GW i wy i ¥ 1 A ¥ - ™ hi i | : | wi “ Ba f VOL. X. NO. 34 MOUNT JOY. PI ; SDA YY. JAN. 17. 1912 51.00 A YEAR 3 id CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING RESULTS “THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM ORGANIZED AND BANQUETED 3 F ori N News AND | Personals SALUNGA Obituary SCHOOL REPORT Local Notes Local Bank Oflicials for the Year The Fourth Quarterly Conference The Attendance at Sus Wade ineteen Twelv e / y V T Schools the Past Month HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL Nineteen Twelve, |THE WHEREABOUTS OF our| Will Be held Here Next Tuesday I'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS: MANY SHORT NEWS (TEMS OF RE 'RIENDS THE iT WEEK ® 3 3 Y TENER/ TEREST } WEST OF HERE ; FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER High School, Misses Marguerite GENERAL ING AGE WEST OF HER The directors of the Kirst Nation- ——— Mr. John Rolland is on the streets Hott hs Mabel Donaven. PoE Local and Fereotial Briefs That Have “4! Bank of this place, met yesterday Who and Where They Have Visited— after a few days Hiness, : Some Well Known People From Our Seniors Mary tshleman, Lucy Gib- grief Local Happenings Gathered as ~ 1 Si Our Last Issue in 40d effected the following organiza- Many Strangers Here Over Sun- Ihe Church of God, Landisville, ls Neighborhood Have Passed to the bons, Katharine Suire, Carson Bugle, They Occur With the Whirl of the decurred Since 8 Ye Sn Rvs AF} y n . m "i avival gservie i arry W. Greiner, James E. ndig, a a : bia Bi o> r Hustling and Wide Awake tion: President, Mr. T. J. Brown; V. day—Were You Among Them? conducting revival services this week Great Beyond Since Our Last Iss:ae Bes ORE Re Tuciors Tekh. World for Quick Reading Within ’ ht Villa e. Florin Pres., Mr. J. S. Carmany; Secretary, —— Miss Martha Eby spent Saturday — Bube, Wilma Frank Esther Rest the Past Few Days. Neighbor = ' Mr. H. H. Myers; Cashier, Mr. M. Mr. Geo. Cator spent Sunday at [and Sunday at Palmyra, the guest of B. Frank Barr, of Columbia, died Omer Kramer, John Murphy, Rey —.—_— Henry Young Is on the sick M. Brubaker; Assistant Cashier, Mr. Wrightsville. | Miss Anna Stauffer. on Monday . Walters, Charles Bennett. A lage, Congress should hasten to show Mrs. Henry R. Pellenbaum; Teller, Mr. 8. H.| Rev. and Mrs. 1. E. Johnson spent| Miss Annie Brosey is home WAL ertrade . Birk aged 4 months i handler, Grace Ponypack- schedule K where it starts off. T { i , vi . : & er, 8 eam, Msthe ber, Ki- Hol. Harry Ichler spent Sunday at !lershey. The other members of the Saturday in Lancaster. after spending a week with her sis- died at Columbia. 4 len Foulkes, Lottie Royer, Herbert For Sale—A good closed market IY : : board are Messrs. Jno. G. Stauffer, Mr. Paul E. Getz spent Sunday at | ter, Mrs. Samuel Miller, Charl . A 1d ¢ Bd Frank, Owen Greenawalt, Roy Her- wagon. Apply at thls office. D v ] £ 2 LG - Labuastet. Snyder spent Saturday Abram W. Shelly, C. N. Newcomer, Ephrata the guest of his parents. I'he usual salutation these morn- : yo v mom Ny on “ shey, Edgar Missemer, _ Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hellig lotta Amos N. Musser, A. M. Garber, A. Jacob Baker, of Hope, Kan., is ings is how are your Pipes? Your Ward Bittner, is dead at Columbia Maslov: sivin Rugt Som Reller, Beh Announce the birth of 4 daughter, 6 a. : : 3 & y 10 : : ; y rs. Elle Yalne i ey § ¢ ass ¢ Jsh- hb "Ss RS: Mrs. J. D. Easton spent !« Nissley, M. S. Bowman, 8. 8. Wol- | visiting friends in and around town. | water pipes, you understand. Mrs, Ellen Caluan ol Reading, leman, Fannie Gingrich, Francis Mr. Harry Greenawalt is improw- 5 n a po Maytown : gemuth and B. O. Musser. After Misses Alice Dillinger and Marian Mrs. Umberger is home again af- formerly of Colembia, died on Sat- Grissinger, Grace Henry, Matilda ing after a severe spell of sickness bt RY Sale Cheap A good sleigh. Orsanization all were pleasantly en- | Shrite spent Saturday in Lancaster. |ter a few weeks stay at her father’s urday. Mumma, Minnie Way, Leah Stauffer, Those who can are enjoying the For Sale . ea} : tertained at the annual dinner at Mrs. Joseph Holman of Phoenix- | house, where she took sick at Xmas. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daugh- Beatrice Murray, Theda Walters, best sleighing we have had far Call on J. K. Freymeyer. isl? . : : is tv rtids ; es ; y i . Myrtle Webb, Warren Eshleman, Sor't .f t to read the Jonas Mrs. Anna McGirl's Cafe. Revs. ville, Pa. is here on a visit to her Mr. Frank Deichler and family are ter of James Campbell, died at Co- Austin Fellenbaum, Harold Harmon MANY years. orget to res ¢ : v int : : ie . Aus t , Hi 1 : J yes 8 pon ad - another page Kern and Dungan and Mr. George father. enjoying the breezes of Highland lumbia. Ellsworth Schrite, John Reist, Clar-, The directors elect of the Unfom gh “Miiton Arndt is confined to Brown Sr. were guests. Mr. Charles Marks of Manheim, | Park, having moved into their new — ence Brubaker. National bank will meet for orgami- her bed with an attack of sickness. il -avr--— spent Sunday in the borough with home last week. Mrs. Annie L. Swords. _ Grammar School, Miss Anna R. zation tomorrow. Mr. J. K. Rutherford made a busi- “Bob” Takes a Short Run friends. | Messrs. Norman Baer and Walter Mrs. Arnie L. Swords, widow of Kraybill, teacher Ross Eshleman, Calvin Bates, of Florin, has beex - Et to I easter on Saturday Mr. James Newpher was enjoying Miss Carrie McPeet and brother, | Peifer enjoyed a sleigh ride to Peters Henry Swords, died at Lancaster on Pram San, Jay B Ringh, Yiviap selected as one of the jurors for the ness anc x . : ; Tr iah: faust rusts | bre undav . aftes 2 rc : a 'olidge, Blanche Eshleman, Grace > Mr. Frank Schroll of Mount Joy a sleigh ride Saturday, when his of W rightsville, were guests of Geo. | burg, on Sungay afternoon, calling Saturday. John Swords of Salunga Dietz, Mabel Geistweit, Mabel Krein- (€orge Watson murder trial. l alled on friends in the village on pleasure came to a sudden termina- Cator Tuesday. on the Messrs. Erb. is a son. er, Estella Secvears, Anna Shonk, Butter sold at 52 cents a pound : a tion At the corner of Barbara and Miss Mary Dyer spent Sunday at Mr. Ira Herr and family, Mr. and Lillie Weidman, Jennie Witmer, Eva in New York City yesterday. This ay. : : p rer 5 : Sel oh forget if you want a fine Kast Donegal street the sleigh run- Lancaster, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Jacob Herr, B. M. Herr and Miss Mrs. Barbara Ross Breneman former: is the highest price ever paid. ) te to-date sl¢ igh call at Young ner caught between the trolley and Oscar Walters. Ella Wittel, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Barbara Ross Breneman, Intermediate School, Miss Eliza- We begin to think that it would -to-date sle a t : y 9 a 4 5 Yi oRe A 8 Tos hoon Pa guard rails, upset, threw the occu- Miss Hacksworth, of Haddonfield, and Mrs. C. M. Herr. wife of John G. Breneman, died on jem s. EAN ser Vivian almost he safe for Col. Roosevelt to rothers, F + Pa. 5 = ’ ' so ov ai Sw { Arn ia . p on : 3 ‘ aT, Jsie aT, s ’ : Miss Myrtle Groff and gentleman pant out and away went “Bob” down N. J., is visiting Mrs. Bossert at the 1911 coming beautifully riday evening at her home on East Moyer, Dorothy Myers, Beatrice Walk down Wall street alone and um- fri 1 of Rheems, called on friends East Donegal street until he thought Presbyterian manse. out of the bulks and once more Lan- High street, Elizabthtown, from Schatz, Cora Webb, Clara Campbell, armed. ag n Sunday he ran far enough, when he stopped Mrs. W. C. Zelders of Harrisburg, | caster County demonstrates its su- heart disease. She was a lifelong Dorothy Johnson, Hilda Johnson, The estate notice of Peter Koser, wn o het » | oi Tn x © . . ag ag « PN acker ¢ 8 ov is the time to place your or- and was caught. James was unin- Was home with her parents, Mr. and | periority as a producer of the best resident of the borough. She was Beate e a my Ran, late of Mount Joy township, may be or ‘that new wagon at Young jured. The accident caused a sus- Mrs. W. W. Cassel yesterday. | filler goods in the world. sixty-four years old, and is survived Warren fory ao%s Carl Dyer Musser found in this issue. Harry H. Koser ger rs Florin Pa pension of sleighing until the coach- Mr. Paul E. Getz, of Getz Bros. | The Fourth Quarterly Conference by a husband and two sons. Stauffer, Roy Tyndall, William Way, is the executor, 2) §. J ’ a. . { “ . . | “Ihe revival services which are in maker made the necessary repairs to is spending several days at Balti- [ will bs held in the W, B. Chureh pext ig oe George Weber, Edgar Dyer, Benja- Frank Hershey is running ) : in the United Brethren will the snow glider, which was only of more this week on business. { Tuesday. There is some talk of re- Joseph Brinser ve BY, gan garner, William Hens moving picture machine at the Tess ) : ’ ™ : . “| i oe ; ; : . drix, Samue e, arl Shank, : / Droar " indo eventos two davs duration. The Misses Francfs and Mary Nis- | moving the M. E. Church building Joseph Brinser, one of West Done- Edwin A rs n Dreamland, in the absence of Harry close on § a) . ’ ars : . 0 ¢ S. ¢ - RB ciore oe sley Aancas zuests g | across the pike to a lot on the cor- js. am aside i : Yo 3 Mr. Abram Ichler of Steelton was ~~ Sley of Lancagier, were Stes a the | pik gal Ss most aged residents, died early Secondary School, Miss Edna Mar- Peoples, who is sick. a Sunday visitor to his parents Mr Fegley's New Location family of Mr. W. W. Cassel yester- | her : Sunday morning after an illness of tin, teacher—Ella Cunninhgam, May Within the past few days Lancas- a d Mrs. Harry Ichler Mr. R.V. Fegley, the east end 92Y- | The health of our community is many months. He resided with Reu- Hinkle, Esther Gingrich, Florence ter dealers have purchased hundreds | n 1 S. bh . 1 . . . y, d Miss Bessie Kottler has accepted a jeweler, has leased the Dierolf prop- Misses Helen Mateer, Gertrude | fairly good, but the cold weather is ben Baker, a short distance south of Gainer, Miriam Mummert, Mildred of Felloal Ruth Mo Bly acres of tobacco at the steree- n < § G Anna Arndt and Alpheus Rye, exerting a depressing effect on the yi, ana ; Soni iorhtve ‘ellenbaum, uth Murray, Emily Ee leds : position as bookkeeper at F. H. Bak- erty on East Main street, recently 100d, 4 nna dt 4 I s Rj ; cel . ilizabethtown. He was eighty-five Newcomer, John Dillinger, John typed prices of 11 and 4 cents , 1 and lumber yard in Mount y.cated by Mr. | D. Beneman, and Pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and young folks in the form of sore er’s coal a er y¢ ; acate yMr.1. D ne ’ years old. Three sons and one Greiner, Charles DeLong, Carl Krall Mr. O. K. Greenawalt is moving a- Joy. will move there April 1st. Mr, Feg- Mrs. McElhenny, Landisville. jthroat and enlargement of the guuaher survive, the sons being Harry Brown, Mark Mumma, Elwood round on crutches after being com- Mrs. Israel Grimm of Southern ley will convert this spacious store T-—-— | glands. hata * John, Daniel and Eli, all of Eliza- Cnt Sunes Ely, Chives Esilee fined to the house for some time, Maryland spent several days in town ,.,om into one of the finest jewelry Grand Shooting Match { omy Davie), ne to ae Pe 1 bethtown. Hay ¢ Williams, David Stauffer, nursing a torn legament in his leg. the “guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. gtores in the county. He will in- Believe me there will be Some ; of at Sendig goin tn - Preston DeLong. Wanted—A farmer to work by the Freymeyer. crease his stock and fixtures and shooting match at Wm . H. Gantz's Bie Su poet on : Ona: wd Satay Joseph Harry Fourth Primary, Miss Lou Kuhns, Y®2T- A fine home on a conveniently Miss ‘Myrtle Sprout of Lancaster, nag two large windows in which to Farmers’ Inn Hotel in this place Sat- | two minutes too larg for the 0 oy Joseph Harry died on Sunday teacher-—Anna Brubaker, Lillian located farm. Good bargain for was a welcome visitor in the family gisplay his stock. urday, Jan. 20. He will have a fine | or as flenry avers, the car was two ,, ine in the hospital at Columbia, Barto, Mary Brown, Zelma Coolidge, some one. Address Bulletin Office, of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter | nintendo mii steer, a lot of turkeys and a good | minuies shead. ha Billetih should from uraemic poisoning. He was 82 Frng Herivog; Bua Haan Car Mount Joy. te on Sunday. An Oyster Supper gun. The gun will be shot off with a | The readers of the Bulletin shou years of age, and was a native of heey ’ Schneider, Pearl Schaeffer, Anna While hunting eggs in the barn of . 2 ; : J . = c a xX it Xs . bhai A : Sa nC e ay, 2 ¢ oenae 3p, + ] : 3 : Mr. Edward Stoll and family of On Friday and Saturday evenings, SPinning wheel, a few of the turkeys | Not forget the great art exhibit in France. He resided at Marietta and Webb, Elizabeth Gladfelter, Lillian Der home in Union Square, Rapho Pittsburgh are spending some time | ;., 96 ang 27 the Foresters Band With rifles of any kind or make at a | Mt. Joy Hall, Feb. 2 and 8. Ten or 1y (rade was a cobbler. He served Mumma, Mildred Krall, Jane Strick- township, the other day, Mrs. Wil- OW the guest of Mr. and Mrs. | : 1 hol alin ote Bis, in Mount distance of 35 yards and the balance | fifteen cents for a ticket brings you ;, the Civil War. Four children sur- ler, Martha Hemsley, Laura Penny- liam Rice while climbing up a lad- in town Zao will hold an oyster supper ? the ROVE > Stosr wi before pictures, the value of which _. _ ,_ . llows: Mrs. Barbara E. Packer, Charles Engle, James Gar- der, fell and broke her right ar t Amos Winters Yov Hall All the good things to eat ©f the turkeys and the steer with 12 toll vive as follows: Is. arbara E. ber, Christ Hershey, Walter Mumma , ght arm a = or 3 ols Wie #8 > ld PANTS § AlATE sivas , [runs into the thousands of dollars. «. v : ariotins b ’ shey, walter 1 ’ Messrs. Amos Hiestand, Samuel be served and the public is Sauge shot guns. Any size shot may |TU Schultz, of Marietta; Joseph M. hi 3 John Rahm, John Gainer, Paul Hin- ue wrist. i Risser, Christian Groff and H. H.| urgently requested to patronize, thus be used, and the distance will also be re Harry, of Hazleton; Mrs. Anna, wife kle, Samuel Miller, Herbert Stark, For Sale—A 23 h. p. stationary Myers have installed the Bell tele- assisting this deserving musical or- 39 yards. The steer will be contested A Worthy Undertaking of James S. Caracher, Marietta; and foul Sark, Russel Schatz, Truman steam engine and 4 h. p. boiler in phones in their residences. sanization, Good music will be fur- for in quarigrs and will be dressed Realizing the wonderful influence Christopher J. Harry, of Columbia. Third Primary, Miss Verna Chand- good fondition. ; Can be Seey at United Brethren nished nightly by the band. at the Rotel. This should make fine of good Pletures upon the winds and Te Shins ler, teacher—Jay Lindemuth, James Jac oh 8 Orahes 8. Also 2 1 Sunday School 9.45 a. m. Preach- | —etl 8 fee een sport for all, so don’t fail to attend. [ideals of childhood, and the keen John Shearer Rapp, Herbert Tyndall, Allen Schatz D. portab e steam engine and secon : ior C. E. 3.30 5 h ————- - enjoyment to be derived from an ap- On Tuesday the death of John Roy Arndt, Harold Funk, Ben hand gasoline engine. Call on M. Ing 10.30 2 I fine a a | D Jue a Devaney COTOBGH Joined Heart and Hand preciative knowledge of the same, Shearer of near Conewago, occurred Stark, Jon eres, BOS ollie, By B. Hiestand, Mount Joy. Senior Je . ob. . | r. E. R. Miller, , JC , : sy rama /00( 'ber, g s ile, - D eins 2.29 p. m, lof Lancaster county, has announced Yesterday afternoon, Miss Edna the Mount Joy Selools have Van og are ae Me. nesters sel Rinehart, Robert Eshleman, Mil- Wasld yp h _———————— | the appointment of his deputies as Metzler, daughter of Mr. Benjamin | ed an Art Exhibit. Two hundrec of whic a Di 2 ye ; hh dred Murray, Ruth Gainer, Lottie 5 as Magn Boroug The Cold Weather (follows: Conoy and West Donegal, Metzler of this place, but who makes | the best pictures of Rnoient and BB, Stopper Wore 0 tate for bis Benlenon, Ruth I Souraq, Yiginia Prot. J. 8. Lawrence is home on a S :perienced | Ss fv: East D Y snd hee home with Mr. Aaron Metzler’s, | Modern masters representing history wife, who is ill, and he also became Gresniya Le I oiker, Catha- vig, The coldest weather experie | Simon ’ Ste yi id onega’' a : Ml ' | poetry, nature, religion and all that ill and died unexpectedly. Besides I'n¢ illls, Mary Gibbons a Ging- Miss Alice Staman, of Washington in these parts for many years Was Marietta, Walter Fryberger; Eliza- in Mt. Joy township, was joined in rich, Alice Way. is ova i i i - his wife he is sgrvived by one son, last Friday. Saturday and Sunday. bethtown borough and vicinity, Har- the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr, [Is enjoyable in life, will be display S $ hid D. C., is home on a visit at Second Primary, Miss Ruth N. : : 3 "he pic 2s are g p- John, and a daughter, Mrs. Arndt. y The cold weather man has been very | ry Miller; Mount Joy borough and Aaron Baker, a well known and pop- | ¢d. The pictures are excellent cop ‘ Stoll, teacher—Earl Myers, John The thermometer from Friday un- eS — los Be originals, carbon and plat- The funeral was held Friday morn- Coolidge, Leroy Engle, Frank Tyn- til Sunday registered as low as twen- 3 2 he ms S ili : lar young man of the Back Run, |1€S of the originals, ; ; : : ra aa cal nova 2 xe ! - a 2 int rie nuptial | inum prints and some gravures val- ing at the house. Interment was dall, Robert Gantz, John McGann, ty and twenty-four below zero. Ben- . : i : ( N ’ . rar, 3 . 114 re $ : ection “A varia 0 | : ued at several thousand dollars, made at Shank’s meeting house. Howard Stark, Claude Frank, Mor- jamin Steiner, Guy Urban and J. B. i lag inte] Was Almost Prozn knot was fied by Rev. Jaceb Brabake ™ first ti such an ex- h—— rig Cunningham, Lura Hertzog, Mary Sangrey walked down from Columbia ut fhe town tile mereuly registered reorge Young, a delivery agent of ©r, at his home. Their many friends It is the first time ;. Eli Fost Moyer, Beatrice Fuhrman, Beatrice °F y ws : 2 bel zero. At the | de i Be i : wish them much joy and happiness | Dibition has been undertaken here, Mrs. 3 os er no ne Ls ie vn Fyn Sone | em je . en Br th or le Colambie Boking %, ome on their journey thru life and is a rare opportunity for hun- Mrs. Eli Foster, of West Donegal fer, Mildred Mateer, Anna Brooks, from frozen ears. Nearly all the farm of Milton Miller, A ser's | Oe from his route thru Ironville . dreds of people to see thé best in township, was found dead by her Mary Kramer, Mary Greenawalt fiickens 18 thie Vitae Ren Hon : & | Si y ng Py; : . y ipod : a are « H, I x v . town, 22 below and at Peter Ris and Silver Spring Friday and was lart for a pittance. No one can af- husband sitting on a rocking chair Barbara Ro han, Imily Gingrich, combs frozen and many dead birds Mill, 32 below. Sunday morning re- found unconscious sitting in his An Old Deed | a2 ose s a Boman, J Series , 32 . laces showe fount S on ; on ee . ford to miss it. at her home, near Running Pump, o Pauline Shoop, Elizabeth Shatto, Were noticed. The record of 1899, ports from all these He : : aL It took a physician sometime Christian Moyer Stern, of Mt. Joy The exhibition will be open to Saturday night. Death was due to a Clara Greenawalt, Myrtle Hendrix, when the thermometer registered that it was from 2 to 5b de [ to get him back to life. He was so township, is the owner of an old |, public in Mount Joy Hall, Fri- stroke of paralysis. She was seven- Marie Carson, Elsie Shire. |effected by the cold that he became eed. It is dated 1791, i from nineteen to twenty-two degrees colder. At Risser’s Mill the ther- and is for 2 | day evening, Feb. 2, from 7 to 10, ty-five vears of age, and leaves a First Primary, Mrs. M. G. Miller, below zero was beaten by two de- eh ar, | Imcomscious tract of 17 acres ang 19: porches of | ung on Saturday from 2 to 10 p. m. husband, five daughters, and five teacher—John Rollman, Robert grees. goldest we have heard 07 thus far | me — © — land, transferred by Bernard Lutz [A stall tried fee, 15 cents for sons, the children being Mary in Keller, Witmer Eberle, John Eshle- a iz The weather forecasts predic; warm | Eye Badly Burned to John Lehman, which has been pur | : alte ; 1 10 COREE. for children Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Trainer, of man, Wm. Mateer, Wm. Given, Paul er weather due here about Friday | adults anc § Joseph Broadnax, the Marietta chased and added to the original | blacksmith, while at work on his an- Stern farm, which it adjoined. The vil was struck in the eye by a red deed is in a good state of preserva- ! Diffenderfer, Joseph Shaeffer, Amos Charged With Polluting Stream will be charged. Children below the Philadelphia; Mrs. .Undercoffer, 'of Stark, Samuel Gillums, Carl Shatz, © William R. Rice, of near Union Fifth Grade in the schools, will be Philadelphia; Sadie, of Chicago; Liz- Bigler Mumma, Edwin Barto, John Square, Rapho township, has been and possibly tomorrow. -— etl) eee 5 . admitted free, if accompanied by zie, of Baltimore; EI, of Topeka, Ne Dooty feaiclacier, urges prosecuted before Alderman Spurrier Last Night's Musical hot spark from the iron which in- tion. their parents. Kan.; Harvey, of Perrysburg; Isaac, Pennell, Charles “Roth, Vern Cun- under the act of 1905, on the charge Many of the music lovers of this |ficteqd a very painful injury. The TTY The proceeds from this exhibit Israel and John of Philadelphia. ningham, Margaret Krall, Evelyn of polluting the Chickies creek by place and vicinity were at Mount JOY | oye is badly swollen and causes much Revival Services Closed will be used to place good pictures ——e Mumma, Esther Garber, Sara Miller, allowing sewage to run into it. The Hall last evening and heard the ren- | pain. The revival services held in the Mt | in the public school rooms. Jacob S. Sheaffer Beatrice Shaeffer, Anna Keener. suit is brought by H. S. Kauffman, of dition of a musical program, every —_———————— Pleasant meeting house, two miles ; Jacob S. Sheaffer, who for many I. R. KRAYBILL, Prin. the state health department. The number of which brought forth an Killed a Large Porker north of Mt. Joy, by the Brethren in 1d Cig years was proprietor of the hotel at -_ yr | warrant was served on Thursday by encore. The artists were Mr. Chas.| poo... Hanlen, of Marietta, opr ist congregation, the past three An O by gar ¢ Salunga, Lancaster Junction, but who for Out of the Ginger Jar Constable Keesey and bail was fur- Cassel, the popular baritone of this | in, we known lineman of the Co- weeks, have been closed. The meet- Vr. Samuel Meinl, © v8 Hig | some time has resided at Manheim, How much can the pullet? nished for a hearing on Thursday place, Miss Vance, and Master David |}, pia Telephone Company, yester- gy wire In charge of Rev. Jacob writes the following to tie New 2 died on Thursday, the cause of his The tomato can but will it? WOrHing nexe. Brenisholtz. Miss Gea Bender, One ly.y piney 5 hog that dressed 465 Books, of Cleona, Lebanon county, | Feative to an old cigar: In 2 death being heart trouble, after an A rat in the trap is worth two in dis of our local music teachers, presid- |, gg and Rev. Clayton Engle, of Hummels | S"¢ °f the 12th inst, you refer = illness of several years. He was a the hair. | Rheems Schools Closed ed at the piano. The recital more a — tow. a box of cigars made in Treo. ; in member of Zion Lutheran church. At any rate the clam knows Wolnestay afterauon or. id, L. than pleased. They Will Wed ————— our curio box we hg os In AL His age was 74 years. He is sur- enough to shut up. Mowery, county medical inspector, It Certainly Brought Business Nye, both of Elizabethtown. Recently a paper published this| Monroe H. Ebersole, West Done- item: “The business man of this |ga] and Ida M. Witmer of Mount town who is in the habit of hugging | Joy township. his stenographer had better quit or —_————— we will publish his name.” The Many “Freeze-ups’ next day 37 business men called at| Qwing to the extreme cold weath- closed the two public schools at Rheems, West Donegal township, owing to whooping cough. The in- fection started in the school. There are about ten cases. Both schools "will be thoroughly disinfected. Lydia K., wife of Charles Fulmer, not to “go up in the air,” for that is living at Annville, and Harry K., at his business. Reading. The funeral was held on Home-made things are often the Saturday morning at the Mennonite best. Especially is this true of the church. Revs. J. F. Knittle and J. B home-made man. Snavely of Rapho township, officiat- The man with his all invested in | ed. Interment was made in Hernly’s mining stocks is seldom in a posi- | cemetery. tion to rest on his ore. | Dr. Ziegler Injured Mr. Harry Yoblonovitz, the ex- tensive East Main Street, shoe mer- chant and repairer, has just installed on the banks of the Chiques Salunga a Usiied States Blecirtle 1808 re-{treok ane mils north of Salungs, pairer, with which to do all kinds Pa. Catherine Pankake, now in her of repairing on very short notice. ninety-third year, is at present a Mr. Yoblonovitz claims you will nev- Catherine Pankake when she was seventeen years old. Her home was guest in the Old Mennonite Home, | 2 Yeon i 2 Xe run tf. and told the was especially true on Sunday when ond Dis ad next week. Pankake was a cigarmaker by trade. Rev. M. A. Salt nights before Christmas engaged in [2ncaster, on Thursday, Dr. J. P. om oe to pay any attention to all the plumbers in town were busy. In her time there were no boxes or Rev. M. A. Salt, a retired United making a hem for a him. | Ziegler, slipped and fell and fractur- Safer 2? —_—————— | Second Degree This Time tax, and the cigars were tied oe Brethren minister who served charg- Too often the profits of farming ed : nn. He in Suffers from a —_——— Out of Season J George Watson, the Columbia |Strings. If any reader has any o ~ es in this county, died at his home, are less in evidence than the proph- | i 9 ao % ous e was tak- Tobacco John S. Wolgemuth of Rapho town DNesro, who is being tried for murder, = Snes: we a be Leiter ® No. 300 West Buttonwood street, ets of farming, more’s the pity. a © General hospital for treat- These sales are reported from |ghip treated his family last week to 2 recent jury having found him guil- | have him come to the : Reading, Monday morning of gen- If, as alleged, the main business | t Rheems: Harry Emenheiser sold his | watermelons that he raised last ty of first degree murder, was yes- : eral debility. Deceased was seventy- of life is making money, it is amaz- tobacco consisting of 15 summer and stored in his barn. terday found guilty of murder, in Evangelistic Services one years old and was born at Ply- ing the number of people who fail at | Will Again Huckster Srop of d 3; John Newcomer —_——— , the second degree and sentenced te Rev. Frank Bossert is conducting mouth, England. He had a very it. { The many friends of Mr. Blt at a contracted for Our Home Harkets 20 years by Judge Landis. a series of evangelistic services in picturesque life, starting life as a The farmers of this country are Shreiner of Lancaster, will be glad fhe a d Daniel Bradley, 5| moq irae oe H. E. Ebersole TTT the Presbyterian church. The theme glor. Rev. Salt served U. B. con- fast reaching the conviction that the | to lsarn that he will again huckstg ig 5 op 3, to Garber Bros. |... od follows: Butter 40c. a Ib. February Program on Monday evening was “The Pre- grogations at Ephrata, New Holland parcels Post Is a good post to hitch |at the Spring sales in this viein er. Mt. Joy. eggs, 34c. per dozen, lard 10. per 1b, The program for the meeting of [lous Blood of Christ”; Tuesday ,nq Florin, in this county. His wii , to. | this Spring. Eli now lives at Lana —— and $1.10 a bushel for potatoes. the Farmers Association at Rheems, |®Vening, “Felix Trembled”; Wednes- who was Miss Emma Von Nelda, for- The ostrich is only secondarily re- | ter. vty Sold mel Ulises - February 3 follows: “What is the | 42Y evening, “Behold, I Stand at the merly of Ephrata, died three years sponsible for fhe big millinery bills. | -—Tme-. East Petersburg Prope > as Two I ™ Best Way of Lightii z Houses?”, Si- [Door and Knock”; Thursday even- ago, but seven children as follows It does mot part with its feathers Kept By The Taxpayers Wiliam H. Manoel BR . T. Yolo Fh oe oe leriook. mon Landis; recitation, Anna Gish, |!08, “The Twelve Gates of Heaven"; survive: Willis, Victor, Stella, John, willingly. | The Lancaster county alms Bperty in East Petersburg . ry two large porkers yesterday. “The Farm and the American Boy,” | Friday evening, “The Face of Jesus. Miriam, Emma and Esther, all at ——— ee i hospital and insane asyluy EE TW | One dressed 327 pounds and the oth- H. K. Ober; music, Elizabethtown Te home. Interment will be made at Mr. Taft wants to be a little broth. "more than 600 inmates, half ‘in the asylum. i | LB ullet tor 410 Glee Club; question box. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Ephrata. er to the Sherman Law. rtise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. er pounds, § a
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