speeds } !'S ~ ‘RA J Vic y fi : ee 0 le dec CHARLES S. F RANK . runt Joy and extending in depth of TIN aa RT pai Cp - | *h vidth 15 TT o ieved. Samples F If druggist does of A UCT 10 NE ER | BAL Wiath 154 fact. here is a good o ml Fomoraess oo PE dl eg i ‘able on these lots that could very I] UNITED MEDICAL CO., 80x 74, LANCASTER, Fa. | TN > » = By pe n ron] MOUNT JOY, PA | »asily be converted into a double] ® £rompt Attention given to Sales of | fleal Estate and Perscual Property. Sold in Mi. Joy by E. W. Garber twelling. For further particulars and W. D. Chandier & C- { «only to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy.| — \ © PAG] » m™ ~ " = n = . wa = = " il ii | mt 11 fe 3 Sol Est :.1 Sedediociediiiocti ddd 8 8 8d 8 8 8 2 2 2.0 8 8.0 a TTT TTT TTT ITT TPIT TV IrovTY rvevreodvy 2 Giadbeiodiretodisedooaloelodotodod Bede 3 BB 2 2 2.5 8 89 8.80 3 pest tn | 1.0 TY B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers