March 10, 1976 CHOICE BITS To be blind is bad, but worse is to have eyes and not see. Helen Keller How May We Be Of Service To You? 20 Years of Sincere Courteous Service To This Area. FONERAL HOME| | ts vs $179, nn SLA 29 NORTH GAY STREET, MARIETTA Pvt. Fisher Se 2109 1,397 $1.59, sicaks $1.79. 426.3614 I is $1.89) bon $1.89, PORSCHE A NEW IMAGE AND DRIVE YOURSELF WILD WITH ONE OF LIFE’S EXTRA PLEASURES. IT’S THE PRACTICAL WAY OF DRIVING IN LUXURY WITHOUT THE EXPENSE Pvt. Doyle Marine Private Stephen Doyle of Mount Joy was graduated from recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Is- land, S.C. Physical conditioning, discipline and teamwork are emphasized during the training. Classes include instruc- tion in close order drill, Marine Corps history, first aid, uniform regulations and military customs and cour- Marine Private Donald S. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bender of S37 Donegal Springs Rd., Mount Joy, was graduated from recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit De- pot, Parris Island, S.C. Physical conditioning, discipline and teamwork are a part of Marine recruit training. Mr. Fisher attended clas- ses in close order drill, Marine Corps history, first aid, uniform regulations and military customs and cour- tesies. PFC Gallo Army Private First Class David L. Gallo, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallo, Route 1, Marietta, PA recently was assigned to the 507th Transportation Com- pany at Ft. Campbell, KY. An airframe repairman in SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 7 BEEF SALE! 1d 1 4 inspected heavy western grain-fed beef...guaranteed naturally tender! We Redeem U.S. Gov't WEIS TENDERY CHEK Weis Tenders Chek beef is U.S.D.A. Food Stamps BONELESS Round Steak x BLADE CUT Chuck Roasts 89". = SAVE 50c ON BIG TOP CUT BEETS TENDERSWEET...SHORT CUT GREEN BEANS h CANS 5] b 15 2 02. $ ! CANS Bruce’s...Fancy Yams in Syrup Cut...11b. Cans Cut Asparagus Save 29c on : : 3 for 3 ] Kounty Kist...10'2 0z. Cans 11b. Cans 4 for 1 A $1.80 Value! 4 nL 1 New England...8 0z. Tubes Heinz 3 $ 1 Pint Jars for Garden Grown Fordhook...10 0z. Pkg. Weis Quality Applesauce Crescent Rolls Mild N° Sweet Slices - Frozen Lima Beans 4 Ibs. of French Fries tynien rams. sag Haddock Dinners Ie Es Rich’s Bread Dough Fv Loaves in Pg Cookin’ Bag Meats oa) 50z. Pkgs. 4.°%] the com , Pvt. Gall Ser Re in July D 1 M Pp h Sliced Elberta 40¢ Sie) Vin Jay el Monte Peaches rrestone. 2002. can ecripliad basic pam ing at Ft. Dix, and was * W eis Quality 89¢ last stationed at Ft. Eustis, Ice Milk All Flavors..." Gallon Ctn. VA. The private is a 1969 graduate of Donegal High School in Mount Joy. He attended West Chester State College and Millers- ville State College. PFC Warfel Marine Private First Class James E. Warfel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Warfel FRESH SOLID HEADS OF NEW CABBAGE 10-.. 49¢ 10¢ Ib. FRESH...SEALD-SWEET...FLORIDA ORANGES SAVE 20‘ =. iSAVE 15¢ &. ON TWO TWIN PACKS OF 1 ON A PKG. OF 10 HEFTY Viva Towels 18 Tyach Bags WHITE, COLORED Or DECORATED One Coupon Per Family Dt Offer Expires 3/17/76 One Coupon Per Family § Offer Expires 3/17/76 fan os on Gn EEE SN GD GD ED SD ED ES FES RN JE= IC 3 FES RN E= 106 3 CD: of 812 West Main St. WITH WITH OF CAPITAL INVESTMENT. Mount Joy, has been meri- 4 SAVE 15 ¢ SHS ON 1 "SAVE 10 bs : lousy nota wy : ON A BOX OF 24 EXTRA ABSORBENT ON A 12 0z. BOX oF POST 1 tion from recruit training at ¥ Kimbies 8 : Sugar Crisp : 1760 MANHEIM PIKE the Marine Cops Rec ! DISPOSABLE DIAPERS : CEREAL rl : LANCASTER Depot, Parris Island, S.C. ; : PHONE 569-5353 Opposite Erb’s Market He received the early promotion for his superior performance in all phases of the training, which empha- sizes physical conditioning, discipline and teamwork. One Coupon Per Family One Coupon Per Family C B Ofer Expires 3/17/76 ! Otter Sxpies SNI/TE LL en - bene oemeasoemoameadb NE EER we we WE BE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., March 13 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Mt. Joy-441 W. Main St.*E-Town-840 N. Hanover St.*Manheim-Manheim Shopping Center ' BARR RR REESE EE aT NIN PIN VIN Td Carrs drip a a SRS se a 0 0 177 *
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