Page 8 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’ is Jr.class play at Donegal High The Junior Class of Donegal High School will be presenting ‘‘Cheaper by the Dozen,’’ a three act comedy, on Friday and Saturday nights, March S and 6, 1976, in the high school auditor- ium. The play, set in the 1920's, is a lively, breezy account of the Gilbreth family consisting of the mother and father, twelve children, a pet dog, and an excitable cook. Other char- acters who add an amusing and light-hearted touch to the comedy are two boy- friends, the family doctor, and a teacher. Taken from the original book by Frank WITH interest. easy these days.) Ts id i lr Ce Be Ba IE ih Ade. ll VK B. Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernes- tine Gilbreth Carey, the work has been dramatized by Christopher Sergel and is being produced by special arrangement with the Dramatic Publishing Com- pany, Chicago, Illinois. Members of the cast are: Ernestine, Susan Miller; Frank, Daniel Strohm; Mr. Gilbre th, Philip Good; Fred, Jay Behling; Anne, Gail Madara; Lillian, Cynthia Emenheiser; Jackie, Randy McCoy; Dan, Brent Becker; Bill, Thomas Dalkiewicz; Martha, Eileen Jones; Mrs. Gilbreth, Cynthia Charles; Mrs. Fitzgerald, Cynthia Erb; Dr. Burton, Mark NEE BD INR pi - Ewa Weidman; Joe Scales, Steven Eno; Miss Brill, Sharon Bryant; Larry, John Hayman. The French victro- la voice will be portrayed by Joan DeVitry, while the German voice will be played by Robert Roaten. The following students have been selected as chair- persens for the various committees: Prompters, Mary Loraw; Set Decora- tions, Steven Enc; Set Design, Ann Studholm; Art and Poster Design, Patricia Floyd; Tickets, Barbara Landis; Publicity, Holly Baker; Printing, Debra Mumma; Technical Direct- ion, Tammy Kulman; Make- 5 ways to Save on your phone bill +... 2. Know the different types of service offered by your United Telephone Company. Our business office representatives will be glad to explain them to you. 3. You'll want to learn the specific rates and charges you can expect. Our business office representative can explain regular monthly and one-time-only charges. 4. You may be asked to pay a deposit when you order phone service if you have not yet established credit or have never had a phone in your name. Of course, we don’t like to keep that money for a long time. If you pay your phone bills on time, we’ll return that deposit S. Report any service interruptions to your repair service center promptly. You will receive credit, when applicable, that will be applied to your account. Repair Service numbers are conveniently listed in the front of your telephone directory. This advertisement is first in a series of helpful and cost saving tips from your United Telephone Company to help you save money. (And everyone knows saving money is not THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Ti , Inc. up, Kimberly Brown; Musicians, Suzanna Frey, Ushering, Jill Tyndall and Loris Raber. Tickets for the production may be purchased from any member of the ticket com- mittee, the cast members, or at the door the nights of the performances. Faculty Advisors for the production are: Set Construction, Mr. Kenneth Depoe; Art and Design, Mrs. Linda Ross; Make -up, Miss Catharine G. Zeller. The production is under the direction of Glenn E. Hess, Spanish teacher at the high school. In addition to the public performances of March 1. By carefully selecting locations, styles and colors of phones when you first have your phones installed, you can avoid paying extra installation charges. Changing the location or color of a phone will mean another visit and extra charges. and 6, there will be a special performance for the Senior Citizens of the Donegal School District on Thursday, March 4, 1976, at 1:00 p.m. All Senior Citizens are invited to attend this per- formance free of charge. February 18, 1976 Buy Only One More Muffler! FREE REPLACEMENTS FOR LIFE OF CAR (Labor not included) WISSLER MOTORS Route 230 West Mount Joy, Pa. BROWSING HOURS Weekdays 1-9 Saturday 1-6 “I haul cancelled store orders, odd discontinued items and samples from Carolina factories to a warehouse outlet in Mt. Joy.” “NO StCONDS’* “Priced just above nice used things.” 73 dun FACTERY MISTAKES FURNITURE 17 New Haven Street Mt. Joy, Pa. of : Over 100 New Spring: Elizabethtown ON DISPLAY Bridal Gown $39 to $399 Attendant Gowns $29 to $59 Located - Rt. 283 South from Harrisburg - Use E-Town Exit to Rt. 230 - 700 N. Market St. Phone 367-4133 S10 NEBRIDGE Fj BUTCHER SHOP 1 1/4 mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. off Marietta Ave. RM W here we feature our own - LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB « Sides, quarters, bulk paks & retail. 3 — . PHONE 653-4087. .. ‘CUSTOM BUTCHERING FULL LINE HOME FREEZER PROVISIONERS Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS SEAFOOD ITEMS WEAVER'SCHICKEN— 5ib.BAG OF IRREGULARS STS HOMEMADE SAUSAGE, SCRAPPLE, PUDDINGS,BOLOGNA & LARD Mon. - Wed., 9 - 6 — Thurs. - Fri.,8-9 — Sat., 8-5 . ....John H. Brubaker "PAT MOGART'S Bridal Shop I EERE REE NER RN] S000 CSONRIROIOIORISIORNSIOCTCOLS :...over 200 New Spring :
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