PAGE ! BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday. January 17, 1918, i Early Showing } i GINGHAMS! 1912--SPRING--1912 line of Spring be We have placed on sale today the entire Ginghams. The choicest patterns of the season—This will | another gingham year and justly so. No better fabric for wash m ih and wear. Renfrew (Ginghams Renfrew Ginghams, 27 in. Fine Zephyrs, 32 in. all deli- wile, ....... 00. 12jc. a yd. cate tints and plaids, 25c. a yd. 4 11 TF Renfrew Ginghams, 32 in. Gauze Marvel, a new Crea- BEE EEE EEE ERE EES SE EEE EEE EEE ED 2 wide, all the newest neat tion in ginghams, highly mer- . checks and stripes. .15¢. a yd. cerized, 27 In. wide, 25¢. a yd. mw w r— e E. EBERSOLE ® ° Reward. Sd. " - » Opposite Post Office Mount Joy, Pa. » = ' JOO YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR CHASED FOR CASH AT F. H. Baker's COAL and LUMBER YBRDS Mount Joy, Penna Shingles always on hand Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot 1 Cedar No. Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Sole agent for Congo Roofing. wv 2.8 0 a TET TTT TTT a aha aro TTvYIrriTvreTrTrvrrTrvYeove ‘NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY The Spiral RADIATOR For That Cold Sleeping Room Sedediociediiiocti ddd 8 8 8d 8 8 8 2 2 2.0 8 8.0 a TTT TTT TTT ITT TPIT TV IrovTY rvevreodvy THE ROOM WAR) DON'T JLD A- SAVES COAL BILLS AND MAKES BesTeoosleoootocectoioorioocetonlonts Be 0ut 8 3. 2 2 5 8 2 2 2 0 2.8 8.5 88 PUT IT OFF A DAY LONGER BECAUSE IT MAY GE GAIN. For full particulars, prices, etc., call on or address JONAS SMITH, Txx~a. s PENNA. RR NPT PVT olioeSeclooloctosBosleotoctorte tected. 8. 2 0 3 0 2 0 Gadde ledrddidededtet dad dh 2 2.5.0 8 8.8 8.5 CE PI IT TTP Py If You Intend Having Sale Next Spring Don’t Forget We Print Very Attractive Sale Bills at The Bulletin Office ET 0 L000 STOCK-TAKINC-SALE A matchless opportunity for great savings on strictly high- grade furniture for every room in the house. While every month is a month of unusual values in this store, yet it is in January that the necessity for quick stock deruc- ing and general clearance of many lines of merchandise contain- ed In stock is most urgent to us. Never has the beginning of a new business year found us with so large a stock on hand as 1912. A wonderful large variety of different styles are represented in all the different woods in the thousand and some various piec- es involved in this sale, thus assuring the fulfillment of all indi- viaual requirements in matching your present home furnishing or suiting any idea for complete room or home furnishing. At a saving that run up as much as one-third. 1.0 TY B 5 » . E : = 5 : x : WESTENBERGER ‘MALEY & MyERs, PHE NN -~ - 21 Ordiance TO PERVIT THE RAISING OF THE OVERHEAD BRIDGES OF THE HARRISBURG, MOUNT JOY AND LANCASTER RAILROAD COMPANY ON THE STREETS OF MOUNT JOY BOR- OUGH Be It Ordained and Enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the councils of Mount Joy Borough, as follows: Whereas, the present clearances under the hereinafter named over- head bridges of the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad carrying the respective streets of the Borough of Mount Joy, between the superstructure and the tracks of said railroad, are insuffi- cient to operate said Railroad with entire safety to its mployes. Therefore, be it enacted as lows: Section 1. That the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad Company be and hereby is given permission to raise its over- head bridges through Mount Joy Bor ough, as follows: bridge, eight inches; the Barbara street bridge, eight inches; the Mar- ket street bridge, ten inches; the Comfort alley bridge, four inches; the New Haven street bridge, ten in- fol- ches; the Lumber street bridge, twelve Inches. Section 2. Provided that in the raising of said bridges all changes in the water and gas pipe lines made necessary thereby, the repairing of the approaches and the adjacent pavements, and the maintenance of the approaches and any breaks or ob structions of the water pipes caused | v by their exposure, are to be done at | the expense of the sald company and under the direction of the Street Committee and Street Commissioner of the Borough, and they are to be left in good condition and no damage is to be occasioned to adjoining prop- erty, or, if any damage is done, the said Railroad Company shall pay the same and protect and indemnify the Borough from the same. Section 3. That the said Rallroad Company shall pay the costs of adver tining this ordinance. Ordained and epacted into an ordi- nance this twenty-sixth day of De- cember, A. D., 1911, George H. Brown, Pres. of Council. Attest: R. Fellenbaum, Clerk. Approved this twenty-seventh day of December, A. D., 1911. CLAYTON HOFFMAN, Burgess. | passers it is the individual who loses Mrs. B. F. Musser. if his life, than which there cap be no ,..0 1.1, Bletz has returned 9 greater sacrifice. from a visit to Philadelphia, Norris- At Eastons YY town and West Chester. DAYS OF APPEAL FOR 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Musser era ee are spending several days in Phila- To the Taxable Inhabitants of Lamn- delphia, as the guests of Mr. and | Stewinz Kettles .............. 10c caster County Mrs. Harry Fridy. Paring KDIVOS irr sniines 5c —— John M. Froelich, Mountville’s con | Dust Pang ie uh cos iiiiaaty . Bc Pursuant to the provisions of the tractor, entertained a number of rel- laws of this Commonwealth, the un- atives and friends at dinner at his Granite Wash Basins .......... 10c dersigned Commissioners of Lancas- home on Sunday. large Tin. Buckets. ...... «vss 10c | ter County hereby give notice to Mrs. Jacob H. Witmer has return- . r every taxable inhabitant within the ed to her home here after spending | Bucket Wash Boards ......... 10c¢ respective” boroughs. townships and several dvs fn Philadelphia with | Rolling . Pins .......coi000enn 10c¢ | city of said county that appeals from Nat Ramsey and family. Flower Pots from ...... 8c to 10c |the real estate, personal property ser reer Fy Sates o.oo a nS : David H. Rutherford of this place Flour Sieves .,...c.ivosnisiniies 10c | Office, in the City of Lancaster, on was granted a divorce from his wife Coffee Percolators ........s.. 10c En Jan. 18 Elizabeth R. Rutherford on the iver ’ odin * grounds of cruel treatment. Small Frying Pans .........-... bc Conoy, Thursday, Jan. 18. A plo of nololrontentere to & China Mustard Jars .......... 10c West Donegal, Friday, Jan. 19, charge of selling liquor on election Antiseptic Slates ............ 10c Mt. Joy, twp, Tuesgas, Jan. 23. day was entered by George Martz, East Donegal, Wednesday, Jan. 24 of Bainbrigde. Counsel for Martz ALUMINUMWARE FREE With every $50 worth of checks given at our store we will give abso- lutely free a very beautiful 2-quart Tea and Coffee Pot. EASTON & EASTON W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Rings Yor Can “bank” ¢. rae Ry — | fd Queen City |. Rings give { lasting satis- faction be- cause they are made by skilled hands S with infi- i Ne nite care. The hss makers give you a lifelong guarantee against lost stones (except diamonds). | clas Guarantecd Rings can be had in over 2000 choice de- signs, for men, women and children. From $2.00 up. Look for Q. C. stamp inside each ring. Call and get free birthstone card. KR. V. FEGLEY, Mount Joy, Pa. Sst King St, LANCASTER a= A thin, pale oil distilled from | Pennsylvania Crude Oil. Feeds freely. Will not congeal, Lubrication Without Carbon Best oil for either air-cooled or water-cooled machines. At your dealers. If not, write to us. A test will delight } and convince you. Waverly Oil Works Co. | Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, PA.’ PORTSMOUTH, | The Jacob street | \ | elected on April 13, when all primary \ | convention will nominate candidates | the city and nine from the county. RAILROAD TRESPASSING A DISTRICT INSTITUTE 100d Session Held by the Schools at Marietta Saturday nusylvania Railroad will Redouble its Efforts to Stop it Determination to put a stop to The twenty-sixth annual session trespassing on Pennsylvania rail- of the Marietta district institute, road property has caused General comprising the schools of Marietta, Manager 8S. C. Long, of the lines Conoy, West Hempfield, Mountville, east of Pittsburg, to address to the ast Donegal, was held in the high members of his staff a letter char- school building, Marietta, Saturday. acterized to redouble their efforts to The first session convened at 9.30, keep people off railroad property. when the following programme was In 1907, when 916 people were rendered: Music: devotional exercis- killed while trespassing on Pennsyl- es; music; discussion, Education vania railroad property, the man- Should Lead to Public Service, Mer- agement of the company inaugurat- vin Brandt; discussion, Value of In- ed a campaign to educate the public gpiration in Child Education, Prof., | in the dangers of trespassing. The G. C. Kirk; recitation, Miss Jennie co-operation of city and county lee; address, Arts and Handicrafts authorities was invited, and wide in Schools, Prof. Paul E. Beck, Lit- publicity was given to the efforts itz; discussion, The Psychology of the company was making to put an Punishment, Miss Amelia Shookers end to thig evil which was annually and Miss Mary E. Carter; discus- costing so many people their lives. ion, The Teacher's Responsibilities, Charles J. Palmer; business meeting In the afternoon at 1.30 the following was the order of ex- ercises: Music: discussion, The In- fluence of the High School Upon the Community, David Witmer; piano solo, Miss Margaret Crist; recitation A voice from a Far Country, Miss Laura C. Martin; discussion, With the Wood Thursh of Amesbury, Prof. H. 8. Brinser; vocal solo, se- lected, Miss Edna Hipple; address, On the New School Code, and the Savings Fund System of the Public Schools, Dr. G. M. Phillips, principal of West Chester State Normal School This gave the people of Mariet- ta and vieinity an opportunity to hear Dr. Phillips, one of the best lecturers and educators in the state. Adjournment. The officers of this association are: President, Jrof. J. S. Simons; vice president, Charles J. Palmer; secretary, Miss Mary H. Riddle; treasurer; Charles J. Palmer As a result of the efforts of its | officers and employes, a reduction of 173, or more than eighteen per cent. | in the number of trespassers killed Pennsylvania railroad in 1908 was effected. The railroad’s activities in this direction were re- | doubled in 1909 and again was the death roll from trespassing reduced | to 633, or about fifteen per cent. There was a reduction of thirty-six per cent. in four years. The records for 1910 show that (85 deaths re- sulted from trespassing on Pennsyl- ania railroad property. Having succeeded in decreasing the practice of trespassing on its | lines, the Pennsylvania system is now preparing to conduet an even more aggressive campaign during i 1912. Tracks will be re-posted with warning notices, the enactment of stringent laws will be requested and every officer and employe of the sys- tem will be asked to lend his assist- followed. on the ance to decrease still further the ——e— number of deaths resulting from MOUNTVILLE trespassing on the property of the Miss Luella Fridy visited her sis- Peunsylvania railroad system. ter, Mrs. Martin Davis at Rohrers- The renewed and diligent efforts tow the Pennsylvania railroad is making M. G to stop trespassing will be measur- ably influential, the management be- lieves, in arousing the public to a realization that in accidents to tres- , Shindle and family have re- turned from Philadelphia where they spent the holidays. Miss Jean Yohn has returned to Al lentown after a visit to her sister, East Hempfield, Wednesday, Jan. argued that he did not knowingly 0 24, 2 H fold. ‘Wednesday. J violate the law, all residents of the West Hempiield, sinescay, Jan. community urged that under the 24, curcumstances sentence be suspended omer boro, Wednesday, Jan. It was explained that the law respect @% ; ing the closing of hotels on election Rapho, Wednesday, Jan. 24, days had undergone a number of Columbia boro, Friday, Jan. 26. changes and many persons were not No appeal will be consigere] ex- thoroughly informed as to the exact “epi. upon fhe days designated for and most recent provisions. Court the respective digiriets, unless satis- stated that hotel keepers’ duties re- factory reason is given for failure auired them to be thoroughly: in- to come at the proper time, ahd not formed as to the law, and Martz was then unless the person appealing is sentenced to piv a fire of $700 and accompanied by the assessor of the the could. district in which the property un- . wn— —— der consideration is assessed. The Commissioners will sit to PLEASANT HILL Harry Rutt took in the shooting hear appeals from 9 to 12 o'clock in match at Newville last week. the morning and from 1 to 3 in the afternoon of the days designated. As- David Barnhart and wife were gessors are required to be in attend- Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. ance during that time. Isaac Rutt. Mrs. Jacob Shank, jr., and little By order of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: David Swope, Clerk. aA Sa daughter, and Mrs. Jacob Shank, sr., were recent visitors here. Adam Stumpf, Joseph Ebersole, Sam Heisey, Harry Keller and Abe Shank, disposed of their tobacco. Mrs. Mary Barnhart and two children, Catharine and Barney, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs. Isaac Rutt. A protracted meeting of three weeks at the Mennonite church in Mount Joy ended on Friday evening. There were thirty conversions. Rev. Weaver conducted the services. tl A For Rent From September 15, a large stone mill property recently occupied by the New Standard Hardware Werks, three floors and attic. good water power with two turbine wksels, would make a suitable tobacce we» A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride To warn people of a fearful for- est fire in the Catskill a young girl rode horseback at midnight and sav- ed many lives. Her deed was glor- ious but lives are often saved by Dr. King’s New Discovery in curing lung trouble, coughs and colds, which might have ended in consump- tion or pneumonia. “It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, | Texas, ‘“‘after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gain- ed 87 pounds.” Nothing so sure {and safe for all throat and lung [troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. | Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by S. | B. Bernhart & Co. | —_——— house, storege house or mach e | The Next Republican Convention pie Tis lo SR Snyder, i The 191z Republican State Con- | vention, which will be called before | YY ‘many days to meet in Harrisburg in Entertained His Friends | the later part of April or early in Wad Moore, proprietor of Moore's | May, will consist of 372 delegates. Hotel, Ironville, on Thursday even- | The convention delegates will be ing entertained a number of his friends with a guinea supper. A number of Columbians attended, going there by sleigh. The occasion for Auditor General and State Treas- was very enjoyable. ; urer, four candidates for Congress- rt A meee | nominations will be made and the | men-at-Large, and thirty eight Biggest on Earth | Presidential electors. Lancaster will! The Westinghouse Electric To., of | " | have twelve delegates, three from Pittsburg is building for the McCalls ! Ferry power house a 15000-horse | | | No Matter How You View It IN (HERE'S AN ADVANTAGE eS 7 Young Brothers Carriage Work THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS Custom Quality at Moderate Prices There can be no better time to order a new wagon for Spring tham vow. It stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over the winter months than during the busy season and naturally you get a frst-class job. We also have some fine sleighs ready for your inspection. YOUNG BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. Bell Telephone is the only kind | sell—Furniture that x Furniture ‘Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Daven port China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Mirrors | Undertaking and Embalm ng II.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY. PIZINN A eT aR { THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE } { & GRANITE WORKS | 7 AES i, Gr wes or se vn. § | | Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. TOY OPPOSITE S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 728B., Maytown. KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors Elizabethtown and Maytown CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. Jrofoctoeoudecho afoot sfecfocosiorte feof of cfosfeslocs of afocforfocfoefookecforteofonsof ctoofouts fone afesfeoforfocfosfucfoofeofonorte fo fuses TIO oe 4 R L 4 4 “ 4 4 4 [ 9 1 4 < < 4 < 4 < 9 4 <4 q 4 L 4 L 4 4 RT TT TTT TTTTPPTTTITeY £ hostesieclocivelotorisoireioeioct dhl 8 2.2.8 8 2 8 — WET, Get Your Sale Bills Printed at This Office t——— Special Special Popular Music Cents A Copy “Red Rose Rag.” “Mandy Lou.” “I Want a Girl.” “Honey Girl.” “Oceana Roll.” “Mysterious Rag.” “Knock Wood.” “In the Land of Harmony.” ‘““Narajo Rag.” “Mine,” Ballad. “Alexander's Ragtime Band.” “I Like the Hat, I Like the Dress.” “You'll Do the Same Thing Over.” “After the Honeymoon.” These and Others on Sale 9c a Copy If music is to be mailed, add one cent for postage. - ; {power water wk or. the And ygne touch fashion Makes a largest ever, a ™ Pittsburg Kirk Johnson and / Ch - - > a =| 9 |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers