— _— nt e y d Pp February 18, 1976 r TOM McCOY a CUSTOM BUTCHERING MILTON GROVE R.D.3 Elizabethtown 653-5335 : Complete Butchering Service on Beef, Pork, & Sheep Slaughtering, Cut, Wrap, Freezing Sugar Cure Hams & Bacon) STATE THEATRE Columbia 684-2273 MOOSE THEATRE Elizabethtown 367-1351 The Other Side Of The Mountain Thurs.& Sun. - 7 Only § Fri. & Sat. -7&9 § BINKLEY’S Sewing Machines — SEWING MACHINES — FABRICS CUSTOM DRAPERIES A g SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF Sales and Service 1 McCALLS & SIMPLICITY viv “Everything For the Lady Who Sews" 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE ar The Columbia Factory Outlet WALLPAPER SALE 25% OFF WALLPAPER 10% OFF VINYLS & PREPASTED OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. FRI. Til 9:00 LINCOLN HIWAY Y Mile East of Columbia. Turn South on Oswego Drive. Phone 684-6341. Ibberson’s CARPET FOR HOME & CAR 4 1660 S. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs.. Fri. 9t0 9 4 MARIETTA RT. 441 | Phone 426-2210 ——* DINNER SPECIALS * CHICKEN CACCIATORE 17022 : Creative Carpetry “MARCOS RESTAURANT’ Italian and American Food PIZZA —STEAK—SUBS K-MART CENTER Phone 569-8100 THURSDAY thru WEDNESDAY = ROAST BEEF Served with Filling It will all go at WW sale The Welcome Wagon's White Elephant Sale will be held Wednesday, February 18th at the Florin Fire Hall after a short business meeting which begins at 7:30 p.m. The cost is SOc. Everything will be auctioned off. The last planned social of the year will be held March 27th at St. Luke's Church Hall in Mount Joy beginning at 8 p.m. It’s Omelets and Salads Nigh-wine, french bread, omelets and salads is the menu for the evening. The cost is $3.75 per person. All reservations and money must be in by the meeting on March 17th. No money will be returned or accepted after this date. Janice Shelly and her committee ran an Oldies but Goodies Night, recently. The Monte Carlo Night, which was planned for the . 14th has been canceled. Elections of officers for the 76-77 year are not far off. Nominations will be presented at the March meeting. Anyone who would like to run for office or recommend someone else contact Linda Fox 653-1842 now. Installation Night will be held Saturday evening, May 15th at Mr. Lacy’s. Served with Tossed Salad Served with Rice $9 75 Potato & Vegetal] $9 50 . getable and Tossed Salad Gravy, Tossed Salad . LASAGNA $2.25 VEAL PARMIGIANA $2.75 Served with Spaghetti and Tossed Salad All Dinners are served with Homemade Rolls and Butter SPECIALS: Lussosassnizass SAP ERE Prasat kA TENA TEE LARGE ITALIAN STEAK LASAGNA ........ Rimembin. son Bign ativays bo. He. bos — Medium $2.25 — Large $3.00 Small Pizza $1.65 SICILIAN PIZZA $3.95 — STROMBOLI $1.50 — Dally Luncheon Special — MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 1 33 SPAGHETTI We Redeem U.S. Gov't Food Stamps SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 7 =» Something Different! Family Size...Small FRESH TURKEYS PORK CHOPS RADE ¢ wr JY OUR VERY $ 79 BES! . FRESH HAMS RIB END PORK CHOPS 1. $1.09 LoIN END PORK cHOPs 1.31.19 PORK SHOULDERS oon uw. 79¢ FRESH SPARE RIBS 0.91.39 | Burr Haves » $1.39 PEAR ORCHARD BRAND A 95¢c VALUE! BARTLETT PEARS| HEINZ PICKLES CHOICE CENTER CUT SHANK PORTIONS $1.29 BUTT PORTIONS ©.$1.29 SHANK HALVES 1.91.39 IN HEAVY 3 11b. 51 "DILLs 4 g¢ CANS SYRUP QUART JAR Salad Oil 3:20 as. bh 9¢ Weis Quality Bottle 49¢ 79¢ ER 29¢ fom 5 on 80Q¢ 49¢ Orchard Hill Farms, Frozen 8oz. $ ] Apple, Cherry, or Blueberry Pies Veal Parmigiana warmomon 4 5, $1 Kidney Beans ‘ ; 11b. Tender Sweet Peas i, CANS 1 Macaroni & Cheese [a hg a Del Monte Peaches eiertss sig 2 os can Chip-A-Roos sy Cascais French Fries Rich’s Bread Dough Morton Dinners Fruit Pies Frozen Beef, Turkey or Salisbury Steak 110z. Pkg. Sliced Turkey or On-Cor Frozen Salis. Steak 21b. Pkg. Dinners Pkgs. Whole Tomatoes In Rich Puree an $7 CARROTS aa 33¢ CABBAGE FRESH, NEW 10¢ SOLID HEADS Ib. F-a YG" - " SAVE 30¢:. "SAVE 15¢ =. i 3 ON A PACKAGE OF i ON A PACKAGE OF 150 3 A 100 Lipton + san Sandwich ‘ Tea Passe qs i Bags : ™ SAVE 10¢ =. LS AVEIOE ON TWO 1LB. PACKAGES OF ONAN B8OZ. BOTTLE OF £ # £ : Mrs. Filbert’s i Kraft renceon 8 + Margarine es, 11 Dressings _ go ! ’ : Per Family : on os 225778 em CD ! on or URAL om ges ee 0 on 6S CDi We reserve the right to limit quantities. MOUNT JOY* ELIZABETHTOWN" MANHEIM PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., FEB. 21 FR SR ETT RNR RE Re eR SVEN E Saab ERA a OI a Ee we
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