Page 2 - SUSQUEHANNA "MES Letter to editor Dear Editor: This letter is in reply to Mr. Billetts, Sr.’s new flag policy to prove you are a good American. I was in the 11th Airborne during World War 2. | jumped behind the lines many times and every time | jumped 1 carried a torn, frayed and faded American flag in my pack as many other jumpers did. We were all proud to be Americans. | carried the same flag the four years I was in the service of my country. If it hadn’t been stolen I would proudly fly it in front of my home today. I am glad Francis Scott Key can’t read your article, because there would be no Star Spangled Banner. The flag he saw from the ship where he was held prisoner just went through a night’s shelling and I am sure the flag he saw was old and most of all, torn. I ask you, would you call him a good American? I have seen pictures of George Washington and his troops at Valley Forge saluting a torn, and faded American flag. I am sure they were all proud Ameri- cans. In closing I must say Mr. Billett should read his American history and about our founding fathers who were all proud to be Americans. I urge all you Marietta citizens to display your torn, frayed and faded American flag with pride. : Dick Penwell P.S. Mr. Billet: Do you think you are a better American because you fly an expensive flag over a cheap one? Editor’s note—We have received an interesting let- ter signed ‘‘An embarrassed fan.” We like to print all letters we receive, but for legal print a letter unless the writer signs his name. If your letter has not been printed for this reason, just resubmit it with your correct name and address and we will be glad to print it. Pretzel sale planned At the last monthly meeting of the Pioneer Fire Company Auxiliary in Mari- etta, members discussed plans for another pretzel sale and also a sale of rubber-made items like kitchen utensils. A food and rummage sale will take place on April 10. Preliminary plans were made for the carnival to be held in May. Card parties are also being planned, which will begin in May. Tour of Mount Joy A bicentennial Bus Tour of Mount Joy and surround- ing areas sponsored by the Historical Society has been planned for Sunday, April 25. Two buses will be leaving the Vo-Tech School parking lot, Mount Joy, at 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at $2.50 at .the office of Lester Brenaman, 624 West Main St., Mount Joy, or by calling 653-5123. Swim team parents by Betty Kinsey The first meeting of the Swim Team Parents Club POTTER COUNTY POTATOES Stayman - Red & Yellow Delicious Apples Oranges—Grapefruit—Bananas FRESH VEGETABLES AND FROSTY ACRES FROZEN VEGETABLES Our Own Home Baked Shoo-Fly Pies BROWN SUGAR AND 10X SUGAR—101b $3.49 - Coconut by the pound—99c¢ WILBUR'S COATING CHOCOLATE & ibe COOKIE BITS Shedd’s Peanut Butter 5lb bucket GARDEN SUPPLIES Rohrer’s Seeds—Ortho Sprays—Peat Pots Potting Soil —Peat Moss—Fertilizer will be held on Thursday evening, March 11, at 7:30 at the Mount Joy Borough Office on Main Street. MARCH SPECIAL: COCOA BEAN HULLS $1.40 large burlap bag for it. soon and often. If we don’t have what your garden needs--ask Reasonable Prices—Quality Foods For your convenience we have quick service by efficient cierks—free parking near the door. Stop WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. STORE HOURS: Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. 8a.m. to8 p.m. -Fri.8 am. tc. 9 p.m. 4 mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-566 i I reasons we cannot . Tr ————————r IZ Friendship Fire Co. No. 1 Fire Chief Frank Good; National Standard maintenance man, Inder Khosla; and Leo Shank at the fire scene. Fire at Nat. Standard |-==No Down Payment sows: by Bill Martin Sunday, February 29 at 9:05 p.m. Friendship Fire. Co. No. 1 responded to a structure fire at National Standard, Route 230 East. The fire on the roof was spotted simultaneously by Officer Dale Good of Mount Joy Boro Police, an em- ployee of National Standard and a passerby. Flames could be seen 2—3 miles away from the scene. : The Department arrived on the scene 3 minutes after the alarm and had the fire under control in 3 minutes. One employee was injured in trying to escape the blaze. Mount Joy Ambulance treated and transported him Merchants The Mount Joy Mer- chants Association will meet today, March 10, at 12:15 p.m. in the Mount Joy Restaurant. Plans will be made for the April Bonanza, the first Association sale of the year. to the hospital. After the fire Chief Good stated the flames made the fire look worse than it was. The exhaust fans pushed the flames out of the duct onto the roof. Structure damage was minor involving only the duct work and plate work that had to be taken off to get to the fire. Heat from the lead pot caused the debris that had built up in the duct work to ignite. The company responded with 40 men and was in service for 2 hours and 9 minutes. Firemen appreciated" re- freshments supplied by the Ladies Auxiliary and Tastee Freeze. to meet An alternate source has been found for street ban- ners for promotions at a considerable cost savings, and this will be discussed. Also, Teresa Risemiller will be bringing a few prospec- tive members to the meet- ing. Maytown Aux. plans The Ladies Auxiliary of the Maytown Fire Company has announced their plan- ned activities for the next few months. A rummage sale will be held March 25-26. A sub and steak sale is scheduled for April 10. A Mother’s Day turkey Boat Club by Hazel Baker The Donegal Boat Club will meet Sunday, March 14, at 2 p.m., in the Maytown Fire Hall. Members are urged to attend since the workload is quite heavy due to flooding of the Susque- hanna. A corn roast is scheduled for August with dinner will be held on May 9 at 12 noon. On June 20, the Father's Day dinner will be served at 12 noon. An auction will be held on August 19 at 6 p.m. Fire carnivals are planned for May 31 from 4:30 to 11:00 p.m., and August 7 from 6:00 to 11:30 p.m. to meet the date to be announced later. All members and their families will be invited. John Gohn is president; John Leas, vice-president, James Shank, secretary, and Melvin Welcomer, trea- surer. Paul Sperla, Syl Shu- man and Bud Stoppard are trustees. Current dues are payable. March 10, 1976 Thinking of taking those snow tires off? Uh-oh! Need replacements! Come on in and let us re-tire you! MILLER’S Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET. MARIETTA 426-3430 Arbus Builders presents Crusader II Three bedrooms, one bath, kitchen, dining area and livingroom with a spacious full basement on 1/4 acre lot of your choice with public water and sewer for under$28 000 Call Arbus Builders 426-2243 for details | LANCASTER COUNTY FARM DINER SMORGASBORD IT a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET FACILITIES Phone 717-367-6956 Rt. 230 One Mile East of Elizabethtown EMERGENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES Saturday Afternoon Available Day & Night and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPITAL Norlanco Health Center 7th & Poplar (Mount joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R.D.#1, Marietta, PA 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday (50 issues per year) (426-2212 or 426-1707) Publisher—Nancy H. Bromer Editor—Richard S. Bromer Advertising Manager—Elizabeth Ehrhomn Society Editor—Hazel Baker Staff —Jody Bass, Kathie Bromer, Judy Swab Vol. 76 No. 10 March, 10, 1976 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta. Pa.. as second class mail under the Act of March 3. 1879. Subscription Rate: $5.00 per year —
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